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Dictionnaire Jésus
ISBN: 9782221221525 2221221524 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris: Robert Laffont,

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Le Dictionnaire Jésus est une œuvre ambitieuse et cohérente. Mettant à la portée du public une somme inédite de science, sa publication est destinée àfaire date et s'inscrit pleinement dans la tradition des grands dictionnaires de "Bouquins".Ce Dictionnaire est une œuvre originale, qui puise dans le dernier état de la recherche internationale, souvent méconnu en France, sur l'énigme posée par Jésus de Nazareth. Il a été conçu dans un esprit scientifique, par une équipe restreinte, sous la direction de frère Renaud Silly, liée à l'École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem et qui rassemble une vingtaine d'auteurs français, belges, israéliens et américains. Cet ouvrage monumental répond parfaitement à l'objectif que ses maîtres d'œuvre se sont fixé : porter sur Jésus non un regard neuf, mais renouvelé, en partant du pays qui fut le sien, en le resituant sur sa terre originelle et au milieu de son peuple. Au plus près de ses sources, autrement dit. Tout en Jésus est juif, rappellent-ils. La judaïté du Christ court ainsi depuis ses origines jusqu'à la réception de son Évangile et à la fondation du christianisme. Elle offre un cadre de lecture novateur à de tous les événements soigneusement répertoriés de sa vie. Le Dictionnaire fait une place très large, outre à la personne du Christ, à son enseignement et aux rites qui se réclament de lui. Ces différentes rubriques insistent sur les méthodes par lesquelles la science appréhende " l'objet " Jésus, sur son enseignement, sur la séquence Passion-Résurrection et enfin sur les divers contextes, géographique, historique et littéraire, de son action. Il est nourri d'abondantes références aux textes anciens, bases essentielles pour atteindre à une connaissance complète sur Jésus.

The divine goodness of Jesus : impact and response
ISBN: 1009031708 1009033247 1316516024 1009033050 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press,

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In this book, Paul Moser explores Jesus' role as God's filial inquirer and clarifies a method of inquiry regarding Jesus, one that offers a compelling explanation regarding his experiential impact and his audience's response. Moser's method values the roles of history and moral/religious experience in inquiry about him, and it saves inquirers from distorting biases in their inquiry. His study illuminates Jesus' puzzling features, including his challenging question for inquirers of him (Who do you say I am?), his distinctive experience of God as father, his reference to himself as 'the son of man', his attitude toward his suffering and death, his unique role in the kingdom of God, and his understanding of his allegedly miraculous signs and of his parables and good news. The book also makes sense of evidence for the reality and the main purpose of Jesus.

The teaching of Jesus and its enduring significance : with an appendix: 'A brief description of the Christian doctrine'
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030689123 3030689115 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

Jesus in context : making sense of the historical figure
ISBN: 1108647014 1108757588 1108752233 1108476260 9781108757584 9781108752237 9781108647014 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Jesus changed our world forever. But who was he and what do we know about him? David Wenham's accessible volume is a concise and wide-ranging engagement with that enduring and elusive subject. Exploring the sources for Jesus and his scholarly reception, he surveys information from Roman, Jewish, and Christian texts, and also examines the origins of the gospels, as well as the evidence of Paul, who had access to the earliest oral traditions about Jesus. Wenham demonstrates that the Jesus of the New Testament makes sense within the first century CE context in which he lived and preached. He offers a contextualized portrait of Jesus and his teaching; his relationship with John the Baptist and the Qumran community (and the Dead Sea Scrolls); his ethics and the Sermon on the Mount, his successes and disappointments. Wenham also brings insights into Jesus' vision of the future and his understanding of his own death and calling.

The humility of the eternal son
ISBN: 1009000128 1316518299 1009003089 1009003283 9781009003087 9781009003285 9781009000123 9781316518298 9781108999847 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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The Chalcedonian Definition of 451 never completely resolved one of the critical issues at the heart of Christianity: the unity of the 'person' of Christ. In this eagerly-awaited volume - the result of deep and sustained reflection - distinguished theologian Bruce Lindley McCormack examines the reasons for this philosophical and theological failure. His book serves as a critical history that traces modern attempts at resolution of this problem, from the nineteenth-century Lutheran emphasis on Kenoticism (or the 'self-emptying' of the Son in order to be receptive to the will of the Father) to post-Barthian efforts that evade the issue by collapsing the second person of the Trinity into the human Jesus - thereby rejecting altogether the logic of the classical 'two-natures' Christology. McCormack shows how New Testament Christologies both limit and authorize ontological reflection, and in so doing offers a distinctively Reformed version of Kenoticism. Proposing a new and bold divine ontology, with a convincing basis in Christology, he persuasively argues that the unity of the 'person' is in fact guaranteed by the Son's act of taking into his 'being' the lived existence of Jesus.

