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La Finlande aux mille lacs
Year: 1914 Publisher: Parìs : Plon,

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Finlandia concert and congress hall, Helsinki : Finlandia-talo, 1962, 1967-71 / 1973-75.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 952537100X Year: 2000 Publisher: Jyväskylä Alvar Aalto Museo

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Finnish early childhood education and care : a multi-theoretical perspective on research and practice
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030955117 3030955125 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

The constitution of Finland : a contextual analysis
ISBN: 9781841138541 Year: 2011 Publisher: Oxford Hart

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Constitutional law --- Droit constitutionnel --- -342.489 --- Pa1 --- BPB1508 --- Public law. Constitutional law --- Finland --- Constitution --- Finlande --- 342.489 --- Grondwet --- An Fhionlainn --- Soome --- Suomija --- il-Finlandja --- Finlândia --- Finnland --- Fínsko --- Финландия --- Somija --- Suomi --- Φινλανδία --- Finsko --- Финска --- Finnország --- Finlanda --- Finlandia --- Finska --- Finn Köztársaság --- Suomijos Respublika --- Φιλλανδία --- République de Finlande --- Republika Finska --- Republica Finlanda --- Republiek Finland --- Република Финландия --- ir-Repubblika tal-Finlandja --- Suomen tasavalta --- Fínska republika --- Republika Finlandii --- Republika e Finlandës --- Finská republika --- República de Finlandia --- Republiken Finland --- Repubblica di Finlandia --- República da Finlândia --- Soome Vabariik --- Somijas Republika --- Republic of Finland --- Δημοκρατία της Φινλανδίας --- Republikken Finland --- die Republik Finnland --- Република Финска --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht --- Constitutions

The Impact of Finnish Teacher Education on International Policy : Understanding University Training Schools
ISBN: 9783030895181 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot,

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This book explores the partnership between Finnish universities and the university-affiliated teacher training schools known as 'normal schools'. It examines the benefits of school-based learning combined with Master’s-level teacher education, uncovering the advantages of this unique school-university partnership. This book also explores the possibility of Finnish teacher education, and more specifically, the normaalikoulu, and its potential as an international export product. Although policy borrowing theory has long warned about the difficulties in successful transfer, interest in Finnish teacher education continues to rise. Therefore, this book investigates, in depth, the historical, cultural, and current context of Finnish teacher education and the normal schools, and the potential to move this policy abroad. Jennifer Chung is a Lecturer (Teaching) at University College London’s Institute of Education. Her research interests focus on the Nordiccountries, with Finland being of particular interest.


Education and state --- Teachers --- Training of --- Finland --- Foreign relations. --- Formació del professorat --- Política educativa --- Política exterior --- Finlàndia --- Relacions exteriors --- Equilibri internacional --- Cooperació internacional --- Imperialisme --- Neutralitat --- Política internacional --- Relacions internacionals --- Educació i Estat --- Política social --- Beques --- Comunitat i escola --- Dret a l'educació --- Administració escolar --- Economia de l'educació --- Escola única --- Legislació educativa --- Política de la joventut --- Formació d'educadors --- Formació dels mestres --- Perfeccionament del professorat --- Formació --- Escoles normals --- Observació (Mètode d'ensenyament) --- Pràctiques pedagògiques --- Professors --- Finlandia --- República de Finlàndia --- Republiken Finland --- Suomen Tasavalta --- Suomi --- Escandinàvia --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Åland (Finlàndia) --- Hèlsinki (Finlàndia) --- Savonlinna (Finlàndia) --- Education. --- Education and state. --- International education. --- Comparative education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Training of. --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teachers, Training of --- History --- Government policy

Learning from Finland : Guidelines for the development of inclusive schools
ISBN: 9783658401771 9783658401764 9783658401788 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Since its successful performance in the PISA studies, at the latest, the Finnish education system has become the focus of public interest. In the media coverage of recent years, the Finnish school system has often been brought into play as a prime example of important challenges for educational policy.This is particularly true of the issue of inclusive education. While few studies to date have seriously questioned the Finnish "educational miracle", this book aims to provide an objective account of the current situation in Finland. In doing so, it takes a differentiated and critical look at inclusive schooling in Finland. In order to achieve this, the inclusive school and classroom culture is examined using qualitative research approaches in selected Finnish schools. The building blocks of an inclusive school developed by Reich (2014) are used as criteria for analysis. Based on the findings of this research, the book concludes by examining and discussing what Germany (and other countries) can learn from Finland with regard to the topic of inclusion. The author Christopher Mihajlovic (born 1984) studied education and special education (with the subjects of physical education and English) in Frankfurt am Main and Heidelberg. Since 2011, the author has been working as a special education teacher in inclusive learning environments and is currently lecturer at University of Education, Heidelberg. In 2016/2017, he spent a year studying and researching Finnish school culture at the University of Helsinki (Finland). This book is a translation of an original German edition. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.

