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The Constitution of Poland : a contextual analysis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781509913947 Year: 2019 Publisher: Oxford Hart Publishing

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This book focuses on the Polish Constitution of 1997, concentrating on its structure, its substance and some of the institutional choices made by the drafters. The core of the Constitution is similar to other liberal democratic constitutions, but, in addition, it regulates a number of issues - such as public finances and sources of law - that are new to Polish constitutionalism and to constitutionalism in general. It considers in a detailed manner certain institutional choices made in the Constitution, such as the bicameral parliament, the peculiar structure of the executive branch, as well as the principle of independence of courts and judges, fundamental rights and local government. The book is a vital resource for all those interested in Poland's Constitution, and the rich comparative constitutional insights the country offers. In addition to explaining the 1997 Constitution in its political, historical, and social context, the book tackles the radical changes, in particular within the judicial branch, introduced by the new governing majority since 2015. These new regulations, constitutional in character, but without formally changing the Constitution, challenged the rule of law, a key component of membership in the European Union. Despite the negative nature of these recent developments, the anchoring of Polish constitutional law in European constitutionalism presents a source of optimism that the 1997 Constitution will regain its position as the supreme law of the state. --


Constitutional history --- BPB2007 --- constitution --- Pologne --- Poľsko --- Lenkija --- Πολωνία --- Polónia --- Lengyelország --- Puola --- il-Polonja --- Polska --- Polonia --- Poola --- Poland --- An Pholainn --- Полша --- Poljska --- Polen --- Полска --- Пољска --- Polija --- Polsko --- Polijas Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republica Polonă --- Δημοκρατία της Πολωνίας --- Republiek Polen --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Puolan tasavalta --- Република Пољска --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Republikken Polen --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Poľská republika --- República de Polonia --- Република Полска --- Republiken Polen --- Република Полша --- República da Polónia --- Republic of Poland --- Republika Poljska --- Republika e Polonisë --- die Republik Polen --- Polská republika --- Poola Vabariik --- République de Pologne --- ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- Politics and government --- bunreacht

Socialisation politique au Parlement européen : l'exemple des eurodéputés polonais
ISBN: 9782879743455 2879743451 2879745888 Year: 2013 Publisher: Luxembourg: Promoculture,

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E-books --- Political socialization --- Socialisation politique --- Parlementaires européens --- Parlement européen. --- Union européenne. --- Élections. --- Europees parlement --- BPB1501 --- Parlement européen --- Pologne --- Polen --- Legislators --- Attitudes --- European Parliament --- Officials and employees --- Elections --- Poľsko --- Lenkija --- Πολωνία --- Polónia --- Lengyelország --- Puola --- il-Polonja --- Polska --- Polonia --- Poola --- Poland --- An Pholainn --- Полша --- Poljska --- Полска --- Пољска --- Polija --- Polsko --- Polijas Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republica Polonă --- Δημοκρατία της Πολωνίας --- Republiek Polen --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Puolan tasavalta --- Република Пољска --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Republikken Polen --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Poľská republika --- República de Polonia --- Република Полска --- Republiken Polen --- Република Полша --- República da Polónia --- Republic of Poland --- Republika Poljska --- Republika e Polonisë --- die Republik Polen --- Polská republika --- Poola Vabariik --- République de Pologne --- ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja --- Evropski parlament --- Evropský parlament --- Euroopa Parlament --- Parlament Europejski --- Europa-Parlamentet --- Európsky parlament --- Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο --- Eiropas Parlaments --- Europäisches Parlament --- Европски парламент --- Euroopan parlamentti --- Parlamento Europeo --- Europski parlament --- il-Parlament Ewropew --- Parlamentul European --- Parlamento Europeu --- Europos Parlamentas --- Europees Parlement --- Europaparlamentet --- Parlamento europeo --- Parlamenti Europian --- Parlaimint na hEorpa --- Európai Parlament --- Европейски парламент --- Europeiska parlamentariska församlingen --- Asamble Parlamentare Europiane --- PE --- EK --- EG Parlement --- Euroopan parlamentaarinen edustajakokous --- Euroopa Ühenduste Assamblee --- Európai Parlamenti Közgyűlés --- EP --- Parlament EG --- EG-Parlament --- Európske parlamentné zhromaždenie --- Forsamlingen --- Parlamento delle Comunità europee --- European Assembly --- Europäische Versammlung --- Eurocámara --- ЕП --- Asamble Europiane --- Ευρωκοινοβούλιο --- Europese vergadering --- Assembleia Parlamentar Europeia --- Parlament ES --- Euroopa Ühenduste Parlamentaarne Assamblee --- Asamblea Parlamentaria Europea --- Assemblea parlamentare europea --- Assemblée européenne --- European Parliamentary Assembly --- Asamblea Europea --- Assembleia Europeia --- Eiropas parlamentārā asambleja --- Europäische Parlamentarische Versammlung --- Versammlung EG --- Europska skupština --- Συνέλευση --- Assemblea europea --- Eiropas Asambleja --- Euroopan edustajakokous --- Assemblée parlementaire européenne --- ευρωπαϊκή κοινοβουλευτική συνέλευση --- Európske zhromaždenie --- Europeiska församlingen --- Adunarea Parlamentară Europeană --- Europos Asamblėja --- Ευρωπαϊκή Συνέλευση --- Europarlamento --- Europos Parlamento Asamblėja --- Európai Közgyűlés --- Parlament Ewropew --- Political socialization - Poland --- Legislators - Poland - Attitudes --- Political socialization - European Union countries --- Legislators - European Union countries - Attitudes --- Parlement européen

