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Human sciences (algemeen) --- Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Philosophical anthropology --- Psychology --- Aesthetics --- esthetica --- filosofie --- wijsgerige antropologie --- cultuurwetenschap --- metafysica
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Science --- Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- History of philosophy --- Space research --- Astrophysics --- astrofysica --- popularisering wetenschap --- filosofie --- existentialisme --- fenomenologie --- metafysica --- ruimte (astronomie) --- astronomie --- Antiquity
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The classic conception of human transcendental consciousness assumes its self-supporting existential status within the horizon of life-world, nature and earth. Yet this assumed absoluteness does not entail the nature of its powers, neither their constitutive force. This latter call for an existential source reaching beyond the generative life-world network. Transcendental consciousness, having lost its absolute status (its point of reference) it is the role of the logos to lay down the harmonious positioning in the cosmic sphere of the all, establishing an original foundation of phenomenology in the primogenital ontopoiesis of life.
Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Philosophical anthropology --- filosofie --- wijsgerige antropologie --- existentialisme --- fenomenologie --- persoonlijkheidsleer --- metafysica
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Rationality in its various expressions and innumerable applications sustains understanding and our sense of reality. It is traditionally differentiated according to its sources in the soul: in consciousness, in reason, in experience, and in elevation. Such a functional approach, however, leaves us searching for the common foundation harmonizing these rationalities. The perennial quest to resolve the aporias of rationality is finding in contemporary science's focus on origins, on the generative roots of reality, tantalizing hints as to how this may be accomplished. This project is enhanced by the wave of recent phenomenology/ontopoiesis of life, which reveals the workings of the logos at the root of beingness and all rationality, whereby we gaze upon the prospect of a New Enlightenment. In the rays of this vision the revival of the intuitions of classical Islamic metaphysics, particularly intuition of the continuity of beingness in the gradations of life, receive fresh confirmation.
Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- General ethics --- Religious studies --- ethiek --- filosofie --- Islam --- godsdienstfilosofie --- fenomenologie --- metafysica
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This collection offers a critical assessment of transcendentalism, the understanding of consciousness, absolutized as a system of a priori laws of the mind, that was advanced by Kant and Husserl. As these studies show, transcendentalism critically informed 20th Century phenomenological investigation into such issues as temporality, historicity, imagination, objectivity and subjectivity, freedom, ethical judgment, work, praxis. Advances in science have now provoked a questioning of the absolute prerogatives of consciousness. Transcendentalism is challenged by empirical reductionism. And recognition of the role the celestial sphere plays in life on planet earth suggests that a radical shift of philosophy's center of gravity be made away from absolute consciousness and toward the transcendental forces at play in the architectonics of the cosmos.
Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Psychology --- Theory of knowledge --- Philosophy of science --- History of philosophy --- filosofie --- geschiedenis --- epistomologie --- existentialisme --- metafysica
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A world ever more extensively interlinked is calling out for serving human interests broader and more compelling than those inspiring our technological welfare. The interface between cultures - at the moment especially between the Occident and Islam - presents challenges to mutual understandings and calls for restoring the resources of our human beings forgotten in the struggle of competition and rivalry at the vital spheres of existence. In the evolutionary progress of the living beings the strictly vital concerns, emotions, attributes become sublimed and elevated to the spiritual sphere at which human beings encounter each other and share. Studies presented here bring forth sublimity, generosity, forgiveness, beauty, and are exalting the quest after ciphers and symbols which lead to our sharing the common deepest stream of fraternal reality.
Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Psychology --- General ethics --- Religious studies --- pluralism --- theologie --- ethiek --- filosofie --- Islam --- godsdienstfilosofie --- pluralisme --- metafysica
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There is no greater gift to man than to understand nothing of his fate , declares poet-philosopher Paul Valery. And yet the searching human being seeks ceaselessly to disentangle the networks of experiences, desires, inward promptings, personal ambitions, and elevated strivings which directed his/hers life-course within changing circumstances in order to discover his sense of life. Literature seeks in numerous channels of insight the dominant threads of the sense of life , the inward quest , the frames of experience in reaching the inward sources of what we call destiny' inspired by experience and temporality which carry it on. This unusual collection reveals the deeper generative elements which form sense of life stretching between destiny and doom. They escape attention in their metamorphic transformations of the inexorable, irreversibility of time which undergoes different interpretations in the phases examining our life. Our key to life has to be ever discovered a new.
