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Chinese steles : pre-Buddhist and Buddhist use of a symbolic form
ISBN: 082482783X 0824861876 Year: 2004 Publisher: Honolulu University of Hawai'i Press

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From workshop to sanctuary : the production of Late Middle Kingdom memorial stelae
ISBN: 1906137544 9781906137540 Year: 2017 Publisher: London : Golden House Publication,

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This study is the evaluation of more than 1000 stelae dating to the late Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period (1800 to 1550 BC). The stelae are grouped into workshops. The place of production for these workshops is discussed.

Ägyptische Opfertafeln und Kultbecken : eine Form- und Funktionsanalyse für das Alte, Mittlere und Neue Reich
ISBN: 3806781397 Year: 2002 Publisher: Hildesheim : Gerstenberg Verlag,

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Die sogenannte Hundestele des Königs Wah-Anch Intef aus el-Târif : eine Forschungsgeschichte
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783447112314 344711231X Year: 2019 Publisher: Wiesbaden Harrassowitz

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Anhand einer vor rund 160 Jahren in el-Târif bei Luxor/Oberägypten gefundenen Reliefplatte aus Kalkstein zeichnet dieser Band ein Stück ägyptologisch-archäologischer Forschungsgeschichte nach. Im Zentrum der Betrachtung steht die aufgrund ihrer Darstellungen "Hundestele" genannte Grabstele des Königs Wah-Anch Intef (um 2050 v.Chr.). Das Hauptinteresse liegt dabei jedoch weniger auf ihren ikonografischen Besonderheiten oder dem historisch bedeutsamen Text. Es gilt vielmehr den unklaren Umständen der Auffindung und Bergung und dem darauffolgenden Verbleib der Stele sowie ihrem unmittelbaren archäologischen und damit ehemaligen baulichen Kontext. In akribischer Aufarbeitung der zum Teil widersprüchlichen und irrtümlichen Angaben, von Fundort und -datum bis hin zu den Abmessungen, wird die moderne Geschichte dieser königlichen Stele rekonstruiert. Dadurch wird ein der Ägyptologie lange bekanntes und viel diskutiertes Forschungsobjekt nachträglich mit neuen archäologischen Informationen versehen.

Aspects de l'artisanat du textile dans le monde méditerranéen (Egypte, Grèce, Monde romain)
Authors: ---
ISSN: 1275269X ISBN: 2911971019 9782911971013 Year: 1998 Volume: v. 2 Publisher: Lyon: Université Lumière-Lyon 2. Institut d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'antiquité,

The Sunshade Chapel of Meritaten from the House-of-Waenre of Akhenaten
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781934536872 1934536873 1934536881 Year: 2016 Publisher: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology,

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The quartzite architectural block E16230 has been on display in the Penn Museum for 115 years. E16230 is one of the few large architectural pieces in the world surviving from the much-debated reign of the "heretic" king Akhenaten. This block is one of the most historically significant objects on display in the Egyptian galleries, yet it has never been analyzed or published. This volume addresses that glaring gap and provides for the first time a translation and discussion of the important texts on the object, along with analysis of the architectural evidence it provides. The block is part of the once intensely ornamented façade of a solar chapel ("sunshade") dedicated to princess Meritaten, the eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The large (1100 kg) block originates in a chapel that was part of a royal ceremonial palace of Akhenaten named Per-Waenre ("the house of the Unique-one-of-Re"). Later, after demolition of the building, the block was reused in the city of Heliopolis as the base for a sphinx of king Merenptah (Dynasty 19). Subsequently the block underwent a final stage of reuse in Cairo in the Islamic Period where it was found ca. 1898 in the Mousky district of central Cairo. Because the block is such a major architectural element it provides considerable detail in the reconstruction of the essential appearance, decoration, and other aspects of the Meritaten sunshade. The volume addresses the significance of the piece and the Meritaten sunshade in the context of Akhenaten's monumental program. Major implications emerge from the analysis of E16230 providing further evidence on the royal women during Akhenaten's reign. The book examines two possibilities for the original location of the Per-Waenre in which the Meritaten sunshade stood. It may be part of a large Amarna Period cult precinct at Heliopolis, which may, like the capital city at Tell el-Amarna, have born the wider name Akhet-Aten, "Horizon of the Aten." Alternatively it could derive from Tell el-Amarna itself, possibly belonging to a hitherto unidentified palatial complex at that site. The book is a contribution to the study of one of the most debated eras of ancient Egyptian history focused on this long-ignored treasure of the Penn Museum's Egyptian collection

Iron age funerary stelae from Lebanon.
ISBN: 8472902765 Year: 2005 Publisher: Barcelona Bellaterra

Altvorderasiatische Bildstelen und Vergleichbare Felsreliefs. Tafeln
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3805304749 Year: 1982 Volume: 4 Publisher: Mainz am Rhein : Philipp von Zabern,

Untersuchungen zur Überlieferungsgeschichte der Horusstelen : ein Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte Ägyptens im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.
ISBN: 3447041323 9783447041324 Year: 1999 Volume: 62 Publisher: Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz,

Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, c. 3000 BC-AD 1150
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0521842905 0511584199 Year: 2005 Publisher: Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne Cambridge university press

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The volume provides a detailed catalogue of 127 stelae (many funerary) deriving from the Nile Valley, now part of the Egyptian collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. The stelae are written in various scripts - Egyptian hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic, Carian, Greek, Coptic and early Arabic - and cover a date-range of over 4000 years. Few museums have published their complete holdings of such material, and the carefully described and translated information from these stelae throws a flood of light on the history, religion, funerary customs, art and iconography, daily life and administrative systems of ancient Egypt and Nubia. Each entry has a photograph of the stela as well as a meticulous line-drawing which enables the texts and iconography to be understood and interpreted. Full museological details such as material, precise measurements, provenance (where known), mode of acquisition and dating are provided. The volume will interest specialists as well as a wider public concerned with Egyptology.

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