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Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus
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One of the most influential storytellers in Western literature, French poet Chrétien de Troyes helped to shape the ever-fascinating legend of King Arthur and the Round Table. Of Chrétien's five surviving romantic Arthurian poems, the last and longest is Perceval, an unfinished work that introduces the story of the Grail-a legend quickly adopted by other medieval writers and taken up by a continuing succession of authors. In Chrétien's romance, Perceval progresses from a naïve boyhood in rural seclusion to a position of high respect as a knight at Arthur's court. With the help of two teachers-his mother and Gornemant of Goort-Perceval is ultimately able to reject the worldly adventures chosen by other knights and seek important moral and spiritual answers. Acclaimed for his sensitive and faithful translations of the poems of Chrétien, Burton Raffel completes the Arthurian series with this rendition of Perceval. Raffel conveys to the modern English language reader all the delights of Chrétien's inventive storytelling, perceptive characterizations and vividly evoked emotions.
Romances --- Arthurian romances. --- Grail --- Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Perceval (Legendary character) --- Old French literature
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On connaît depuis longtemps l'état peu satisfaisant des éditions des romans de Chrétien de Troyes. D'un côté les éditions composites de Foerster et de Hilka, d'autre côté les éditions "Bédieristes" de la copie de Guiot préparées par M. Roques, A. Micha et F. Lecoy. En ce qui concerne le "Perceval (Le Conte du Graal)", l'édition Hilka n'est pas exempte d'erreurs et le savant allemand n'avait pas consulté tous les manuscrits; en plus, le texte a été réécrit dans un dialecte supposé champenois dont on peut douter l'existence. La copie de Guiot (B. N. fr. 794), éditée par Lecoy, n'est certainement pas le témoin le plus fidèle du poème de Chrétien. Les autres éditions actuellement disponsible (W. Roach, Ch. Méla, R. T. Pickens) ont un apparat critique assez restreint. Cette nouvelle édition est la première qu'on puisse qualifier de 'critique'. Elle est basée sur le ms. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 12576 (T), mais dont le texte a été souvent modifié afin de purger toutes les innovations du copiste de T ou de son modèle et de restaurer dans la mesure du possible le texte de Chrétien. Tout en privilégiant le texte du poète, Keith Busby reconnaît la valeur de chaque manuscrit et de chaque variante textuelle. Sauf pour des variantes orthographique et quelques variantes morphologique, l'apparat critique offre un relevé complet de la variance de texte en même temps que les notes constituent un commentaire détaillé là-dessus. L'introduction comprend les descriptions de tous les manuscrits de "Perceval", une étude de la tradition manuscrite, et une étude de la langue du copiste de T et de Chrétien de Troyes. Une table des noms propres et un glossaire complets terminent le volume. Le résultat est une édition d'un des romans les plus importants du moyen âge qui ne trahit ni l'auteur ni la réalité d'une oeuvre transmise sous forme manuscrite.
Arthurian romances. --- Grail --- Romances --- Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Perceval (Legendary character)
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Welsh language --- Indo-European literature --- Thematology --- Peredur --- Perceval (Legendary character) --- Grail --- Perceval (Personnage légendaire) --- Graal --- Romances --- History and criticism --- Legends --- Romans courtois --- Histoire et critique --- Légendes --- Welsh prose literature --- Arthurian romances --- Wales --- Intellectual life --- Perceval (Personnage légendaire) --- Légendes --- Arthurian romances. --- Intellectual life. --- Knights and knighthood in literature. --- Literature. --- Romances. --- Welsh literature --- Welsh prose literature. --- History and criticism. --- Legends. --- Perceval, --- Grail (Legend). --- Mabinogion. --- Peredur ab Efrawc. --- Peredur. --- To 1550. --- Wales. --- In literature.
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Opera --- Comic opera --- Lyric drama --- Opera, Comic --- Operas --- Drama --- Dramatic music --- Singspiel --- History and criticism --- Wagner, Richard, --- Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Perceval (Legendary character)
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This volume in the Arthurian Characters and Themes series treats the fascinating character of Perceval, the naive and flawed but gifted youth who becomes the Grail hero in some texts and yet is eclipsed in others by Galahad. Also includes eight musical examples.
Arthurian romances --- History and criticism. --- Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Romances --- Adaptations --- Perceval (Legendary character) --- 82-39 --- 82-39 Graallegende; Arthurroman --- Graallegende; Arthurroman --- History and criticism --- Romances&delete& --- Adaptations&delete&
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It is hard to overstate the importance of this trilogy of prose romances in the development of the legend of the Holy Grail and in the evolution of Arthurian literature as a whole. They give a crucial new impetus to the story of the Grail by establishing a provenance for the sacred vessel - and for the Round Table itself - in the Biblical past; and through the controlling figure of Merlin they link the story of Joseph of Arimathea with the mythical British history of Vortigern and Utherpendragon, the birth of Arthur, and the sword in the stone, and then with the knightly adventures of Perceval's Grail quest and the betrayal and death of Arthur, creating the very first Arthurian cycle. Ambitious, original and complete in its conception, this trilogy - translated here for the first time - is a finely paced, vigorous piece of storytelling that provides an outstanding example of the essentially oral nature of early prose.
