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The objective of this technical report and the accompanying skills profiles report is twofold. First, the technical report explains the methodology used to transform job postings text into OV data and in turn, illustrates how to use those data to produce labor market intelligence valuable to different users. Second, the report presents answers to questions often asked by end-users and policymakers. This work is part of a series produced by the World Bank to support the Government of Indonesia in strengthening its labor market information system (LMIS). The OVO presents the results of one of four data pilots that, if adopted by the government, will provide the information needed to fill in important data gaps and to provide key labor market intelligence services to different users. Moreover, while this work focuses on the Indonesian context, it may also inform decisions in other developing countries that are considering the utilization of these data and having concerns about their validity when there is limited access to the internet and widespread informality.
Labor Market --- Occupations --- Skills Development and Labor Force Training --- Social Protections and Labor
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Executive development programs have entered a period of rapid transformation, driven by digital disruption and a widening gap between the skills that participants and their organizations demand and those provided by their executive programs. This work delves into the objective functions of the executive development space, analyzes the demand characteristics of the learners and the organizations that pay for the programs, and the ways in which business schools and other providers deliver (or not) on the promises they make regarding skill development and the continued value of learning to the organization. They show how a trio of disruptive forces (disintermediation, disaggregation and decoupling) which have figured prominently in industries disrupted by digitalization,are reshaping the structure of demand for executive development. The authors look at the future of executive development in the era of self-refining algorithms (aka machine learning) and wearable sensors and computers, and offer a compass for making the right choice for CEOs and CLOs who are guiding executive program design. Ultimately, they offer a guide for to optimize the learning production function for both skill acquisition and skill transfer – the two charges that the new skills economy has laid out for any educational enterprise.
Management --- Executives --- Study and teaching. --- Training of. --- Executive Development. --- Future of education. --- Skills Development. --- Skills Transfer.
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Executive development programs have entered a period of rapid transformation, driven by digital disruption and a widening gap between the skills that participants and their organizations demand and those provided by their executive programs. This work delves into the objective functions of the executive development space, analyzes the demand characteristics of the learners and the organizations that pay for the programs, and the ways in which business schools and other providers deliver (or not) on the promises they make regarding skill development and the continued value of learning to the organization. They show how a trio of disruptive forces (disintermediation, disaggregation and decoupling) which have figured prominently in industries disrupted by digitalization,are reshaping the structure of demand for executive development. The authors look at the future of executive development in the era of self-refining algorithms (aka machine learning) and wearable sensors and computers, and offer a compass for making the right choice for CEOs and CLOs who are guiding executive program design. Ultimately, they offer a guide for to optimize the learning production function for both skill acquisition and skill transfer – the two charges that the new skills economy has laid out for any educational enterprise.
E-books --- Management --- Executives --- Study and teaching. --- Training of. --- Executive Development. --- Future of education. --- Skills Development. --- Skills Transfer.
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This paper exploits a rich dataset from various administrative sources to study short- and medium-term labor market outcomes of vocational education and training graduates in Saudi Arabia. It examines five cohorts of graduates from institutes operated by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation who are formally employed in the private sector. The outcome measures for the study are based on monthly earnings data from the private sector social insurance records covering up to five years after graduation for the first cohort. The analysis finds positive returns to technical and vocational education are sustained over time. However, program orientation and economic conditions at the time of graduation appears to impact wages. Furthermore, vocational education and training in Saudi Arabia is associated with higher job mobility after graduation from the program. Students' mobility premium is enhanced by completion of the program, suggesting improved skills signaling and utilization contributing to higher returns to vocational education and training. The analysis identifies several challenges and opportunities to further improve outcomes of graduates, such as reducing the gender gap in labor market outcomes of female graduates and reducing the high incidence of vertical mismatch among graduates' field-of-study selection and the occupations group in which they are employed.
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Although many educational researchers were pioneers in the integration of technology into teaching and learning prior to 2000, institutions started extensively adopting technology in their courses around this period. However, the adoption process was slow and mainly followed the traditional mode of teaching in the formal university learning environment. The COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption “forced” everyone to use technology for teaching and learning purposes, supporting synchronous and/or asynchronous teaching and learning processes. This book aims not only to present successful practice examples from before or during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to provide useful information to university teachers, assisting them in further understanding the higher education context, demands and challenges of digital education. Including evidence from the current higher education landscape from all over the world and discussing various frameworks allows institutions and policymakers to take decisions about the future digital education transformation, while teachers and educational researchers can find examples of how various digital learning tools (i.e., virtual simulations and e-portfolios) are integrated into teaching and learning processes in various environment (i.e., online, and blended learning). Considering experiences prior to the COVID-19 pandemic alongside the opportunities and challenges brought about by the pandemic, this book can support the higher education sector in considering curriculum reformations and introducing innovative teaching and learning approaches to meet the Industrial 4.0 revolution.
