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Volume 35 of the Advances in Child Development and Behavior series is divided into nine components that highlight some of the most recent research in developmental and educational psychology. A wide array of topics are discussed in detail, including Cognitive Mechanisms, Episodic and Autobiographical Memory, Emotional Security Theory, Working memory and much more. Each component provides in depth discussions of various developmental psychology specializations. This volume serves as an invaluable resource for psychology researchers and advanced psychology students.
Child psychology. --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology
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Volume 46 of Advances in Child Development and Behavior includes chapters that highlight some the most recent research in this area. A wide array of topics are discussed in detail, including internalization and socialization, infants' discovery of structure, adolescents' theories of the commons, lesbian and gay parenting, early childhood and family interventions, predicting aggression, causal inference in early development, pubertal development, the impact on children of parental deployment to war, vocabulary development for English learners in the early grades, and adaptive t
Child psychology. --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology
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Child psychology. --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology
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Child psychology --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology
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Plaintext description.
Child psychology --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology
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"This book describes a series of cases where the child's presenting complaint is seen to be the expression of an underlying emotional conflict that the child expects the parents to understand and help him or her to overcome. The parents' interpretation of the child's symptoms cannot but be influenced by their own previous life experiences and if their eventual response does not meet the child's anxiety, the child feels misunderstood and the physical complaint remains unchanged.When seeing child and parents in a consultation, an attempt is made to discover the unconscious fantasy that underlies the presenting physical complaint, and also to investigate what led the parents to approach their child in the particular manner that, in practice, perpetuated the symptom. The proposal is put forward that the symptom can be seen as a language, a manner of expressing an underlying emotional anxiety. Once the therapist formulates this message in words the child can understand, and helps the parents to understand their response to the child, it becomes possible for the parents to approach the child in a more effective manner - and the symptom disappears."--Provided by publisher.
Child psychology. --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology
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Druhé vydání zahrnuje deset esejí o vývoji lidského mozku před narozením, v kojeneckém, batolecím, předškolním a školním věku včetně dospívání. Snažil jsem se v nich uchovat čtyři základní směry poznání z vydání prvního: hluboké zakořenění duševních funkcí našeho druhu v evoluční minulosti sahající do hloubky desítek milionů let; skutečnost, že děti ještě před narozením a počínaje prvními okamžiky po něm „vědí“, aniž by si to uvědomovaly a byly s to přímo sdělit, podstatně víc, než si donedávna uměl kdokoli představit; vývoj niterného života vlivem zevního prostředí, zejména vztahem nejmenších dětí a maminek, jemuž se říká vazba; skupinu objevů dokazujících vzájemný vztah empatie, mentalizace a sebeuvědomování, kořenů lidství. Nové poznatky jsem se pokusil sloučit se staršími, překonané vyřadit. Všechny kapitoly jsou informačně prohloubené, zvláštní prostor je věnován inteligenci, vývoji jáství a vývoji vztahu mezi jedincem a skupinou. - autor -
Child psychology --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Research --- Methodology. --- Psychology
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Developmental psychology --- Child Psychology --- Child psychology. --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Psychology, Child --- Child development --- Psychology --- Child psychiatry --- Child rearing --- Educational psychology --- Child psychology
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Child psychology --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Psychology, Child --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology --- Child psychiatry --- Child rearing --- Educational psychology --- Child psychology - Soviet Union
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Child psychology. --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Psychology, Child --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Psychology --- Child psychiatry --- Child rearing --- Educational psychology --- Child psychology
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