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Cheshires successe since their pious and truly valiant Collonell Sr. William Brereton, barronet came to their rescue : set forth in 4 chapters ... : confirmed by a letter sent from that industrious and faithfull Collonell unto his deare friend in London ... : together with a catalogue of the names of the chiefe commanders that were taken prisoners at the said battell : which are 1 baronet, 1 collonell, 1 lievtenant collonell, 2 sergeant majors, 9 captaines, 6 lievtenants, 4 ensignes, 2 corporalls, 1 quartermaster, 2 canomers, 4 cornets, colours, 400 and odde prisoners, 2 brasse pieces, 8 barrells of gunpowder, etc. : whereunto is added a strange warrant etc. and certain newes of the great battell neare Stafford, much like Kyneton Battell.
Year: 1643
Publisher: London : Printed for Thomas Vnderhill ...,

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Instrvctions agreed upon by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : for Sir William Brereton barronet, the members of the House of Commons and for Sir George Booth, knight and barronet and the rest of the deputie lieutenants of the citie and countie of Chester.

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The advice and direction of both Houses of Parliament, to Sir William Brereton, and to the rest of the deputy lieutenants, for the county of Chester. : With orders of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the regulating of those souldiers that are gon, or shall goe, under the command of his Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, Lord generall for this expedition. Die Jovis, August 18. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that these orders bee forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliamentor.
England and Wales.
Year: 1642
Publisher: [London] : August 19. Printed at London for Iohn Wright,

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A true relation of a great victory obtained by the Parliaments forces against the cavaliers neere Chester. : With the number of colonels, sergeant-majors, captaines, lieutenants, that were slaine at Wem and at Lee-Bridge in this fight by the Parliaments forces. As it was sent in a letter from one that was in the fight to M. James Waters in Newgate Market, and received the 24 of November, 1643.
Year: 1643
Publisher: [London] : Printed by E.P.,

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A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the protection of Sir William Brereton, in the county of Chester, who hath lately been proclaimed a traytor by His Majesty

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A true relation of two great victories obtained of the enemy : the one by Sr. William Brereton in Cheshire, the other by Sir Iohn Meldrum in Lancashire; relating the death of Col. Marrow, and the lists of prisoners taken in both the fights: and of about 1800. horse of Ruperts; as also some remarkable proceedings of Col. Fox, and his cubs; with the late condition of the Lord Generals army in the West. All sent up from good hands to the Parliament, and to citizens of good quallitie. Published according to order.
Brereton, William
Year: 1644
Publisher: London : Printed for Thomas Underhill at the sign of the Bible in Woodstreet,

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An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament : for the inabling of Sir William Brereton Baronet, one of the members of the House of Commons, speedily to put in execution the ordinances for the sequestration of the estates of papists and delinquents, the fifth, and twentieth part, weekly assessment; and all other ordinances of Parliament, within the county of Chester, and county and city of Chester: and to take subscriptions for the better supply and maintenance of the forces under his command, for security of the said places, and preventing the access of the Irish forces into those parts. Also allowing unto the said Sir William Brereton the personal estates of all papists and delinquents in and about London, and within 20. miles thereof, as are not yet sequestered or discovered, for the service aforesaid. Die Martis 26. Martii. 1644. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Ioh. Browne Cler. Parliament.
England and Wales.
Year: 1644
Publisher: [London] : Printed for John Wright in the Old-Baily,

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Shropshires misery and mercie. : Manifested in the defeat given to the Lord Capels ravenous and devouring armie, by the forces of Cheshire and Shropshire, under the conduct of those valiant and unanimous commanders, Sir William Brereton, Sir Tho: Middleton, and Col: Mitton. Together with the names of the officers and common souldiers, hurt, kild, and taken prisoners on both sides. Faithfully related by those who were employed in the service, and presented to publike view, as a monument of Gods power and providence in taking the wise in their own craftinesse.
Year: 1643
Publisher: [London] : November. 8. London, Printed, for Tho: Vnderhil,

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Magnalia dei. : A relation of some of the many remarkable passages in Cheshire before the siege of Namptvvich, during the continuance of it: and at the happy raising of it by the victorious gentlemen Sir Tho. Fairfax and Sir William Brereton. Together with the deliverance and victory by the garrison at Nottingham: certified in a letter to a worthy member of the House of Commons. Published by authority and entred according to order.
Year: 1644
Publisher: London : Printed for Robert Bostock dwelling at the signe of the Kings head in Pauls Church-yard,

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A True relation of a notable surprize and eminent defeat given to the rebells at Elsmere eight miles from Wem in Shropshire : by that vigilant and valiant commander for the King and Parliament, Colonell Mitton, commander in chiefe of the forces in Shropshire, under the Right Honourable the Earle of Denbigh : being upon Friday at night Jan. 12 as Sir Nicholas Byron, and others of the rebells were convoying arms and ammunition towards the siege of Namptwich and other places : and is published purposely to cleere that misreport, and mistake of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and Sir William Brereton, and to satisfie those that desire to know the truth.
Year: 1644
Publisher: [London?] : Printed for G.B. and R.W.,

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Mitton, Thomas,
Denbigh, Basil Feilding,
Byron, Nicholas,
Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax,
Brereton, William,
Great Britain
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