Christian democracy across the iron curtain : Europe redefined
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319640879 3319640860 9783319640877 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book is the first scholarly exploration of how Christian Democracy kept Cold War Europe’s eastern and western halves connected after the creation of the Iron Curtain in the late 1940s. Christian Democrats led the transnational effort to rebuild the continent’s western half after World War II, but this is only one small part of the story of how the Christian Democratic political family transformed Europe and defied the nascent Cold War’s bipolar division of the world. The first section uses case studies from the origins of European integration to reimagine Christian Democracy’s long-term significance for a united Europe. The second shifts the focus to East-Central Europeans, some exiled to Western Europe, some to the USA, others remaining in the Soviet Bloc as dissidents. The transnational activism they pursued helped to ensure that, Iron Curtain or no, the boundary between Europe’s west and east remained permeable, that the Cold War would not last and that Soviet attempts to divide the continent permanently would fail. The book’s final section features the testimony of three key protagonists. This book appeals to a wide range of audiences: undergraduate and graduate students, established scholars, policymakers (in Europe and the Americas) and potentially also general readerships interested in the Cold War or in the future of Europe.


Christian democratic parties --- Europe, Eastern --- Politics and government --- Center parties --- Europe-History-1492-. --- World politics. --- World history. --- Religion-History. --- Russia-History. --- History of Modern Europe. --- Political History. --- World History, Global and Transnational History. --- History of Religion. --- Russian, Soviet, and East European History. --- Universal history --- History --- Colonialism --- Global politics --- International politics --- Political history --- Political science --- World history --- Eastern question --- Geopolitics --- International organization --- International relations --- Europe—History—1492-. --- Religion—History. --- Russia—History. --- Europe, Eastern—History. --- world history --- religion --- case study --- Poland --- Poľsko --- Lenkija --- Πολωνία --- Polónia --- Lengyelország --- Puola --- il-Polonja --- Polska --- Polonia --- Poola --- An Pholainn --- Полша --- Poljska --- Polen --- Полска --- Пољска --- Polija --- Pologne --- Polsko --- Polijas Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republica Polonă --- Δημοκρατία της Πολωνίας --- Republiek Polen --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Puolan tasavalta --- Република Пољска --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Republikken Polen --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Poľská republika --- República de Polonia --- Република Полска --- Republiken Polen --- Република Полша --- República da Polónia --- Republic of Poland --- Republika Poljska --- Republika e Polonisë --- die Republik Polen --- Polská republika --- Poola Vabariik --- République de Pologne --- ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja --- esettanulmány --- rast studimor --- περιπτωσιολογική μελέτη --- prípadová štúdia --- casestudy --- fallstudie --- cás-staidéar --- atvejo tyrimas --- studiu de caz --- анализа случаја --- estudo de casos --- gadījumu izpēte --- студија на случај --- Fallstudie --- estudio de casos --- juhtumiuuring --- tapaustutkimus --- étude de cas --- případová studie --- studia przypadków --- изучаване на процеса --- analiza slučaja --- študija primera --- studio di fattispecie --- studju tal-każijiet --- estudio de caso práctico --- estudio de casos típicos --- gadījumu studijas --- case-study --- análisis de casos típicos --- problemos nagrinėjimas --- анализа на случај --- детално проучување на случај --- análisis de ejemplos concretos --- studija slučaja --- estudio de casos concretos --- estudio de ejemplos prácticos --- proučavanje slučaja --- детално следење на случај --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- Religion --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- Weltgeschichte --- dejiny sveta --- maailmanhistoria --- världshistoria --- verdenshistorie --- storia universale --- svjetska povijest --- histoire universelle --- storja tad-dinja --- istorie universală --- história universal --- historia świata --- световна история --- historia universal --- egyetemes történelem --- maailma ajalugu --- histori e botës --- svetovna zgodovina --- pasaules vēsture --- wereldgeschiedenis --- светска историја --- pasaulio istorija --- světová historie --- παγκόσμια ιστορία --- историја на светот --- dějiny světa --- historie světa --- světové dějiny --- világtörténelem --- povijest svijeta --- reiligiún --- stair an domhain

