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Einspruch der Existenz : Vorlesungen zu Søren Kierkegaard
ISBN: 9783451396335 3451396335 Year: 2023 Publisher: Freiburg Herder

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Denken en zijn
ISBN: 9060094840 Year: 1988 Publisher: Meppel : Boom,

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Twee teksten van de Deense filosoof (1813-1855) over de verhouding individu-maatschappij.

The passion of possibility : studies on Kierkegaard's post-metaphysical theology
ISBN: 9783111025544 9783111023304 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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For Kierkegaard the most important thing in life is to become a single individual or a true self. We are all born as human beings, but this makes us only members of a crowd, not true selves. To become a true self, we must transcend what we are at any given time and orient ourselves to the possible and to the actuality of the possible, to which all that is possible owes itself. True selves exist only in becoming, they are fragile, and that is their strength. They are not grounded by their own activities, but in a reality extra se, the flip side of which is a deep passivity that underlies all their activity and allows them to continually leave themselves and move beyond their respective actualities toward the new and the possible. Therefore, without the passion of possibility, there is no truly single individual. This study of Kierkegaard's post-metaphysical theology outlines his existential phenomenology of the self by exploring in three parts what Kierkegaard has to say about the sense of self (finitude, uniqueness, self-interpretation, and alienation), about selfless passion (anxiety, trust, hope, and true love), and about how to become a true self (a Christian in Christendom and a neighbor of God's neighbors).

Grundlinien zum Systeme der Aesthetik (1824) und andere kunstphilosophische Schriften
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110761653 3110761483 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Der Band versammelt Erstübersetzungen der wichtigsten ästhetischen Schriften des dänischen Philosophen Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1791–1860). Darüber hinaus enthält der Band die erste Edition des Manuskripts Grundlinien zum Systeme der Aesthetik, das er 1824 auf Deutsch in Kiel verfasste. In der Kierkegaard-Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte ist wiederholt darauf aufmerksam gemacht worden, dass sich die Schriften des Philosophen nur vor dem Hintergrund seines dänischen Umfelds verstehen lassen. Besonders prägend ist insbesondere die Auseinandersetzung mit den Schriften Johan Ludvig Heibergs, der nicht nur die erste dänische Einführung in Hegels Philosophie publizierte, sondern der sich schon sehr früh darum bemühte, dessen dialektisches Denken für ästhetische Reflexionen zu nutzen, in denen er sich auch und gerade mit Phänomenen der Gegenwartskultur – wie etwa dem Kopenhagener Tivoli oder dem Pariser Vaudeville – beschäftigte. Kierkegaards eigene ästhetische Reflexionen lassen sich letztlich nur im Kontext dieser sehr spezifischen Hegel-Rezeption verstehen. Mit der vorliegenden Anthologie wird dieser wichtige Kontext auf Deutsch zugänglich gemacht. Die Publikation richtet sich aber nicht nur an Kierkegaard-Expert/-innen, sondern auch an Philosoph/-innen, die sich für die frühe Rezeption von Hegels Schriften und insbesondere für die Hegelianische Ästhetik interessieren.

Sensitive objects : affect and material culture
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9188168611 9187675668 918816862X Year: 2016 Publisher: Gothenberg, Sweden Kriterium

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"The study of affect has become a dynamic field spanning a range of disciplines from psychology over neuroscience to philosophy and cultural studies. Little attention however has been payed to material culture. This book presents an innovative set of ethnographies of the affective relations between people and things. It tackles the sensual experiences of materiality, through taste, sounds, smells and touch that are hard to verbalize or represent in images. Evocative situations are detailed, like for instance the packing of a suitcase at the splitting of a marriage; how people in the besieged Sarajevo were both helped and humiliated by the aid received from abroad; how the parting of objects after the parents’ death may result in siblings never talking to one another again. These ethnographies from Scandinavia, the Balkans and the US, focus on what affects do in everyday life rather than what they are. The volume is also provided with chapters that put the studies of affects in ethnology and anthropology in a wider scholarly frame and discuss theories and methods applied in the book.Sensitive Objects in the first place addresses scholars and students in Ethnology, Anthropology, Sociology and Cultural Studies, as well as other readers interested in affects and emotions, material culture, tourism, innovations, and post-socialism. I dagens forskning har det uppstått ett dynamiskt fält där så vitt skilda vetenskaper som filosofi och neurovetenskap, psykologi och filmvetenskap börjat föra dialoger med varandra. Det handlar då om affekters inverkan på liv och handling. Mycket av den forskningen har än så länge rört sig på ett principiellt plan. Med den här boken ger sig etnologer och antropologer i kast med det konkreta – tingen och de olika affektiva kopplingar som uppstår mellan människor och den omgivande materiella kulturen. Mängder av kunskap förmedlas via sinnena – smaken, ljuden, lukten och beröringen som är svåra att verbalisera eller förmedla via bilder eller symboler. I Sensitive Objects finns förtätade etnografiska beskrivningar av situationer som t ex hur den kappsäck som en uppriven hustru, en deporterad, – eller varför inte en vanlig resenär – packas full av såväl hopp som förtvivlan; hur ett arvskifte ger ting från föräldrahemmet ett affektionsvärde som kan få syskon och efterlevande att kapa alla band och hellre gå till domstol än börja samtala; eller hur de belägrade invånarna i staden Sarajevo under kriget fick paket med mat och förnödenheter som inte bara lindrade utsattheten utan också ökade känslan av förnedring och vanmakt. I dessa och ytterligare typfall analyseras användbarheten av ett affektivt perspektiv vid förståelsen av relationen mellan människor och tingen omkring dem. Etnografin i boken tar läsaren med till olika delar av Skandinavien, till ett oroligt Balkan och en resa genom södra USA. I tre av bidragen diskuteras också hur affektstudier kan komma till praktisk användning i tillämpade innovationsstudier. Boken inleds med en utförlig diskussion där de affektiva perspektiven sätts in i en etnologisk och antropologisk kontext. Särskilt utrymme ägnas här de metodologiska och teoretiska utmaningar som detta öppnar för.Den här boken är visserligen ett pionjärarbete i sitt slag inom de nämnda disciplinerna, men vänder sig också till forskare och studenter inom sociologi, kultur- och turismstudier, och naturligtvis till en bredare läsekrets med intresse för studiet av känslor, musik, materiell kultur, innovationer och postsocialism. "

