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Un voile : un certain moi de juin. Journal
ISBN: 9782841865208 2841865207 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris : Michalon,

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La dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public.
ISBN: 9782868209597 Year: 2016 Publisher: Strasbourg : Presses universitaires de Strasbourg,

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Behind the veil : a critical analysis of European veiling laws
ISBN: 9781788970846 9781788970853 1788970845 1788970853 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cheltenham: Elgar,

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Since the early 2010s, an increasing number of European countries have passed laws that prohibit the wearing of various kinds of Islamic veil in particular circumstances. This insightful book considers the arguments used to justify such laws and analyses the legitimacy of these arguments both generally and in regards to whether such laws can be seen as justified interferences with the rights of women who wish to wear such garments.

The burqa affair across Europe : between public and private space
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781409470656 1409470652 9781315614229 9781317039655 9781317039662 9781138279797 Year: 2013 Publisher: Farnham: Ashgate,

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This book provides a useful comparative perspective on how the issue of wearing the full-face veil or burqa/niqab has been dealt with across a range of European states as well as at European institutional level. In so doing, the work draws a theoretical framework for the place of religion between public and private space. With contributions from leading experts from law, sociology and politics, the book presents a comparative and interdisciplinary approach to one of the most contentious and symbolic issues of recent times.

Veiled superheroes : Islam, feminism, and popular culture
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781498536547 Year: 2018 Publisher: Lanham (Md.) : Lexington books,

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"This groundbreaking study examines Muslim female superheroes within a matrix of Islamic theology, feminism, and contemporary political discourse. Through a close reading of texts including Ms. Marvel, Qahera, and The 99, Sophia Rose Arjana argues that these powerful and iconic characters reflect independence and agency, reflecting the diverse lives of Muslim girls and women in the world today"--

Law, cultural studies and the 'Burqa Ban' trend
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781839700583 1839700580 1839701706 9781839701702 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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"Law, Cultural Studies and the 'Burqa Ban' Trend: An Interdisciplinary Handbook offers an in-depth and multi-perspective account of the 'burqa ban' trend. With a focus on Europe and America, this book examines the law at national and international levels. Its interdisciplinary approach encompasses ethics, gender studies, philosophy, political science and religion to provide much needed insights into value and identity politics, diversity, discrimination and human rights, in addition to the discussions surrounding the courts' contradictory judgments. The book also includes a first-hand account by a Muslim burqa-wearer, alongside contributions by leading academic researchers and legal professionals that provide food for thought that can benefit future discussions among scholars, students, legal professionals and policymakers. Analytical work is supplemented with, among other aspects, examinations of the frameworks that derive from dialectical thinking or ideas and theories about democracy, autonomy and male and white desire to control, conquer and dominate."--Back cover.