Le quatrième partage de la Pologne : actes de colloque, Bruxelles, 21 et 22 mars 2014
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 03787893 07707754 ISBN: 9782803104628 2803104628 Year: 2015 Volume: 9 (2101) Publisher: Bruxelles: Académie royale de Belgique,

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Peut-on encore, trois quarts de siècle après le quatrième partage de la Pologne et les tragédies qui ont suivi - et que notre colloque rappelle -, accepter le dépeçage d'un État souverain par son voisin puissant désireux d'assouvir ses visées expansionnistes ? Il est vrai que les changements des frontières de l'Europe sont la cause ou la conséquence d'une longue histoire de notre continent. Des trahisons aussi, comme du mensonge et de la lâcheté, dont l'exemple est le Pacte Ribbentrop-Molotov, et ses dramatiques conséquences. La Pologne est le témoin privilégié. On peut être polonais et avoir vécu, sans quitter sa ville natale, dans quatre pays différents, sans parler des régimes politiques. À un moment, assez récent d'ailleurs, lorsque le Mur de Berlin s'est effondré, on s'imaginait entrer à l'époque de la "fin de l'histoire". Le monde allait dorénavant avancer à partir d'un consensus démocratique et construire l'avenir sans antagonismes sociaux. Or, il n'en est rien. Et le seul pouvoir que nous avons sur l'avenir, est la maîtrise du passé. Ce colloque était destiné à nous le rappeler une fois de plus.


BPB1509 --- Seconde Guerre mondiale --- Souveraineté nationale --- Pologne --- Poľsko --- Lenkija --- Πολωνία --- Polónia --- Lengyelország --- Puola --- il-Polonja --- Polska --- Polonia --- Poola --- Poland --- An Pholainn --- Полша --- Poljska --- Polen --- Полска --- Пољска --- Polija --- Polsko --- Polijas Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republica Polonă --- Δημοκρατία της Πολωνίας --- Republiek Polen --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Puolan tasavalta --- Република Пољска --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Republikken Polen --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Poľská republika --- República de Polonia --- Република Полска --- Republiken Polen --- Република Полша --- República da Polónia --- Republic of Poland --- Republika Poljska --- Republika e Polonisë --- die Republik Polen --- Polská republika --- Poola Vabariik --- République de Pologne --- ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja --- riiklik suveräänsus --- sovranità nazzjonali --- soberanía nacional --- sovranità nazionale --- државен суверенитет --- národná zvrchovanosť --- εθνική κυριαρχία --- national suverænitet --- valtion täysivaltaisuus --- suverenita státu --- nationell suveränitet --- nemzeti szuverenitás --- suwerenność państw --- soberania nacional --- državna suverenost --- Staatssouveränität --- државни суверенитет --- suveranitate națională --- national sovereignty --- valsts suverenitāte --- državni suverenitet --- nationale soevereiniteit --- национален суверенитет --- valstybės suverenitetas --- sovranitet kombëtar --- valsts neatkarība --- суверенитет на држава --- státní svrchovanost --- суверена држава --- nacionalinis suverenitetas --- suverēnā vara --- šalies suverenitetas --- szuverenitás --- nacionalni suverenitet --- Staatshoheit --- државна независност --- Souveränität --- állami főhatalom --- nacionālais patstāvīgums --- Hoheitsgewalt --- svrchovanost --- nacionālā suverenitāte --- Tweede Wereldoorlog --- druhá svetová vojna --- toinen maailmansota --- druga svetovna vojna --- Lufta e Dytë Botërore --- Antrasis pasaulinis karas --- Teine maailmasõda --- seconda guerra mondiale --- druhá světová válka --- Zweiter Weltkrieg --- It-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija --- Δεύτερος Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος --- anden verdenskrig --- război mondial, al 2-lea --- Second World War --- Segunda Guerra Mundial --- andra världskriget --- segunda guerra mundial --- Втора световна война --- Otrais pasaules karš --- wojna 1939-1945 --- Други светски рат --- Втора светска војна --- második világháború --- Drugi svjetski rat --- II maailmasõda --- 2. světová válka --- Periodicals --- History of Eastern Europe --- anno 1930-1939 --- World War, 1939-1945 --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Diplomatic history --- Congresses. --- Congresses --- Causes --- Histoire diplomatique --- Congrès --- Germany. --- Influence --- Germany --- Soviet Union --- Allemagne --- URSS --- Politics and government --- Foreign relations --- Politique et gouvernement --- Relations extérieures --- Belgique --- Histoire institutionnelle --- Histoire politique --- Revue, histoire --- BPB1509. --- Nationale soevereiniteit --- History --- Fourth partition, 1939 --- Occupation, 1939-1945 --- Soviet occupation --- German occupation, 1940-1945 --- World War, 1939-1945 - Poland - Congresses --- World War, 1939-1945 - Diplomatic history - Congresses --- Poland - Politics and government - 1918-1945 --- Poland - Foreign relations - 1918-1945 --- Germany - Foreign relations - Soviet Union --- Soviet Union - Foreign relations - Germany

