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Ardenne (Belgique) --- Manners and customs --- Superstition --- Belgium --- prédiction sur le temps --- présages amoureux --- signes de nouvelles --- folklore --- XIXe siècle --- sorcellerie --- magie --- divination --- invisibilité --- objets magiques --- le diable --- Mogimont --- coutumes --- les Ardennes --- la Belgique --- la veillée des morts
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Comparative religion --- Roman history --- Histoire et culture romaines --- Romeinse geschiedenis en cultuur --- Religion and politics --- Omens. --- Religion et politique --- Présages --- Rome --- Politics and government --- Religion. --- Politique et gouvernement --- Religion --- 937.02 --- History Ancient world Italy 500 - 31 B.C. --- Présages --- History Ancient world Italy 500 - 31 B.C
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Neo-Latin literature --- Eruditie in de literatuur --- Erudition dans la littérature --- Learning and scholarship in literature --- Civilization --- Inventions --- Omens. --- History. --- literature [writings] --- neo-Latin [language] --- Civilization - History. --- Inventions - History. --- literature [documents] --- Polydore virgile --- Omens --- Civilisation --- Présages --- Civilization. --- Inventions. --- Uitvindingen. --- History --- Histoire --- Virgilio, Polidoro,
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Divination --- Omens --- Prophecies (Occultism) --- Présages --- Prophéties (Occultisme) --- Religious aspects --- Aspect religieux --- Rome --- Religion --- -Omens --- -Portents --- Prodigies (Omens) --- Signs (Omens) --- Superstition --- Signs and symbols --- Religion. --- -Religious aspects --- Présages --- Prophéties (Occultisme) --- Portents --- Augury --- Soothsaying --- Occultism --- Worship --- Divination - Rome --- Omens - Rome --- Rome - Religion
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Omens --- Présages --- Rome --- Religion --- Divination --- Signs and symbols --- Religion et politique --- 292.07 --- Religion Classical Roman --- Présages --- Representation, Symbolic --- Semeiotics --- Signs --- Symbolic representation --- Symbols --- Abbreviations --- Semiotics --- Sign language --- Symbolism --- Visual communication --- Portents --- Prodigies (Omens) --- Signs (Omens) --- Superstition --- Augury --- Soothsaying --- Occultism --- Worship --- Religion. --- Omens - Rome --- Divination - Rome --- Signs and symbols - Rome --- Rome - Religion
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Comets --- Superstition --- Religion and politics --- Rationalism --- Ethics --- Comètes --- Superstitions --- Religion et politique --- Rationalisme --- Morale --- Early works to 1800 --- Religious aspects --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Aspect religieux --- Présages --- Doute --- Philosophie de la religion --- Comètes --- Early works to 1800. --- Morale. --- Doute. --- Philosophie de la religion. --- Aspect religieux.
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Divination --- Omens --- Présages --- Rome --- Religion. --- History --- Religion --- Histoire --- 292.2117 --- Religion Classical Greek and Roman Miracles, prophecy, revelation --- Présages --- Portents --- Prodigies (Omens) --- Signs (Omens) --- Superstition --- Signs and symbols --- Augury --- Soothsaying --- Occultism --- Worship --- Kings, 753-510 B.C. --- Republic, 265-30 B.C. --- Divination - Rome --- Omens - Rome
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Inscriptions akkadiennes --- Inscriptions égyptiennes --- Inscriptions grecques --- Inscriptions hittites --- Inscriptions ougaritiques --- Inscriptions sudarabiques --- Inscriptions sumériennes --- Inscriptions vieux-perses --- Magie --- Oracles égyptiens --- Présages --- Rites et cérémonies --- Wahrsagen --- Orakel --- Beschwörung --- Vorzeichen --- Aspect religieux --- Traductions allemandes --- Sources --- Bible. A.T. --- Histoire --- Geschichte --- Alter Orient --- Orient --- Nordafrika --- Ägypten --- Mesopotamien --- 291.33 --- Directe invloed op de goddelijke wil: hekserij; bezweringen; magie, toverij --- 291.33 Directe invloed op de goddelijke wil: hekserij; bezweringen; magie, toverij --- Traductions allemandes. --- Alter Orient. --- Wahrsagen. --- Mesopotamien. --- Orakel. --- Beschwörung. --- Geschichte. --- Nordafrika. --- Ägypten.
