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Handchirurgie deel 2 : niet-traumatische pathologie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789044135428 Year: 2018 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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De kennis over handchirurgie is de voorbije 20 jaar dermate geëvolueerd dat het boek 'Handchirurgie' (eerste druk, 2000) om een up-date vroeg. 'Handchirurgie. Deel 1: trauma' (2013) geeft een overzicht van mogelijke traumatologie van de hand, terwijl dit tweede deel de niet-traumatische aandoeningen bespreekt. Het boek geeft een overzicht van de meeste courante aandoeningen maar bespreekt ook minder alledaagse pathologieën. Dit ‘hand’-boek is geen technisch doe-boek dat louter voor gespecialiseerde handchirurgen geschreven werd, maar wel voor een ruimer publiek van artsen, andere chirurgen, studenten en zorgverleners die geregeld geconfronteerd worden met deze pathologie. De verschillende auteurs hebben een gelijkaardige opleiding genoten en werken nog altijd samen, wat de uniformiteit in de benadering van het onderwerp eenvoudiger maakt.

Handchirurgie deel 3 : handrevalidatie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789044136579 Year: 2018 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Handchirurgie --- Chirurgie --- Hand

Use of botulinum toxin for upper limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review

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Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause of impaired motor function in young children. Dysfunction of the upper limb can have an adverse impact on the performance of daily life activities. A variety of interventions have been studied to improve upper limb function, botulinum toxin injections being one of them. A previous systematic review stated that there is high level evidence for using botulinum toxin as an adjunct therapy in the management of the upper limb in children with CP. Objectives: We aimed to further assess the efficacy of botulinum toxin injections in the upper limb in children with CP. In particular, we wanted to map the effect of repeated injections, longitudinal outcomes, the best additional therapies and determine the appropriate dose of botulinum toxin. Data sources: Pubmed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and CENTRAL were searched from August 2008 until the 17th of May 2018. Results: Ten trials met the inclusion criteria. Repeated injections may be superior over single injections. Thermoplastic night splints appeared to be useful whereas gaming technology was not. Modified constraint-induced therapy (mCIMT) and bimanual occupational therapy (BOT) are both beneficial and should be applied according to the goal of either unimanual or bimanual improvement. Conclusion: Repeated botulinum toxin injections may be more beneficial than single injections, though this needs further investigation. Depending on the goal of therapy, botulinum toxin injections can be efficiently combined with a variety of treatments to improve upper limb function. To define the best responders and long-term effects, future studies are crucial.


De intra- en interobserver betrouwbaarheid van gestandaardiseerde huidelasticiteitsmetingen met de Cutometer op de handen van patiënten met de ziekte van Dupuytren

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Introduction: The palmar skin often retracts in patients with Dupuytren’s disease (DD) before the development of severe contractures. The Cutometer MPA 580 is a non-invasive, objective measurement tool that can detect these early decreases in skin elasticity to evaluate disease progression and forecast a therapy plan. Nevertheless, good reproducibility of the measurements is required to utilize the device for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. In this cross-sectional analytical study, we proposed a new standardized and fine-tuned measurement protocol to investigate the impact on the reliability of the measurements. Methods: Two observers measured the palmar skin elasticity of 25 DD patients (31 hands) and 30 healthy controls (30 hands) in a standardized way. Two sites on the affected palmar fascia were rigorously selected and marked by an experienced hand surgeon according to skin involvement. The two sites for the healthy controls were predefined. Intra- and interobserver reliability was assessed through the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Second, an independent samples t-test was performed to validate the difference in skin elasticity between the two marked sites on the DD-affected hand. Results: Moderate to good ICC values were found for the intra-observer reliability on the site where the skin was fused (0.649;0.972) and loose (0.578;0.896) to the affected palmar fascia (DD). Moderate values were found for the interobserver reliability on the fused (0.655) and loose (0.634) skin sites. The same for the ICC values on the distal palmar crease site of the healthy controls: a moderate to good intra- (0.673;0.831) and moderate interobserver (0.549) reliability. The measurements on the healthy controls' ulnar site of proximal digit IV had poor intra-and interobserver reliability. Regardless of the reliability, the Cutometer was able to detect significant differences in maximal skin deformation (Uf) between the two places. Discussion: These results indicate that the standardized measurements and tailored site selection with relocation protocol have the potential to improve the reliability of the measurements for the Uf parameter, but measurements can still suddenly become unreliable and thus unusable. Small relocation displacements and excessive force cause great differences between the measured values of repeated measurements on the same subject (outliers). We conclude that further improvements need to be made first to overcome these limitations before the device can be utilized as an objective outcome measure for DD patients in clinical practice.


