Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Kinderreanimatie. : wat iedereen zou moeten weten...
ISBN: 9789035230385
Year: 2008
Publisher: Maarssen Elsevier Gezondheidszorg

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A fuller relation of the great victory obtained ... at Alsford, on Friday the 28 of March, 1644 : by the Parliaments forces under the command of Sir William Waller, Sir William Balfore, and Maior Generall Browne, against the forces commanded by the Farl [i.e. Earl] of Forth, the L.
E. A.
Year: 1644
Publisher: London : Printed for Laurence Blaiklock,

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The Presbiterian brother and sister or A briefe reply to Dr. Bastwicks Vindication, which he wrote against Lievtenant Colonell Lilburne. : VVritten as a friendly check [unto the] said doctor,
E. A.
Year: 1645
Publisher: [London : s.n.],

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Den bybel der christelyken huysgezinnen, of de historie van het Oud Testament met schoone zedelessen tot nut der jeugd : naer het fransch.
E. A.
Year: 1839
Publisher: Brussel Vanderborght

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A letter sent from the devises in Wiltshire to a friend in Salisbury. : Shewing the condition of the towne, the affections of the inhabitants, and the behaviour of Sir Edward Baynton whilest he was there. Written some weekes since, but now printed upon occasion of a late abuse in Salisbury, done by some Parliament plundring forces under the command of Hungerford and Fines who wander about the country, robbing and spoyling His Majesties good subjects. A true relation whereof is hereunto annexed, that other cities, townes, and countries, may endeavour to withstand these and the like rebels who aime at nothing more then the ruine and destruction of this famous and flourishing kingdome.
E. A.
Year: 1643
Publisher: [London] : Printed for W. Webb,

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The great venture : shewing that man's life in this world is a venture, wherein he runs the hazard of an everlasting estate of happiness or misery in another world, according as he behaves himself here : also advice to youth, with several other things profitable for all who will seriously read and mind them
E. A.
Year: 1668
Publisher: London : Printed for Hen. Million, at the Common Huntsman in Chancery-lane,

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A letter from His Majesties quarters at Newcastle. : Containing the substance of the Kings answer to the Scots commissioners, and His Majesties desires to come to London to treate with the Parliament, and how M. Murry and divers malignants are received at court; with the proceedings of the Scots forces in the North. And another letter from Edenburgh in Scotland of Montrosses being shipt away, and the particulars thereof; and Generall Middletons marching against the Gourdons. These letters are printed and published according to order.
E. A.
Year: 1646
Publisher: London, : Printed by E.G.,

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Medico mastix or, A pill for the doctor : being a short reply to a late vindictive letter, sent to Mr. Vicars, in the name of Doctor Bastwick, concerning Leiut: [sic] Coll: John Lilburn.
E. A.
Year: 1645
Publisher: [London : s.n.],

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A fuller relation of the great victory obtained (through Gods providence) at Alsford, on Friday the 28. of March, 1644. : By the Parliaments forces, under the command of Sir William Waller, Sir William Balfore, and Maior Generall Browne, against the forces commanded by the Farl [sic] of Forth, the L. Hopton, Commissary Wilmot, and others. Together with the names of the chief commanders slaine and taken prisoners on both sides. Also a relation of the death of the Earle of Forth the Kings generall. As it was presented to the Right Honourable the Lord Major and the committee of the militia for the City of London, by an eye witnesse. Published by authority.
E. A.
Year: 1644
Publisher: London : Printed for Laurance Blaiklock,

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News indeed: Winchester taken. : Together with a fuller relation of the great victory obtained (through Gods providence) at Alsford, on Friday the 28. of March, 1644. by the Parliaments forces, under the command of Sir William Waller, Sir William Balfore, and Maior Generall Browne, against the forces commanded by the Earl of Forth, the L. Hopton, Commissary Wilmot and others. As it was presented to the right hoble the Lord Major and the committee of the militia for the city of London, by an eye witnesse. Published by authority.
E. A.
Year: 1644
Publisher: London : Printed for Laurance Blaiklock,

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