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This book mainly addresses China’s current demographic situation and social people-related policies. It aims to solve the issues of demographic transition, population aging, population flow, urbanization, population quality, etc. China is the first large population country, with the vast territory and the huge economic system. It has many issues such as productivity and production relations, superstructure and economic base, and domestic and international relations in various fields and at all levels. Hence, China needs to come up with a set of overall strategies. The author sorts out all of his works in recent years and performs his new academic achievements on demographic issues and social governing strategies. This timely book offers new methods that impact advanced social development with real data.
Population—Economic aspects. --- Economic history. --- Population Economics. --- Economy-wide Country Studies. --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economics
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By using information collected from numerous American Economic Review publications from the last 100 years, Torgler and Piatti examine the top publishing institutions to determine their most renowned AER papers based on citation success.
Economic history. --- Economic History. --- Economy-wide Country Studies. --- Business literature --- Economics --- Publishing
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At the University of Rhode Island over 25% of engineering undergraduates simultaneously complete a second degree in German, French, Spanish, or Chinese. They furthermore spend an entire year abroad, one semester as exchange students at a partner university and six months as professional engineering interns at a cooperating company. With a close-to 100% placement rate, over 400 graduates, and numerous national awards, the URI International Engineering Program (IEP) is a proven path of preparation for young engineers in today's global workplace. The author of this volume, John Grandin, is an emeritus professor of German who developed and led the IEP for twenty-three years. In these pages, he provides a two-pronged approach to explain the origin and history of this program rooted in such an unusual merger of two traditionally distinct higher education disciplines. He looks first at himself to explain how and why he became an international educator and what led him to his lasting passion for the IEP. He then provides an historical overview of the program's origin and growth, including looks at the bumps and bruises and ups and downs along the way. Grandin hopes that this story will be of use and value to other educators determined to reform higher education and align it with the needs of the 21st Century. Table of Contents: How I became a Professor of German / My Unexpected Path to Engineering / Building a Network of Support / Sidetracked by a Stint in the Dean's Office / Reshaping the Language Mission / Struggling to Institutionalize / Partnering with Universities Abroad / Going into the Hotel and Restaurant Business / Taking the Lead Nationally / Building the Chinese IEP / Staying Involved after Retirement / The Broader Message for Higher Education / Conclusions.
Engineering. --- Technology. --- History. --- Economic history. --- Religion. --- Technology and Engineering. --- History of Technology. --- Economy-wide Country Studies.
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This book follows the fraught attempts of engineers to identify with Korea as a whole. It is for engineers, both Korean and non-Korean, who seek to become better critical analysts of their own expertise, identities, and commitments. It is for non-engineers who encounter or are affected by Korean engineers and engineering, and want to understand and engage them. It is for researchers who serve as critical participants in the making of engineers and puzzle over the contents and effects of techno-national formation.
Engineering. --- Technology. --- History. --- Economic history. --- Religion. --- Technology and Engineering. --- History of Technology. --- Economy-wide Country Studies.
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Uganda's growth in gross domestic product of the 2000s was accompanied by high growth rates of labor productivity across industries producing tradable goods and services. This came about primarily as a result of investment in equipment and other fixed assets, but also entailed substantial gains in total factor productivity Based on data from two waves of the Uganda Business Indicators survey this paper estimates that economy wide aggregate labor productivity and aggregate TFP grew at average annual rates of 13 t and 3 percent, respectively between survey years 2002 and 2009. Part of the growth in productivity on each measure reflected gains from technical progress made at the establishment level and within narrowly defined industries. But it was also in part the outcome of reallocation of labor and capital within as well as across industries. In particular, the paper estimates that about one-fifth of the aggregate growth in labor productivity between the two years reflected the shifting of labor toward industries and sectors where it was more productive on average and at the margin. The rest of the observed growth in labor productivity reflected gains made within narrowly defined industries. But almost in every case 55 to 90 percent of the observed "within industry" growth in labor productivity represented allocative efficiency gains from the correction of intra-industry inter-firm misallocation of labor. The balance of the observed within-industry growth in labor productivity represented establishment-level gains in technical efficiency.