BPB2108 --- symbole religieux --- intégrisme religieux --- laïcité --- liberté d'expression --- législation --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- legislation --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- reachtaíocht --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- zakonodavni akt --- disposição legislativa --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- svoboda projevu --- liria e shprehjes --- liberdade de expressão --- wolność słowa --- sananvapaus --- szólásszabadság --- libertà d'espressione --- ytringsfrihed --- слобода на изразување --- svoboda izražanja --- yttrandefrihet --- libertad de expresión --- libertà ta' espressjoni --- слобода изражавања --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- vārda brīvība --- sloboda prejavu --- свобода на словото --- Redefreiheit --- freedom of expression --- žodžio laisvė --- sloboda izražavanja --- sõnavabadus --- ελευθερία έκφρασης --- libertate de expresie --- petiční právo --- libertad de palabra --- право на изразување --- izteiksmes brīvība --- libertà di parola --- libertà tal-kelma --- izpausmes brīvība --- laicidade --- sekularismus --- Trennung von Kirche und Staat --- separare între biserică şi stat --- adskillelse af stat og kirke --- világi jelleg --- одвојеност цркве од државе --- sekularità --- ločitev cerkve od države --- svjetovnost --- scheiding tussen kerk en staat --- ilmalikkus --- secularity --- laickość --- sekularizmus --- разделение на църквата и държавата --- laicismo --- maallikkous --- skiljande mellan kyrka och stat --- sekulārisms --- laicità --- секуларизам --- laicizëm --- λαϊκός (μη θρησκευτικός) χαρακτήρας --- pasaulietiškumas --- световна природа --- секуларна природа --- odvojenost crkve od države --- секуларен --- snaha o zesvětštění --- laicizam --- bažnyčios ir valstybės atskyrimas --- секуларен карактер --- одвоеност на црквата од државата --- световен карактер --- separare a bisericii de stat --- световен --- fundamentalism religios --- vallási fundamentalizmus --- fundamentalizm religijny --- uskonnollinen fundamentalismi --- fundamentaliżmu reliġjuż --- religiöser Fundamentalismus --- integrismo religioso --- ζηλωτισμός --- religieus conservatisme --- religious fundamentalism --- vjerski fundamentalizam --- náboženský fundamentalismus --- fundamentalizëm fetar --- verski fundamentalizem --- religiös fundamentalism --- integralismo religioso --- религиозен фундаментализъм --- reliģiskais fundamentālisms --- religiøs fundamentalisme --- usuline fundamentalism --- náboženský fundamentalizmus --- religinis fundamentalizmas --- верски фундаментализам --- муслимански фундаментализам --- христијански фундаментализам --- верски фанатизам --- islámský fundamentalismus --- исламски фундаментализам --- θρησκευτικός φανατισμός --- θρησκευτικός φονταμενταλισμός --- fundamentalismo religioso --- fondamentalisme religieux --- náboženský extremismus --- religieus integrisme --- křesťanský fundamentalismus --- fondamentalismo religioso --- fundamentalisme --- верски екстремизам --- muslimský fundamentalismus --- религиозен фундаментализам --- vallásos fundamentalizmus --- simbol fetar --- simbolo religioso --- vjerski simbol --- simbolu reliġjuż --- religieus symbool --- religiøst symbol --- siombail reiligiúnach --- reliģisks simbols --- религиозен символ --- religinis simbolis --- religiöses Symbol --- verski simbol --- θρησκευτικό σύμβολο --- religious symbol --- uskonnollinen vertauskuva --- symbol religijny --- símbolo religioso --- simbol religios --- religiös symbol --- vallási jelkép --- религиозен симбол --- náboženský symbol --- religioosne sümbol --- sinjal reliġjuż --- sinal religioso --- Religionssymbol --- vjerski znak --- религиозен знак --- reliģiska zīme --- religieus attribuut --- shenjë fetare --- vallási szimbólum --- religioosne riietus --- ένδυμα καλόγριας --- symbole (religion) --- vjerska odjeća --- odzież religijna --- религиозна облека --- religiöse Kleidung --- religiös klädsel --- uskonnollinen symboli --- uskonnollinen merkki --- indumentária religiosa --- religiniai drabužiai --- vallási kötődést kifejező ruhadarab --- ένδυμα μοναχού --- religieus teken --- semn religios --- vêtement religieux --- verska oblačila --- θρησκευτικό ένδυμα --- abito religioso --- religious sign --- religiøs beklædning --- segno religioso --- religious clothing --- náboženský odev --- veshje fetare --- religinis ženklas --- религиозна дреха --- náboženský znak --- znak religijny --- reliģiski apģērbi --- religieuze kleding --- îmbrăcăminte religioasă de rit --- signe religieux --- uskonnollinen pukeutuminen --- náboženský oděv --- ilbies reliġjuż --- religiøst tegn --- Burqas (Islamic clothing) --- Law and legislation --- saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh --- bunúsaíochas reiligiúnach --- Law and legislation. --- Comparative law --- Drot comparé --- Burkhas --- Religion and law --- Religion et droit --- Freedom of religion --- Liberté religieuse --- Droit --- dí-eaglaiseachas --- Freedom of religion. --- Human rights. --- législation --- intégrisme religieux --- laïcité --- liberté d'expression --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Human rights --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Freedom of worship --- Intolerance --- Liberty of religion --- Religious freedom --- Religious liberty --- Separation of church and state --- Freedom of expression --- Liberty --- Boorkas (Islamic clothing) --- Bourkhas (Islamic clothing) --- Burkas (Islamic clothing) --- Burkhas (Islamic clothing) --- Burquas (Islamic clothing) --- Islamic clothing and dress --- Muslim women --- Hijab (Islamic clothing) --- Purdah --- Clothing --- mensenrechten --- internationaal recht

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