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Der fiinfzehnte Band der neuen Ausgahe der Opera omnia von Erasmus ist der zweite Teil der Enarrationes in Psa/mos. Diese geh6ren zum funften ordo, dasheisst zum "ordo librorum qui spectant ad pietatem" (hinsichtlich der vonErasmus selbst vorgeschlagenen Unterteilung in ordines verweisen wir auf dieGeneral Introduction in Band I, I, pp. x, xvii-xviii).Der zweite Teil der Enarrationes in Psa/mos enthalt Erasmus' Kommentarezu den Psalmen 28 (ed. A. G. Weiler), 33, 38, 83 (ed. R. Stupperich) und 85(ed. C. S. M. Rademaker laut Zahlung der Vulgata. 1m Kommentarwird, ebenso wie in den anderen Banden, die moderne Numerierung derPsalmen gebraucht. Die von Prof. Ch. Bene geschriehene allgemeine Einleitungzu heiden Psalmenteilen befindet sich in Band V,2, pp. 1-17.Die Redaktionskommission und die Mitarbeiter an diesem Band m6chtenwiederum den Bibliotheken danken, die Bucher, Fotokopien und Mikrofilmezur Verfiigung gestellt haben.Aus gesundheitlichen Grunden sah sich Prof. Dr. F.-J. Worstbrock zurAufgabe seiner Mitgliedschaft im Conseil International gezwungen.Der Conseil International und die Redaktionskommission betrauern denVerlust ihres Sekretars Clemens M. Bruehl, der am 7. Juni 1986 im Alter von61 Jahren in Amsterdam verstarb. Herr Bruehl hat dem Erasmusprojekt, mitdem er sich mit ganzer Seele verbunden fiihlte, seit 1964 seine besten Kraftegewidmet. Einen guten Freund verloren in ihm all diejenigen, die eng mitihm zusammengearbeitet haben.
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In the 1990s, amid political upheaval and civil war, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia dissolved into five successor states. The subsequent independence of Montenegro and Kosovo brought the total number to seven. Balkan scholar and diplomat to the region Mieczysław P. Boduszyński examines four of those states—Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia—and traces their divergent paths toward democracy and Euro-Atlantic integration over the past two decades.Boduszyński argues that regime change in the Yugoslav successor states was powerfully shaped by both internal and external forces: the economic conditions on the eve of independence and transition and the incentives offered by the European Union and other Western actors to encourage economic and political liberalization. He shows how these factors contributed to differing formulations of democracy in each state.The author engages with the vexing problems of creating and sustaining democracy when circumstances are not entirely supportive of the effort. He employs innovative concepts to measure the quality of and prospects for democracy in the Balkan region, arguing that procedural indicators of democratization do not adequately describe the stability of liberalism in post-communist states. This unique perspective on developments in the region provides relevant lessons for regime change in the larger post-communist world. Scholars, practitioners, and policymakers will find the book to be a compelling contribution to the study of comparative politics, democratization, and European integration.
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This book is about the idea of the university in modern Germany. Its primary focus is how the transformation of the Humboldtian tradition gave direction to debates around higher education. By combining approaches from intellectual history, conceptual history and the history of knowledge, the study investigates the ways in which Humboldt's ideas have been appropriated for various purposes in different historical contexts and epochs. Ultimately, it shows that Humboldt's ideals are not timeless - they are historical phenomena and have always been determined by the predicaments and issues of the day. Nevertheless, many of the key concepts and fundamental ideas have endured throughout the twentieth century, though they have been interpreted in different ways.
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Der fiinfzehnte Band der neuen Ausgahe der Opera omnia von Erasmus ist der zweite Teil der Enarrationes in Psa/mos. Diese geh6ren zum funften ordo, dasheisst zum "ordo librorum qui spectant ad pietatem" (hinsichtlich der vonErasmus selbst vorgeschlagenen Unterteilung in ordines verweisen wir auf dieGeneral Introduction in Band I, I, pp. x, xvii-xviii).Der zweite Teil der Enarrationes in Psa/mos enthalt Erasmus' Kommentarezu den Psalmen 28 (ed. A. G. Weiler), 33, 38, 83 (ed. R. Stupperich) und 85(ed. C. S. M. Rademaker laut Zahlung der Vulgata. 1m Kommentarwird, ebenso wie in den anderen Banden, die moderne Numerierung derPsalmen gebraucht. Die von Prof. Ch. Bene geschriehene allgemeine Einleitungzu heiden Psalmenteilen befindet sich in Band V,2, pp. 1-17.Die Redaktionskommission und die Mitarbeiter an diesem Band m6chtenwiederum den Bibliotheken danken, die Bucher, Fotokopien und Mikrofilmezur Verfiigung gestellt haben.Aus gesundheitlichen Grunden sah sich Prof. Dr. F.-J. Worstbrock zurAufgabe seiner Mitgliedschaft im Conseil International gezwungen.Der Conseil International und die Redaktionskommission betrauern denVerlust ihres Sekretars Clemens M. Bruehl, der am 7. Juni 1986 im Alter von61 Jahren in Amsterdam verstarb. Herr Bruehl hat dem Erasmusprojekt, mitdem er sich mit ganzer Seele verbunden fiihlte, seit 1964 seine besten Kraftegewidmet. Einen guten Freund verloren in ihm all diejenigen, die eng mitihm zusammengearbeitet haben.