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The creation of physical and material infrastructure is the cornerstone of human development; not surprisingly, engineers and designers are often motivated and inspired in their practice to improve the world around them, to make things better for others, and to apply their knowledge for the good of mankind. These aspirations often get translated into engineering and design curricula where students and faculty work on development related projects usually under the category of community or service learning. This book presents an overview of such an education and outreach program designed to empower stakeholders to improve their lives. The project described here was an international multi-institutional undertaking that included academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and private firms. Within the academic setting, an interdisciplinary set of actors that included engineering and industrial design students and faculty worked on the project. We concretize our work by presenting a design case study that illustrates how different approaches can help guide the works of engineers and designers as they create global infrastructures and localized artifacts. We emphasize the importance of developing long term relationships with organizations on the ground in order to ensure appropriate design as well as successful transfer and long term use of designed artifacts. We discuss the life trajectories of the authors to provide a grounded perspective on what motivated us to undertake this work and shaped our approach with the intention to demonstrate that there are multiple paths toward this goal. Table of Contents: Introduction / Development of the Program: Personal Trajectories Meet Professional Opportunities / Intellectual Positioning of the Program: Sociomaterial Infrastructures and Capable and Convivial Design / Case Study: Quick Response (QR) Code Based Immunization Solution / Design for Development Course and Outreach Initiative / Conclusion: Lessons Learned.
Engineering. --- Technology. --- History. --- Economic history. --- Religion. --- Technology and Engineering. --- History of Technology. --- Economy-wide Country Studies.
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Global engineering offers the seductive image of engineers figuring out how to optimize work through collaboration and mobility. Its biggest challenge to engineers, however, is more fundamental and difficult: to better understand what they know and value qua engineers and why. This volume reports an experimental effort to help sixteen engineering educators produce ""personal geographies"" describing what led them to make risky career commitments to international and global engineering education. The contents of their diverse trajectories stand out in extending far beyond the narrower image of producing globally-competent engineers. Their personal geographies repeatedly highlight experiences of incongruence beyond home countries that provoked them to see themselves and understand their knowledge differently. The experiences were sufficiently profound to motivate them to design educational experiences that could provoke engineering students in similar ways. For nine engineers, gaining new international knowledge challenged assumptions that engineering work and life are limited to purely technical practices, compelling explicit attention to broader value commitments. For five non-engineers and two hybrids, gaining new international knowledge fueled ambitions to help engineering students better recognize and critically examine the broader value commitments in their work. A background chapter examines the historical emergence of international engineering education in the United States, and an epilogue explores what it might take to integrate practices of critical self-analysis more systematically in the education and training of engineers. Two appendices and two online supplements describe the unique research process that generated these personal geographies, especially the workshop at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in which authors were prohibited from participating in discussions of their manuscripts. Table of Contents: Communicating Across Cultures: Humanities in the International Education of Engineers (Bernd Widdig) / Linking Language Proficiency and the Professions (Michael Nugent) / Language, Life, and Pathways to Global Competency for Engineers (and Everyone Else) (Phil McKnight) / Bridging Two worlds (John M. Grandin) / Opened Eyes: From Moving Up to Helping Students See (Gayle G. Elliott) / What is Engineering for? A Search for Engineering beyond Militarism and Free-markets (Juan Lucena) / Location, Knowledge, and Desire: From Two Conservatisms to Engineering Cultures and Countries (Gary Lee Downey) / Epilogue - Beyond Global Competence: Implications for Engineering Pedagogy (Gary Lee Downey).
Engineering. --- Technology. --- History. --- Economic history. --- Religion. --- Technology and Engineering. --- History of Technology. --- Economy-wide Country Studies.
