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Crueldad --- Cuentos peruanos --- Literatura noruega --- Vida cotidiana --- Autores peruanos --- Noruega
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Mainstreaming in education --- Inclusive education --- Children with disabilities --- Education --- Children with special educational needs --- Children with special health care needs --- Children with special needs --- Handicapped children --- Physically handicapped children --- Special needs children --- Exceptional children --- People with disabilities --- Inclusion (Education) --- Inclusive learning --- Inclusive schools movement --- Least restrictive environment --- Infants amb discapacitat física --- Educació inclusiva --- Noruega --- Ensenyament inclusiu --- Escola inclusiva --- Inclusió (Educació) --- Pedagogia de la diferència --- Pedagogia inclusiva --- Adaptacions curriculars --- Educació especial --- Integració escolar --- Infants deficients físics --- Infants discapacitats físics --- Infants minusvàlids --- Infants amb discapacitat --- Ortopèdia pediàtrica --- Kingdom of Norway --- Kongeriket Norge --- Norge --- Noreg --- Norvège --- Norvegia --- Norway --- Norwegen --- Regne de Noruega --- Escandinàvia --- Oslo (Noruega) --- Trondheim (Noruega)
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Education, Higher. --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Education --- Educació superior --- Confiança (Psicologia) --- Noruega --- Gran Bretanya --- Confiança --- Independència (Psicologia) --- Actitud (Psicologia) --- Emocions --- Autoconfiança --- Educació universitària --- Ensenyament superior --- Ensenyament universitari --- Estudis superiors --- Estudis universitaris --- Etapes educatives --- Abandó dels estudis (Educació superior) --- Competències transversals --- Educació clàssica --- Educació superior transfronterera --- Ensenyament de la biblioteconomia --- Estudis de postgrau --- Extensió universitària --- Lectura (Educació superior) --- Orientació en l'educació superior --- Primer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Seminaris --- Tercer cicle d'ensenyament universitari --- Campus virtuals --- Escrits acadèmics --- Pràcticums --- Universitats --- Britain --- Britània (Província romana) --- Britannia --- Regne Unit --- Regne Unit de la Gran Bretanya i Irlanda del Nord --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- Europa occidental --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Anglaterra --- Bermudes --- Escòcia --- Gal·les --- Gibraltar --- Illes Verges Britàniques --- Irlanda del Nord --- Man (Gran Bretanya : Illa) --- Malvines (Arxipèlag) --- Illes Britàniques --- Kingdom of Norway --- Kongeriket Norge --- Norge --- Noreg --- Norvège --- Norvegia --- Norway --- Norwegen --- Regne de Noruega --- Escandinàvia --- Oslo (Noruega) --- Trondheim (Noruega)
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Does Norway belong to Western Europe? This provocative question, put to the head of the Norwegian delegation to the conference on the reconstruction of Europe after World War II, begins the history of Norwegian attitudes towards European integration. From 1905 to 1994, Norway opposed practically all types of European and international cooperation. Had Norway's views gained traction, Europe and the world would look very different today. Towards Europe demonstrates how little Norwegians knew before the 1994 referendum about the EU Single Market and the European Economic Area (EEA). The book takes the reader behind the scenes of secret negotiations between the EU and Norway, giving an unprecedented insight into how the EEA works in practice. It illustrates with concrete examples Norway's ability to articulate its views and to be heard in Brussels, from the perspective of both government and interest groups. It also looks at Norway's potential to tackle future EU challenges such as the Energy Union, migration policies, transatlantic trade and the Banking Union. Towards Europe will provide the reader with pertinent insights into whether the EEA is a suitable alternative for Britain's future relations with the EU. This edition includes an extra chapter on how to influence the EU from a non-member country.
