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De werking en effecten van massamedia worden in pers en wetenschap veel besproken. Recentelijk is ook de aandacht voor de plaats van het beeld in media en cultuur toegenomen en is het begrip beeldcultuur ingeburgerd geraakt. Typografie en grafische vormgeving zijn integraal onderdeel van de massamedia (met inbegrip van het boek) en grafisch ontwerpers drukken een grote stempel op ons beeldgebruik. Het zou daarom mogen worden verwacht dat de tradities, werkingswijzen en effecten van de grafische vormgeving vanzelfsprekend onderdeel zijn van onderzoek naar de geschiedenis van de moderne beeldcul
Publishers. Printers --- Graphic arts. --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication
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A good designer, like a good chef, is aware not only of how each ingredient is similar or different, but also which delivers one message in contrast to another, which will combine to create experiences that are harmonious or jarring, financial, medical, or industrial.
Graphic arts. --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication
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1000 Ideas by 100 Graphic Designers showcases work from a selection of today’s best designers while providing precious tips to the graphic design enthusiast. The book delivers a behind-the-scenes depiction of every project, providing a virtual instruction manual to the finished project and its creative, productive, and organizational framework. The 1000 suggestions vary in form and function, from the theoretical to the practical, giving insights on new materials, techniques, and tools.
Graphic arts. --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication
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"Design School: Layout is an instructive guide for students, recent graduates, and self-taught designers. It provides a comprehensive introduction to creating and changing layouts: a crucially important skill that underpins practically every aspect of graphic design. You'll get in-depth analysis of all the major areas of theory and practice used by experienced professional designers. Each section provides explanation and visual examples of grid systems and in-depth discussion of compositional principles and strategies. The text is interspersed with tests designed to help you retain key points you've covered in the preceding spreads, and includes illustrations sections with real world scenarios.This in-depth guide avoids the temptation to stray into other areas of design technique, preferring to cover the essential, detailed skills of the professional graphic designer to arm you with the knowledge needed for a successful start to your chosen career." -- Publisher's description.
Graphic arts. --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication
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In der Geschichte des österreichischen Grafikdesigns finden sich zwar viele erfolgreiche und bekannte Grafiker, doch wenn man genauer hinsieht, fällt auf, dass Frauen in diesem Berufsfeld meist nicht oder nur am Rande in Erscheinung treten. Die vorliegende Publikation begibt sich auf die Spur der Frauen in der Gebrauchsgrafik und stellt sie, ihr Leben und ihr Schaffen in den Blickpunkt. Anhand einer Auswahl von 14 Grafikerinnen, die in den Jahren 1920 bis 2000 in Wien ihren Lebens- und Arbeitsmittelpunkt hatten, wird ein Überblick über die weibliche Vertretung im Berufsstand Gebrauchsgrafik gegeben. Ziel ist es vor allem, das unglaubliche gestalterische und technische Können und die große Bandbreite des Schaffens von Frauen aufzuzeigen. Diese Arbeit ist Gestalterinnen gewidmet, die damals wie heute von großer Relevanz für das österreichische Design sind. There are many successful and famous graphic designers in the history of Austrian graphic design, but closer examination shows that women are generally not involved in it or only along the fringes. This publication traces the work of women in applied graphics and puts them, their lives and their creations in center stage. Based in a selection of 14 female graphic designers who were based and worked in Vienna from 1920 to 2000, this book offers an overview of female work in applied graphics. The main objective was to highlight the incredible design and technical acumen as well as the great breadth of female work. This volume is dedicated to the female designers who were and are of great relevance to Austrian design today.
Graphic arts --- Design --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication
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What Stefan Sagmeister talks about in a Viennese coffee house, what Mangalica pigs have to do with good design, and everything that was better before, or at least, not as bad. In ten interviews with clients, Carlos Toledo, Eva Dertschei, Tino Erben, Martha Stutteregger, Stefan Sagmeister and Anita Kern report on their personal experiences with commissions and clients, and provide insight into their individual work processes. In this dialogue book three generations of graphic designers, all of which studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, speak openly about their experiences. With additional text contributions by Erik Spiekermann, Erwin K. Bauer, and Christian Reder, and others. Worüber Stefan Sagmeister im Wiener Kaffeehaus spricht, was Mangalica-Schweine mit guter Gestaltung zu tun haben und was früher alles besser war oder zumindest nicht schlechter. In zehn Gesprächen mit Auftraggebern berichten u.a. Carlos Toledo, Eva Dertschei, Tino Erben, Martha Stutteregger, Stefan Sagmeister und Anita Kern von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Aufträgen und Auftraggebern und geben Einblicke in ihre individuellen Arbeitsprozesse. Im "Dialogbuch" kommen drei Generationen von Grafik-Designern zu Wort, die alle an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien ausgebildet wurden. Mit ergänzenden Textbeiträgen von Erik Spiekermann, Erwin K. Bauer und Christian Reder u.a.
Graphic arts. --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication --- 2000-2099 --- Dialogue. --- Graphic design.
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Art [Graphic ] --- Arts [Graphic ] --- Arts graphiques --- Drukkunst --- Grafische kunsten --- Graphic arts --- Imprimerie --- Kunsten [Grafische ] --- Printing --- Typographie --- Typography --- Typographers --- Graphic design (Typography) --- Typographes --- History --- Histoire
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Printing --- Graphic arts --- Graphic arts. --- Printing. --- Printing, Practical --- Typography --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication --- Library and Information Sciences --- General and Others
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Graphic arts --- Visual communication --- Graphic arts. --- Visual communication. --- Graphic communication --- Imaginal communication --- Pictorial communication --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- graphics --- graphic design --- Communication --- Art
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"Design School: Layout is an instructive guide for students, recent graduates, and self-taught designers. It provides a comprehensive introduction to creating and changing layouts: a crucially important skill that underpins practically every aspect of graphic design. You'll get in-depth analysis of all the major areas of theory and practice used by experienced professional designers. Each section provides explanation and visual examples of grid systems and in-depth discussion of compositional principles and strategies. The text is interspersed with tests designed to help you retain key points you've covered in the preceding spreads, and includes illustrations sections with real world scenarios.This in-depth guide avoids the temptation to stray into other areas of design technique, preferring to cover the essential, detailed skills of the professional graphic designer to arm you with the knowledge needed for a successful start to your chosen career." -- Publisher's description.
Lay-out --- Layout (Printing) --- Grids (Typographic design) --- Graphic arts. --- Art, Graphic --- Arts, Graphic --- Graphic design (Graphic arts) --- Graphics --- Art --- Visual communication --- Typographic grids --- Graphic design (Typography) --- Printing
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