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A multidisciplinary examination of the phenomenon of collaboration to expand knowledge and inform future activities. Human existence depends critically on how well diverse social-cultural-political groups can collaborate. Yet the phenomenon of collaboration itself is ill-defined, badly understood, and there is no straightforward formula for its successful realization. In The Nature and Dynamics of Collaboration , edited by Paul F.M.J. Verschure et al., experts from wide-ranging disciplines examine how human collaboration arises, breaks down, and potentially recovers. They explore the different contexts, boundary conditions, and drivers of collaboration to expand understanding of the underlying dynamic, multiscale processes, in an effort to increase chances for ethical, sustainable, and productive collaboration in the future. This volume is accompanied by twenty-four podcasts, which provide insights from real-world examples.
Group decision making. --- Group work in art. --- Social groups.
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This book gathers the peer-reviewed papers presented at the 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR), held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on May 19-24, 2024. It highlights the latest advances and innovations in the field of internal swelling reactions, particularly alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR), and combined mechanisms such as delayed ettringite formation (DEF). The conference topics encompass understanding the reaction mechanisms and the affecting factors; testing methods and preventative measures; diagnosis, evaluation, and prognosis; monitoring and NDT; structural effects and modeling at all scales; repair and remedial measures; and combined mechanisms (e.g., DEF). The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
Concrete. --- Buildings --- Building materials. --- Chemistry, Technical. --- Geochemistry. --- Building Repair and Maintenance. --- Structural Materials. --- Industrial Chemistry. --- Repair and reconstruction. --- Maintenance. --- Concrete --- Alkali-aggregate reactions --- Deterioration --- Deterioration.
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This book gathers the peer-reviewed papers presented at the 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR), held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on May 19-24, 2024. It highlights the latest advances and innovations in the field of internal swelling reactions, particularly alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR), and combined mechanisms such as delayed ettringite formation (DEF). The conference topics encompass understanding the reaction mechanisms and the affecting factors; testing methods and preventative measures; diagnosis, evaluation, and prognosis; monitoring and NDT; structural effects and modeling at all scales; repair and remedial measures; and combined mechanisms (e.g., DEF). The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
Concrete. --- Buildings --- Building materials. --- Chemistry, Technical. --- Geochemistry. --- Building Repair and Maintenance. --- Structural Materials. --- Industrial Chemistry. --- Repair and reconstruction. --- Maintenance.
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This book gathers selected contributions of the 7th international conference on structural adhesive bonding AB 2023, held in Porto, Portugal, July 13–14, 2023. The book provides the latest trends and developments related to structural bonding. Topics like adhesive formulation and properties, adhesion and surface treatments, joint design, and durability of structural adhesive joints are covered. This book offers a wealth of information for researchers, students and engineers in industry.
Mechanics. --- Materials --- Materials. --- Mechanics, Applied. --- Solids. --- Classical Mechanics. --- Materials Characterization Technique. --- Materials Engineering. --- Solid Mechanics. --- Analysis.
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Studenten en praktijkjuristen in het familierecht beschikken met Compendium van het personen- en familierecht 15e druk over een actueel overzicht van het personen- en familierecht. In een achttiental hoofdstukken komen alle onderdelen van het steeds veranderende Boek 1 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek aan bod. Zo maakt u kennis met de actuele stand van zaken omtrent :Het naamrechtHet huwelijksrechtHet geregistreerd partnerschapHet huwelijksvermogensrechtDe (echt)scheidingDe afstamming en de adoptieHet (ouderlijk) gezag en de voogdijDe kinderbeschermingsmaatregelenDe alimentatieDe maatregelen ter bescherming van meerderjarigen, zoals het beschermingsbewind.Een kort overzicht van het familieprocesrecht maakt het geheel compleet. Tot slot gaat er ook aandacht uit naar het erfrecht middels een apart hoofdstuk. Personen-en familierecht actueelDe wet- en regelgeving op het terrein van de echtscheiding en haar gevolgen voor de kinderen, de alimentatie, het vermogen en het pensioen is voortdurend aan verandering onderhevig. Uiteraard is deze 15e druk bijgewerkt met de laatste wetgeving, zoals die over de dubbele achternaam. Daarnaast vindt u de relevante nieuwe jurisprudentie op nationaal en internationaal niveau opgenomen.
Status of persons --- Family law. Inheritance law --- Netherlands --- Pays-Bas
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This book provides selected contributions of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Joining Processes, held in Braga, Portugal, on October 19–20, 2023. The volume is dedicated to the current developments in mechanical joining (1st Section), joining by plastic deformation (2nd Section), and welding (3rd Section). The selected contributions represent the state of the art in advanced methods of joining. The book serves as a reference volume for researchers and graduate students working with advanced joining processes.
Joints (Engineering) --- Mechanical engineering. --- Surfaces (Technology). --- Thin films. --- Manufactures. --- Mechanical Engineering. --- Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Film. --- Machines, Tools, Processes.
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"This volume engages with social theory and considers diverse, non-Western worldviews to explore concepts of life and death in past societies of the Indigenous Americas"-- "Applying social theory and incorporating non-Western perspectives in the interpretation of bioarchaeological research, this volume demonstrates how researchers in bioarchaeology and mortuary archaeology can work to better understand concepts of life and death in past societies of the Indigenous Americas. Through case studies that apply the "ontological turn" to human funerary and skeletal remains, contributors set aside Western views of reality, nature, and personhood to explore how people of various cultures understood existence and the human body. Contributors examine mortuary records from Inuit groups in Labrador and Greenland, Hopewell culture in the lower Illinois River valley, and Weeden Island and Puebloan traditions in the United States Southeast and Southwest. They look at the Paquimé community in Mexico, iconography of the Maya civilization, the demographics of Inka populations, and an ancient village on the Amazon River in Brazil. With attention to the viewpoints of these cultures, these essays deconstruct the boundaries between human remains and other interred artifacts, the living and the dead, and other binaries rooted deeply in Western science. Exploring Ontologies of the Precontact Americas reminds readers that their own ontological perspectives affect how they interpret the past. By considering diverse, non-Western worldviews and engaging with novel social theories of the body, this volume inspires new understandings of precontact societies. "--
Indians --- Tombs --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Archaeology --- Funeral customs and rites. --- Antiquities. --- America
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This book gives an overview of pharmacoproteomics and its clinical applications, as well as the latest information on drug mechanisms at the proteome level, the relationship between proteomics and toxicity or resistance, and how proteomics aid in discovery of new drug targets. The book also highlights recent advances in analytical methods, analysis, and interpretation of pharmacoproteomic data. Pharmacoproteomics: Recent Trends and Applications is an ideal book for those working in pharmaceutical industries, as well as scientists, health care professionals, and researchers who work in the field of genomics, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Drug delivery systems. --- Proteins. --- Pharmaceutical chemistry. --- Cytology. --- Drug Delivery. --- Pharmaceutics. --- Cell Biology. --- Pharmacology. --- Proteomics.
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