Humanities --- Education --- standardized test --- Saber Pro --- student characteristics --- mean score differences --- correlations between competencies --- academic performance --- improvement --- e-learning --- technology acceptance --- learning management system --- behavioral intention e-learning --- behavioral intention --- digital learning ecology --- self-directed learning --- learning technology --- digital resilience --- higher education --- HeXie --- bioscience --- home labs --- COVID-19 --- practical skills development --- learning communities --- gamification --- flipped classroom --- virtual labs --- remote lab --- virtual lab --- enquiry-based learning --- inquisitive learning --- interactive learning --- digital interruptions --- online learning --- mobile learning --- blended learning --- career planning --- electronic learning --- employability --- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge --- science education --- student teachers --- self-report measure --- ubiquitous learning --- learning theories --- digital transformation --- educational environment --- eco-environment --- educational design --- process model --- capabilities --- Labour 4.0 --- teaching
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Games are a natural activity—we all know how to play. Perhaps this is the key feature that explains the increase in the use of game-based learning (GBL) strategies: Applying games to education converts education into a universal activity. Over the last ten years, the way in which education and training is delivered has considerably changed, not only due to a new technologic environment—plenty of social networks, MOOCs, etc.—but also because of the appearance of new methodologies. Such new methodologies are shifting the center of gravity: from the teacher to the student, with the aim of awakening relational aspects, as well as promoting imagination and divergent thinking. One new approach that holds considerable promise for helping to engage learners is, indeed, game-based learning (GBL). However, while a growing number of institutions are beginning to see the validity of GBL, there are still many challenges to overcome before this type of learning can become widespread.In this Special Issue, we want to gather several studies and experiences in GBL to be shared with other teachers and researchers.
Humanities --- Education --- gamification --- education --- literature survey --- publication analysis --- teacher instruction --- motivation --- curricular integration --- mathematics instruction --- escape room --- review --- assessment --- computational thinking --- functions --- future teachers --- Scratch --- serious games --- game-based learning --- higher education --- teacher predispositions --- gamification in education --- gamifying learning --- STEAM education --- mathematics --- Brazil --- Spain --- traditional games --- ethnomathematics --- steam --- intercultural education --- primary education --- board games --- global change --- environmental engagement --- teacher training --- Education for sustainability --- role-playing games --- second language instruction --- educational game --- board game --- learning tool --- teaching-learning process --- interdisciplinary learning --- science learning --- marine environment --- environmental awareness --- skills development --- mathematical problem-solving --- video games --- emotions --- Portal 2 --- n/a
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Games are a natural activity—we all know how to play. Perhaps this is the key feature that explains the increase in the use of game-based learning (GBL) strategies: Applying games to education converts education into a universal activity. Over the last ten years, the way in which education and training is delivered has considerably changed, not only due to a new technologic environment—plenty of social networks, MOOCs, etc.—but also because of the appearance of new methodologies. Such new methodologies are shifting the center of gravity: from the teacher to the student, with the aim of awakening relational aspects, as well as promoting imagination and divergent thinking. One new approach that holds considerable promise for helping to engage learners is, indeed, game-based learning (GBL). However, while a growing number of institutions are beginning to see the validity of GBL, there are still many challenges to overcome before this type of learning can become widespread.In this Special Issue, we want to gather several studies and experiences in GBL to be shared with other teachers and researchers.
