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In de afgelopen jaren is veel onderzoek verricht binnen de hepatologie. Dit heeft geleid tot revolutionaire veranderingen waardoor de diagnostiek van leverziekten aanzienlijk is verbeterd. Ook de progressie die is geboekt in de behandeling van leverziekten is enorm. Deze grote en recente vooruitgang op diagnostisch en therapeutisch gebied maakt de behoefte aan een goede, actuele leidraad voor de klinische praktijk noodzakelijk.In Leverziekten zijn de ontwikkelingen van de afgelopen jaren samengebracht. Naast algemene hoofdstukken als anatomie, histologie, functies en onderzoeksmethoden worden diagnostiek en behandeling van alle veelvoorkomende leveraandoeningen beschreven, en tevens van de meer zeldzame aandoeningen. In afzonderlijke hoofdstukken wordt aandacht besteed aan voeding en leverziekten, zwangerschap, levertransplantatie en operatierisico's bij leverziekten. Leverziekten biedt een overzicht van de volle breedte waarin het vak binnen het Nederlandse taalgebied wordt uitgeoefend en slaat een brug tussen enerzijds het basaal en klinisch leveronderzoek en anderzijds het klinisch handelen.Leverziekten is rijk geïllustreerd met meer dan 90 figuren, waaronder anatomische illustraties van Maartje Kunen.Leverziekten is samengesteld door vele specialisten uit Nederland en Vlaanderen. Zij bieden hiermee studenten geneeskunde, assistenten in opleiding en fellows een onmisbaar, rijk geïllustreerd overzichtwerk om wegwijs te raken in de wereld van de leverziekten. Daarnaast helpt het maag-darm-leverartsen, internisten, huisartsen en andere medische professionals bij het oplossen van hepatologische problemen.
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Abordar a hepatite C - grave epidemia contemporânea - não só em seus aspectos biomédicos, mas destacando ainda questões psicológicas, sociais e históricas relativas à doença: este é o objetivo desse livro, escrito pelo médico, com pós-doutorado no exterior, Francisco Inácio Bastos. Também pesquisador titular do Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde (Icict/Fiocruz), o autor é experiente no trabalho junto a usuários de drogas e portadores do HIV. Muitos de seus pacientes com Aids, atendidos em instituição voltada à população necessitada, têm falecido em decorrência da dupla infecção pelo HIV e pelo vírus da hepatite C. Testemunha das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pacientes com hepatite C crônica para conseguirem tratamento, Bastos destaca a necessidade de se melhorar a prevenção e a assistência prestada a quem vive com essa doença.
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Hepatology --- Hepatology. --- Gastroenterology. --- Gastroenterology --- hepatology
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Hepatology --- Hepatology. --- Gastroenterology. --- Gastroenterology
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Hepatology --- Hepatology. --- Gastroenterology. --- Gastroenterology
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Hepatology --- Hepatology. --- Gastroenterology --- hepatology --- liver --- hepatobiliary surgery
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"This attractive, compact handbook offers highly practical, to-the-point guidance to residents and students. The Handbook gives equal weight to both diagnosis and therapy, includes an easy-to-reference emergency section, and maintains a focus on practical disease management. The book's anatomically organized sections are supplemented by special sections on management of GI emergencies and the Top 10 GI Problems, including pertinent algorithms and practice guidelines from the American Gastroenterology Association. Useful appendices provide CT images of common GI problems, normal laboratory ranges, and links to useful websites"--Provided by publisher.
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The burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection on the public health care system continues to remain significant despite the remarkable progress made in HCV therapeutics in the recent past. There are now almost a dozen oral interferon-free direct-acting antivirals available for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection. Despite advances in the treatment of HCV, therapeutic gaps remain that are yet to be fully explored. Researchers and scientists still strive to understand virus-host interactions to map the disease's progression along with extrahepatic manifestations and virus invasion strategies impacting the host's immune system. This book briefly discusses the biology of HCV infection, virus-host interactions, molecular epidemiology of the infection, and the full spectrum of immune responses to hepatitis C. It also provides in-depth information about HCV, clinical diagnostics, and therapeutic knowledge to all stakeholders involved in HCV screening, diagnosis, treatment, and management. Topics covered in the chapters include 1) HCV-host interactions leading to asymptomatic acute infection, 2) the progression of acute HCV infection to chronic disease and subsequent extrahepatic comorbidities, 3) Innate and adaptive immune responses in HCV infections, 4) Consensus-based Approaches for Hepatitis C Screening and Diagnosis, 5) advances in hepatitis C therapy and global management of HCV, and 6) the outcomes of Oral Interferon-free Direct-acting Antivirals as Combination Therapies to Cure Hepatitis C. This book is a valuable addition to undergraduate and postgraduate hepatology students and physicians, clinicians, hepatologists, and health care officials involved in HCV clinical diagnosis and therapeutics.
Hepatology --- Medical
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