Literature Review of Functional Outcome Scores in Children with Hand Conditions
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Introduction Patient-reported outcome questionnaires became increasingly popular in the field of hand conditions. The aim of this article was to review and compare the most suited hand outcome questionnaires in the pediatric population suffering from cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and congenital hand disorders. Methods A literature search was performed using 3 databases: MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Library. The first search identified the different outcome scores in hand pathology. The second search combined these with pediatric hand conditions. The search was limited to publications from January 1st, 2000 through October 31st, 2018 and written in the English language. Results A total of 36 hand questionnaires was identified from 98 publications. After selection of the most suited questionnaires, 20 remained. We identified 7 traditional hand outcome questionnaires designed for the adult population. Six questionnaires are validated for the use in children with hand conditions. Another 6 contain useful components for the evaluation of hand function in a variety of hand conditions. Discussion Of the reviewed traditional hand outcome questionnaires, we believe DASH, QuickDASH and MHQ exhibit the greatest potential to be fitted to the adolescent population. The ABILHAND-kids, HUH and CHEQ exhibit the best psychometric evidence of the validated questionnaires in the pediatric population. As a generic alternative, the PODCI and PROMIS contain the most suited hand questionnaires. In conclusion, the orthopedic hand specialist is forced to use different, possibly non-validated, hand outcome questionnaires in the pediatric population. This review provides support in the clinician’s choice.


Reconstructie van DRUJ instabiliteit: opties en outcome
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Achtergrond: triangulair fibrocartilagineus complex (TFCC) scheuren kunnen leiden tot chronische post-traumatische distaal radioulnair gewricht (DRUJ) instabiliteit. Dit is een moeilijk te behandelen probleem. Verschillende chirurgische technieken zijn beschreven voor het herstel van de stabiliteit. Deze technieken zijn complex en er bestaat geen duidelijkheid over de voorkeurstechniek. Doel: de verschillende chirurgische opties en hun outcome voor de behandeling van DRUJ instabiliteit beschrijven en vergelijken. Methoden: in de literatuur werd gezocht naar studies over de chirurgische behandeling van post-traumatische chronische DRUJ instabiliteit. De resultaten van de Adams anatomische reconstructie, de artroscopische anatomische reconstructie, varianten van de Adams procedure, de Herbert Sling methode en het open en artroscopisch TFCC herstel werden met elkaar vergeleken. Resultaten: in deze review werden 37 studies met een totaal van 900 patiënten geïncludeerd. De Adams anatomische reconstructie resulteerde in blijvende stabiliteit bij gemiddeld 87% van de patiënten, de artroscopische anatomische reconstructie bij 81%, het artroscopisch TFCC herstel bij 81%, het open TFCC herstel bij 80% en de variabele methoden bij 85%. Discussie: de keuze voor de meest adequate chirurgische procedure voor het herstel van DRUJ instabiliteit is een complexe opgave. De Adams anatomische reconstructie is heden een gekende en betrouwbare methode. Verschillende minder invasieve methoden bieden een veelbelovend alternatief. Er is nood aan gerandomiseerde prospectieve studies en vergelijkende studies met overeenkomende outcome parameters om de technieken met elkaar te kunnen vergelijken.