gamification --- education --- literature survey --- publication analysis --- teacher instruction --- motivation --- curricular integration --- mathematics instruction --- escape room --- review --- assessment --- computational thinking --- functions --- future teachers --- Scratch --- serious games --- game-based learning --- higher education --- teacher predispositions --- gamification in education --- gamifying learning --- STEAM education --- mathematics --- Brazil --- Spain --- traditional games --- ethnomathematics --- steam --- intercultural education --- primary education --- board games --- global change --- environmental engagement --- teacher training --- Education for sustainability --- role-playing games --- second language instruction --- educational game --- board game --- learning tool --- teaching-learning process --- interdisciplinary learning --- science learning --- marine environment --- environmental awareness --- skills development --- mathematical problem-solving --- video games --- emotions --- Portal 2 --- n/a
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Games are a natural activity—we all know how to play. Perhaps this is the key feature that explains the increase in the use of game-based learning (GBL) strategies: Applying games to education converts education into a universal activity. Over the last ten years, the way in which education and training is delivered has considerably changed, not only due to a new technologic environment—plenty of social networks, MOOCs, etc.—but also because of the appearance of new methodologies. Such new methodologies are shifting the center of gravity: from the teacher to the student, with the aim of awakening relational aspects, as well as promoting imagination and divergent thinking. One new approach that holds considerable promise for helping to engage learners is, indeed, game-based learning (GBL). However, while a growing number of institutions are beginning to see the validity of GBL, there are still many challenges to overcome before this type of learning can become widespread.In this Special Issue, we want to gather several studies and experiences in GBL to be shared with other teachers and researchers.
Humanities --- Education --- gamification --- education --- literature survey --- publication analysis --- teacher instruction --- motivation --- curricular integration --- mathematics instruction --- escape room --- review --- assessment --- computational thinking --- functions --- future teachers --- Scratch --- serious games --- game-based learning --- higher education --- teacher predispositions --- gamification in education --- gamifying learning --- STEAM education --- mathematics --- Brazil --- Spain --- traditional games --- ethnomathematics --- steam --- intercultural education --- primary education --- board games --- global change --- environmental engagement --- teacher training --- Education for sustainability --- role-playing games --- second language instruction --- educational game --- board game --- learning tool --- teaching-learning process --- interdisciplinary learning --- science learning --- marine environment --- environmental awareness --- skills development --- mathematical problem-solving --- video games --- emotions --- Portal 2
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Kritisch denken en onderzoekscompetentiesIn tijden van nepnieuws en deepfakes zijn kritisch denken en onderzoeksvaardigheden belangrijker dan ooit. Daarom zet het hoger onderwijs niet alleen in op vakkennis, maar ook op algemene vakoverschrijdende vaardigheden: de future proof skills. Zo krijgen professionele bachelorstudenten alle tools die ze nodig hebben om uit te groeien tot wendbare professionals én kritische burgers. Denk. Zoek. Twijfel. is daarbij een onmisbare gids. Het eerste deel focust op kritisch denken: je ontdekt essentiële informatievaardigheden, leert redeneren en kritisch over jezelf reflecteren. In het tweede deel leer je alles over de onderzoekscompetenties die je nodig zult hebben voor je bachelorproef, en later in de beroepspraktijk.
Kritisch denken. --- Onderzoekscompetenties. --- IR (information retrieval) --- kritisch denken --- informatiebronnen --- informatievaardigheden --- onderzoekscompetenties --- reflecteren --- redeneren --- Onderzoeksvaardigheid --- Kritisch denken --- Onderzoekscompetentie --- 450.4 --- informatiegeletterdheid --- onderwijskunde, onderwijsonderzoek --- Informatievaardigheden --- onderzoeksvaardigheden --- Reflecteren --- 001.81 --- Beslissen --- Beeldvorming --- Information systems --- zoekmethoden --- communicatievaardigheden --- Science --- Philosophy of science --- Methods in social research (general) --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Social Sciences -- Research Methodology. --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- informatieanalyse --- anailís ar fhaisnéis --- analiza informacija --- analiza informacji --- informační analýza --- informationsanalyse --- analiza informației --- анализа на информации --- analizë e informacionit --- informačná analýza --- informacijos analizė --- analisi delle informazioni --- análise da informação --- analiżi tal-informazzjoni --- анализ на информация --- analyse de l'information --- analiza informacij --- informācijas analīze --- infoanalüüs --- análisis de la información --- information analysis --- informationsanalys --- tiedon sisällön analyysi --- információelemzés --- Informationsanalyse --- анализа информација --- ανάλυση πληροφοριών --- dokumentinė analizė --- documentary analysis --- ανάλυση δεδομένων --- análise de dados --- análise documental --- gegevensanalyse --- dokumentanalyse --- dokumentační analýza --- dokumentumelemzés --- Datenanalyse --- analyse des données --- duomenų analizė --- dokumentanalys --- dokumendianalüüs --- dataanalys --- analisi documentaria --- analiza datelor --- analiza podataka --- tiedon analysointi --- asiakirjojen analysointi --- analizë dokumentuese --- ανάλυση τεκμηρίωσης --- Dokumentenanalyse --- datu analīze --- análisis de documentos --- analizim të dhënash --- dataanalyse --- data analysis --- dokumentālā analīze --- análisis de datos --- analisi dei dati --- analiză documentară --- analyse documentaire --- análisis documental --- raščlamba obavijesti --- adatelemzés --- dokumentačná analýza --- analýza údajov --- andmeanalüüs --- documentaire analyse --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- compétences cognitives --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- gestion du temps --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- onderzoeksmethoden --- onderzoeksvaardigheid --- onderzoek --- interviews --- enquêtes --- observaties --- experimenten --- rapporten --- plagiaat --- argumentatie
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Ce livre, présenté comme un recueil concis, propose 100 conseils pratiques de management, pour optimiser la gestion de l'équipe et du temps.
