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"Karen Johnson's fast-paced professional life came to an abrupt halt when she lost her twenty-seven-year-old son to a heroin overdose. Rather than grieve in a way that made people around her comfortable, she did the unexpected. She retired, sold her house and all her household goods and went on a two-and-a-half-year journey that took her all over the world, finding a spiritual practice along the way. Karen didn't think she could ever find her way out of despair, but she found a process that worked, a sacred journey and map, that she wants to share with others so they can heal too. Structured around practices that are part of the Four Winds Medicine Wheel as developed by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., in this book Karen blends her personal story and meaningful experiences with each direction of the Medicine Wheel, offering exercises related to each of the four practices"--
Parents of drug addicts --- Grief. --- Children --- Medicine wheels. --- Spiritual healing. --- Death. --- Johnson, Karen V.
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Some said that the killer couldn't be a local. Others claimed that he was the wealthy son of a prominent Morgantown family. Whispers spread that Mared and Karen were sacrificed by a satanic cult or had been victims of a madman poised to strike again. Then the handwritten letters began to arrive: "You will locate the bodies of the girls covered over with brush--look carefully. The animals are now on the move." Investigators didn't find too few suspects--they had far too many. There was the campus janitor with a fur fetish, the "harmless" deliveryman who beat a woman nearly to death, the nursing home orderly with the bloody broomstick and the bouncer with the "girlish" laugh who threatened to cut off people's heads. Local authors Geoffrey C. Fuller and S. James McLaughlin tell the complete story of the murders for the first time.
Murder --- Murder --- College students --- Meurtre --- Meurtre --- Étudiants --- Investigation --- Crimes against --- Enquêtes --- Crimes contre --- Malarik, Mared, --- Ferrell, Karen, --- West Virginia
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In experimentellen Choreografien und Performances ist seit etwa 2008 eine lebhafte Auseinandersetzung mit der Wirkmächtigkeit (teil-)autonomer Dinge und der Verwobenheit menschlicher und nicht-menschlicher Akteure zu beobachten. Welche Anliegen sind mit der Inszenierung einer verteilten Handlungsmacht verknüpft? In ausführlichen Inszenierungsanalysen macht Martina Ruhsam die Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie und den Agentiellen Realismus von Karen Barad für die Performancetheorie produktiv. Sie schlägt eine politische Lesart ausgewählter posthumanistischer Choreografien vor und reflektiert über deren Relevanz im Hinblick auf eine politische Ökologie.
Choreografie; Performance; Posthumanismus; Ding; Nicht-Menschen; Karen Barad; Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie; Politische Ökologie; Agentieller Realismus; Autonomie; Macht; Tanz; Körper; Choreography; Posthumanism; Thing; Non-humans; Actor-network-theory; Political Ecology; Agential Realism; Autonomy; Power; Dance; Body --- Actor-network-theory. --- Agential Realism. --- Autonomy. --- Body. --- Dance. --- Karen Barad. --- Non-humans. --- Performance. --- Political Ecology. --- Posthumanism. --- Power. --- Thing.
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This volume re-examines traditional interpretations of the rise of modern aesthetics in eighteenth-century Britain and Germany. It provides a new account that connects aesthetic experience with morality, science, and political society. In doing so, it challenges long-standing teleological narratives that emphasize disinterestedness and the separation of aesthetics from moral, cognitive, and political interests. The chapters are divided into three thematic parts. The chapters in Part I demonstrate the heteronomy of eighteenth-century British aesthetics. They chart the evolution of aesthetic concepts and discuss the ethical and political significance of the aesthetic theories of several key figures: namely, the third Earl of Shaftesbury, David Hume, and Adam Smith. Part II explores the ways in which eighteenth-century German, and German-oriented, thinkers examine aesthetic experience and moral concerns, and relate to the work of their British counterparts. The chapters here cover the work of Kant, Moses Mendelssohn, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, and Madame de Staël. Finally, Part III explores the interrelation of science, aesthetics, and a new model of society in the work of Goethe, Johann Wilhelm Ritter, Friedrich Hölderlin, and William Hazlitt, among others. This volume develops unique discussions of the rise of aesthetic autonomy in the eighteenth century. In bringing together well-known scholars working on British and German eighteenth-century aesthetics, philosophy, and literature, it will appeal to scholars and advanced students in a range of disciplines who are interested in this topic.
Aesthetics, British --- Aesthetics, German --- Aesthetics, British - 18th century --- Aesthetics, German - 18th century --- Adam Smith --- Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten --- Anne Pollok --- aesthetics narrative --- aesthetic experience --- autonomy --- British aesthetics --- Camilla Flodin --- David Hume --- Dorothea von Mücke --- disinterestednes --- Emily Brady --- Friedrich Hölderlin --- force --- German aesthetics --- German romanticism --- Goethe --- G.E. Lessing --- higher enlightenment --- Jocelyn Holland --- Johann Joachim Winckelmann --- Johann Wilhelm Ritter --- Joseph Addison --- Karen Green --- Karl Axelsson --- Madame de Staël --- Maria Semi --- Mattias Pirholt --- Moses Mendelssohn --- morality
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Plus grand poste diplomatique et pourtant situé en plein centre de Bruxelles, la Représentation permanente de la Belgique se trouve au carrefour du monde politique belge et européen. Ce livre, construit autour d'archives du SPF Affaires étrangères et d'interviews, présente l'évolution et le rôle important de la RP.