Divine love : the art of the nativity
ISBN: 1913491862 9781913491864 Year: 2021 Publisher: London Unicorn

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Divine Love : The Art of the Nativity' explores the ways in which the birth of Christ, at the heart of the Christian mystery, has been depicted from the earliest times. The book is thematic rather than chronological. Here Sarah Drummond explores the legends and traditions that have played into the way artists have visualised the Nativity. She discovers how, and why, the images and the elements that are shown evolved have. We learn about the essential ingredients concerning the Nativity and about the layers of meaning that the images reveal; and how have artists found ways to express both the human and the Divine natures of the Christ Child?00Sarah Drummond studied art history in Paris and later did postgraduate studies at the Courtauld, SOAS and Birkbeck. Her professional background was in journalism, mainly as a freelance features writer. She has travelled extensively. Her interest in the subject of the Nativity goes back many decades, and during the gestation of this work she has visited museums, galleries and churches all over Europe and North America. She has observed the vast majority of the works illustrated in the book, many of which can be studied in their original settings.

On the meaning of "miracle" in Christianity : a philosophical evaluation of the current miracle debate and a proposal of a balanced hermeneutical approach
ISBN: 9789042943957 9042943955 9789042943964 Year: 2021 Volume: 68 Publisher: Leuven: Peeters,

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Miracle narratives are an essential part of nearly all religious traditions. The importance of miracles also applies to Christianity. The Gospels record thirty-five miracles that Jesus is said to have performed, including twenty-three miraculous healings and nine nature miracles (for example, stilling a storm and turning water into wine). At the heart of Christian faith lies the story of Jesus? resurrection from the dead. However, the factuality of these events has been increasingly problematised, especially since the period of the Enlightenment. In this study, it is argued that the current debate between science-oriented critics of miracles and their religious opponents focuses predominantly on the question of factuality and evidence at the loss of the religious meaning of miracles. The suggestion that science and religion would be opposite approaches is denied in a proposal of a balanced hermeneutical approach of miracles that does justice to scientific findings, religious texts and experience.0.

Gleichnisse und Parabeln in der frühchristlichen Literatur : Methodische Konzepte, religionshistorische Kontexte, theologische Deutungen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783161600364 3161600363 9783161601552 Year: 2021 Volume: 456 Publisher: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,

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The present volume investigates the parables and related genres in early Christian literature. It considers not only Jesus' proclamation in parables, but also how parabolic genres were used in early Jewish and Greco-Roman literature. The final part is devoted to the early reception of Jesus' parables by Christian authors of the second and third centuries.

The contradictory Christ
ISBN: 9780198852360 0198852363 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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In this ground-breaking study, Jc Beall shows that the fundamental "problem" of Christology is simple to see from the role that Christ occupies: the Christ figure is to have the divine and essentially limitless properties of the one and only God but Christ is equally to have the human, essentially limit-imposing properties involved in human nature, limits essentially involved in being human. The role that Christ occupies thereby appears to demand a contradiction: all of the limitlessness of God, and all of the limits of humans. This book lays out Beall's contradictory account of Jesus Christ — and thereby a contradictory Christian theology.

Perspektiven zur Präexistenz im Frühjudentum und frühen Christentum
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783161599767 3161599764 9783161599774 Year: 2021 Volume: 457 Publisher: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,

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The notion of the preexistence of Christ has often been considered as a problematic mythological idea and marginalized in Biblical scholarship. The contributions of the present volume aim at a new perception of the variety of linguistic forms, semantic horizons, and textual intentions of the relevant texts. The phenomenon is deliberately considered in a wide horizon beyond the New Testament canon. The range of texts includes early Jewish texts on Wisdom and the Messiah; Paul, Hebrews, and Jude, the Gospel of John and Revelation; but also Greek mythological texts, Christian Gnostic traditions, and the Logos theology of the early church. Systematic-theological considerations on temporality and cosmology conclude the volume.

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