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Italienisch. --- Linguistik. --- Morphologie. --- Neurolinguistik. --- Wortschatz.
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This book covers the essentials of modality and offers both foundational ideas and cutting edge advances. The book consists of what are essentially tutorials on modality and modal notions, covering definitions of modality, morphosyntactic form, conceptual and logical semantics, historical development, and acquisition. There are also specific chapters on modality in Zapotec and American Sign Language, which show the range of forms that modal notions can take. To assist its tutorial function, the book closes with a comprehensive conceptual outline of all the chapters.
Psycho-/Neurolinguistik. --- #KVHA:Taalkunde --- #KVHA:Cognitieve linguistiek --- #KVHA:Modaliteit --- 801.56 --- 801.56 Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Syntaxis. Semantiek --- Modality (Linguistics) --- Linguistics --- gebarentaal --- Psycholinguistics --- Sign language --- Grammar --- Pragmatics --- Modality (Linguistics). --- Modalité (Linguistique) --- Philology & Linguistics --- Languages & Literatures --- Cognitive linguistics. --- modality (linguistics).
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Metaphern begleiten unseren Alltag auf Schritt und Tritt, sie prägen unsere Wirklichkeit. Im metaphorischen Vollzug wird sichtbar, in welcher Weise unsere Orientierungsräume entstehen. In diesem Band wird dieser Vollzug aus mehreren disziplinären Perspektiven beleuchtet. An und in Metaphern können wir den kommunikativ-konstruktiven Charakter der Wirklichkeit erkennen. Daher ist es angebracht, nach der Leistung der Metaphern zu fragen und danach, wie Metaphern unser Denken und Handeln ermöglichen und (re)strukturieren. Sie werden daher nicht als sprachliche System-Phänomene aufgefasst, sondern als eine besondere Art der Kopplung zwischen Kognition und Kommunikation. In dieser interdisziplinären Perspektive wird untersucht, wie Metaphern im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kognition und Kommunikation operieren und wie sie an dem, was wir Wirklichkeit nennen, konstitutiv beteiligt sind.
Semantics. --- Formal semantics --- Semasiology --- Semiology (Semantics) --- Comparative linguistics --- Information theory --- Language and languages --- Lexicology --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Literaturwissenschaft --- Kognitionsforschung --- Philosophie --- Medien --- Diskursanalyse --- Pädagogik --- Didaktik --- Kognitive Linguistik --- Psycholinguistik --- Neurolinguistik --- literary studies --- cognitive research --- media --- philosophy --- discourse analysis --- pedagogy --- cognitive linguistics --- psycholinguistics --- neurolinguistics
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Dialectology --- Psycholinguistics --- German language --- Oberdeutsch --- Rheinfränkisch --- Sprachkontakt --- Lautwandel --- o --- Phonem --- Sprachverarbeitung --- Sprachvariante --- (Produktform)Electronic book text --- Bairisch-Alemannisches Übergangsgebiet --- Bairische Dialekte --- Dialektkontakt --- Dialektologie --- Dialektverarbeitung --- Interdialektales Verstehen --- Linguistik --- Missverstehen --- Mittelbairisch --- Neurodialektologie --- Neurolinguistik --- Nichtverstehen --- Phonemkontakt --- Phonemwandel --- Phonologie --- Sprachwandel --- Variationslinguistik --- Varietätenkontakt --- (VLB-WN)9563 --- Deutsch --- Sprache --- Sprachvariation --- Varianz --- Variation --- Varietät --- Sprachvarietät --- Sprachvarianten --- Diversifikation --- Lautveränderung --- Lautänderung --- Historische Phonologie --- Speech processing --- Fonem --- Laut --- Kontaktlinguistik --- Sprachberührung --- Sprachbeziehungen --- Sprachenkontakt --- Kulturkontakt --- Mehrsprachigkeit --- Diglossie --- Westmitteldeutsch --- Variante --- Sprachberührung --- Varietät --- Sprachvarietät
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Language is not only one of the most complex cognitive functions that we command, it is also the aspect of the mind that makes us uniquely human. Research suggests that the human brain exhibits a language readiness not found in the brains of other species. This volume brings together contributions from a range of fields to examine humans' language capacity from multiple perspectives, analyzing it at genetic, neurobiological, psychological, and linguistic levels.In recent decades, advances in computational modeling, neuroimaging, and genetic sequencing have made possible new approaches to the study of language, and the contributors draw on these developments. The book examines cognitive architectures, investigating the functional organization of the major language skills; learning and development trajectories, summarizing the current understanding of the steps and neurocognitive mechanisms in language processing; evolutionary and other preconditions for communication by means of natural language; computational tools for modeling language; cognitive neuroscientific methods that allow observations of the human brain in action, including fMRI, EEG/MEG, and others; the neural infrastructure of language capacity; the genome's role in building and maintaining the language-ready brain; and insights from studying such language-relevant behaviors in nonhuman animals as birdsong and primate vocalization.
