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From Mystery to Spectacle : Essays on Death in Serbia from the 19th-21st Century
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Year: 2015 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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"This is book about death and dying, about attitudes that common people nowadays have towards their own death and death in general, about inexhaustible symbolic capital that makes event of death the most usable one in creating cultural and political strategies and rituals. Author travels from rural to urban spaces, from traditional to contemporary ritual forms and ideological frames, from private to public discourses, from everyday life to political spheres, from mystery to spectacle and vice versa. This book will not help reader to solve the mystery of death, but it may improve his/her understanding of some forms it takes in contemporary society."

Kultura szkoły w narracjach dzieci z układu ryzyka (ujęcie interdyscyplinarne)
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ISBN: 8322643268 Year: 2023 Publisher: Katowice [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

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As the subject of consideration in the monograph, I have made the image of school, represented in the narratives of children at risk (10-14 years), living in one of the cities of Upper Silesia. "Cultural optics" of the perception of school by children from the system of risk, who are, as it were, ambassadors of its potentials and limitations, allows for the exploration of new research perspectives, including undertaking work towards searching/discovering assumptions, norms of co-creation of a positive school culture, taking into account the "compromise" between the quality of the didactic work of the school and the sense of well-being of students, teachers, and parents. The theoretical considerations are inspired by J. S. Bruner's concept of psychocultural approach to education.

Bukowina : wspólne dziedzictwo kulturowe i językowe
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ISBN: 8366369358 836636934X Year: 2020 Publisher: Warszawa : Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk,

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This collective monograph comes as a result of intellectual work undertaken jointly by the American, German, Moldovan, Polish, Romanian and Ukrainian scholars who participated in the international conference entitled "Bukowina: Wspólne dziedzictwo kulturowe i językowe" (Bukovina: Common Cultural and Linguistic Heritage), held in Jastrowie, Poland, in June 2019. The present volume, which contains extended versions of their papers, is conceived as a collection providing different perspectives on the issue of cultural heritage. The cultures and languages of Bukovina have also inspired contributions which go beyond the issues of the region but are related to it in the geographical or cultural sense. The invited authors represent various perspectives and fields of study: linguistics, cultural studies, literary studies, history, political studies, sociology, ethnology and art history. The list of contributors includes experienced scholars and young promising researchers studying the cultural and linguistic richness of the historical Bukovina, the Carpathian region and Central Europe. The volume consists of three parts. The first one includes contributions on language as cultural heritage. The second part is devoted to the memory of heritage. Part three presents cultural heritage in social and creative activity.

Thurzovci a ich historický význam
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Year: 2012 Publisher: Bratislava [Slovakia] : Historický ústav SAV

