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Is the Qt platform and, more specifically, its new Qt3D module a viable alternative to other popular game engines for developing 3D applications? To form an answer to this question, a test case application was developed. This application was inspired by an existing application, Ohm's game, that has as purpose to teach young children the basic concepts of electronics. As this topic was researched in conjunction with another team, this thesis does not focus on the replication of Ohm's game. Instead it will focus on the back-end of the application. That is, the development of a multi-platform compatible library for solving electronic circuits, the development of a levelbuilder and 3D representation of electronic circuits in Qt3D. By way of user tests, profiling tests and review of the development process, a conclusion about both the developed application and the research question was drawn. It can be concluded that it is possible to create a successful 3D application using the Qt3D module and the Qt platform as a whole. However, mostly due to the lack of documentation and a couple of bugs, the Qt3D module still has some maturing to do before it can be considered a viable alternative to other popular game engines.
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Nowadays, games are not only applied to entertainment but also increasingly applied to promote the wellness of players. However, little work has been done to examine the impact of content and framing of the game played to improve oneself on player experience and player motivation. In this paper, we explored this issue through the case study of a mobile game developed for health focused on nutritional education and dietary change among undergraduate university students. The game is a 2D side-scrolling unity mobile game running on the Android platform. It had two versions but employed the same mechanics: one version aimed to educate players learning about nutrition, the other aimed at entertainment that was not directly connected with nutrition. It is a parkour game which the player could control an avatar to collect desirable items such as fruits and water in the nutritional version and coins and flower in the neutral version and avoid undesirable items such as fried chicken and coca cola in nutritional version and crying face and bomb in neutral version. Thirty-eight university students from ten countries played the game and after that, we applied a questionnaire(including PXI, IMI, NASA-TLX) and interviewed them. Through the study, results showed that there was a significant difference between nutritional group and neutral group in relatedness, value and interest subscales of player motivation and in audiovisual appeal and immersion subscales of player experience. It indicated that the players gained a better game experience on the nutritional game, and they can be given more motivation to think about their health and eating habits through the nutritional game than the neutral game. Based on the findings from user study, we can conclude that a game focused on improving oneself rather than to be entertained can also provide good player experience for players. Moreover, the game can also be used to encourage people to think about their health and live healthier lifestyles. Keywords: Dietary change, Mobile game, Nutrition, Player Experience and Motivation
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Is the Qt platform and, more specifically, its new Qt3D module a viable alternative to other popular game engines for developing 3D applications? To form an answer to this question, a test case application was developed. This application was inspired by an existing application, Ohm’s game, that has as purpose to teach young children the basic concepts of electronics. As this topic was researched in conjunction with another team, this thesis does not focus on the replication of Ohm’s game. Instead it will focus on the back-end of the application. That is, the development of a multi-platform compatible library for solving electronic circuits, the development of a levelbuilder and 3D representation of electronic circuits in Qt3D. By way of user tests, profiling tests and review of the development process, a conclusion about both the developed application and the research question was drawn. It can be concluded that it is possible to create a successful 3D application using the Qt3D module and the Qt platform as a whole. However, mostly due to the lack of documentation and a couple of bugs, the Qt3D module still has some maturing to do before it can be considered a viable alternative to other popular game engines.
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In this thesis, the development of a planetary terrain generation tool for game developers is described. The interactable tool is developed in the Unity game engine as a unity package. The thesis describes an implemented solution to multiple challenges associated with planetary terrain systems in games. To generate the terrain a procedural generation algorithm is proposed which is capable of generating terrain on different detail levels. The tool provides three different methodologies to handle the high detail of the planetary terrain, two of which are built on top of the Unity LOD component and the Unity terrain system. The third system is a quadtree which is a custom implementation for this tool. The procedural generation algorithm provides a GUI which enables the user to design a planet using sliders and a low-detailed preview. The algorithm makes use of the GPU to increase performance.
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The objective of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of Qt3D that were introduced in Qt 5.5 by creating a game that teaches youngsters the basic electrical concepts concerning voltage, current, and resistance. First, formative user tests were conducted to test the user interface. Then, summative user test evaluated how much the game helped in teaching the concepts to a group of eight young teenagers. Qt3D turned out to be a good platform to create highly interactive games in a 3D world, despite dealing with some serious bugs in its current version. Concerning the game itself, game-based learning proved to be very effective and the game was a big hit with the youngsters. They broke all our expectations by both seeming extremely comfortable with new technologies and by scoring very well on the questions that tested how well they grasped the concepts the game was trying to teach them.
