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Making in the making : Performing new forms and spatialities of production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. In particular, Fablabs are considered open workshops for grassroots innovation, which is enabled by the availability of shared digital fabrication machines and by the possibility to share knowledge with peers and work together on a project, either in person or online. People attending Fablabs are usually called Makers and, according to the discourse surrounding them, they are deemed the harbingers of a democratisation of production and part of a broader transformation of urban economies and work in the era of digital capitalism. The book is the result of a PhD research on Makers and Fablabs in Turin, mainly based on an ethnographic observation conducted at Fablab Torino. It offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the study is therefore of interest for scholars in different social sciences who study the reconfiguration of work and production in cities and digitally mediated economic transformations. The analysis unpacks the enactment of Making as a new form of work and production through three different conceptual foci – knowledge, materiality, and work. Notably, the inquiry looks at how Fablab Torino and the urban ‘Maker scene’ in Turin are performatively enacted through the entanglement between economic theories on the phenomenon with specific socio-technical arrangements aiming at making those economic theories true. The geographical relevance of the phenomenon is identified not in some static spatial configuration but, on the one hand, in the heterogeneous and emergent spatialities that emerge from individual practices of Making and, on the other, in the sociomaterial practices of organising that bring into being economic organisations such as Fablabs.

Making in the making : Performing new forms and spatialities of production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. In particular, Fablabs are considered open workshops for grassroots innovation, which is enabled by the availability of shared digital fabrication machines and by the possibility to share knowledge with peers and work together on a project, either in person or online. People attending Fablabs are usually called Makers and, according to the discourse surrounding them, they are deemed the harbingers of a democratisation of production and part of a broader transformation of urban economies and work in the era of digital capitalism. The book is the result of a PhD research on Makers and Fablabs in Turin, mainly based on an ethnographic observation conducted at Fablab Torino. It offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the study is therefore of interest for scholars in different social sciences who study the reconfiguration of work and production in cities and digitally mediated economic transformations. The analysis unpacks the enactment of Making as a new form of work and production through three different conceptual foci – knowledge, materiality, and work. Notably, the inquiry looks at how Fablab Torino and the urban ‘Maker scene’ in Turin are performatively enacted through the entanglement between economic theories on the phenomenon with specific socio-technical arrangements aiming at making those economic theories true. The geographical relevance of the phenomenon is identified not in some static spatial configuration but, on the one hand, in the heterogeneous and emergent spatialities that emerge from individual practices of Making and, on the other, in the sociomaterial practices of organising that bring into being economic organisations such as Fablabs.

Making in the making : Performing new forms and spatialities of production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. In particular, Fablabs are considered open workshops for grassroots innovation, which is enabled by the availability of shared digital fabrication machines and by the possibility to share knowledge with peers and work together on a project, either in person or online. People attending Fablabs are usually called Makers and, according to the discourse surrounding them, they are deemed the harbingers of a democratisation of production and part of a broader transformation of urban economies and work in the era of digital capitalism. The book is the result of a PhD research on Makers and Fablabs in Turin, mainly based on an ethnographic observation conducted at Fablab Torino. It offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the study is therefore of interest for scholars in different social sciences who study the reconfiguration of work and production in cities and digitally mediated economic transformations. The analysis unpacks the enactment of Making as a new form of work and production through three different conceptual foci – knowledge, materiality, and work. Notably, the inquiry looks at how Fablab Torino and the urban ‘Maker scene’ in Turin are performatively enacted through the entanglement between economic theories on the phenomenon with specific socio-technical arrangements aiming at making those economic theories true. The geographical relevance of the phenomenon is identified not in some static spatial configuration but, on the one hand, in the heterogeneous and emergent spatialities that emerge from individual practices of Making and, on the other, in the sociomaterial practices of organising that bring into being economic organisations such as Fablabs.

Arduino in Science : Collecting, Displaying, and Manipulating Sensor Data
ISBN: 1484267788 148426777X 1523150777 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berkeley, CA : Apress : Imprint: Apress,

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It’s a simple question, but do you know how to take basic measurements with your Arduino, Raspberry Pi or PC? A lot of the times, you know how to use microcontrollers, sensors, and programming skills to collect data. This book takes it one step further to teach you how to transform your PC, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino to a device that can measure, collect, and analyze data. You'll begin from a simple starting point reviewing the basics of electronics and digital and analog concepts. As you advance through this book, you’ll work through 10 exercises to develop a working knowledge of microcontroller properties and graphical data presentation concepts, basic electronic technology, and the fundamentals of controlling and acquiring data. Arduino in Science is your guide to monitoring and measuring physical – chemical parameters with integrated circuitry and physical computational systems. You will: Review fundamental human machine interfacing with supervisory control and data acquisition software Examine timing, counting, and serial communication concepts Adapt microcontrollers to perform sophisticated functions Understand collection and presentation of data.