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Mulberry (Morus spp.) is widely distributed tree taxon found almost in every continent across the globe. Habitat of this plant species is very much diversified, as it is found across all climatic zones ranging from tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, tundra, semi-arid to desert (arid) conditions. It flourishes on all types of landforms; mountains, valleys, plateaus, forests, grasslands, hills, plains and arid lands. Successful utilization of mulberry leaf for silkworm rearing and production of quality cocoons has been studied at length. Now, mulberry is being recognized as a multipurpose plant by most of the countries across the globe. As mulberry is eco-friendly in nature, the propagation of mulberry needs to be done at large scale to address the ecological issues like conversion of arid lands to cultivable lands, eco-restoration of degraded lands, bioremediation of polluted land sites, conservation of water and soil, cleaning the air pollution in urban areas, utilization of mulberry in producing renewable energy in the form of biodiesel. Similarly, there is the need to produce the identified and highly commercially valued pharmaceutical compounds of mulberry under laboratory conditions through in vitro culture based secondary metabolite production through enhanced expression under the stress conditions or in presence of elicitors. Lately protocols have been developed for genetic transformation of mulberry through agrobacterium mediated and particle bombardment mediated gene transfer techniques. Biotechnology based molecular breeding techniques could also be utilized in raising the improved lines through marker assisted selection, soma clonal variations, mutational breeding, somatic hybridization, genome editing and other genetic engineering approaches. Apart from sericulture; mulberry should also be utilized and exploited in other sectors across the globe for additional revenue generation, for livestock maintenance, for environmental safety and in promoting human health. These diversified aspects of mulberry coupled with its economic importance in revenue generation through sericulture, animal husbandry and industrial products has prompted us to prepare this book. It will present a comprehensive account of mulberry plant under 9 chapter headings: introduction, botanical features, ecological features, ecophysiological aspects, interactions and development, molecular aspects, propagation and production, economic importance, and global perspectives as well as future approaches.
Agriculture. --- Biotechnology. --- Plant physiology. --- Plant diseases. --- Economic history. --- Plant Physiology. --- Plant Pathology. --- Economy-wide Country Studies.
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Dieses Buch versucht, einen umfassenden Überblick über die industriellen Prozesse großer Volkswirtschaften und ihrer Integration in der Welt zu geben. Es bietet einen Einblick in die Industrialisierungsfortschritte des Quartetts USA, China, Deutschland und Japan, die alle durch unterschiedliche handels-, steuer- und industriepolitische Maßnahmen individuelle Industrialisierungserfolge erzielten, deren grundlegende Prinzipien auf die zivilisatorischen Wurzeln der jeweiligen Nation zurückgeführt werden können. Die Kombination ihrer Industrieproduktion führte zu einer integrierten Form der internationalen industriellen Verteilung. Das derzeitige Verteilungsmuster ist zwar hochproduktiv, führt aber zu einer ungleichen Verteilung der Gewinne auf verschiedene Regionen, Branchen und gesellschaftliche Gruppen innerhalb der einzelnen teilnehmenden Nationen und zwischen den beteiligten Volkswirtschaften. Um die ungleiche Verteilung des Nutzens sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene anzugehen, haben die großen Industrieländer eine Vielzahl von politischen Maßnahmen ergriffen, die sich auf das industrielle Ökosystem und Ergebnisse von Finanzportfolios auswirken werden. Das Buch soll den Lesern helfen, bessere Anlagestrategien und ein solides Risikomanagement im Kontext der Ungewissheit zu entwickeln und in den kommenden Jahren erfolgreich durch unruhige Gewässer zu navigieren. Xiaojiang Zhang arbeitete bei verschiedenen großen globalen Finanzinstituten in den Bereichen Devisen, festverzinsliche Wertpapiere, Derivatehandel und Portfoliomanagement. Autor von Capital Markets Trading and Investment Strategies in China, erschienen bei Springer im Jahr 2018. Autor von Mechanical Analysis of China's Macro Economic Structure, erschienen bei Springer im Jahr 2020. Zweimaliger Gewinner des Top Economic Think Tank Award. Dieses Buch ist eine Übersetzung einer deutschen Originalausgabe. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz (maschinelle Übersetzung durch den Dienst erstellt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt, so dass sich das Buch stilistisch anders liest als eine herkömmliche Übersetzung.
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This book documents various patterns of re-constructing national economies in corporate globalization. As international competition toughens, major national corporations have been forced to reorganize themselves beyond their national boundaries in order to survive. The problem is that a serious tension arises between these national corporations’ self-interests and the overall interests of their national economies. Contrary to neoliberal optimism and nationalist pessimism, globalization does not lead to natural upgrade or denationalization. This book examines how three nations, including the free-market liberal U.S., the statist model of Japan, and the social coordination model of Germany, have reconstituted their national economies. Hyeong-ki Kwon is a professor of Political Science at Seoul National University. Since graduating from the University of Chicago in 2002, he has studied the changes in advanced democracies under globalization, including the U.S., Germany, Japan, Ireland, and Korea. His publications include Changes by Competition: The Evolution of the South Korean Developmental State (Oxford University Press, 2021), and articles in journals including Politics & Society, Comparative Political Studies, and Comparative European Politics.
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