management --- administration du personnel --- compétences cognitives --- gestion --- organisation du travail --- gestion du temps --- tijdbeheer --- organizácia práce --- organizzazione del lavoro --- organisation af arbejdet --- organizacja pracy --- Arbeitsorganisation --- työn organisointi --- organizim i punës --- eagrú na hoibre --- организација на работата --- organizace práce --- darbo organizavimas --- töökorraldus --- organizacija rada --- οργάνωση της εργασίας --- организација рада --- organizacija dela --- organizzazzjoni tax-xogħol --- organização do trabalho --- organización del trabajo --- organisatie van het werk --- darba organizācija --- organizarea muncii --- организация на работа --- organisation of work --- arbetsorganisering --- munkaszervezés --- Organisation des Arbeitsablaufs --- córas fostaíochta --- organization of work --- maniġment --- poslovodenje --- valdymas --- pārvaldība --- Management --- gestione --- johtaminen --- gestión --- ledning --- управување --- zarządzanie --- gestão --- beheer --- пословодство --- διαχείριση --- manažment --- menaxhim --- menedzsment --- управление --- bainistíocht --- menadžment --- juhtimine --- ledelse --- lyderystė --- ledarskap --- förvaltningssätt --- politica di gestione --- ledelsesform --- Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung --- știința conducerii --- vezető szerep --- vállalat vezetése --- styring --- водеща роля --- Führung --- vedení --- johtajuus --- forma de gestão --- раководење --- mode de gestion --- amministrazione d'impresa --- upravljanje --- liderança --- vodstvo --- leadership --- poslovodstvo --- vadyba --- tmexxija --- capacités d’encadrement --- lederskab --- vadovavimas --- strategia di gestione --- vadovybė --- ηγεσία --- līderība --- capacități de conducere --- üzletvezetés --- řídicí aparát --- przywództwo --- менаџмент --- piano di gestione --- Managementmethode --- vodenje --- direzione operativa --- wijze van beheer --- vezetés --- liderazgo --- μάνατζμεντ --- líderstvo --- leiderschap --- kognitiivsed oskused --- kognityviniai įgūdžiai --- когнитивни умения --- cognitive skills --- aptitudini cognitive --- kognitīvās prasmes --- cognitieve vaardigheden --- kognitivní dovednosti --- competências cognitivas --- kognitivne vještine --- abilità cognitive --- kognitívne zručnosti --- kognitive færdigheder --- kognitive Fähigkeiten --- kognitivne spretnosti --- γνωστικές δεξιότητες --- umiejętności poznawcze --- kognitiiviset taidot --- ħiliet konjittivi --- capacidades cognitivas --- kognitiva färdigheter --- kognitív készségek --- gestão do tempo --- immaniġġjar tal-ħin --- ajaplaneerimine --- spreekvaardigheid --- slušne spretnosti --- skills development --- skaitymo įgūdžiai --- läsförmåga --- įgūdžių ugdymas --- Hören --- Zeitmanagement --- развитие на умения --- zručnosti v čítaní --- abilità di lettura --- tidshantering --- δεξιότητες ανάγνωσης --- luistervaardigheid --- ontwikkeling van vaardigheden --- capacidades de escucha --- čitanje --- gestionarea timpului --- listening skills --- puhetaito --- slušanje --- organizacija vremena --- tidsforvaltning --- sviluppo delle abilità --- ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων --- gestione del tempo --- bralne spretnosti --- poslechové dovednosti --- tidsstyring --- govor --- rozwój umiejętności --- Sprechen --- talförmåga --- govorne spretnosti --- умения за говорене --- time-management --- lukutaito --- gestión del tiempo --- умения за слушане --- διαχείριση χρόνου --- capacidade para ouvir --- capacité à s’exprimer --- zarządzanie czasem --- čtenářské dovednosti --- leesvaardigheid --- prasmju attīstīšana --- rozvoj dovedností --- olvasott szöveg értése --- δεξιότητες ομιλίας --- beszédkészség --- δεξιότητες ακρόασης --- készségfejlesztés --- prasme klausīties --- lasītprasme --- taitojen kehittäminen --- rozvoj zručností --- lugemisoskus --- umiejętność