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Non-judicial mechanisms for the implementation of Human rights in European States
ISBN: 9782802728009 2802728008 Year: 2010 Volume: 8 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Human rights --- International law --- Europe --- Civil rights --- Human rights advocacy --- Droits de l'homme --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Défense des droits de l'homme --- 342.72/.73 <4> --- État membre UE --- BPB1101 --- Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----Europa --- Rechten van de mens --- EU-lidstaat --- 342.72/.73 <4> Mensenrechten. Amnesty International. Euthanasie----Europa --- Défense des droits de l'homme --- Advocacy, Human rights --- Social advocacy --- National human rights institutions --- členský stát EU --- države članice EU-a --- țări ale UE --- Stat Membru tal-UE --- Shtetet Anëtare të BE-së --- EU-tagállam --- państwo członkowskie UE --- Stato membro UE --- EU-medlemsstat --- štáty EÚ --- Mitgliedstaat der EU --- država članica EU --- земља ЕУ --- EU Member State --- Estado-Membro UE --- κράτος μέλος ΕΕ --- ES dalībvalsts --- medlemsstat i EU --- ELi riigid --- EU:n jäsenvaltio --- държави от Европейския съюз --- ES valstybė narė --- Estado miembro UE --- земји членки на ЕУ --- krajiny EÚ --- EG-land --- EK valsts --- země ES --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union --- paese dell'Unione europea --- pays CE --- κράτος μέλος της ΕΕ --- země Evropské unie --- krajiny Európskej únie --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- EG-Land --- χώρα ΕΕ --- países CE --- kraje UE --- Euroopan unionin maat --- земји членки на Европската Заедница --- ELi liikmesriik --- država EU --- pays de l'Union européenne --- země Evropských společenství --- EU-Staat --- EK-tagország --- земји од ЕУ --- vend i KE-së --- land i Det Europæiske Fællesskab --- χώρα ΕΚ --- Estado miembro de la UE --- EÜ riik --- paese CE --- EU country --- país UE --- Europos Bendrijos šalis --- ES šalis --- European Community country --- земји од ЕЗ --- ES valsts --- Estado-Membro da União Europeia --- štáty Európskej únie --- ELi riik --- państwo UE --- EG-medlemsstat --- EC country --- Euroopa Liidu riik --- European Union country --- Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union --- paese della Comunità europea --- pays UE --- vend i Bashkimit Europian --- země EU --- EU-maat --- EU-ország --- EU-tagország --- land i Europeiska gemenskapen --- zemlje članice EU-a --- país de la UE --- países da União Europeia --- vend i BE-së --- vend i Komunitetit Europian --- land i Europeiska unionen --- EU-stat --- stat membru al Comunității Europene --- EF-land --- stat membru al Uniunii Europene --- EG-stat --- países de la Unión Europea --- az Európai Unió tagállama --- landen van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- krajiny Európskych spoločenstiev --- Europos Sąjungos šalis --- EU:n jäsenmaat --- Euroopa Ühenduse riik --- Eiropas Savienības valsts --- EU-land --- Stato membro dell'UE --- lidstaten van de Europese Unie --- paese UE --- landen van de EG --- EU-Land --- pays de la Communauté européenne --- țări membre ale Comunității Europene --- países de la Comunidad Europea --- EK-tagállam --- land i Den Europæiske Union --- Eiropas Kopienas valstis --- az Európai Közösségek tagállama --- EB šalis --- človekove pravice --- derechos humanos --- ľudské práva --- prawa człowieka --- ljudska prava --- δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου --- човешки права --- human rights --- inimõigused --- cilvēktiesības --- rechten van de mens --- lidská práva --- cearta an duine --- ihmisoikeudet --- direitos humanos --- људска права --- emberi jogok --- menneskerettigheder --- човекови права --- drittijiet tal-bniedem --- mänskliga rättigheter --- žmogaus teisės --- të drejtat e njeriut --- diritti umani --- drepturile omului --- Menschenrechte --- kršenje ljudskih prava --- Verletzung der Menschenrechte --- diritti fondamentali dell'uomo --- Verteidigung der Menschenrechte --- nezadatelná práva --- ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα --- nepromlčitelná práva --- pasikėsinimas į žmogaus teises --- фундаментални слободи и права на човекот и граѓанинот --- zaštita ljudskih prava --- porušování lidských práv --- atentado a los derechos humanos --- Schutz der Menschenrechte --- mbrojtje e të drejtave të njeriut --- krænkelse af menneskerettighederne --- cilvēktiesību apdraudējums --- παραβίαση των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- violarea drepturilor omului --- aantasting van de rechten van de mens --- porušenie ľudských práv --- Beeinträchtigung der Menschenrechte --- mensenrechten --- emberi jogok védelme --- emberi jogok megsértése --- kränkning av mänskliga rättigheter --- atteinte aux droits de l'homme --- útok na ľudské práva --- ihmisoikeusloukkaus --- προσβολή των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- attack on human rights --- protección de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību aizsardzība --- bescherming van de rechten van de mens --- salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo --- proteção dos direitos humanos --- tilsidesættelse af menneskerettighederne --- ihmisoikeuksien suojelu --- protezione dei diritti umani --- Конвенција за заштита на човековите права и основните слободи --- skydd av mänskliga rättigheter --- violación de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību pārkāpums --- ochrana ľudských práv --- žmogaus teisių apsauga --- ihmisoikeuksien uhkaaminen --- prava čovjeka --- derechos del hombre --- rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo --- schending van de rechten van de mens --- inimõiguste kaitse --- protecția drepturilor omului --- shkelje e të drejtave të njeriut --- violação dos direitos humanos --- brott mot mänskliga rättigheter --- beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder --- ochrana lidských práv --- inimõiguste ohustamine --- violation des droits de l'homme --- повреда на граѓанските права --- cenim i të drejtave të njeriut --- žmogaus teisių pažeidimas --- cilvēka pamattiesības --- граѓански слободи и права --- προστασία των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- ofensa aos direitos humanos --- заштита на правата и слободите на граѓаните --- кршење на човековите права --- human rights violation --- violazione dei diritti umani --- protection of human rights --- inimõiguste rikkumine --- reato contro i diritti dell'uomo --- protection des droits de l'homme --- Ballstát den Aontas Eorpach --- Human rights - Europe --- Human rights advocacy - Europe --- État membre UE --- Droit international --- Pays de l'Union européenne

Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
ISBN: 9004220828 9789004220829 9789004220805 9004220801 Year: 2013 Publisher: Leiden

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This book provides an in-depth examination of Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Article 33 of the CRPD requires that, for persons with disabilities, States parties 1) designate focal points and, if required, coordination mechanisms; 2) designate or establish independent mechanisms and; 3) guarantee the participation of civil society. The book aims to contribute to a better understanding of the national structures for the implementation and monitoring of the CRPD. In addition to analysing Article 33 of the CRPD, in a theoretical part, it studies its application through case studies on the following six EU Member States: Denmark, the United Kingdom, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, and Spain.


People with disabilities --- International and municipal law --- Cripples --- Disabled --- Disabled people --- Disabled persons --- Handicapped --- Handicapped people --- Individuals with disabilities --- People with physical disabilities --- Persons with disabilities --- Physically challenged people --- Physically disabled people --- Physically handicapped --- Persons --- Disabilities --- Sociology of disability --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol --- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities --- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol --- CRPD --- Shōgai no aru hito no kenri ni kansuru jōyaku to sono sentaku giteisho --- Konvensi PBB Mengenai Hak-Hak Orang Dengan Disabilitas --- UN CRPD --- UNCRPD --- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol --- Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad --- Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad y su Protocolo Facultativo --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities --- Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées et Protocole facultatif --- Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência e seu Protocolo Facultativo --- Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência e seu Protocolo Facultativo --- Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência

Disability in international human rights law
ISBN: 0191863319 0192557939 9780192557933 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Demonstrates the benefits of placing disabled people at the heart of international human rights law. It explores the impact of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the whole field of international human rights law, and studies the relationship between the Convention rights and those protected by other treaties.

Disability in international human rights law
ISBN: 9780198824503 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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A commentary on the Paris Principles on national human rights institutions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781107035737 9781139565325 1107035732 1316633497 131612133X 1316120244 113956532X Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (The Paris Principles) were adopted by National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and endorsed by both the UN General Assembly and Human Rights Commission. Since their adoption, they have become the standards applicable to these institutions with a mandate to promote and protect human rights. This book offers a complete study of the Paris Principles, which includes an appraisal of their establishment, evolution and potential for the future; a comprehensive commentary on each provision; and a practical guide to their interpretation, including the implications they have for the implementation of the competencies of NHRIs. This is the first book to thoroughly analyse the Paris Principles and will be essential reading for a global audience of both practitioners working for NHRIs and the UN as well as human rights scholars.

The right to inclusive education in international human rights law
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1108682715 1316392880 1107121183 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Education is a fundamental human right that is recognised as essential for the attainment of all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. It was not until 2006, on the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), that the right to inclusive education was codified. This volume fills a major gap in the literature on the right of disabled people to education. It examines the theoretical foundations and core content of the right to inclusive education in international human rights law, and explores the various ways of implementing this right through an exploration of legal strategies and mechanisms. With contributions by leaders in the field, this volume advances scholarship on the core content of the right to inclusive education by examining the content and practice of the right at the national, regional and international levels.

The right to inclusive education in international human rights law
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781316392881 9781107121188 9781107548510 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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Freedom of Religion : Critical reflections on the freedom to manifest religion
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Leuven K.U.Leuven. Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid

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Freedom of religion is generally described as one of the fundamental freedoms of the human kind. It is considered to be among the most basic ones, very often taken for granted in general discussion of essential human rights.Freedom of religion is formulated in various international declarations, treaties and conventions, the most prominent being Article 9 of the Council of Europes Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms from 1950 (ECHR), Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 (UDHR) and Article 18 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights from 1966 (ICCPR). In addition to those, many other provisions aim to protect freedom of religion, such as articles on the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, cf. e.g. Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 2 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Articles 2, 4, 24 and 26 of the ICCPR and finally also in Article 2 of Protocol 1 to the ECHR, to name a few.In this thesis I am going to try to answer the following questions on freedom of religion: What exactly is freedom of religion as established in the European Convention on Human Rights meant to protect and does freedom of religion need the special protection provided for by Article 9 ECHR, granted that other human rights are sufficiently guaranteed and protected, mainly the freedom of thought, conscience and opinion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association and the principle of non-discrimination.My approach on these questions will be first to try and establish the original purpose of freedom of religion as intended by its creators by taking a peek into the history of freedom of religion. After that I will examine the current provisions and norms on freedom of religion, with a special emphasis on the ECHR and its origins, as well as looking into the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter ECtHR or


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