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Regulating vice
ISBN: 1107184363 1283330067 1139134574 9786613330062 113912952X 1139133330 0511504128 0511619391 0511506260 9781139129527 9780511619397 9781283330060 9780521880466 0521880467 9780521706605 0521706602 Year: 2008 Publisher: Cambridge [UK] New York Cambridge University Press

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Regulating Vice provides a new, interdisciplinary lens for examining vice policy, and focuses that lens on traditional vices such as alcohol, nicotine, drugs, gambling, and commercial sex. Regulating Vice argues that public policies toward addictive activities should work well across a broad array of circumstances, including situations in which all participants are fully informed and completely rational, and other situations in which vice-related choices are marked by self-control lapses or irrationality. This precept rules out prohibitions of most private adult vice, and also rules out unfettered access to substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and cocaine. Sin taxes, advertising restrictions, buyer and seller licensing, and treatment subsidies are all potentially legitimate components of balanced vice policies. Regulating Vice brings a sophisticated and rigorous analysis to vice control issues, an analysis that applies to prostitution as well as drugs, to tobacco as well as gambling, while remaining accessible to a broad social science audience.

The moral limits of the criminal law.
ISBN: 0195052153 019503449X 0199785872 1435633520 1280449772 0198020546 9781435633520 9780198020547 9780195052152 0199878609 9780195034493 9780199878604 9780199785872 9781280449772 Year: 1985 Volume: 2 Publisher: New York Oxford Oxford University Press

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The author focuses on the `offence principle', the principle that preventing shock, disgust, or revulsion is always a morally relevant reason for legal prohibitions. He examines the differences between minor and profound offences as well as the conceptual, moral, and judicial problems raised by obscenity, pornography, and 'dirty' words.

Victimless crimes: : two sides of a controversy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 013941682X 0139416900 9780139416828 Year: 1974 Volume: S-351 Publisher: Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice Hall,

Bonnes moeurs, discours pénal et rationalité juridique : essai d'analyse critique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2802800221 9782802800224 Year: 1981 Volume: 21 Publisher: Bruxelles: FUSL,

Disorder and decline: crime and the spiral of decay in American neighborhoods
ISBN: 0520076931 9780520076938 Year: 1992 Publisher: Berkeley (Calif.): University of California press,

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Crime prevention --- Inner cities --- Quality of life --- Crimes without victims --- Criminalité --- Quartiers pauvres --- Qualité de la vie --- Crimes sans victime --- Case studies. --- Prévention --- Cas, Etudes de --- Crime --- --Prévention --- --États-Unis --- --Ville --- --Crime prevention --- Case studies --- 343.85 --- 343.969 --- -Crimes without victims --- -Inner cities --- -Quality of life --- -Life, Quality of --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Central cities --- Ghettos, Inner city --- Inner city ghettos --- Inner city problems --- Zones of transitions --- Cities and towns --- Urban cores --- Morals offenses --- Non-victim crimes --- Offenses against public morality --- Victimless crimes --- Prevention of crime --- Public safety --- Criminele profylaxie. Voorkomen van de misdaad. Strijd tegen de misdaad. Preventieve gevangenisstraf. Eugenese. Sterilisatie --- Geweld in het algemeen --- Prevention --- Government policy --- -Criminele profylaxie. Voorkomen van de misdaad. Strijd tegen de misdaad. Preventieve gevangenisstraf. Eugenese. Sterilisatie --- 343.969 Geweld in het algemeen --- 343.85 Criminele profylaxie. Voorkomen van de misdaad. Strijd tegen de misdaad. Preventieve gevangenisstraf. Eugenese. Sterilisatie --- -343.969 Geweld in het algemeen --- Life, Quality of --- Criminalité --- Qualité de la vie --- Prévention --- Ville --- Crime prevention - United States - Case studies --- Inner cities - United States - Case studies --- Quality of life - United States - Case studies --- Crimes without victims - United States - Case studies --- États-Unis

Drie vormen van weten : over ethiek, wetenschap en moraalfilosofie
ISBN: 9789463102285 Year: 2017 Publisher: Kalmthout : Polis,

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Ethiek is fundamenteel bepaald door de manier waarop we leven. Ethiek is dus altijd common sense-ethiek. We denken vaak dat ethiek strikt rationeel is of zou moeten zijn, maar dat heeft meer te maken met gedeelde (en deels denkbeeldige) ideeën die we vandaag over onszelf koesteren. Vanuit die inzichten bekritiseert Herman De Dijn de revisionistische (vooral consequentialistische) vormen van ethiek die vandaag dominant zijn, bijvoorbeeld in de bio-ethiek en de dierenethiek. Hij bespreekt indringend de relatie tussen ethiek en wetenschap. Ethiek en wetenschap zijn radicaal van elkaar verschillende vormen van weten en praktijk. De Dijn verwerpt dan ook de veelgehoorde stelling dat ethiek voortdurend achterloopt op nieuwe wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen.


General ethics --- BPB9999 --- BPB1706 --- Éthique --- Philosophie --- Moralité publique --- Ethiek --- Filosofie --- Publieke moraal --- allmän moral --- moralità pubblika --- moralidade pública --- moralità pubblica --- offentlig moral --- közerkölcs --- javna morala --- δημόσια ήθη --- moral pública --- public morality --- verejná morálka --- јавни морал --- moral publik --- publieke moraal --- morală publică --- veřejná morálka --- visuomenės moralė --- јавен морал --- gute Sitten --- sabiedrības morāle --- julkinen moraali --- javni moral --- moralność publiczna --- avalik moraal --- обществен морал --- sædelighed --- public morals --- znanost o moralu --- moralidad pública --- χρηστά ήθη --- zedelijk gedrag --- visuomenės dorovė --- öffentliche Moral --- közmorál --- ühiskondlik moraal --- δημόσια ηθική --- bonnes mœurs --- decencia pública --- öffentliche Sittlichkeit --- buoni costumi --- dobré mravy --- buenas costumbres --- moralitate publică --- kõlblus --- filosofija --- filosofie --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- filozófia --- философия --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- Ethik --- ethics --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- ethiek --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- moráltacht phoiblí --- fealsúnacht --- eitic --- Filosofie (21e eeuw) --- Moralité publique --- Éthique

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