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Veel leerkrachten worden uitgedaagd door kinderen met gedragsproblemen, zeker sinds de invoering van passend onderwijs. Hoe kun je goed lesgeven en de orde bewaren wanneer je geconfronteerd wordt met druk gedrag, gebrek aan respect of agressie in de klas? Simpelweg straffen of schorsen is in die situaties meestal ineffectief. Ross Greene, bekend van de bestseller Het explosieve kind, richt zich in dit boek op de oorzaken van probleemgedrag. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden en praktische technieken legt hij uit waarom en wanneer kinderen in de klas ontsporen en hoe je daar proactief en conflictvermijdend op kunt reageren. Samenwerking en communicatie tussen school, ouders en leerling zijn daarbij cruciaal - waarbij het overigens meestal niet nodig is om aan medicatie te denken. De weg kwijt op school is geschikt voor ouders en leerkrachten, IB-ers en schoolpsychologen in zowel het basis- als voortgezet onderwijs.
gedragsstoornissen --- opvoeding --- Onderwijsorganisatie --- schoolorganisatie --- agressie --- leraren-leerling relatie --- gedragsproblemen --- gedragstoornissen --- #PBIB:+107.21 --- 376.5 --- #KVHB:Orthopedagogie --- #KVHB:Gedragsstoornissen --- 467 --- sociaal-emotionele opvoeding --- sociaal-emotionele problemen --- leerproblemen --- kinderen --- 376.5 Onaangepasten: onderwijs. Gedragsgestoorden opvoeding. Moeilijk opvoedbare kinderen. Opvoedingsmoeilijkheden --- Onaangepasten: onderwijs. Gedragsgestoorden opvoeding. Moeilijk opvoedbare kinderen. Opvoedingsmoeilijkheden --- Onderwijs : Opvoeding : Gedragsproblemen : Algemeen --- kinderen met psychosociale en emotionele problemen --- School management --- Gedragsproblemen --- Kinderen --- Lesgeven --- Probleemjongeren --- Ontwikkelingspsychologie --- Pedagogiek --- Gedragsprobleem --- Kind --- Probleemjongere --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Internationalisering
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517 --- Uitvoeringspraktijk --- Music --- harmonieleer --- muziektheorie --- Musical temperament --- Temperament, Musical --- Musical pitch --- Monochord --- Musical intervals and scales --- Tuning
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Historical archaeology, one of the fastest growing of archaeology’s sub fields in North America, has developed more slowly in Central and particularly South America. Happily, this circumstance is ending as a growing number of recent projects are successfully integrating textual and material culture data in studies of the events and processes of the last 500 years. This interval and this region–often called Ibero-America–have been studied for a century or more by historians with traditional perspectives and emphases focusing on colonial elites and large-scale politico-economic events. Such inclinations fit well into world-system and other core-periphery models that have had a major impact on historical thought since the 1970's. Over the past 20 years or so, however, world-system models have come under fire from historians, anthropologists, and others, in part because the emphasis on global trends and the growth of capitalism denies the importance of understanding variability in local histories and circumstances. Historians have increasingly turned their attention to local, rural, and domestic contexts, thereby illuminating the great diversity of responses to colonial domination that were played out in the vast arena of the Americas. It is not coincidental that this is the intellectual climate in which historical archaeology is establishing itself in Central and South America.
Architecture, Domestic --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Material culture --- Cuenca (Ecuador) --- History. --- Social life and customs. --- Archaeology. --- Anthropology. --- History, general. --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Human beings --- Archeology --- Anthropology --- History --- Antiquities --- Architecture, Rural --- Domestic architecture --- Home design --- Houses --- One-family houses --- Residences --- Rural architecture --- Villas --- Architecture --- Dwellings --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Culture --- Folklore --- Technology --- Rambae (Ecuador) --- Cuenca, Ecuador (City) --- Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca (Ecuador)
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gedragsproblemen --- opvoeding --- 376.42 --- Agressie --- Agressie (geweld, woede) --- Algemene pedagogiek (opvoeding, pedagogie) --- Gedragsstoornissen --- Kinderen --- Gedragsstoornissen (gedragsproblemen) --- Opvoeding --- Gezinsopvoeding (ouder-kind relatie) --- Relaties --- Orthopedagogics --- moeilijk opvoedbare kinderen --- frustraties --- gedragstherapie --- 420 --- hyperactiviteit --- psychologie van het kind --- gedragsstoornissen --- pédagogie
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This book has bong been established as one of the foremost works on Aristotle's life, work and philosophy
Aristotle. --- Aristoteles --- Aristote --- Aristotle --- Arisṭāṭṭil --- Aristo, --- Aristotel --- Aristotele --- Aristóteles, --- Aristòtil --- Aristotile --- Arisṭū --- Arisṭūṭālīs --- Arisutoteresu --- Arystoteles --- Ya-li-shih-to-te --- Ya-li-ssu-to-te --- Yalishiduode --- Yalisiduode --- Ἀριστοτέλης --- Αριστοτέλης --- Аристотел --- ארסטו --- אריםטו --- אריסטו --- אריסטוטלס --- אריסטוטלוס --- אריסטוטליס --- أرسطاطاليس --- أرسططاليس --- أرسطو --- أرسطوطالس --- أرسطوطاليس --- ابن رشد --- اريسطو --- Pseudo Aristotele --- Pseudo-Aristotle --- アリストテレス --- Philosophy, Ancient. --- Philosophy & Religion --- Philosophy
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In the Teaching Actors book, the author discusses a language for actor training and argues that there is a need to re-assess not only how actors should be trained but also how teachers of acting should be trained. In this book, the author represents several topics that relate to current training practices in which he sets out to promote discussion and scholarship. Dr. Prior contextualizes actor training past and present, its theory and practice, the notion of vocational expertise and the organization of acting courses in drama schools. He explains the discussion by introducing case studies rel
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