NIGEL BRYANT is head of drama at Marlborough College and he has also provided editions in English of The High Book of the Grail: A translation of the thirteenth century romance of Perlesvaus.
Arthurian romances --- Grail --- Merlin (Legendary character) --- Perceval (Legendary character) --- Romances --- Joseph, --- Robert, --- Boron, Robert de, --- Borron, Robert de, --- De Boron, Robert, --- Arimathea, Joseph of, --- Josef, --- Arthurian romances. --- Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Merlin
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Vast in its scope, incomparably dense in its imagery, Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival ranks alongside Dante's Divine Comedy as one of the foremost narrative works to emerge from medieval Europe. This book is a new translation of Parzival, together with the fragments of the Titurel, an elegiac offshoot of Parzival, and the nine love-songs attributed to Wolfram. Parzival is the greatest of the medieval Grail romances. In its depth and complexity of characterisation this work of the early thirteenth century anticipates the modern novel. It encompasses deeds of chivalry, tournaments and sieges, courtly love, and other erotic undertakings, but also sin and penance, and a deeply moving study in depression. Centre stage are the Grail Castle and Arthur's Round Table, but the pagan world of the Orient also is also reflected. Parzival has inspired and influenced works as diverse as Wagner's Parsifal and Lohengrin, Franz Kafka's The Castle, Terry Gilliam's film The Fisher King, and Umberto Eco's Baudolino. Cyril Edwards' thoughtful translation vividly conveys the power of this complex, wide-ranging medieval masterpiece. CYRIL EDWARDS is a lecturer in German at St Peter's College and Research Fellow of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford. He is the author of The Beginnings of German Literature (Camden House, 2002), and numerous articles on the medieval lyric and Old High German. His previous translations include Hans Sachs's "Song of the Nose" for the King's Singers, Bernhard Maier's Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture (Boydell & Brewer, 1997) and The Medieval Housebook (Prestel-Verlag, 1997).
Arthurian romances. --- Wolfram, --- Perceval --- Romances --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Translations into English. --- Perceval (Legendary character) --- Romances. --- Chivalry. --- Courtly love. --- Grail romance. --- Medieval literature. --- Parzival. --- Wolfram von Eschenbach.
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Die herausragende literarische Bedeutung von Wolframs Parzival für das deutschsprachige Mittelalter zeigt sich nicht zuletzt darin, dass der Roman aus der höfischen Blütezeit noch am Ende des Mittelalters immer wieder neu abgeschrieben wurde und sogar Aufnahme in das Verlagsprogramm eines Frühdruckers gefunden hat. Die Monographie untersucht vier charakteristische Überlieferungszeugen aus dieser medialen Umbruchszeit des 15. Jahrhunderts und zeichnet die vielfältigen Transformierungsprozesse nach, die der Text in einer knapp 300-jährigen Überlieferungsgeschichte durchlaufen hat. Dabei wird die Eigenart der Handschriften in einer bewussten Synthese divergenter philologischer Ansätze im Spannungsfeld zwischen Traditions- und Situationsgebundenheit verortet, da der alleinige Rekurs auf eine Verderbnis der Überlieferung den Textzeugen ebenso wenig gerecht wird wie der völlige Verzicht auf historische Einordnung. Unter dieser Perspektive werden die späten Parzival-Zeugen als vielschichtige Textensembles verstehbar, die sich einerseits durch die Rückbindung an die frühe, hier erstmals vorgestellte Fassung *m als bedeutsam für die Textgeschichte, andererseits aufgrund ihrer innovativen Layoutverfahren als aussagekräftig für ihre Epoche erweisen.
Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Perceval --- Transmission of texts. --- Wolfram, von Eschenbach, 12th cent. Parzival. --- Wolfram, von Eschenbach, 12th cent. Titurel. --- Languages & Literatures --- Germanic Literature --- Percival [Fictitious character] --- Perceval (Legendary character) --- Arthurian romances. --- Romances --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Manuscript. --- Parzival. --- Printing Press. --- Textual History. --- Wolfram von Eschenbach.
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Grail --- Arthurian romances --- English --- Languages & Literatures --- American Literature --- Graal --- Gral --- Gréal --- Holy Grail --- Sangraal --- Sangreal --- Chalices --- Folklore --- Romances --- Chrétien, --- Perceval --- Percival --- Parzifal --- Parzival --- Parsifal --- Peredur --- Parsival --- Perleuaulx --- Perlevaulx --- Perlesvaus --- Chrestien de Troyes, --- Chrestien, --- Chrétien, --- Kretʹen, --- Kretjen, --- Kristian, --- Troyes, Chrétien de, --- Кретјен, --- Adaptations.
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