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Comment prévoir l’inconnu et contrôler l’inattendu ? Les Anciens ont tenté de répondre à ces questions en interprétant des signes dans lesquels il reconnaissaient des messages divins. Ce recueil permet de comparer la diversité de leurs questionnements dans les sociétés polythéistes ou monothéistes de la Méditerranée antique. Il interroge premièrement la construction rituelle des signes au sein des institutions divinatoires ; deuxièmement, des phénomènes naturels spontanés, qui, apparus hors de toute institution, ont néanmoins valeur de présages ou d’avertissements ; troisièmement, l’intentionnalité manifestée à travers l’intervention divine dans l’histoire des peuples ou les vies singulières ; quatrièmement, l’épistémologie des signes dans des élaborations philosophiques ou théologiques qui éclairent la tension entre données oraculaires et contrôle ritualisé des signes, entre données révélées et argumentations raisonnées visant à neutraliser les injonctions du destin. How to foresee the unknown and master the unexpected? Ancient people tried to answer those questions by interpreting signs considered as divine messages. In this volume, the writers compare and examine this manifold questioning in the polytheistic and monotheistic societies of the ancient Mediterranean Sea. In the first place, it is shown how signs were ritually constructed within instituted practice of divination ; second, how, although some spontaneous natural phenomena appeared out of any instituted context, may nevertheless constitute omens or monition ; third, how the gods’ intervention may reveal a sort of intention in the course of national history or individual life ; finally, the essays study the epistemology of signs at work in some philosophical or theological elaborations, which may enlighten the tension between oracular evidence and ritual control of signs, and between revealed facts and reasoning arguments intending to neutralize the injunctions of the divine.
Omens --- Divination --- Présages --- History --- Religious aspects --- Histoire --- Aspect religieux --- Mediterranean Region --- Méditerranée, Région de la --- Religious life and customs. --- Vie religieuse --- Méditerranée ancienne --- --Divination --- --Religions antiques --- --History --- Religious life and customs --- History. --- 291 --- Religion Comparative religion --- Présages --- Méditerranée, Région de la --- Portents --- Prodigies (Omens) --- Signs (Omens) --- Superstition --- Signs and symbols --- Augury --- Soothsaying --- Occultism --- Worship --- Circum-Mediterranean countries --- Mediterranean Area --- Mediterranean countries --- Mediterranean Sea Region --- Omens - Mediterranean Region - History --- Divination - Mediterranean Region - History --- Religions antiques --- Mediterranean Region - Religious life and customs
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Mit dem dreizehnten Band der Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts (KAL) erscheint nunmehr der dritte und letzte Teil der Edition divinatorischer Keilschrifttexte, die bei den Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur gefunden wurden und in das Vorderasiatische Museum zu Berlin gelangten. In diesem Band werden insgesamt 77 Tontafeln und Tontafelfragmente vorgelegt, die das Streben der Gelehrten in Assur belegen, die tiefere Bedeutung der Himmelsbewegungen zu erfassen. Neben einigen wenigen Manuskripten der astrologischen Omenserie Enuma Anu Ellil umfasst das Textkorpus vor allem zahlreiche mittel- und neuassyrische Texte zu Beobachtungen des Mondes, der Sonne, des Wetters sowie der Planeten und Fixsterne. Etliche interessante Textkommentare zu astrologischen Omina und eine grosse Tafel mit glossierten Omina zu unterschiedlichen Themen runden das Textmaterial ab. Auffallig ist das fast vollige Fehlen von Tafeln in babylonischer Schrift, wie sie bei anderen divinatorischen Texten aus Assur belegt sind. Die Mehrzahl der Texte werden zum ersten Mal der Offentlichkeit zuganglich gemacht, zudem werden erstmals Handzeichnungen von einigen Texte vorgelegt, die der Fachwelt bereits durch fruhere Publikationen in Umschrift bekannt waren. Ausfuhrliche Konkordanzen und Indices, darunter ein Glossar der akkadischen Worter und Indices von Zahlen, Monats-, Gotter-, Damonen-, Stern- und Planetennamen, sowie Abbildungen der Keilschrifttexte in Form von Handzeichnungen und Photographien schliessen den Band ab.
Assyro-Babylonian literature --- Akkadian language --- Cuneiform inscriptions, Akkadian --- Littérature assyro-babylonienne --- Akkadien (Langue) --- Inscriptions cunéiformes akkadiennes --- Translations into German. --- Texts. --- Traductions allemandes --- Textes --- Keilschrifttext. --- Cuneiform inscriptions, Akkadian. --- Assur. --- Littérature assyro-babylonienne --- Inscriptions cunéiformes akkadiennes --- Incantations, Assyro-Babylonian. --- Demonology, Assyro-Babylonian. --- Radiesthésie --- Inscriptions akkadiennes --- Inscriptions cunéiformes --- Divination --- Religion assyro-babylonienne --- Assyro-Babylonian literature. --- Cuneiform inscriptions. --- Assyro-Babylonian religion. --- Religion assyro-babylonienne. --- Présages. --- Inscriptions akkadiennes. --- Divination. --- Assour (ville ancienne) --- Ashur (Extinct city) --- Sumériens. --- Astrologie antique. --- Assyriens. --- Écriture cunéiforme. --- Antiquités --- Sumerians. --- Astrology. --- Assyrians. --- Cuneiform writing. --- Middle East --- Antiquities. --- Assyro-Babylonian religion --- Religion, Assyro-Babylonian --- Religions --- Akkadian cuneiform inscriptions --- Akkadian literature --- Babylonian literature --- Sumériens. --- Écriture cunéiforme. --- Antiquités --- Assyrie. --- Radiesthésie --- Présages.
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