Norway --- European Union countries --- Noruega --- Relaciones exteriores --- accord gouvernemental --- Bekemans --- Château de la Muette --- cooperation --- coopération --- crise --- crisis --- espace économique européen --- États-Unis --- Europe --- european economic area --- external policy --- Frisvold --- government agreement --- histoire --- history --- Laurence --- Léonce --- Maas --- Marshall plan --- Norvège --- Origami --- Paal --- Pagacz --- plan Briand --- plan Marshall --- politique --- politique étrangère --- Reluctant --- Story --- UE --- USA
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Education --- Educació --- Escolarització --- Civilització --- Anàlisi de tasques en educació --- Art en l'educació --- Autoaprenentatge --- Autogestió pedagògica --- Autonomia de l'alumne --- Avaluació educativa --- Ciències de l'educació --- Competències bàsiques en educació --- Comunicació en l'educació --- Diferències entre sexes en l'educació --- Discriminació en l'educació --- Dones en l'educació --- Educació afectiva --- Educació ambiental --- Educació clàssica --- Educació cívica --- Educació comparada --- Educació comunista --- Educació d'adults --- Educació i lleure --- Educació en valors --- Educació familiar --- Educació integral --- Educació islàmica --- Educació militar --- Educació del consumidor --- Educació i desenvolupament econòmic --- Educació permanent --- Educació sanitària --- Educació STEM --- Educació tecnològica --- Educació viària --- Educadors --- Escola a casa --- Estadística educativa --- Estudiants --- Estudis a l'estranger --- Exàmens --- Experiències educatives --- Extensió universitària --- Fotografia en l'ensenyament --- Mètodes d'estudi --- Pedagogia --- Psicologia de l'aprenentatge --- Ràdio en l'ensenyament --- Relacions família-escola --- Sexisme en l'educació --- Sistema educatiu --- Sistemes de comunicacions mòbils en l'educació --- Socialització --- Sociologia de l'educació --- Teatre en l'ensenyament --- Teatre escolar --- Televisió en l'ensenyament --- Treball de grup en educació --- Universitats --- Vídeo en l'ensenyament --- Associacions de mares i pares d'alumnes --- Coeducació --- Col·laboració universitat-empresa --- Disciplina mental --- Ensenyament --- Erudició --- Escoles --- Formació --- Legislació educativa --- Segle XIX --- 1800-1899 --- S. XIX --- Segle dinou --- Segle dinovè --- Noruega --- Kingdom of Norway --- Kongeriket Norge --- Norge --- Noreg --- Norvège --- Norvegia --- Norway --- Norwegen --- Regne de Noruega --- Escandinàvia --- Oslo (Noruega) --- Trondheim (Noruega) --- Educació.
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This open access book presents a number of case studies on digital transformation in Norway, one of the fore-runners in the digital progress index established by the European Commission in 2020. They explore the process of adoption, diffusion and value generation from digital technologies, and how the use of different digital solutions has enabled Norwegian enterprises to digitally transform their operations and business models.
Business enterprises --- Technological innovations --- Management. --- Breakthroughs, Technological --- Innovations, Industrial --- Innovations, Technological --- Technical innovations --- Technological breakthroughs --- Technological change --- Creative ability in technology --- Inventions --- Domestication of technology --- Innovation relay centers --- Research, Industrial --- Technology transfer --- Business organizations --- Businesses --- Companies --- Enterprises --- Firms --- Organizations, Business --- Business --- Digital Transformation --- Disruptive Technologies --- Innovation Management --- Digitization --- Digitalization --- Service Science --- Norwegian Industry --- Information Systems --- Digitalització --- Innovacions tecnològiques --- Noruega
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This book discusses the contested issue of how different kinds of special educational support in Norway, such as placement in special classes or use of teacher assistants, prepare Special Educational Need (SEN) students for further education and adult life. This is done by following former students categorized as having special educational needs for twenty years, from the start of the upper secondary school until their mid-thirties. Different choices and the adjustments and active adaptations young people make throughout their lives is a recurring theme, focusing on education, work, family, mental health, and social networks. The authors in this volume analyze and critically discuss topics around competence attainment in upper secondary school and higher education, employment, public support in adult life, mental health, social exclusion and isolation, and data-mediated networks. It concludes how the experiences from school time have affected the adaptation in later adulthood, and provides an answer to whether the assistive measures have benefits. What are the consequences in the short and long run? A central explanatory tension is between disabled students and disabling schools. We trace consequences – possibly non-intended – for the former SEN students due to the stigmatization effect of receiving special educational help in a vulnerable phase of life. The authors interpret results within a framework of life course approaches and disability theories. The perspectives introduced in the book are of interest for researchers and academics in the social sciences, such as sociology, special education, and social work.
Continuing education. --- Educational sociology. --- Special education. --- Exceptional children --- Education --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Lifelong education --- Lifelong learning --- Permanent education --- Recurrent education --- Adult education --- Aims and objectives --- Educació especial --- Educació permanent --- Sociologia de l'educació --- Noruega --- Sociologia de l'educació.
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This open access book presents an in-depth analysis of data from ICCS. An international group of scholars critically address the state of civic and citizenship education in the four Nordic countries that participated in the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) in 2009 and 2016. The findings are of particular relevance to educators at all levels, from school education through to teacher education. Nordic countries have long traditions of democracy and their students have performed relatively well in the ICCS assessments. Nonetheless, citizenship education continues to evolve and has received increasing attention in recent educational reforms, indicating policymakers understanding that schools play an important role in establishing democratic values among future citizens. Data from ICCS can be used to analyze, discuss, and reflect on the status of civic and citizenship education and can contribute to the discourse on the potential role of education in contributing to sustainable democracies for a common future. However, teaching citizenship and learning democracy are two different things. While young people can be taught about democracy in school, it is vital that schools work together with the wider community in which youth operate to strengthen civic understanding and values for all young people regardless of their social and economic background.