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Adagiorum chilias II, centuriae I-V [Adagia 1001-1500]
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Universities were driving forces of change in late Renaissance Italy. The Gonzaga, the ruling family of Mantua, had long supported scholarship and dreamed of founding an institution of higher learning within the city. In the early seventeenth century they joined forces with the Jesuits, a powerful intellectual and religious force, to found one of the most innovative universities of the time.Paul F. Grendler provides the first book in any language about the Peaceful University of Mantua, its official name. He traces the efforts of Duke Ferdinando Gonzaga, a prince savant who debated Galileo, as he made his family’s dream a reality. Ferdinando negotiated with the Jesuits, recruited professors, and financed the school. Grendler examines the motivations of the Gonzaga and the Jesuits in the establishment of a joint civic and Jesuit university.The University of Mantua lasted only six years, lost during the brutal sack of the city by German troops in 1630. Despite its short life, the university offered original scholarship and teaching. It had the first professorship of chemistry more than 100 years before any other Italian university. The leading professor of medicine identified the symptoms of angina pectoris 140 years before an English scholar named the disease. The star law professor advanced new legal theories while secretly spying for James I of England. The Jesuits taught humanities, philosophy, and theology in ways both similar to and different from lay professors.A superlative study of education, politics, and culture in seventeenth-century Italy, this book reconsiders a period in Italy’s history often characterized as one of feckless rulers and stagnant learning. Thanks to extensive archival research and a thorough examination of the published works of the university's professors, Grendler's history tells a new story.
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Why does an entire society believe that there are witches who must be burned? What roles did the emerging 'state', the professions of clerics and jurists, and the public involved play in each case? And how could this project be finished? From a sociological point of view, the findings of recent international research on witches provide a model of a more general, highly ambivalent, 'pastoral' attitude, according to which a shepherd has to care for the welfare of his flock as well as for its erring sheep. The first main part describes the clerical initial situation, which developed the 'Dominican' demonological model of witchcraft on the basis of the still dominant magico-religious mentality in the 15th century. A model, according to the second part of the book, which then in the course of the 16th century in Western Europe increasingly fell into the hands of the not so innocent jurists. From there it developed into a legal witch persecution that realized the early European witch model from the village witch to the mass persecutions to the late child witches. The third part describes how witch persecutions slowly became less important towards the end of the 17th century as a general witchcraft 'politics' game in the transition from a confessional state to a (court) 'civil service' state. The author Prof. Dr. Stephan Quensel is a lawyer and criminologist. Until his retirement in 2002, he was a professor in the Department of Resocialization and Rehabilitation in the Sociology program at the University of Bremen. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.
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Originally published in 1963. Between 1945 and 1951, Belgium faced a crisis in political leadership when its ruling monarch, King Leopold III, was accused of violating the Belgian Constitution during World War II. The "question" at hand refers to the uncertainty over whether King Leopold III could return to Belgium as king. This book documents the history of this political crisis, culminating with the abdication of King Leopold and the assumption of the crown by Baudouin, Leopold's son.
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Originally published in 1963. Between 1945 and 1951, Belgium faced a crisis in political leadership when its ruling monarch, King Leopold III, was accused of violating the Belgian Constitution during World War II. The "question" at hand refers to the uncertainty over whether King Leopold III could return to Belgium as king. This book documents the history of this political crisis, culminating with the abdication of King Leopold and the assumption of the crown by Baudouin, Leopold's son.
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Originally published in 1963. Between 1945 and 1951, Belgium faced a crisis in political leadership when its ruling monarch, King Leopold III, was accused of violating the Belgian Constitution during World War II. The "question" at hand refers to the uncertainty over whether King Leopold III could return to Belgium as king. This book documents the history of this political crisis, culminating with the abdication of King Leopold and the assumption of the crown by Baudouin, Leopold's son.
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