Yearbook of Finnish Foreign Policy
ISSN: 03550079 Publisher: Helsinki Finnish Institute of International Affairs

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International relations. Foreign policy --- Foreign trade. International trade --- Finland --- Finlande --- Foreign relations --- Periodicals. --- Relations extérieures --- Périodiques --- Closed periodicals --- #ANTIL0109 --- Annuaire --- Relation internationale --- Jaarboek --- Internationale betrekking --- Relations extérieures --- Périodiques --- 801 Tijdschriften --- 820 Internationale Betrekkingen --- mednarodni odnosi --- rahvusvahelised suhted --- tarptautiniai santykiai --- internationella förbindelser --- mezinárodní vztahy --- nemzetközi kapcsolatok --- меѓународни односи --- marrëdhënie ndërkombëtare --- kansainväliset suhteet --- international relations --- relazioni internazionali --- међународни односи --- relazzjonijiet internazzjonali --- международни отношения --- relación internacional --- starptautiskās attiecības --- internationale relationer --- internationale betrekking --- internationale Beziehungen --- διεθνείς σχέσεις --- stosunki międzynarodowe --- medzinárodné vzťahy --- relações internacionais --- relații internaționale --- međunarodni odnosi --- internacionální styky --- államközi kapcsolatok --- internationale forbindelser --- starptautiski sakari --- mezinárodní styky --- zwischenstaatliche Beziehungen --- internationale anliggender --- An Fhionlainn --- Soome --- Suomija --- il-Finlandja --- Finlândia --- Finnland --- Fínsko --- Финландия --- Somija --- Suomi --- Φινλανδία --- Finsko --- Финска --- Finnország --- Finlanda --- Finlandia --- Finska --- Finn Köztársaság --- Suomijos Respublika --- Φιλλανδία --- République de Finlande --- Republika Finska --- Republica Finlanda --- Republiek Finland --- Република Финландия --- ir-Repubblika tal-Finlandja --- Suomen tasavalta --- Fínska republika --- Republika Finlandii --- Republika e Finlandës --- Finská republika --- República de Finlandia --- Republiken Finland --- Repubblica di Finlandia --- República da Finlândia --- Soome Vabariik --- Somijas Republika --- Republic of Finland --- Δημοκρατία της Φινλανδίας --- Republikken Finland --- die Republik Finnland --- Република Финска --- Jahrbuch --- metknygė --- annuario --- årbog --- vjetar --- rocznik --- évkönyv --- επετηρίδα --- yearbook --- gadagrāmata --- letopis --- årsbok --- godišnjak --- годишњак --- anuario --- annwarju --- годишник --- anuar --- ročenka --- vuosikirja --- jaarboek --- aastaraamat --- anuário --- almanacco --- annuaire officiel --- oficialioji metknygė --- úradná ročenka --- officiell årsbok --- Almanach --- almanak --- official yearbook --- almanahh --- алманах --- ametlik aastaraamat --- almanac --- oficiālā gadagrāmata --- oficiální ročenka --- kalendář --- vejviser --- annuario ufficiale --- anuário oficial --- анали --- επίσημη επετηρίδα --- anuario oficial --- almanachas --- хроника --- úřední ročenka --- virallinen vuosikirja --- almanaque --- almanach --- telefonbog --- αλμανάκ --- летопис --- anuar oficial --- statskalender --- almanah --- vjetar zyrtar --- amtliches Jahrbuch --- aikakausjulkaisu --- τηλεφωνικός κατάλογος --- caidreamh idirnáisiúnta --- bliainiris

The dental team in the European Union
ISBN: 3030722325 3030722317 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

Finland’s Famous Education System : Unvarnished Insights into Finnish Schooling
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789811982415 Year: 2023 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This open access book provides academic insights and serves as a platform for research-informed discussion about education in Finland. Bringing together the work of more than 50 authors across 28 chapters, it presents a major collection of critical views of the Finnish education system and topics that cohere around social justice concerns. It questions rhetoric, myths, and commonly held assumptions surrounding Finnish schooling. This book draws on the fields of sociology of education, education policy, urban studies, and policy sociology. It makes use of a range of research methodologies including ethnography, case study and discourse analysis, and references the work of relevant theorists, including Bourdieu and Foucault. This book aims to provide a critical, updated and astute analysis of the strengths and challenges of the Finnish education system. .

Private law in the external relations of the EU
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0191805866 Year: 2016 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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This edited volume explores the interaction between EU external relations law and private law, examining how the relationship has affected the evolution of the EU's competence, the extent of EU private law's reach beyond the boundaries of an internal market, and how the EU contributes to the formation of private regulation at an international level.


Civil law --- Law - Europe, except U.K. --- Law - Non-U.S. --- Law, Politics & Government --- European Union countries --- Foreign relations --- Law and legislation. --- Dret civil --- Relacions internacionals --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Dret comú --- Dret comú (Dret privat) --- Legislació civil --- Dret privat --- Coses (Dret) --- Declaració de voluntat (Dret) --- Dret de família --- Dret de successions --- Dret funerari --- Drets reals --- Enriquiment injust --- Infàmia (Dret) --- Jurisprudència civil --- Legislació agrària --- Matrimoni --- Matrimoni civil --- Nul·litat (Dret) --- Obligacions (Dret) --- Propietat --- Registre civil --- Restitució (Dret) --- Dret romà --- Procediment civil --- Renúncia (Dret) --- Relacions exteriors --- Política internacional --- Aliances --- Arbitratge internacional --- Competència econòmica internacional --- Concordats --- Conflictes internacionals --- Cooperació internacional --- Diplomàcia --- Economia internacional --- Equilibri internacional --- Gihad --- Globalització --- No-alineament --- Pau --- Reconstrucció, 1914-1939 --- Reconstrucció, 1939-1951 --- Refugiats polítics --- Relacions bilaterals --- Relacions culturals --- Seguretat internacional --- Política exterior --- Seguretat nacional --- Unió Europea, Països de la --- Europa --- Alemanya --- Àustria --- Bèlgica --- Dinamarca --- Espanya --- Finlàndia --- França --- Gran Bretanya --- Grècia --- Irlanda --- Itàlia --- Luxemburg --- Països Baixos --- Portugal --- Suècia

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