słuchania --- tidsplanlægning --- časový manažment --- oskuste arendamine --- capacidades de expresión oral --- dezvoltarea competențelor --- väljendusoskus --- abilități de ascultare --- competências comunicativas --- organizace času --- abilități de vorbire --- umiejętność czytania --- ħiliet tas-smigħ --- desenvolvimento de competências --- abilità di produzione orale --- språklig förmåga --- razvoj spretnosti --- desarrollo de capacidades --- læsefærdigheder --- ħiliet tat-taħdit --- kuuntelutaidot --- abilități de citire --- zručnosti v počúvaní --- Lesen --- capacité à écouter --- zručnosti v rozprávaní --- kuulamisoskused --- competências de leitura --- ħiliet tal-qari --- laika plānošana --- żvilupp tal-ħiliet --- færdighedsudvikling --- hallott szöveg értése --- ajanhallinta --- razvoj vještina --- talefærdigheder --- compétences en lecture --- reading skills --- умения за четене --- upravljanje časa --- abilità di ascolto --- klausymo įgūdžiai --- kalbėjimo įgūdžiai --- lyttefærdigheder --- développement des compétences --- speaking skills --- intellektuell förmåga --- laiko valdymas --- runātprasme --- capacidades lectoras --- időgazdálkodás --- Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten --- vyjadřovací dovednosti --- kadrovske zadeve --- zarządzanie personelem --- administrim i personelit --- amministrazzjoni tal-persunal --- henkilöstöhallinto --- personaladministration --- administración del personal --- administração do pessoal --- personāla pārvaldība --- personální oddělení --- personaleadministration --- personnel administration --- кадровски прашања --- personalo valdymas --- управление на персонала --- amministrazione del personale --- управљање кадровима --- Personalverwaltung --- upravljanje kadrovima --- personálna správa --- személyzetgazdálkodás --- managementul personalului --- riarachán pearsanra --- personalihaldus --- διοίκηση προσωπικού --- personeelsbeheer --- personalijuhtimine --- PaM --- staff administration --- movimentação de pessoal --- menaxhim i burimeve njerëzore --- personální management --- cilvēkresursu pārvaldība --- darbo jėgos vadyba --- διαχείριση των ανθρώπινων πόρων --- Personalbewegung --- osobní oddělení --- henkilöstövoimavarojen hallinta --- kadrovska služba --- movimiento de personal --- gestion des ressources humaines --- személyzetirányítás --- administrarea personalului --- obrátka zamestnancov --- managementul resurselor umane --- personálna administratíva --- beheer van personele middelen --- раководење кадар --- personalista --- riadenie zamestnancov --- humánerőforrás-gazdálkodás --- inimressursside haldamine --- personaleledelse --- staff management --- upravljanje ljudskim resursima --- darbuotojų kaita --- personali liikuvus --- gestion du personnel --- κίνηση προσωπικού --- förvaltning av mänskliga resurser --- henkilöstöresurssien hallinta --- Verwaltung der Humanressourcen --- personeelsadministratie --- management of human resources --- personnel management --- darbuotojų administravimas --- personāla mainīgums --- humánerőforrás-menedzsment --- personální řízení a odměňování pracovníků --- gestão do pessoal --- personalförvaltning --- staff turnover --- administrim personeli --- mouvement de personnel --- personalomsättning --- personálny manažment --- řízení lidských zdrojů --- personální ředitel --- henkilöstön vaihtuvuus --- riadenie ľudských zdrojov --- gestione delle risorse umane --- ndryshim i personelit --- gestão dos recursos humanos --- menaxhim personeli --- personāla administrēšana --- personalo vadyba --- personaleforskydning --- gestión de recursos humanos --- gestione del personale --- Personalführung --- personeelsverloop --- πολιτική προσωπικού --- forvaltning af de menneskelige ressourcer --- gestión del personal --- movimento di personale --- fluctuația personalului --- compétences cognitives
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