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Pierre actual Belgique-België.
ISSN: 17678544

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Naturwerkstein in der Denkmalpflege : Handbuch für den Steinmetzen und Steinbildhauer, Architekten und Denkmalpfleger

Pierres et marbres de Wallonie = Stenen en marmers van Wallonie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2871430683 9782871430681 Year: 1990 Publisher: Bruxelles: Archives d'architecture moderne,

Bouwfysisch onderzoek: Karakterisering van steensoorten. Vergelijkend onderzoek van waterwerende en steenverstevigende middelen : Building-physics Research: Characterization of types of stone. Comparative assessment of water-repelling and stone-reinforcing agents.
ISBN: 9034609804 Year: 1987 Publisher: Zeist/'s-Gravenhage : RDMZ Rijksdienst voor de Monumentenzorg/Staatsuitgeverij,

Material Stone : constructions and technologies for contemporary architecture
ISBN: 3764370157 Year: 2004 Publisher: Basel Birkhäuser

Dressed stone
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783764372736 3764372737 1299863728 3034614640 9783034614641 Year: 2005 Publisher: München DETAIL - Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG

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Der Einsatz von Naturwerkstein hat eine lange Tradition. Der Umgang mit diesem faszinierenden Material stellt jedoch hohe Anforderungen an das handwerkliche Können und stellt Planer und Ausführende vor neue Herausforderungen in neuen Anwendungsbereichen. Dieses Buch möchte hier Abhilfe schaffen: Der Einsatz von Naturstein wird in Detailzeichnungen im Maßstab 1:10 nachvollzogen, wobei besonderer Wert auf alle Anschlusspunkte und die damit verbundenen speziellen Probleme gelegt wird und worauf bei Entwurf und Planung als auch während der Ausführung zu achten ist. Gegenüber der erhältlichen deutschen Ausgabe wurde diese internationale Ausgabe im konstruktiven Teil ergänzt durch ein Kapitel zur Fassadentechnik, und die Steinkarten wurden um eine Auswahl der meistgefragten 80 europäischen Steine erweitert. Handling this traditional but still captivating building material has its quirks, today perhaps more than ever. On the one hand it can no longer be taken for granted that stonemasonry skills will be readily available, while there are also new requirements and applications, not to mention damaging environmental influences, that create uncertainty for planners and implementers. This book is designed to provide assistance. - From cornice to curtain-walling: all details in words and sectional drawings - Are you looking for a particular stone? The most important domestic types of stone with supplier details - Various surface treatments and their visual effect - Documentation of 15 selected example applications

Radical marble : architectural innovation from antiquity to the present
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781472465979 9781351174169 1472465970 Year: 2018 Publisher: London Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

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"Marble is one of the great veins through the architectural tradition and fundamental building block of the Mediterranean world, from the Parthenon of mid-fifth century Athens, which was constructed of pentelic marble, to Justinian's Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and the Renaissance and Baroque basilica of St. Peter's in the Vatican. Scholarship has done much in recent years to reveal the ways and means of marble. The use of colored marbles in Roman imperial architecture has recently been the subject of a major exhibition and the medieval traditions of marble working have been studied in the context of family genealogies and social networks. In addition, architectural historians have revealed the meanings evoked by marble revetted and paved surfaces, from Heavenly Jerusalem to frozen water. The present volume builds upon the body of recent and emerging research - from antiquity to the present day - to embrace a global focus and addressing the more unusual (or at least unexpected) uses, meanings, and aesthetic appeal of marble. It presents instances where the use of marble has revolutionized architectural practice, suggested new meaning for the built environment, or defined a new aesthetic - moments where this well-known material has been put to radical use."--Provided by publisher.

Dry stone walls : fundamentals, construction, significance
ISBN: 9783858818133 3858818135 Year: 2019 Publisher: Zurich Scheidegger & Spiess

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Dry stone walls are a critical component of the landscape in Switzerland and many other countries. They support the cultivation of agriculture and livestock, and they are also integral to the ecosystem. And, in many locations across Switzerland, they are in need of restoration by those with a thorough understanding of their roles and vast range of types and purposes.Drawing on the copious research and practice of the Environmental Action Foundation, Dry Stone Walls is a uniquely comprehensive work on the topic, combining cultural history with a guide to plants and animals that find their habitat in such structures and a practical, step-by-step manual to the building and maintenance of dry stone walls. Richly illustrated with more than four hundred photographs and drawings, including many in color, the book contains a wealth of advice for both the planning of new dry stone walls and the care of existing ones, as well as information on structural analysis and the organization of building sites. The book will serve as a guide for future generations everywhere to this ancient practice that is in danger of extinction.With contributions by Werner Bätzing, Sandro Benedetti, Fredi Bieri, Giovanni Buzzi, François Busson, Klaus C. Ewald, Hans-Karl Gerber, Marianne Hassenstein, Thomas Kesselring, Hans Peter Kistler, Peter Krebs, Christine Loriol, Daniel Pelagatti, Ingrid Schegk, Theodor Schmidt, Mathias Steiger, Richard Tufnell, Andrin Willi, and Franziska Witschi.

Construire en pierre massive a Paris = Building with limestone in Paris
ISBN: 9782956781530 2956781537 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: h2o architectes,

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Situé aux 74-76, avenue Félix-Faure, cet immeuble de 32 logements comporte des façades en pierre de taille de 24 cm d'épaisseur. Sans cuisson ni mélange, la pierre utilisée en façade permet de diminuer les émissions de C02 de 60 % par rapport au béton, concernant le chantier, et de 35 % sur un cycle de vie de 50 ans. L'agence h2o architectes réussit à démontrer que la pierre massive, matériau géosourcé, représente une alternative économique équivalente à des solutions plus courantes, tout en offrant une qualité de prestation supérieure.

Understanding building stones and stone buildings
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138094222 1138094226 9781315100180 1315100185 9781351585323 1351585320 9781351585347 1351585347 9781351585330 1351585339 9780367779818 Year: 2020 Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press,

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"This book covers the wide spectrum of subjects relating to obtaining and using building stones. The life of a building stone is explained from its origin in the quarry, through its exposure to the elements when used for a building, to its eventual deterioration. The structure of stone buildings is then discussed, with explanations of the mechanics of pillars, lighthouses and walls, arches, bridges, buttresses and roof vaults, plus castles and cathedrals. The book is illustrated with more than 450 diagrams and colour photographs of both the various stones and the associated stone buildings"--

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