Human sciences (algemeen) --- Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Philosophical anthropology --- Psychology --- Aesthetics --- aesthetics --- esthetica --- filosofie --- wijsgerige antropologie --- cultuurwetenschap --- metafysica
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Lamentations over the disarray and disorientation in the philosophical quest may be heard from all sides today. The horizon of the All no longer beacons, for our hope of attaining it seems ever to recede. Yet, challenging the mistrust of reason that pursuit is precisely engaged in what is undertaken here. Our forty-year elaboration of the ontopoiesis/phenomenology of life as first philosophy/phenomenology in its unravelling of the metamorphic deployment of the logos of life has laid the foundations for the retrieval of the metaphysical vision. Here the classic concerns of philosophy are not negligently dismissed but are ciphered afresh in the light of innumerable perspectives and insights brought to philosophical attention in a New Enlightenment by advances in the sciences of life and of human apprehension. Strikingly enough pursuit of the greatest enigma of all, namely, that of the All enhancing Divine, is revived in the revelation that the logos informing life is the Fullness of God. In the Fullness being revealed in the infinite intricacies of the operations of the Logos of Life, we find the plenitude of God's experiencing man. In times when the prevailing critique of reason casts aspersions on the quest for God through reason, the full revelation of the logos brings to the entire human experience the infinities of God. In logos omnia
Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Philosophy of nature --- Psychology --- Religious studies --- filosofie --- godsdienstfilosofie --- existentialisme --- persoonlijkheidsleer --- metafysica
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Surging from the ontopoietic vital timing of life, human self-consciousness prompts the innermost desire to rise above its brute facts. Imaginatio creatrix inspires us to fabulate these facts into events and plots with personal significance attempting to delineate a life-course in life-stories within the ever-flowing stream - existence. Seeking their deep motivations, causes and concatenations, we fabulate relatively stabilized networks of interconnecting meaning - history. But to understand the meaning and sense of these networks' reconfigurations call for the purpose and telos of our endless undertaking; they remain always incomplete, carried onwards with the current of life, while fluctuating with personal experience in the play of memory. Facts and life stories, subjective desires and propensities, the circumambient world in its historical moves, creative logos and mythos, personal freedom and inward stirrings thrown in an enigmatic interplay, prompt our imperative thirst for the meaning of this course, its purpose and its fulfillment - the sense of it all. To disentangle all this animates the passions of the literary genius. The focus of this collection is to isolate the main arteries running through the intermingled forces prompting our quest to endow life with meaning. Papers by: Jadwiga Smith, Lawrence Kimmel, Alira Ashvo-Munoz, William D. Melaney, Imafedia Okhamafe, Michel Dion, Franck Dalmas, Ludmila Molodkina, Victor Gerald Rivas, Rebecca M. Painter, Matti Itkonen, Raymond J. Wilson III, Christopher S. Schreiner, Bruce Ross, Bernadette Prochaska, Tsung-I Dow, Jerre Collins, Cezary Jozef Olbromski, Victor Kocay, Roberto Verolini
Multidisciplinary collective works --- Philosophy --- Philosophical anthropology --- Comparative literature --- interdisciplinair onderzoek --- filosofie --- literatuur --- wijsgerige antropologie --- existentialisme --- persoonlijkheidsleer
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From Aristotle to the present, memory has been grasped as an image--a trace or impression left by a lost reality--and has been seen as bridging physiological experience and consciousness. Through the centuries philosophers have vainly sought to make concrete the nature of this bridge between sensory experience and consciousness. The present-day physiologizing/naturalizing of consciousness is no closer than previous attempts to resolving their congenital continuity. But the very existence and practice of life is rooted in this continuity, and clearly we have to change our approach to and formulation of this enigma (Erwin Straus). This will mean simultaneously hitting upon and entering into the Aristotelian congenital ties between memory and temporality, which acquire crucial significance in our primogenital ontopoiesis of life (Tymieniecka). The ontopoietic approach to the generation and unfolding of beingness, to the step by step temporalizing of life in the whirl of coalescing moments, reveals memory to be the factor that carries the great secret of this coalescence of temporality and the becoming of life itself. This selectivity and coalescence cannot be the fruit of singular functional schemata or organs, but must proceed from the generative springs of life, become the new platform of first phenomenology/philosophy, with the fluctuating thread of continuity of memory now to be sought at the innermost heart of beingness and becoming in the ontopoietic logos of life.
We propose in this collection to explore the fulgurating force of memory within the perspective of the constitution of reality: rememorizing and interpretation, consciousness and action, facts and imagination, history and myths, self-realization and metamorphosis....
Philosophy --- Philosophy of nature --- Psychology --- Biology --- Psychiatry --- psychiatrie --- biologie --- filosofie --- existentialisme --- persoonlijkheidsleer