Authors: ---
ISSN: 04641086 23914815 Publisher: Warszawa

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Art --- museology --- history --- arts --- law --- collections --- humanities --- Museums --- Museums. --- Public institutions --- Cabinets of curiosities --- Poland. --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- PNR --- Polen --- PRL --- Europe --- 1939-1945 --- Būlūniy --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- Poland --- Polin --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pologne --- Polonia --- Polonyah --- Polʹsha --- Polska --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- Polsko --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- Republic of Poland --- République populaire de Pologne --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polisce Cynewise --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polská republika --- Polskas --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- Yn Pholynn --- Museology --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories

Rocznik Biblioteki Narodowej = : National Library year-book.
ISSN: 16893182 Year: 1965 Publisher: Warszawa : Biblioteka,

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Library science --- Libraries --- Libraries. --- Library science. --- Bibliologia --- Biblioteka Narodowa --- Poland. --- Librarianship --- Library economy --- 1939-1945 --- Būlūniyā --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- PNR --- Poland --- Polen --- Polin --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pologne --- Polonia --- Polonyah --- Polʹsha --- Polska --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Polsko --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- PRL --- Republic of Poland --- République populaire de Pologne --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- T︠S︡arstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw --- Bibliography --- Documentation --- Information science --- Public institutions --- Librarians --- Europe --- Būlūniy --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polisce Cynewise --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polská republika --- Polskas --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- Yn Pholynn --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis.
ISSN: 08607435 24501336 Year: 1989 Publisher: Łódź : Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego,

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Library and Information Sciences --- General and Others --- book science --- information science --- academic information --- library science --- bibliology --- social communication and media science --- Library science. --- Library science --- Humaniora. --- Librarianship --- Library economy --- Bibliography --- Documentation --- Information science --- Poland. --- 1939-1945 --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Būlūniy --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- PNR --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Poland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Polen --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polin --- Polisce Cynewise --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Pologne --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Polonia --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonyah --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polska --- Polská republika --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- Polskas --- Polsko --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- PRL --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republic of Poland --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- République populaire de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- Yn Pholynn --- Europe --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories --- Bibliothéconomie. --- Bibliothéconomie --- library science.

