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This paper summarises and analyses results of the OECD's Model Comparisons Project. The aim of the project is to better understand differences across six global models in the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In order to facilitate comparisons, key assumptions and reduction targets have been standardised. The paper provides evidence on; i) projected carbon dioxide emissions through the next century, and ii) the carbon taxes and output costs entailed in reducing these emissions ...
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This paper surveys various estimates of the macroeconomic implications of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Most available studies focus on policies to reduce CO2 emissions and are limited to the costs of such policies. The survey first examines the key factors shaping baseline emission scenarios. It then looks at the aggregate cost of emission reductions, as shown by both global and country-specific models, and discusses the key determinants of the model outcomes. The paper also briefly reviews other options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and draws some more general lessons for the policy response to the threat of climate change ...
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This paper surveys empirical studies of the costs of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. It updates and extends an earlier paper, which focused on baseline emission scenarios and the aggregate cost of emission reductions. It attempts to explain some of the differences in simulation results and highlights some major policy issues ...
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