Marginal modernity : the aesthetics of dependency from Kierkegaard to Joyce
ISBN: 9780823245321 0823245322 0823245357 0823250369 082325254X Year: 2013 Publisher: New York: Fordham university press,

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Two ways of understanding the aesthetic organization of literary works have come down to us from the late 18th century and dominate discussions of European modernism today: the aesthetics of autonomy, associated with the self-sufficient work of art, and the aesthetics of fragmentation, practiced by the avant-gardes. In this revisionary study, Leonardo Lisi argues that these models rest on assumptions about the nature of truth and existence that cannot be treated as exhaustive of modern experience.Lisi traces an alternative aesthetics of dependency that provides a different formal structure, philosophical foundation, and historical condition for modernist texts. Taking Europe's Scandinavian periphery as his point of departure, Lisi examines how Kierkegaard and Ibsen imagined a response to the changing conditions of modernity different from those at the European core, one that subsequently influenced James, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, and Joyce. Combining close readings with a broader revision of the nature and genealogy of modernism, Marginal Modernity challenges what we understand by modernist aesthetics, their origins, and their implications for how we conceive our relation to the modern world.

Das Geheimnis der Wiederholung : Sören Kierkegaard passiert jüdisches Denken
ISBN: 3839436133 3837636135 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Wie nahe stehen sich die jüdische Gedankenwelt und die Ideen Sören Kierkegaards? In einer dialogischen Konstellation findet die geistige Wahlverwandtschaft darauf eine Antwort. Richard Blättel nimmt dazu drei alttestamentarische Erzählungen mit existenzieller Färbung in den Blick: den Sündenfall, die Opferung Isaaks und Hiob. Sowohl Kierkegaard als auch die jüdischen Denker haben sich mit den biblischen Narrativen befasst, wobei das Motiv der Wiederholung zum Brennpunkt wird. Zwischen Schöpfung und Offenbarung kreist das erzählende Denken, das sich von der traditionellen Denkgeschichte des Abendlandes abgrenzt. Dabei entsteht philosophisches Pathos als eine Form leidenschaftlichen Denkens.

ISBN: 0919401023 0889201269 9780889201262 9780919401020 0889206996 9780889206991 9780889201026 9781554585434 1554585430 Year: 1982 Publisher: [Waterloo, Ont.] Wilfrid Laurier University Press

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Recently, a conference of scholars considered resources and results in Kierkegaard research. In part one, "Resources," J.C. McLelland gives a short account of the acquisition of the Malantschuk collection by McGill University, H.P. Rohde discusses the collection as a basis for research, and H. Möller comments on its accessibility to scholars. N.J. Cappelørn examines the importance of the Papirer as a resource. In part two, "Results," H.V. Hong analyzes Kierkegaard's concept of "Thought-Experiment," relating it to Kierkegaard translation. J. Walker elucidates four of Kierkegaard's assumptions concerning communication and notes the difficulties these pose for creating real human community. M. Cargignan's paper presents the concept of the "eternal" as a synthesizing force acting upon body, soul, and spirit. H.A. Nielsen distinguishes between two levels of indirect communication in Mark 6:45-52 and calls attention to the significance of this distinction for understanding Kierkegaard. The last two essays present the results of computer research at McGill: A.H. Khan explores the concept of passion in Concluding Unscientific Postscript, and A. McKinnon offers a spatial representation of the relations among Kierkegaard's thirty-four works. The volume, containing responses by R.L. Perkins, R. Archer, P. Carpenter, D. Lochhead, D. Goicoechea, and R. Johnson, will be of interest to Kierkegaard, Philosophy, and religion scholars, and those engaged in computer research in the humanities.

Kierkegaard's Romantic Legacy: Two Theories of the Self
ISBN: 9780776616179 077661617X 0776606166 9780776606163 128069078X 9786613667724 9781280690785 6613667722 9780776618616 077661861X Year: 2005 Volume: *1 Publisher: University of Ottawa Press

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In Kierkegaard's Romantic Legacy, Anoop Gupta develops an original theory of the self based on Kierkegaard's writings. Gupta proceeds by historical exegesis and considers several important ways of thinking about self outside of the natural sciences. His study moves theories of the self from theology toward sociology, from a God-relationship to a social one, and illustrates how a loss in theological underpinnings partly contributes to the rise in the popularity of cultural relativism. By drawing on Kierkegaard's writings, Gupta develops a metaphysical account of the self that provid

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