Functionele uitkomst van een peestranspositie in de pols bij kinderen met unilaterale cerebrale parese: een systematische review.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Doelstelling: Het doel van deze systematische review was om te achterhalen wat de functionele uitkomst is na een chirurgische transpositie van de musculus flexor carpi ulnaris in de pols bij kinderen met unilaterale cerebrale parese. Methode: Een systematische zoektocht werd uitgevoerd via verschillende elektronische databanken, waaronder MEDLINE, COCHRANE, EMBASE en CINAHL alsook in referentielijsten van de weerhouden artikels. De artikels werden methodologisch geanalyseerd met behulp van de Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) schaal. Informatie over het studietype, het aantal deelnemers, de kenmerken van de patiënten, de behandeling, de uitkomstmaten en de resultaten werden verzameld. Resultaten: Een totaal van 319 artikels werd geïdentificeerd, waarvan slechts zes werden geïncludeerd in deze systematische analyse. De interne kwaliteit van deze zes studies was laag, aangezien het geen gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studies zijn. De rustpositie van de pols en de functionaliteit, waaronder het actieve bewegingsbereik en de knijpkracht van de pols, verbeterde postoperatief bij elk kind en geen enkel kind verloor mobiliteit in de pols. Dit gold eveneens voor de esthetiek van de pols. Conclusie: Deze review toont aan dat de rustpositie van de pols na een peestranspositie verandert naar een meer neutrale positie, wat een positieve invloed heeft op de functionaliteit en de esthetiek van de pols. Verder kan een flexor carpi ulnaris transpositie zorgen voor een beter actief bewegingsbereik en een betere knijpkracht. Op hogere evidentie gebaseerde studies zijn echter schaars. Verder onderzoek met betrekking tot de postoperatieve functionaliteit van de pols is noodzakelijk en dit op basis van systematisch gebruik van dezelfde primaire uitkomstmaten.



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Surgeons started to look for a solution for distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) pathology over 100 years ago. The therapy options vary from resection of the distal ulna to arthroplasty. The purpose of the study was to check if the semi-contrained arthroplasty of the DRUJ is a trustworthy procedure and to compare the outcome of our population to results in literature and look for consistancy. This study describes the results of 20 patients who underwent a replacement of the DRUJ. Between 2010 and 2015, 28 patients received an Aptis implant. Twenty out of these 28 patients were available for evaluation after a mean follow-up of 62.5 months. We examined the functional outcome and evaluated the DASH, PRWE and a VAS pain score. The mean DASH, PRWE and VAS pain score were 33.5, 38.7 and 4, resectively. The mean flexion and extension were 68° and 57° respectively and the mean pronation and supination were 80° and 69°. The grip strenght recovered to 59% and pinch strenght to 71% after surgery compaired to the non-operated side. One implant was removed because of persistend pain and synovitis which brought our survival rate to 95%. Since the start of this implant overall good results were reported with a survival rate between 96 and 100%. Review of literatur showed mean PRWE scores between 29 and 33 and DASH scores between 23 and 27. In our study we found comparable results with high satisfaction rates.


Het woonzorgcentrum van de toekomst?

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Controlled Active Motion versus Controlled Passive Motion: a Systematic Review of Flexor Tendon Injury Rehabilitation in Zone 2
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Background: Early mobilisation is essential in complete recovery of digit function after primary flexor tendon repair in zone II injuries. Two methods of rehabilitation are current clinical practice: controlled active motion and passive motion. Despite the abundance of publications on rehabilitation protocols, no consensus exists on the preferred post-operative management. Methods: The MEDLINE database was searched for articles published after 1989. Articles with comparative designs were included. The primary outcome was the difference in total active motion between protocols using the Strickland Criteria. The secondary outcome was the relative rupture rate. Both primary and secondary outcome were analysed according to publication year and complexity of the core suture. Results: One hundred and four articles were identified. Seven were ultimately included. The controlled active motion protocol produced excellent or good ratings in 80.74% of digits and a rupture rate of 8.57%. Correspondingly the controlled passive motion protocol achieved 58.28% and a rupture rate of 5.24%. Multi-strand and recent repairs yielded a lower rupture rate but showed no effect on total active motion. Conclusions: We provided weak evidence supporting controlled active motion as the best post-operative management after flexor tendon injuries in zone II. Our data further show that controlled active rehabilitation methods do not increase the risk of rupture when a multi-strand technique is used. We therefore argue that the optimal management of flexor tendon injuries in zone II would be an active motion protocol after a multi-strand core suture.


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