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Le symbolique et le social : La réception internationale de la pensée de Pierre Bourdieu

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La catégorie du symbolique joue un rôle central dans la pensée de Pierre Bourdieu. Elle a pourtant a été assez peu théorisée en tant que telle, alors que d’autres notions clés, comme celles d’habitus ou de champ, ont fait l’objet de reprises méthodiques et de commentaires minutieux. C’est à combler cette lacune que l’on s’emploie dans le présent ouvrage, en faisant valoir que le symbolique concentre la démarche du sociologue dans ce qu’elle a de plus singulier. Sociologues, philosophes, théoriciens du langage, spécialistes de la littérature ou des médias, les auteurs réunis ici procèdent à cette réévaluation sous trois aspects, qui correspondent à autant de champs de réflexion : anthropologie, culture et politique. Au-delà, c’est du rayonnement international de l’œuvre de Pierre Bourdieu qu’il s’agit de témoigner, et aussi de la diversité des objets qu’une même discipline de pensée continue de prendre en compte : de la gastronomie à la photographie, des littératures périphériques à l’art d’avant-garde, des politiques de contrôle social aux pratiques journalistiques. Le présent volume constitue une nouvelle édition des Actes du colloque qui s’est tenu au Centre Culturel International de Cerisy du 12 au 19 juillet 2001 avec la participation du sociologue, dont l’intervention est recueillie au sommaire. L’introduction générale en a été mise à jour afin de faire place aux développements apportés par celui-ci au concept de symbolique dans ses cours au Collège de France sur la genèse de l’État, publiés entre-temps. L’épilogue de l’ouvrage est assuré par l’écrivain Annie Ernaux.

Pierre Bourdieu : son oeuvre, son héritage
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ISBN: 9782912601780 2912601789 Year: 2008 Publisher: Auxerre: Sciences humaines,

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ISBN: 1479809993 9781479809998 1479809268 Year: 2021 Publisher: NYU Press

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Explains why audiences dislike certain media and what happens when they doThe study and discussion of media is replete with talk of fans, loves, stans, likes, and favorites, but what of dislikes, distastes, and alienation?Dislike-Minded draws from over two-hundred qualitative interviews to probe what the media’s failures, wounds, and sore spots tell us about media culture, taste, identity, representation, meaning, textuality, audiences, and citizenship. The book refuses the simplicity of Pierre Bourdieu’s famous dictum that dislike is (only) snobbery. Instead, Jonathan Gray pushes onward to uncover other explanations for what it ultimately means to dislike specific artifacts of television, film, and other media, and why this dislike matters.As we watch and listen through gritted teeth, Dislike-Minded listens to what is being said, and presents a bold case for a new line of audience research within communication, media, and cultural studies.

L'influence de l'origine sociale dans l'interprétation d'un contenu télévisuelRéférence au modèle social de Pierre Bourdieu
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce mémoire cherche à savoir, en se basant sur le modèle sociétal de Pierre Bourdieu, s'il y a une corrélation claire entre l'interprétation d'un contenu télévisuel et la position sociale des individus. Pour effectuer cette recherche, onze intervenants, issus de tous milieux sociaux, ont regardé l'émission "Questions-Réponses" diffusée sur la RTBF. Après cela, nous les avons chacun rencontrés en entretien individuel. L'idée est vraiment de se demander si la position sociale d'un agent exerce une influence notable ou non sur son mécanisme de réception.

The game of urban regeneration
ISBN: 3839444861 9783839444863 9783837644869 3837644863 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld

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Who wins and who loses in urban regeneration? What are the mechanisms at play? Francesca Weber-Newth looks at two neighbourhoods that are adjacent to large-scale regeneration schemes: the 2012 Olympic park in London and the Mediaspree waterside development in Berlin. By analysing how urban regeneration is experienced on the ground, her study counters the notion that Olympic-led regeneration is any different from other forms of neoliberal urban development. Adopting Pierre Bourdieu's view of the social world as made up of competitive ›games‹, an analysis of the two neighbourhoods reveals how the concepts of ›culture‹ and ›community‹ are strategically employed in the ›game‹ of urban regeneration - to the benefit of some and the detriment of others. »Ein lesenswertes Buch, das die Veränderungen der Regenerierungspraxen in den letzten drei Dekaden exemplarisch aufzeigt und klar macht, dass das, was heute in der Stadt als attraktiv gilt, eine lange Vorgeschichte hat.« Felicitas Hillmann, Soziopolis, 23.09.2020

