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This book provides the first detailed analysis of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and awards in civil and commercial matters from a transnational perspective. This perspective facilitates greater understanding of the present state of recognition and enforcement and offers insight into the establishment and operation of key modern instruments. This book represents a timely contribution, as instruments harmonising and promoting recognition and enforcement are increasingly being considered and implemented internationally. Many countries have recently reiterated their commitment to improving access to justice and have indicated an intention to sign one or both of the treaties designed to harmonise and promote recognition and enforcement of civil and commercial judgments internationally: the 2005 Choice of Court Convention or the 2019 Judgments Convention. This book is an essential resource for policymakers, scholars, and intergovernmental organisations to understand the nature and origin of recognition and enforcement approaches, as well as their application, interpretation, and future directions.
Judgments, Foreign. --- Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- Judicial assistance
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Judgments, Foreign --- Judgments, Foreign. --- Judicial assistance --- Judicial assistance. --- European Parliament. --- Europe --- Council of the European Union. --- Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- European law --- International private law --- European Union
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Declared a 'game-changer' by the Hague Conference Secretary General, the 2019 Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters has introduced international obligations of unprecedented sweep and power. Now, this authoritative treatise provides the diplomatic background and the historical context for the Convention, discussing the law on judgments recognition in the absence of the Convention's ratification. After recounting the 27-year history of the negotiations leading to the Convention's conclusion, it offers an article-by-article discussion of each provision. It also considers paths not taken, advancing possible solutions to address future pressures and developments.
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Judicial assistance --- Judgments, Foreign --- Congresses. --- 347.91 --- -Judicial assistance --- -Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- Civil procedure --- Criminal procedure --- Bijzondere privaatrechtelijke procedures. Procesvoering --- Congresses --- -Bijzondere privaatrechtelijke procedures. Procesvoering --- 347.91 Bijzondere privaatrechtelijke procedures. Procesvoering --- -347.91 Bijzondere privaatrechtelijke procedures. Procesvoering --- Foreign judgments --- Judgments [Foreign ] --- Judicial assistance - Congresses. --- Judgments, Foreign - Congresses.
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This book analyses, comments and further develops on the most important instrument of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention. The HCCH Convention, the product of decades of work, will have a transformative effect on global judicial cooperation in civil matters. This book explores its 'mechanics', i.e. the legal cornerstones of the new Convention (Part I), its prospects in leading regions of the world (Part II), and offers an overview and comment on its outlook (Part III). Drawing on contributions from world-leading experts, this magisterial and ambitious work will become the reference work for law-makers, judges, lawyers and scholars in the field of private international law.
Judgments, Foreign --- Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (2019 July 2). --- Judgments, Foreign. --- Arbitration, mediation & alternative dispute resolution --- Civil procedure, litigation & dispute resolution --- Private international law & conflict of laws --- Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters
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Law of civil procedure --- International private law --- European Union --- Judgments, Foreign --- Judicial assistance --- -Judicial assistance --- -Civil procedure --- Criminal procedure --- Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- -Judgments, Foreign --- Judgments, Foreign - Europe --- Judicial assistance - Europe --- Conventions intracommunautaires
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International private law --- England --- Judgments, Foreign --- Res judicata --- Exceptions (Law) --- Jugements étrangers --- Chose jugée --- Exceptions (Droit) --- Jugements étrangers --- Chose jugée --- Foreign judgments --- Estoppel --- Judgments --- Stare decisis --- Conflict of laws --- Judicial assistance
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Law of civil procedure --- Judgments, Foreign --- Judicial assistance --- Jugements étrangers --- Assistance juridique internationale --- -Judicial assistance --- -Civil procedure --- Criminal procedure --- Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- -Judgments, Foreign --- Jugements étrangers
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Il est acquis qu'un jugement étranger produit des effets en France. Se pose alors la question de savoir comment une norme juridique étrangère peut produire des effets dans un ordre juridique qui n'est pas le sien. L'étude de la réception des jugements étrangers dans l'ordre juridique français essaie de répondre à cette question. Ainsi, il est apparu nécessaire d'étudier la réception des jugements étrangers dans l'ordre juridique français en deux temps. Le premier a été de déterminer les " effets " que peuvent produire les jugements étrangers en France en dehors de toute procédure française. Le second a consisté à rechercher l'apport du jugement d'exequatur au jugement étranger. Cette étude a été abordée de manière transversale, à travers le droit International privé bien sûr, mais aussi à travers la procédure civile et le droit public. L'auteur conclut que le jugement étranger a, en France, une valeur normative. Cette normativité en France dépend du seul ordre juridique français. Il s'ensuit alors une assimilation normative du jugement étranger à un jugement français. A partir de ce moment, le jugement étranger peut bénéficier des attributs français que sont l'autorité de la chose jugée et de la force exécutoire. Si l'autorité de la chose jugée française n'est pas conférée par l'exequatur, il en va différemment de la force exécutoire. Cependant, l'avènement du titre exécutoire européen remet en cause cette dernière solution, conférant de plano aux jugements étrangers la force exécutoire française. Bien que sa thèse ait été soutenue en 1997, l'auteur a intégré la nombreuse actualité représentée par l'avènement du droit international privé communautaire. Ainsi, ont été analysés dans cette étude les règlements communautaires de Bruxelles I du 22 décembre 2000, de Bruxelles II du 29 mai 2000, de Bruxelles II bis du 27 novembre 2003 et le règlement créant un titre exécutoire européen pour les créances incontestées du 21 avril 2004.
International private law --- France --- Judgments, Foreign --- Res judicata --- International and municipal law --- Jugements étrangers --- Chose jugée --- Droit international et droit interne --- Jugements étrangers --- Chose jugée --- Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- Judicial assistance --- Judgments, Foreign - France.
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Civil law --- Judicial assistance --- Judgments, Foreign --- Droit civil --- Assistance juridique internationale --- Jugements étrangers --- International unification. --- -346.094 --- Ui5.2.b --- Law, Civil --- Private law --- Roman law --- Jugements étrangers --- 346.094 --- Foreign judgments --- Conflict of laws --- International unification
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