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Turba philosophorum. --- Alchemy --- History.
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Hollemann, Bernhard. --- Turba, Hannes. --- Almassy, Peter. --- Benedikt, Rosmarie.
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La Turba Philosophorum est un traité dont l’original arabe est perdu, et qui est l’un des textes fondateurs de l’alchimie latine. Mais son intérêt dépasse de loin l’histoire de l’alchimie : s’alimentant à des sources aussi diverses que Zosime de Panopolis, Stéphanos d’Alexandrie ou, plus surprenant, Hippolyte de Rome, la Turba se situe au confluent de nombreuses traditions grecques (philosophiques, hermétiques et patristiques), et porte témoignage à la fois de l’histoire de la transmission du savoir grec, et de celle de sa réception dans l’Égypte du IXe siècle. L’étude de la structure du traité montre en outre l’exceptionnelle originalité du projet philosophique de son auteur : construire un cheminement permettant au lecteur de s’approprier la doctrine des “philosophes” grecs.
Alchemy --- Alchimie --- Science, Ancient --- Sciences anciennes --- Arabic literature --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Translations into Latin --- History and criticism. --- Turba philosophorum. --- Alchemy. --- History and criticism --- Philosophy, Ancient. --- Comparative linguistics. --- Typology (Linguistics) --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Language and languages --- Linguistic typology --- Linguistics --- Linguistic universals --- Comparative philology --- Philology, Comparative --- Historical linguistics --- Ancient philosophy --- Greek philosophy --- Philosophy, Greek --- Philosophy, Roman --- Roman philosophy --- Typology --- Classification --- Alchemy - Early works to 1800 --- Arabic literature - Translations into Latin
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Opera --- Tobelli, René --- Todorova --- Tokkie, Bernard --- Tolbecque, Jean Baptiste Joseph --- Tomatis, Humbert --- Tondeur, Achille --- Tonelli, Giuseppe --- Tonnelier --- Tordeur, Pol --- Torrent, Raoul --- Torrés --- Toth, Eva --- Tourjane --- Tournié, Gabriel --- Tournier, Adrien --- Toutenel, Frans --- Tragin, Lucienne --- Trantoul, Antonin --- Trebelli, Zelia --- Trempont, Pol --- Trempont, Michel --- Trévi, José de --- Tréville, Yvonne --- Trillet, Jules-Michel --- Trountcheva, Ralia --- Troy, Ainé --- Troyanos, Tatiana --- Tchaikovsky, Piotr Il'yich --- Tubiana, Willy --- Turba-Rabier, Odette --- Tyrand --- Tolbecque, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph --- Tordeur, Pol Joseph Fernand --- de Tournes, Gabriel --- de Trévi, José --- Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič
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Jung's last major work, completed in his 81st year, on the synthesis of the opposites in alchemy and psychology.
Alchemy --- Alchemy. --- Metals, Transmutation of --- Philosophers' egg --- Philosophers' stone --- Stone, Philosophers' --- Transmutation of metals --- Chemistry --- Occultism --- Adam Kadmon. --- Albertus Magnus. --- Alchemical symbol. --- All things. --- Allegory. --- Allusion. --- Ambiguity. --- Analogy. --- Angelus Silesius. --- Anima mundi. --- Antimony. --- Apotheosis. --- Apuleius. --- Archetype. --- Asclepius. --- Astrology. --- Attis. --- Aurora consurgens. --- Avicenna. --- Azoth. --- Christianity. --- Chthonic. --- Church Fathers. --- Cognomen. --- Concupiscence. --- Consciousness. --- Consummation. --- Deity. --- Demiurge. --- Democritus. --- Dismemberment. --- Emblem. --- Emerald Tablet. --- Explanation. --- Fairy tale. --- Filius philosophorum. --- Firmament. --- God the Father. --- God. --- Good and evil. --- Hermes Trismegistus. --- Illustration. --- Incarnation. --- Incorruptibility. --- Individuation. --- Kabbalah. --- Kenosis. --- Literature. --- Manichaeism. --- Meister Eckhart. --- Moralia. --- Multitude. --- Mysterium Coniunctionis. --- Naassenes. --- Neurosis. --- Nicolas Flamel. --- Nigredo. --- Nous. --- Novum. --- Ostanes. --- Parable. --- Paracelsus. --- Phenomenon. --- Philosopher. --- Philosophy. --- Physis. --- Prima materia. --- Pseudonym. --- Psychic. --- Psychology and Alchemy. --- Psychology of the Unconscious. --- Psychology. --- Putrefaction. --- Pythagoreanism. --- Religion. --- Rite. --- Rubedo. --- Simon Magus. --- Spirituality. --- Sulfur. --- Symptom. --- The Other Hand. --- The Philosopher. --- The Various. --- Theology. --- Thomas Aquinas. --- Thought. --- Tincture (heraldry). --- Treatise. --- Turba. --- Unconsciousness. --- V. --- Vinegar. --- Wickedness. --- World. --- Writing. --- Yesod. --- Yin and yang. --- Zohar.