Musicology today.
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ISSN: 17341663 23535733 Year: 2004 Publisher: Warsaw : Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw

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Musicology --- Musicologie --- Periodicals. --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Musicology. --- Poland. --- Polish Musicology --- Music History --- Ethnomusicology --- Anthropology --- Humanities --- Culture --- Music --- Musical research --- Research, Musical --- Popular music --- Research --- Historiography --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- PNR --- Polen --- PRL --- Europe --- 1939-1945 --- Būlūniy --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- Poland --- Polin --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pologne --- Polonia --- Polonyah --- Polʹsha --- Polska --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- Polsko --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- Republic of Poland --- République populaire de Pologne --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polisce Cynewise --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polská republika --- Polskas --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- Yn Pholynn --- polish musicology --- music history --- ethnomusicology --- anthropology --- humanities --- culture --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories

Sprawy Narodowociowe

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Minorities --- Ethnology --- Ethnology. --- Minorities. --- Ethnic minorities --- Foreign population --- Minority groups --- Persons --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Discrimination --- Ethnic relations --- Majorities --- Plebiscite --- Race relations --- Segregation --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- Anthropology --- Human beings --- Poland. --- 1939-1945 --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Būlūniy --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- PNR --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Poland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Polen --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polin --- Polisce Cynewise --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Pologne --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Polonia --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonyah --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polska --- Polská republika --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- Polskas --- Polsko --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- PRL --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republic of Poland --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- République populaire de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- Yn Pholynn --- Europe --- Politics --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- nation --- identity --- ethnicity --- nationalism --- minority --- territory

Polish Journal of Entomology.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 22999884 Year: 2007 Publisher: Bydgoszcz : Warsaw, Poland : Polish Entomological Society, De Gruyter Open

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Entomology --- Insects --- Entomologie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Entomology. --- Entomologia --- Owady --- czasopisma. --- Insects. --- Poland. --- Hexapoda --- Insecta --- Pterygota --- 1939-1945 --- Būlūniyā --- Congress Kingdom of Poland --- Congress Poland --- Kingdom of Poland --- Kongresówka --- Królestwo Kongresowe Polskie --- Królestwo Polskie --- Lahistān --- Lehastan --- P.N.R. --- P.R.L. --- PNR --- Poland --- Polen --- Polin --- Polish Commonwealth --- Polish People's Republic --- Polish Republic --- Poljska --- Pologne --- Polonia --- Polonyah --- Polʹsha --- Polska --- Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa --- Polʹskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Polsko --- Poyln --- Ppolsŭkka --- PRL --- Republic of Poland --- République populaire de Pologne --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- T︠S︡arstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw --- entomology --- insects --- Arthropoda --- Zoology --- Europe --- Būlūniy --- Polʹskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- T͡Sarstvo Polʹskoe --- Warsaw (Duchy) --- A' Phòlainn --- An Pholainn --- Borandi --- Bu̇gėdė Naĭramdakha Polʹsho Ulas --- Būland --- Bupolska --- Bupoolo --- Commonwealth of Poland --- Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania --- Gweriniaeth Gwlad Pwyl --- Gwlad Pwyl --- IPoland --- IPolandi --- Kunngiitsuuffik Poleni --- Lehastani Hanrapetutʻyun --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Lengyelország --- Lenkija --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Lýðveldið Pólland --- Pho-lân --- Pho-lân Kiōng-hô-kok --- Pholainn --- Pholynn --- Pô-làn --- Poalen --- Pobblaght ny Polynn --- Poblachd na Pòlainn --- Poblacht na Polainne --- Poin --- Polaki --- Polaland --- Polandia --- Pōlani --- Pole --- Poleni --- Polija --- Polijas Republika --- Polisce Cynewise --- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth --- Pólland --- Pollando --- P'olland --- Polóña --- Poloni --- Poloniako Errepublika --- Polonie --- Polonya --- Polonye --- Poloonya --- Polòy --- Polşa --- Polşa Respublikası --- Polsca --- Polʹsha Mastor --- Polʹshæ --- Polʹshæĭy Respublikæ --- Polʹshcha --- Polsh --- Polʹshin Orn --- Polʹsho --- Polská republika --- Polskas --- Pòlskô Repùblika --- Pol'šu --- Poola --- Poola Vabariik --- Pulandia --- Pulógna --- Puluña --- Puoleja --- Puolejis Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- República de Polonia --- Republica de Polsca --- Republiek van Pole --- Republik Pole --- Republik Polen --- Republika Poljska --- Republika Polsha --- Republiḳat Polin --- Republikken Polen --- République de Pologne --- Repúbrica de Poloña --- Rėspublika Polʹshcha --- Respubliko Pollando --- Ripablik kya Bupoolo --- Ripublik Pulandia --- Ripublika Puluña --- Tavakuairetã Polóña --- Yn Pholynn --- General Government for Occupied Polish Territories

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