Anthropological linguistics. --- Ethnolinguistik. --- Genetik. --- Language acquisition. --- Language and culture. --- Neurolinguistics. --- Neurolinguistik. --- Spracherwerb. --- Language and culture --- Anthropological linguistics --- Language acquisition --- Neurolinguistics --- Neuro-linguistics --- Biolinguistics --- Higher nervous activity --- Neuropsychology --- Acquisition of language --- Developmental linguistics --- Developmental psycholinguistics --- Language and languages --- Language development in children --- Psycholinguistics, Developmental --- Interpersonal communication in children --- Psycholinguistics --- Anthropo-linguistics --- Ethnolinguistics --- Language and ethnicity --- Linguistic anthropology --- Linguistics and anthropology --- Anthropology --- Linguistics --- Culture and language --- Culture --- Acquisition --- Psycholinguistics. --- Speech --- Language --- Language Development --- Linguistic --- Public Speaking --- Speaking, Public --- Phonation --- Voice --- Language Acquisition --- Acquisition, Language --- Development, Language --- Dialect --- Dialects --- Languages --- Linguistic science --- Science of language --- Talking --- Oral communication --- Phonetics --- Foreign languages --- Communication --- Ethnology --- Information theory --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philology
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kirche und religion --- weltreligionen --- glaubensgemeinschaften --- okkultismus --- religiöses angebot --- theologie --- offenbarung --- offenbarungspositivismus --- naturwissenschaft --- sekten --- sondergemeinschaften --- christliche glaube --- anthroposophie --- utopismus --- erlösungsgedanke --- Semën Ljudvigovič Frank (1877-1950) --- philosophie --- Russland --- erkenntnistheorie --- religionsphilosophie --- unbegreifliche --- entsakralisierung --- entmythologisierung --- pädagogik --- Luthertum --- parapsychologie --- christentum --- Civil Religion und Christentum --- religion und gesellschaft --- zivilreligion --- religiös-politische aufklärung --- religionsgeschichte --- Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) --- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) --- marxismus --- befreiungstheologie --- theologie der befreiung --- Lateinamerika --- klassenkampf --- religion --- wissenschaftstheorie und religion --- physik und teleologie --- kosmologie --- christlicher glaube --- naturwissenschaft und religion --- Böse --- teufel --- realismus --- Das Böse und der Böse --- New Age --- engel --- engelverehrung --- engel-glaube --- engel und religion --- engel und dichtung --- engel in der bibel --- Martin Luther (1483-1546) --- auferstehung der toten --- tod und auferstehung --- unsterblichkeit der seele --- allversöhnung --- zeit und ewigkeit --- auferstehungshoffnung --- paradies --- fegfeuer --- religiose ideologien --- naturwissenschaftliche ideologien --- fundamentalismus --- charismatische bewegung --- new age-religiosität --- religiöse erfahrung --- charismatik --- gotteserfahrung --- charismatik und volkskirche --- esoterik --- spiritualität --- glossolalie --- zungenrede --- gentechnologie --- gentechnik --- biologie --- ethik --- moral --- molekularbiologie --- apologetik --- apologetische modelle --- kirche --- apologetik und kultur --- säkularismus --- neue religiosität --- neurolinguistik --- wissenschaft --- psychotherapie --- psychotechnik --- neurolinguistische programmieren (NLP) --- kommunikationstechniken --- parawissenschaften
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