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Das vorliegende Sammelband „Die Thurzo und ihre historische Bedeutung“ ist das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit von Historikern aus der Slowakei, Ungarn und Deutschland. Die Grundlage für die Entstehung dieser Publikation bereitete die internationale Konferenz, die im Jahre 2009 anlässlich des 400. Jahrestags der Wahl von Georg Thurzo zum ungarischen Palatin veranstaltet wurde. Die anregungsvolle Tagung und Diskussion, sowie die weiteren Untersuchungen zum Thema boten genügend Unterlagen für die Zusammenfassung der Beiträge in einem Sammelband. Das erste Kapitel trägt den Titel Der Weg in die ungarische Aristokratie und hier werden die wichtigsten Vertreter des Geschlechts Thurzo vorgestellt, die sich am meisten um seinen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg verdienten. Géza Pálffy analysiert in dem Unterkapitel Die Familie Thurzo und ihre Stellung in der ungarischen Aristokratie die Karrieremöglichkeiten im Königreich Ungarn am Ende des Mittelalters und zu Beginn der Frühen Neuzeit, sowie die Möglichkeiten, die die einzelnen Mitglieder des Geschlechts nutzten, um ihre Ambitionen zu erfüllen. Marián Skladaný widmet sich im Unterkapitel Der wirtschaftliche Aufstieg der Thurzo den ersten Vertretern der Familie, die zuerst zum niederen Adel gehörten und für eine gewisse Zeit zum Bürgertum wechselten, damit sie sich der kaufmännischen und unternehmerischen Tätigkeit widmen und den Wohlstand der Familie begründen konnten. Gabriella Erdélyi stellt in ihrem Beitrag „Ich bin nur ein Mensch, mein König, kein Stein“ – Alexius Thurzo im Dienst der Habsburger einen der einflussreichsten Thurzo-Männer vor, dessen kaufmännisch-unternehmerische Tätigkeit den ganzen mitteleuropäischen Raum umfasste, wobei er auch wichtige Funktionen vertrat und zu den Vertrauensmännern des Herrschers Ferdinand I. und der Königin Maria von Ungarn gehörte. Ein weiteres bedeutendes Familienmitglied präsentiert Lajos Gecsényi im Unterkapitel Der rätselhafte Thurzo. Franz Thurzo, der Präsident der Ungarischen Kammer und der Hofkammer (1549 – 1563). Das zweite Kapitel widmet sich dem Thema Die Thurzo und die Reformation. Mehrere Mitglieder des Geschlechts gehörten zur hohen Kirchenhierarchie und wurden vordergründig durch ihre Kontakte zu Humanisten und ihr großzügiges Mäzenatentum bekannt. Einen der bedeutendsten Bischöfe aus der Familie Thurzo stellt Martin Rothkegel im Unterkapitel Die Beziehungen des Olmützer Bischofs Stanislaus I. Thurzo zu Ungarn vor. Die Reformation fand unter den Mitgliedern des Geschlechts auch zahlreiche Anhänger, über sie schreibt Zoltán Csepregi in seinem Beitrag Die Thurzo und die Anfänge der Reformation. Diejenigen Vertreter der Familie, die ihr Reichtum auf der unternehmerischen Tätigkeit begründeten, dachten auch auf ihre weniger wohlhabenden Mitmenschen und gründeten mehrere Stiftungen zu ihrer Unterstützung. Tünde Katona stellt in diesem Zusammenhang in ihrem Beitrag die Leutschauer Stiftung der Thurzo vor. Das dritte Kapitel wird der Problematik der Höfe der Thurzo als Zentren des wirtschaftlichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Lebens gewidmet. Die Thurzo erlebten einen interessanten Übergang von den adeligen in den bürgerlichen Stand und von dem Reichtum, das sich durch ihre unternehmerische Tätigkeit angehäuft hatte, kauften sie Gutsherrschaften, damit sie erneut nicht nur in den Adelsstand zurückkehren, sondern gleich in die Aristokratie aufsteigen konnten. Tünde Lengyelová untersucht Die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse an den Gutsherrschaften der Thurzo an der Wende des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Einen wesentlichen Aufgabenbereich des Palatins stellte die Verwaltungsagenda dar, über die Péter Dominkovits in seinem Beitrag Die Kontakte des Palatins Georg Thurzo zu den Komitaten Ödenburg und Eisenburg einen Überblick bietet. Einen Blick in das Alltagsleben an den Höfen gewähren in ihren Beiträgen Diana Duchoňová im Unterkapitel Die Hofordnungen an den Höfen der Thurzo und der Esterházy, sowie Borbála Benda, die sich der Speisekarte von Stanislaus Thurzo aus dem Jahre 1603 widmet. Das vierte Kapitel befasst sich mit den verschiedenen Formen des Kulturnachlasses der Thurzo. Zuzana Ludiková und Árpád Mikó präsentieren die Bestattungsstätten und Grabdenkmäler der Thurzo nicht nur als Symbole ihrer Macht, sondern auch als künstlerische Ausdrucksformen. Eine bedeutende Quelle zur genealogischen Untersuchungen stellen die Hochzeitseinladungen der Thurzo dar, die Frederik Federmayer näher beschreibt. In dem umfangreichen heimatkundlichen Werk von Matthias Bel wären die genealogischen Forschungen des Polyhistors fast untergegangen, deshalb richtet Gergely Tóth den Blick gerade auf diesen Aspekt in seinem Beitrag „Theatrum Nobilitatis Hungaricae“. Die genealogischen Untersuchungen von Matthias Bel mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Familie Thurzo. Zu den wichtigsten Mäzentätigkeiten der Thurzo gehörten die Förderung der Studenten an ausländischen Universitäten, sowie die Veröffentlichung von verschiedenen Publikationen und die Unterstützung von Druckereien. Über derartige Aktivitäten des Palatins und seiner Familienmitglieder schreibt Helena Saktorová in ihrem Beitrag Die Persönlichkeit von Georg Thurzo im Spektrum seiner Autorendedikationen. Mit dem schriftlichen Nachlass der Familie Thurzo im Staatsarchiv von Bytča befasst sich Jana Kurucárová. Die Ergebnisse einer außergewöhnlichen und seltenen Untersuchung präsentieren die Anthropologen Milan Thurzo und Radoslav Beňuš in ihrem Beitrag Die anthropologische und paläopathologische Analyse der Gebeine der Familienmitglieder von Georg Thurzo. Damit gewähren sie einen einzigartigen Einblick in den gesundheitlichen Zustand von mehreren Vertretern dieses Geschlechts. Arwa, heute Orava war die grösste Gutsherrschaft der Thurzo und die hießige Burg gehörte zu den bedeutendsten Zentren der Familie, aus diesem Grund widmeten sie eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit ihrer architektonischen Gestaltung, die Michal Čajka in seinem Beitrag Die Umbauten der Burg von Orava in der Zeit der Thurzo schildert. Die Publikation enthält eine Reihe von neuen Kenntnissen, die das Ergebnis von intensiven Untersuchungen mehrerer Historiker, Kirchenhistoriker, Archäologen, Anthropologen, Archivaren und Kunsthistoriker darstellen. Trotzdem gibt es noch genügend Themen und Fragen, die auf Aufarbeitung warten und weitere Anregungen für Forschungen über diese interessante Familie darbieten, deren Mitglieder nicht nur zur übernationalen Aristokratie des Königreichs Ungarn und der mitteleuropäischen Habsburgermonarchie, sondern auch zu den außerordentlich begabten Unternehmern, Politikern, Soldaten und bedeutenden Vertretern des kulturellen Lebens an der Schwelle des Mittelalters zur Frühen Neuzeit gehörten.