LEGO®-Roboter bauen, steuern und programmieren mit Raspberry Pi und Python.
ISBN: 374750311X 3747503128 Year: 2021 Publisher: Frechen : mitp,

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Long description: Biographical note: Thomas Kaffka hat als Softwareingenieur sowie Projektleiter in Softwarehäusern und Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaften gearbeitet. Er ist ein echter Maker und beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Themen wie etwa dem Bau von LEGO®-Robotern, der Künstlicher Intelligenzforschung sowie dem 3D-Druck.


Technik --- Elektronik --- Python --- Roboter --- Sensoren --- buch --- Maker --- KI --- Raspberry Pi --- LEGO --- programmieren lernen --- EV3 --- rpi --- brickpi

Raspberry Pi programmieren mit Python.
ISBN: 3747503845 Year: 2021 Publisher: Frechen : mitp,

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Biographical note: Michael Weigend hat an der Universität Potsdam in Informatik promoviert. Er war für mehr als 30 Jahre als Lehrer tätig und hat 20 Jahre lang an der FernUniversität Hagen Seminare zur Didaktik der Informatik gegeben. An der Universität Münster hält er im Rahmen eines Lehrauftrags Vorlesungen zur Python-Programmierung. Michael Weigend engagiert sich in mehreren nationalen und internationalen Communities für den Computer-Einsatz in der Bildung, darunter Constructionism, International Federation for Information Processing (TC 3 Computers in Education) , Bebras – International Contest on Informatics and Computational Thinking. Er hat über 60 wissenschaftliche Artikel veröffentlicht und mehrere Bücher zu den Themen Programmierung, Web Development und visuelle Modellierung geschrieben. Long description:


Elektronik --- Python --- Hardware --- Server --- Sensoren --- buch --- Projekte --- Maker --- Raspberry Pi --- Bastler --- objektorientiert --- GPIO --- mitp --- pygame --- picamera --- rpi

Beyond the Makerspace: Making and Relational Rhetorics
ISBN: 0472902415 0472054856 9780472902415 9780472054855 Year: 2021 Publisher: University of Michigan Press

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Makerspaces--local workshops that offer access to and training on fabrication technologies, often with a focus on creativity, education, and entrepreneurship--proliferated in the 2010s, popping up in cities across the world. Beyond the Makerspace is a longitudinal, ethnographically informed study of a particular Seattle makerspace that begins in 2015 and ends with the closing of the space in 2018. Examining acts of making with objects, tools, words, and relationships, Beyond the Makerspace reads making as a kind of rhetoric, or meaning-making work, and argues that acts of making things are rhetorical in the sense that they are culturally situated and that they mark boundaries of what counts as making and who counts as maker. By focusing on a particular makerspace over time, Shivers-McNair attends to a changing cohort of makerspace regulars as they face challenges of bringing their vision of inclusivity and diversity to fruition, and offers an examination of how makers are made (and unmade, and remade) in a makerspace. Beyond the Makerspace contributes not only to our understanding of making and makerspaces, but also to our understanding of how to study making--and meaning making, more broadly--in ways that examine and intervene in the marking of difference. Thus, the book examines what (and whose) values and practices we are taking up when we identify as makers or when we turn a writing classroom or a library space into a makerspace.

Heimautomation mit Arduino, ESP8266 und Raspberry Pi : Das eigene Heim als Smart Home für Heimwerker, Bastler und Maker.
ISBN: 3958456723 Year: 2021 Publisher: Frechen : mitp,

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Long description: Biographical note: Thomas Brühlmann arbeitet als Consultant und hat langjährige Erfahrung in der Hardware- und Softwareentwicklung. Nebenbei realisiert er Projekte mit Open-Source-Hardware, hält Vorträge und führt Workshops durch. In seinem Blog unter publiziert er Projekte, Anwendungen, Tipps und Tricks.

Autodesk Fusion 360 : Praxiswissen für Konstruktion, 3D-Druck und CNC.
ISBN: 374750356X Year: 2021 Publisher: Frechen : mitp,

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Biographical note: Detlef Ridder hat langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich CAD und bereits zahlreiche Bücher zu AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit und ArchiCAD veröffentlicht. Er gibt Schulungen zu diesen Programmen und zu CNC und weiß daher, welche Themen für Einsteiger besonders wichtig sind. Long description:


Fusion --- Design --- CAD --- cae --- Konstruktion --- Modellierung --- CAM --- Simulation --- Autodesk --- fertigung --- buch --- Maker --- Rendering --- ingenieur --- 3d druck --- sculpting --- FDM --- Fräse --- mitp --- CNC --- 3d modelliung

Maker literacies for academic libraries : integration into curriculum
ISBN: 9780838948064 Year: 2021 Publisher: Chicago : ALA Editions,

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"This book inspires, empowers, and teaches librarians, makerspace staff, and faculty how to integrate their institution's makerspace into curriculum"--

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