Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Die Bibele int corte : met die figuré des oudē testamēts ī volghende op dat nieuwe testamēt en op die werckē Chrysti Jhesu &c

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As Iheronimus, sheweth in this begynnynge, so wyll I wryte of the .iiij. tokens : the whiche shall be shewed afore the dredefull daye of dome, of our lorde Ihesu Christe. For there shall we shewe ourself yonge and olde, [and]c.

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Here beginneth a lytel treatyse the whiche speketh of the xv. tokens the whiche shullen bee shewed afore ye drefull daye of judgement : And who that our lorde shalt after chenyng of euery body of his wordis, workis and thoughtes. And who oure lorde wyll shewe us other in tokens. of his pasion, to theym that been deyeth in dedely synne.
Doesborch, Jan van
Year: 1505
Publisher: [Anwerpe : By the fron ballaunce &c. Emprinted by me Johan fro doesborch,

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The pro[g]nosticatio[n] of maister Iaspar late of Borchloon, doctour in astrologie of the yere MCCCCCxvi translated in to Ynglissh to the honorre of te Moost Noble & Victorious Kynge Henry the viij. by your moost hu[m]ble subiect Nicholas Longwater goeuerner of Our Lady Co[n]ception in [the] renowmed towne of Andwarp in Sint Iorges perys

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Mary of Nimmegen

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