Život olašských žien
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Year: 2015 Publisher: Bratislava [Slovakia] : Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie Slovenskej akadémie vied

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One can write about the Roma people in many ways. The intention of writing about them can also be different. I made my way “into the field” with an open mind and heart in order to explore one of the groups of Roma. By doing so, I aimed to discover as many objective facts as possible. The objective was to discover, to such an extent, these facts in which the Wallachian Roma shared and supported directly with their testimonies. The book is an ethnographic description of selected aspects of life of a particular Roma group – Wallachian Roma (Lovara) living in Nitra. This group forms a small percentage of the Roma population in Slovakia and is mainly presented as a closed community which is hard to penetrate. This seems to be one of the reasons why there is an absence of information about Wallachian Roma; not only to the general public, but also among experts – in spite of the fact that Wallachian Roma form a special sub-ethnic group which is characterised, among other things, by the preservation of traditional norms, specific forms of behavior, and a set of unique habits in their community that persists even today. An important feature which influences the way of life of Wallachian Roma isa persistent solidarity among them by observing family and community rules. The book aims to describe and analyse the position of women within the community of Wallachian Roma today, present the picture of a Wallachian woman living her everyday life subordinated to the internal rules and laws of the community and focuses on the transformation of her position throughout her life. The publication focuses particularly on the current situation, but also observes the preservation of the traditional model of women´s position within the community of Wallachian Roma, the possible generation differences and the penetration of newer forms. The book also deals with factors influencing their formation, and aims to grasp this issue in the most comprehensive manner possible from the point of view of several generations and both sexes. The data presented in the book represent the results of field research conducted on Borová Street in Nitra, where the Wallachian community is concentrated within a compact residential unit. The current population of this community is around 350–400 adult Roma with children from the Ferkošť family who have lived at this location since 1958 when the first house was built there. The content of the book places emphasis on the changes in the position of women from their birth up to old age.