Verdrängungen des Ökonomischen : Bourdieus Theorie der Moderne
ISBN: 3839409349 3899429346 9783839409343 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Dieser Text legt Pierre Bourdieus Theorie der sozialen Praxis erstmals als eigenwertige Theorie der modernen Gesellschaft aus. Neben einer Analyse ihrer theoretischen Problembezüge und begrifflichen Konzeption wird die Theorie sozialer Felder differenzierungstheoretisch gelesen und im Hinblick auf ihre Deutungspotenziale systematisiert. Um die Eigenständigkeit von Bourdieus Beitrag herauszuarbeiten, wird die vom Feld der Macht ausgehende Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen sozialen Felder (Kultur, Recht, Politik, Massenmedien, Ökonomie) in einem differenzierungstheoretischen Diskurs kontextiert. »Diese Studie gehört in ihrer klug kontextualisierenden Darstellung der tragenden Konzepte der bourdieuschen Soziologie mit zum besten, was der in diesem ›Segment‹ mittlerweile fast schon übersättigte Markt zu bieten hat.« Stephan Egger, Soziologische Revue, 33 (2010) Besprochen in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 10.06.2009 Forschungsjournal NSB, 22/3 (2009), Albrecht Lüter Sociologica Internationalis, 47/1 (2009), Thomas Schwinn

The transformational potential of higher education inclusion : biographical trajectories of students from disadvantaged environments in Venezuela
Year: 2017 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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In the field of higher education research, one of the most fascinating observations is the consistent and permanent expansion of higher education systems worldwide since the end of the Second World War. Undoubtedly, the predominant approach to address these developments has been through quantitative analysis, as well as international comparisons. The following work examines the particularities of the Venezuelan context with the aim of identifying specific features of this worldwide phenomenon in this South American case. Through a combination of qualitative methods, the author proposes a biographical approach for the study of higher education inclusion processes, which takes into account the perspectives and experiences of those who have been targeted by an ambitious higher education expansion process. The most distinctive feature of this work would be its methodological contribution to the field of higher education research. One could also argue that the ethnographic account of the Bolivarian Missions of education in Chavez’s Venezuela is both original and unprecedented. Furthermore, the writing approach bridges the interests of both academics, practitioners of the field and members of the general public.

The transformational potential of higher education inclusion : biographical trajectories of students from disadvantaged environments in Venezuela
Year: 2017 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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In the field of higher education research, one of the most fascinating observations is the consistent and permanent expansion of higher education systems worldwide since the end of the Second World War. Undoubtedly, the predominant approach to address these developments has been through quantitative analysis, as well as international comparisons. The following work examines the particularities of the Venezuelan context with the aim of identifying specific features of this worldwide phenomenon in this South American case. Through a combination of qualitative methods, the author proposes a biographical approach for the study of higher education inclusion processes, which takes into account the perspectives and experiences of those who have been targeted by an ambitious higher education expansion process. The most distinctive feature of this work would be its methodological contribution to the field of higher education research. One could also argue that the ethnographic account of the Bolivarian Missions of education in Chavez’s Venezuela is both original and unprecedented. Furthermore, the writing approach bridges the interests of both academics, practitioners of the field and members of the general public.

The transformational potential of higher education inclusion : biographical trajectories of students from disadvantaged environments in Venezuela
Year: 2017 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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In the field of higher education research, one of the most fascinating observations is the consistent and permanent expansion of higher education systems worldwide since the end of the Second World War. Undoubtedly, the predominant approach to address these developments has been through quantitative analysis, as well as international comparisons. The following work examines the particularities of the Venezuelan context with the aim of identifying specific features of this worldwide phenomenon in this South American case. Through a combination of qualitative methods, the author proposes a biographical approach for the study of higher education inclusion processes, which takes into account the perspectives and experiences of those who have been targeted by an ambitious higher education expansion process. The most distinctive feature of this work would be its methodological contribution to the field of higher education research. One could also argue that the ethnographic account of the Bolivarian Missions of education in Chavez’s Venezuela is both original and unprecedented. Furthermore, the writing approach bridges the interests of both academics, practitioners of the field and members of the general public.

Gesichter der Gewalt : Beiträge aus phänomenologischer Sicht
ISBN: 3846754048 3770554043 9783770554041 9783846754047 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paderborn Wilhelm Fink

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Die Beiträge des Bands analysieren die vielen Gesichter der Gewalt und fragen nach übergreifenden Wesenszügen des Phänomens Gewalt. In phänomenologischer Perspektive rücken sie das erfahrende Subjekt ins Zentrum der Analyse. Der Band fokussiert Gewalt als ein perspektivisches Phänomen, als erlittene, verübte oder aus der Perspektive Dritter erfahrene, etwa bezeugte Gewalt, ohne zu unterstellen, dass sich schlicht von der Gewalt reden ließe. Dass der Sinn der Gewalt immer perspektivisch erfahren wird, besagt nicht, dass zwischen Gewalt als Widerfahrnis, als Intention und als sozialem Ereignis ein unüberbrückbarer analytischer Abgrund bestünde, wie er handlungs- und diskurstheoretische Ansätze traditionell trennt. Vielmehr ist dem Sinn der Gewalt nur im Rückgang auf jenes Zwischenreich von subjektivem Sinn und objektiven Ordnungen auf die Spur zu kommen, in dem wir als leibliche Wesen der Welt Sinn abgewinnen, in dem aber auch unsere vielfältige Verletzlichkeit gründet.

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