Educació cívica --- Ciutadania --- Política educativa --- Escandinàvia --- Educació i Estat --- Política social --- Beques --- Comunitat i escola --- Dret a l'educació --- Administració escolar --- Economia de l'educació --- Escola única --- Legislació educativa --- Política de la joventut --- Ciutadans --- Dret de ciutadania --- Participació política --- Participació social --- Civisme --- Deportació --- Domicili --- Drets polítics --- Estrangers --- Nacionalitat --- Naturalització --- Educació per a la ciutadania --- Ensenyament cívic --- Educació --- Educació en valors --- Educació moral --- Educació per a la pau --- Fennoscandia --- Norden --- Països escandinaus --- Països nòrdics --- Europa del Nord --- Dinamarca --- Finlàndia --- Islàndia --- Noruega --- Suècia --- Education, general --- Educational Policy and Politics --- Teaching and Teacher Education --- Assessment and Testing --- Citizenship Education --- ICCS 2016 --- Democratic education --- Digital citizenship --- School climate --- Sustainable democracy --- IEA --- Civic and Citizenship Education --- Analysis of data from ICCS --- Young Nordic citizens --- Civic and citizenship education in the nordic countries --- Future sustainable democracies --- Open access --- ICCS 2009 --- Environmental citizenship --- Education --- Educational strategies & policy --- Teacher training --- Escandinàvia.
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Teenagers --- Adolescent psychology. --- Social conditions. --- Mental health. --- Adolescence --- Psychology --- Adolescents --- Teen-agers --- Teens --- Young adults (Teenagers) --- Youth --- Adolescent psychology.0 --- Psicologia de l'adolescència --- Psicopatologia de l'adolescència --- Salut mental --- Condicions socials --- Escandinàvia --- Higiene mental --- Salut emocional --- Psiquiatria --- Salut pública --- Estrès (Psicologia) --- Psicopatologia --- Psiquiatria social --- Realització personal --- Assistència psiquiàtrica --- Equipaments de salut mental --- Malalties mentals --- Treball social en salut mental --- Depressió psíquica en els adolescents --- Trastorns de la conducta en els adolescents --- Violència juvenil --- Psiquiatria de l'adolescència --- Psicologia dels adolescents --- Psicologia --- Emocions en els adolescents --- Imatge del propi cos en els adolescents --- Psicologia infantil --- Youth Self-Report --- Aspectes socials --- Qüestions socials --- Situació social --- Desenvolupament social --- Condicions rurals --- Situació legal --- Fennoscandia --- Norden --- Països escandinaus --- Països nòrdics --- Europa del Nord --- Dinamarca --- Finlàndia --- Islàndia --- Noruega --- Suècia --- Escandinàvia.
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This book offers an original contribution to the area of international research on comparative education policies and the influence of transnational agencies on national school policy and reform. With a focus on grasping what the Nordic model or the Nordic dimension means in school and educational policy, the book explores in depth the school policy contexts of the five Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It demonstrates how these particular national contexts engage with and contextualize transnational collaboration on issues like school reform, accountability, evidence and what works, and digitalization. The book situates these policy issues over a long period of time while integrating the latest developments and reforms. It demonstrates how context matters. It shows how the often elusive, but pervasive Nordic dimension can only be fully understood by painstaking scrutiny of the five national contexts, their particular trajectories and mutual interactions in formal and informal education.
Education. --- Comparative education. --- Educational sociology. --- Education and sociology --- Social problems in education --- Society and education --- Sociology, Educational --- Sociology --- Education --- Education, Comparative --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Aims and objectives --- History --- Educació comparada --- Sociologia de l'educació --- Escandinàvia --- Educació i societat --- Educació i sociologia --- Problemes socials en l'educació --- Sociologia educativa --- Sociologia escolar --- Sociologia pedagògica --- Educació --- Sociologia --- Entorn escolar --- Entorn universitari --- Adaptació escolar --- Comunitat i escola --- Finalitats de l'educació --- Pedagogia social --- Psicologia pedagògica --- Psicologia social --- Pedagogia comparada --- Antropologia educativa --- Educació internacional --- Fennoscandia --- Norden --- Països escandinaus --- Països nòrdics --- Europa del Nord --- Dinamarca --- Finlàndia --- Islàndia --- Noruega --- Suècia --- Education and state. --- International education. --- Schools. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- International and Comparative Education. --- School and Schooling. --- Sociology of Education. --- Public institutions --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Government policy --- Escandinàvia. --- Sociologia de l'educació.
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