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Arts, Modern --- Arts --- Documenta --- art [fine art] --- kunst --- Art --- 7.039 --- (069) --- Kassel ; Documenta XIII ; curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev --- Beeldende kunst ; Documenta XIII (2012) --- Kunsttentoonstellingen ; internationale --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- Documenta 13 --- Abdul Lida --- Abidi Bani --- Adnan Etel --- Aigner Korbinian --- Akhunov Vyacheslav --- Akram Barmak --- Ali Khadim --- Allora & Calzadilla --- Alves Maria Theresa --- Alÿs Francis --- Anastas Ayreen --- AND AND AND --- Appelbroog Ida --- Asefi Mohammad Yusuf --- Ashford Doug --- Atoui Tarek --- Attia Kader --- Bactrian princesses --- Balestrini Nanni --- Balkin AMy --- Barry Judith --- Bartolini Massimo --- Baruchello Gianfranco --- Basiony Ahmed --- Bayrle Thomas --- Bel Jérôme --- Bennett Gordon --- Biscotti Rossella --- de Boer Manon --- Boetti Alighiero --- Alighiero e Boetti --- Boghiguian Anna --- Bove Carol --- Buch Kristina --- Büttner ANdrea --- Byrne Gerard --- CAMPt --- Anand Shaina --- Sukumaran Ashok --- Cardiff Janet --- Bures Miller george --- Carr Emily --- Castillo Deball Mariana --- Chan Paul --- Chiurai Kudzanai --- Critical art ensemble --- Cruzvillegas Abraham --- Csakany Istvan --- Csörgo Attila --- Cumella Antoni --- Salvador Dali --- Dean Tacita --- Dion Mark --- Djorjadze Thea --- Doherty Willie --- Donnelly Trisha --- Durant Sam --- Durham Jimmie --- Epaminonda Haris --- Cramer Daniel Gustav --- Erek Cevdet --- Faivovich Guillermo --- Goldberg Nicolas --- Faldbakken Matias --- Farmer Geoffrey --- Fast Omer --- Favaretto Lara --- Floyer Ceal --- Foulkes Llyn --- Foushanji Abul Qasern --- Fumai Chiara --- Gabri René --- Gander Ryan --- Garcia Dora --- Garcia Torres Mario --- Gates Theaster --- Gaussi Jeanno --- Ghani Mariam --- Gill Simryn --- Gonzalez Julio --- Haidary Zainab --- Hall fiona --- Hecker Florian --- Henderson Tamara --- Hiller Susan --- Hoheisel horst --- Hopf Judith --- Hourani Khaled --- Masharawi RAshid --- Ghannam Amjad --- Huyghe Pierre --- Ivekovic Sanja --- Jacir EMily --- Johannessen Toril --- Joans Joan --- Jungen Brian --- Kaesbach Rudolf --- Kahn Robin --- La cooperativa unidad nacional mujeres saharuis --- Kamandy Masood --- Kanwar Amar --- Khan Assad --- Kurenniemi Erkki --- Lara Adriana --- Larrain Barros Horacio --- Lé Dinh Q. --- Huong Vu Giang --- Tho Quang --- Dong Huynh Phuong --- Thu Nguyen --- Hieu Truong --- Qanh Phan --- Thi Nguyen Toan --- Anh Duong --- Phuong Minh --- Tien Kim --- Phong Quach --- Chau Nguyen Thanh --- Lester Gabriel --- Link David --- Loboda Maria --- Lombardi Mark --- Lopez Anibal --- Lucas Renata --- Lutyens Marcos --- Malasauskas Raimundas --- Sissel Tolaas --- Macuga Goshka --- Maiolino Anna Maria --- Malani Nalini --- Man Ray --- Ray Man --- Martins Maria --- Matarrese Francesco --- Marui Fabio --- Mehretu Julie --- Menick John --- Menke Christoph --- Metzger Gustav --- Miller Lee --- Mojadidi Aman --- Moon kyungwon --- Jeon Joonho --- Moore Gareth --- Müller Christian Philipp --- Muholi Zanele --- Numminen M.A. --- Ohtake Shinro --- Rahraw Omarzad --- Ondak Roman --- Onur Fusum --- The Otolith group --- Panayitou Christodoulos --- Penone Giuseppe --- Pentecost Claire --- Philipsz Susan --- Phintong Pratchaya --- Pich Sopheap --- Pietroiusti Cesare --- Porsager Lea --- Portnoy Michael --- Preston Margaret --- Price Seth --- Prvacki Ana --- Raad Walid --- Rakowitz Michael --- Rasdjarmrearnsook Araya --- Reid Nakamarra Doreen --- Reyes Pedro --- Richter Gunnar --- Ringholt Stuart --- Robbins Ruth --- Tremmel Red Vaughan --- Rodas Juana Marta --- Isidrez Julia --- Ryan Paul --- Ryggen Hannah --- Sadr Haghighian Natascha --- Sala Anri --- Salomon Charlotte --- Samp Issa --- Schaber Ines --- Gordon Avery F. --- Seghal Tino --- Serra Albert --- Shah Tejal --- Shwaky Wael --- Sherzad Zolaykha --- Solakov Nedko --- Song Dong --- St. Turba Tamas --- Sukhareva Alexandra --- Taanila Mika --- Taasha Mohsen --- Tarakhovsky Alexander --- Tellez Javier --- Texmon Rygh Aase --- Thornton Warwick --- Time/Bank --- Aranda Julieta --- Vidokle Anton --- Tjapaltjarri Warmlimpirrga --- Trockel Rosemarie --- Vandy Rattana --- Vann Nath --- Villar Rojas Adrian --- Voss Jeronimo --- Vu Giang Huong --- Warboys Jessica --- Waxman Lori --- von Wedermeyer Clemens --- Weerasethakul Apichatpong --- Weiner Lawrence --- The worldly house --- Haraway Donna --- Greenfort Tue --- Yan lei --- Yang Haegue --- Zaatari Akram --- Zalmai --- Zeilinger Anton --- Zuse Konrad --- kunstgeschiedenis --- kunst 21e eeuw --- Kunstgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- (Musea. Collecties. Tentoonstellingen) --- kunstgeschiedenis - kunst vanaf 2001 --- Exhibitions --- MAD-faculty 12 --- hedendaagse kunst --- Documenta Kassel --- tentoonstellingscatalogus --- Documenta (Exhibition) --- Kassel (Duitsland) --- Moderne kunst --- Hedendaagse kunst --- Lé Dinh Q --- Numminen M.A --- Gordon Avery F --- 700.4 --- conceptuele kunst --- beeldende kunst, musea - tentoonstellingen --- 7.036 --- 7.036 Moderne kunststijlen --- Moderne kunststijlen --- wars --- political art --- hope --- Byrne, Gerard --- Philipsz, Susan --- Mauri, Fabio --- Weerasethakul, Achichatpong --- Tellez, Javier --- González, Julio --- Macuga, Goshka --- Fast, Omer --- Rakowitz, Michael --- Cumella, Antoni --- Chan, Paul --- Djordjadze, Thea --- Baruchello, Gianfranco --- Mroué, Rabih --- Hopf, Judith --- Lester, Gabriel --- Sehgal, Tino --- Cruzvillegas, Abraham --- Gates, Theaster --- Bartolini, Massimo --- Link, David --- Faldbakken, Matias --- Garcia Torres, Mario --- Khan, Hassan --- Phinthong, Pratchaya --- Gill, Simryn --- Cardiff, Janet --- Hiller, Susan --- Metzger, Gustav --- Moon Kyungwon --- Abidi, Bani --- Adnan, Etel --- Aigner, Korbinian --- Achunov, Vjačeslav --- Akram, Barmak --- Ali, Khadim --- Alves, Maria Thereza --- Anastas, Ayreen --- Asefi, Mohammad Yusuf --- Ashford, Doug --- Atoui, Tarek --- Barry, Judith --- Balestrini, Nanni --- Balkin, Amy --- Basiony, Ahmed --- Bennett, Gordon --- Biscotti, Rossella --- Boghiguian, Anna --- Bove, Carol --- Buch, Kristina --- Büttner, Andrea --- Carr, Emily --- Castillo Deball, Mariana --- Chiruai, Kudzanai --- Cramer, Daniel Gustav --- Csákány, István --- Csörgö, Attila --- Morandi, Giorgio --- Epaminonda, Haris --- Erek, Cevdet --- Faivovich, Guillermo --- Farmer, Geoffrey --- Favaretto, Lara --- Foulkes, Llyn --- Foushanji, Abul Qasem --- Fumai, Chiara --- Gabri, Rene --- Gander, Ryan --- Gaussi, Jeanno --- Ghani, Mariam --- Ghannam, Amjad --- Goldberg, Nicolás --- Yang, Haegue --- Haidary, Zainab --- Hall, Fiona --- Hecker, Florian --- Henderson, Tamara --- Hoheisel, Horst --- Hourani, Khaled --- Isidrez, Julia --- Jacir, Emily --- Jeon, Joonho --- Johannessen, Toril --- Jungen, Brian --- Kaesbach, Rudolf --- Kahn, Robin --- Kamandy, Masood --- Kanwar, Amar --- Kurenniemi, Erkki --- Lara, Adriana --- Larrain Barros, Horacio --- Lé, Dinh Q. --- Weiner, Lawrence --- Loboda, Maria --- Lombardi, Mark --- López, Aníbal --- Lucas, Renata --- Lutyens, Marcos --- Martins, Maria --- Masharawi, Rashid --- Matarrese, Francesco --- Menick, John --- Menke, Christoph --- Mojadidi, Aman --- Moore, Gareth --- Muholi, Zanele --- Müller, Christian Philipp --- Numminen, M.A. --- Ohtake, Shinro --- Omarzad, Rahraw --- Onur, Füsun --- Panayiotou, Christodoulos --- Pentecost, Claire --- Pich, Sopheap --- Porsager, Lea --- Portnoy, Michael --- Preston, Margaret --- Price, Seth --- Prvacki, Ana --- Raad, Walid --- Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya --- Reid Nakamarra, Doreen --- Reyes, Pedro --- Richter, Gunnar --- Ringholt, Stuart --- Robbins, Ruth --- Rodas, Juana Marta --- Ryan, Paul --- Ryggen, Hannah --- Sadr Haghighian, Natascha --- Samb, Issa --- Schaber, Ines --- Serra, Albert --- Shah, Tejal --- Shawky, Wael --- Sherzad, Zolaykha --- St.Turba, Tamás --- Sukhareva, Alexandra --- Taanila, Mika --- Taasha, Mohsen --- Tarakhovsky, Alexander --- Texmon-Rygh, Aase --- Thornton, Warwick --- Tjapaltjarri, Warlimpirrnga --- Villar Rojas, Adrián --- Wedemeyer, von, Clemens --- Voss, Jeronimo --- Warboys, Jessica --- Waxman, Lori --- Yan Lei --- Zaatari, Akram --- Zalmaï --- Zeilinger, Anton --- Zuse, Konrad --- Maiolino, Anna Maria --- Bel, Jérôme --- Allora and Calzadilla --- Penone, Giuseppe --- Malani, Nalini --- Dalí, Salvador --- Jonas, Joan --- Durham, Jimmie --- Salomon, Charlotte --- Kentridge, William --- Bayrle, Thomas --- Boetti, Alighiero --- Dion, Mark --- Dean, Tacita --- Sala, Anri --- Trockel, Rosemarie --- Alÿs, Francis --- Huyghe, Pierre --- Doherty, Willie --- Floyer, Ceal --- Miller, Lee --- Solakov, Nedko --- Durant, Sam --- Ondàk, Roman --- García, Dora --- Boer, de, Manon --- Donnelly, Trisha --- Abdul, Lida --- Mehretu, Julie --- Attia, Kader --- Iveković, Sanja --- Applebroog, Ida --- CAMP --- Critical Art Ensemble --- Otolith Group [London] --- art [discipline] --- Carr, Emily M.
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