HELSINŠKE SVESKE №14, Vlasi ili Rumuni iz istočne Srbije i “Vlaško pitanje”
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Year: 2002 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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(Serbian and Romanian edition) Uoči popisa stanovništva u Saveznoj republici Jugoslaviji, odnosno u Republici Srbiji, neophodno je detabuizirati tzv. “vlaško pitanje”. Naime, postoji neodrživo nasleđe u tumačenju forme i sadržaja ovoga pitanja. U ovoj brošuri Forum za kulturu Vlaha (na vlaškom: Forumu' pėntru Cultura a Rumâńilor) govori o Vlasima u istočnoj Srbiji, tačnije rečeno između Morave, Dunava i Timoka, kao produktu romanizacije, a ne o nekoj kategoriji “vlaha” koji nemaju takav etnički predznak. Nekih drugih “vlaha” i nema na pomenutom prostoru, sem ako se ne izmisle. Romanizacija kao fenomen započeo je sa rimskim zaposedanjem Ilirika, na istočnoj obali Jadrana, u III veku pre nove ere, a na prostorima gde i danas žive na jezicima nepripadnika tzv. Vlasi, posle 168. godine p.n.e. Tada je nestala antička Makedonija da bi se na jugu Balkanskog poluostrva instaliralo Rimsko carstvo. Ovo carstvo se u prvom veku nove ere proširilo do Dunava, a sa Trajanovim osvajanjima, od 101. do 105. godine nove ere, i preko Dunava. Tako je nastala Trajanova Dakija koja opstaje do 271. godine n.e. Te godine, iz strateških razloga, po odluci imperatora Aurelijana, Rimljani i deo romanizovane populacije napuštaju prostore severno od Dunava, pa se južno od Dunava uspostavlja Aurelijanova Dakija. Ovde se nastavlja proces romanizacije autohtone populacije Tračana, kao i onih koji su iz različitih motiva došli ili su dovedeni sa raznih drugih strana Rimske imperije. Verovatno je taj proces osnažen i promenom u rimskoj legislaciji kroz unifikaciju statusa rimskih građana Ediktom imperatora Karakale 212. godine. Tako su se u jugoistočnoj Evropi rodili “Vlasi”. Zbog intenzivnosti tog procesa na karpatsko-podunavskom prostoru, istorijski gledano ovo šire područje se može označiti prostorom gde su se pojavili “Vlasi”, tj. to je “vlaški matični prostor”. U današnje vreme, imajući u vidu istorijske i antropološko-kulturološke promene koje su se dogodile u proteklih dva milenijuma, tako se može kvalifikovati samo današnja Rumunija. U etnogenetskim procesima, za koje se smatra da su se okončali od VII-X veka, ovaj balkanski element je dobio novo ruho. Njegovom uobličavanju u novi etnički entitet doprinos su dali i Sloveni u svom pomeranju na Balkanskom poluostrvu. U toku ili pri kraju takvog procesa došlo je do razdvajanja severnog i južnog ogranka ove populacije, koja se pod imenom Vlaha pominje u istoriji 976. godine, povodom pogibije Davida, brata cara Samuila. Još iz najranijih vremena Germani su susedne Kelte i Rimljane nazivali WALHOS. Kasnije se ova etnička odrednica suzila na romanizovane populacije koje su dobile svoju latinsku identifikaciju ROMANUS. Od ova dva naziva nastale su hipostaze koje poznajemo i u današnje vreme, uključujući i slovenski naziv “Vlah, Vlasi”, odnosno “vlaški”, na rumunskom književnom jeziku “Român, Români”, na rumunskom narodnom govoru “Rumân, Rumâni” (kao npr. u Dosoftejevom Psaltiru u stihovima na rumunskom iz 1673., te u Šerbanovoj Bibliji na rumunskom iz 1688., itd.), naime na muntenskom, krišanskom, maramureškom, moldavskom i banatskom narečju rumunskog jezika.

Običaji životnog ciklusa u gradskoj sredini
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Year: 2002 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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Indie : společnost a hospodářství v transformaci : Kapitoly z humánní geografie Indie
ISBN: 8021085266 Year: 2014 Publisher: Brno : Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství,

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Life has changed in India during the last quarter of the century. This book is concerned with social, economic and political changes, and their geography, during this period. These changes could be interpreted, at the most general level, as a manifestation of the latest wave of economic globalization, which started in the USA and Europe in the 1970s. How authors prove, this interpretation would be too simplistic, ignoring the complexities of Indian social life.

Spoločnosť - politika - historiografia : Pokrivené (?) zrkadlo dejín slovenskej spoločnosti v dvadsiatom storočí
Year: 2009 Publisher: Bratislava : Historický ústav SAV,