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Het moordonderzoek in België gebeurt nog steeds niet op een optimale manier. Hierdoor heeft Comité P, de inspectiedienst van de politie, aanbevolen de aanpak van moordonderzoeken te verbeteren. In het gerechtelijk arrondissement Limburg is men hier ook van overtuigd. De afdeling criminaliteit tegen personen van de Federale Gerechtelijk Politie in Limburg heeft al een aantal belangrijke stappen gezet om de afstapping op de plaats van de feiten te verbeteren. Dit vooral op het vlak van sporenbewust werken. Dimitri Kun, afdelingshoofd van de afdeling, wil echter nog veel verder gaan. Onder zijn motto, “Stilstaan is achteruitgaan “, wil hij nieuwe technologieën integreren in het modern moordonderzoek. Het doel is om een virtuele crime scene te creëren van de plaats van de feiten. De basis van die virtuele crime scene is een 3D-scan van de plaats van de feiten. Die wordt gemaakt aan de hand van een LIDAR-scanner. De scan dient als een kapstok waaraan extra informatie kan worden gehangen. Een volgende stap in dit project is om de virtuele crime scene weer te kunnen geven aan de hand van Virtual Reality. Op die manier kunnen rechercheurs , deskundigen, onderzoeksrechters, rechters, juryleden, advocaten, … op de plaats van de feiten rondwandelen met de bril op de neus, zonder ooit effectief ter plaatse te zijn geweest. De virtuele crime scene zal gebruikt worden door de rechercheurs die het moordonderzoek voeren. Ze kunnen de tool gebruiken om alle sporen die er opgenomen zijn tijdens de afstapping op de plaats van de feiten te visualiseren. Aan de hand daarvan kunnen ze verklaringen van verdachten en getuigen aftoetsen aan de werkelijkheid. In deze thesis zal besproken worden welke middelen de afdeling criminaliteit tegen personen gebruikt, en in de toekomst zal gebruiken, tijdens de afstapping om sporen vast te leggen op de plaats van de feiten. Hierna zal worden uitgelegd hoe al die bewijsstukken kunnen worden samengevoegd om uiteindelijk de virtuele crime scene op te bouwen. Om de virtuele crime scene weer te geven in Virtual Reality werd er beroep gedaan op de engine Unity. Er zal besproken worden hoe het resultaat van de 3D LIDAR-scan wordt geïmplementeerd in het Unity-project. Naast het Unity project werd er ook een prototype engine geprogrammeerd om de puntenwolk, het resultaat van de 3D LIDAR-scan, weer te geven in VR. Hiernaast werd er samen met de ballistisch deskundige, de bloedspattenanalist, de forensisch geneesheer en een aantal werknemers van het UZ Leuven, die gespecialiseerd zijn in medische beeldvorming, gewerkt aan een tool die het mogelijk maakt om kogelbanen te visualiseren in een lichaam. Met de informatie verkregen van de deskundigen, worden de kogelbanen hierna, op een wetenschappelijk correcte manier, weergegeven op een dummy in het Unity-project. De dummy is een 3D-model van het slachtoffer dat werd aangepast aan de maten van het slachtoffer. De pose van het slachtoffer werd aangepast zodat die overeenkomt met de bevindingen die werden gedaan op de plaats van de feiten. Dit is een grote hulp bij de reconstructie van de feiten. In de laatste fase van het moordonderzoek, de afhandeling voor de rechtbank, kunnen de bevindingen van het onderzoeksteam visueel aan de hand van Virtual Reality of een 2D-beeld worden weergegeven aan de rechter en de juryleden. Dit kan helpen bij de beoordeling van de feiten. Keywords: Moordonderzoek, OpenGL, Unity, Virtual Reality
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In a data-driven world, geographic information plays an increasingly important role in society by enabling the large-scale study of environmental, demographic, and topographic data. There is a wide variety of data, measurement techniques, and data formats. The goal of this work is to (re)construct realistic and granular virtual cities by combining multiple geographic databases. To fill in missing data and add more detailed features such as street furniture and vegetation, data is algorithmically generated with procedural generation. The city generation process, developed in Unity, can be divided into four parts. Parsing the data, creating the terrain, texturing the terrain and populating the scenery with 3D objects. Because high-resolution data for Flanders is readily available, the scope of the project was limited. However, the application can be generalized to offer global support. The proposed method allows to transform any region in Flanders into a granular 3D model that can be easily modified and extended. This opens the door for a wide range of applications such as game design and urban planning.
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