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The aim of the presented collection of 29 chapters and essays is to sketch a comprehensive picture of Slovak society, reflecting the interactions between its political and cultural elites, as well as the coherence of historiography and historical consciousness in the 20th century. It might be stressed that these relations weren’t static, although in their frames, some resistant stereotypes arose which are still very popular in some parts of Slovak society. The stereotypes, auto-stereotypes and myths never failed to exist; just the contrary – they were going through a process of specific evolution, influenced by numerous fundamental, state-political and constitutional changes, that attended the life of Slovak society in the past century. These changes, or better, ruptures with global social impact had not only positive, but also – and this seems to be the majority of the cases – negative consequences for the situation of particular generations living in Slovakia. Simultaneously, their determined all spheres of cultural life of Slovak society, much like the Slovak historiography influencing both its internal development and its perception by the public. The presented work is divided into four thematic parts. First of them is dealing with both the direct and the indirect impact of political events and decisions taken by the administration on citizens, i.e. particular parts of society. This is the reason, why the tragic issue of the so-called social engineering and Holocaust is also taken into consideration. The author is supposing, that the discrimination and persecution of certain groups of population defined by their nationality, religious, racial or class identity afflicted not only individual victims, but, taking into account its global impact, it was a tragedy for the whole society. In particular it devastated the moral, cultural and religious values of the society and its constitutional consciousness. Culture also suffered by these socio-political processes. The culture and its prominent representatives enjoyed a specific position within the public life in Slovakia, since they were either substituting the absenting “national policy” or they were an active part of this policy – representing and defending universal ideals of humanity proclaimed by themselves or, in other cases, representing the political elites. This contradicted engagement and existing intellectual disunity were symptomatic especially during the existence of non-democratic, i.e. totalitarian political regimes, which afflicted the most part of the decades of Slovak history in the 20th century. As a logical consequence, it resulted not only in disappointment and frustration of Slovak cultural elites, but also in lost of confidence by the citizens in what they have represented. The situation of the Slovak historiography that, as a professional scientific discipline and in its institutional form was going through a process of intensive development just in the frames of communist regime was some kind similar. Just as the culture, the Slovak historiography was also strongly influenced and eventually deformed by the political reality. Slovak professional historiography was facing two main challenges: on the one hand it had to reflect scientific problems and questions and, on the other hand, there was a necessity of defending its own social status and position within the social hierarchy. This position only partly resulted from the scientific outputs of the Slovak historiography, since the role it had to play was strictly defined by the communist state. During that time, the Slovak historiography was going through a difficult development including hopes, unfulfilled illusions, disappointments, disgraceful moral and professional failures, but also happier stages such as significant achievements or civil resistance against the political regime and its leading figures. From today’s perspective, taking into account these phenomenons, the biggest detriment the Slovak historiography had to suffer seems to be the multiple interruption of natural continuity of its development and the visible lack of confidence on the side of citizens that it is permanently trying to regain. On the other hand it should be pointed out that in spite of unfavorable political and social conditions in the past the Slovak professional historiography achieved remarkable scientific results that allowed, after 1989, to be a part of European scientific community. Fourth thematic part of the presented book is dedicated to chosen historical personalities playing significant role in the modern history of Slovakia. Also reflected are chosen historians, which in their professional career and work were able to harmonize their scientific abilities with their civic attitudes, regardless of the risks.

Srpska konzervativna misao
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ISBN: 867208070X Year: 2003 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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U razvojnim tokovima srpske filozofske i teološke misli – kao i političke ili društvene misli – organska ili organicistička misao svakako nije neka nepoznata komponenta. Dok je srpska liberalna ili socijalistička misao – posebno kasnije marksistička misao – relativno dobro sistematizovana i proučena, organicistička misao je ostala na neki način po strani i reklo bi se da nije privukla pažnju kakvu nesumnjivo zaslužuje. Kada je već osamdesetih godina XX veka došlo do sloma mnogih idejnih tokova i političkih koncepata, zanimanje za srpsku organicističku misao ne samo da je poraslo već je ona doživela neku vrstu renesanse – barem njeni sledbenici tako kažu – i iznova je postala aktuelna. Verovatno je to bio razlog mnogih nesporazuma oko definisanja i redefinisanja te misli, posebno nesporazuma oko termina koji bi bili najprikladniji. Ta misao se u nekim slučajevima određuje u krugu filozofske misli kod Srba, u drugim pak, što je ispravnije, ona se izučava uporedo sa drugim tokovima misli. Uglavnom nedostaje njeno sistematičnije izučavanje, iako su neka istraživanja do sada dala solidne rezultate. Sve do danas, međutim, mogu se sresti neke definicije naglašeno ideološki intonirane, što naravno smeta u pokušajima njenog pravilnog definisanja. U drugim kulturama – kod Rusa i Francuza, posebno – tih problema, reklo bi se, nema. Kada E. Sioran određuje prirodu utemeljivača francuske organicističke misli, on svom radu daje podnaslov Esej o reakcionarnoj misli.

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