Raad van Europa --- Europees Parlement --- diplomatieke vertegenwoordiging --- Franse Gemeenschap --- Waals Gewest --- Vlaams Gewest --- Politiek en Veiligheidscomité --- België --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- poliitika- ja julgeolekukomitee --- Political and Security Committee --- Комитет за политика и сигурност --- Επιτροπή Πολιτικής και Ασφάλειας --- Comité Político y de Seguridad --- Politikai és Biztonsági Bizottság --- an Coiste Polaitiúil agus Slándála --- Den Udenrigs- og Sikkerhedspolitiske Komité --- Comité politique et de sécurité --- Comitetul politic și de securitate --- Политички и безбедносен комитет --- Politički i sigurnosni odbor --- poliittisten ja turvallisuusasioiden komitea --- Komitet Polityczny i Bezpieczeństwa --- Politični in varnostni odbor --- kommittén för utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik --- Одбор за политику и безбедност --- comitato politico e di sicurezza --- Politikas un drošības komiteja --- Kumitat Politiku u ta' Sigurtà --- Politický a bezpečnostný výbor --- Komiteti Politik dhe i Sigurisë --- Comité Político e de Segurança --- Politický a bezpečnostní výbor --- Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee --- Politinis ir saugumo komitetas --- ΕΠΑ --- ПСЦ --- KPS --- PSC --- KPiB --- CPS --- Kusp --- PBB --- PDK --- PJK --- PVC --- Политички и безбедносни одбор --- ПБК --- COPS --- КПС --- PSK --- PTK --- ПБО --- PBV --- PVO --- regionen Flandern --- região flamenga --- Flaami piirkond --- región Flamenca --- Flandria --- Flandern --- Flandra (Belgjikë) --- Flámsko --- flamand régió --- Région flamande --- Fjandri (Belgju) --- Flandry --- Регион Фландрија --- Flanderin alue --- Фландрия --- flämische Region --- Фландрија --- Flandra --- Flandrija --- regione fiamminga --- Flanders (Belgium) --- περιφέρεια Φλάνδρας --- Vlaanderen --- den flamske region --- Φλάνδρα --- Flandres --- Vlámsko --- Flandes (Bélgica) --- Фландриски Регион --- Valónsko --- περιφέρεια Βαλλωνίας --- Valonų regionas --- регион Валония --- wallonische Region --- región Valona --- Регион Валонија --- Regiunea Valonă --- Région wallonne --- Valonska regija --- Walloon region (Belgium) --- vallon régió --- reġjun ta’ Walloon (Belgju) --- Валонска област --- regione vallona --- Vallonien --- Vallonian alue --- Valoņu apgabals --- valonský region --- regionen Vallonien --- região da Valónia --- Vallooni piirkond --- Region Waloński --- rajoni i Valonit (Belgjikë) --- Valonija --- Valonsko --- Valonia --- Βαλλωνία --- Valoni --- Валонски Регион --- Valloonia --- Wallonië --- Wallonia --- Vallonia --- den wallonske region --- Валонија --- Valónsky región --- Wallonien --- Wallonie --- francouzská oblast --- comunidade francófona --- Γαλλόφωνη Κοινότητα --- francosko govoreča skupnost --- französische Gemeinschaft --- francúzsky hovoriaca komunita --- French-speaking Community --- det franske sprogsamfund --- френскоговоряща общност --- француска заедница --- Comunità francese --- ranskankielinen yhteisö --- fransktalande språkområde --- francuska zajednica --- Francia Közösség --- Comunitatea vorbitorilor de limbă franceză --- wspólnota francuskojęzyczna --- prancūzakalbė bendruomenė --- Franču kopiena --- Communauté française --- Komuniteti frëngjishtfolës --- Komunità Frankofona --- француска језичка заједница --- Comunidad francesa de Bélgica --- prantsuskeelne kogukond --- francouzsky mluvící oblast --- Belgium francia közössége --- diplomatsko zastupanje --- diplomaattiedustus --- representación diplomática --- diplomatische Vertretung --- ionadaíochtaí taidhleoireachta --- diplomáciai képviselet --- diplomatisk representation --- diplomatické zastoupení --- përfaqësim diplomatik --- rappresentanza diplomatica --- representação diplomática --- дипломатическо представяне --- rapprezentanza diplomatika --- diplomatinis atstovavimas --- diplomātiskā pārstāvniecība --- diplomatic representation --- дипломатско претставување --- дипломатско представљање --- diplomatické zastúpenie --- διπλωματική αντιπροσωπεία --- diplomatsko predstavništvo --- diplomatisk repræsentation --- reprezentare diplomatică --- przedstawicielstwo dyplomatyczne --- représentation diplomatique --- diplomaatiline esindus --- ulkoasiainhallinnon palveluksessa oleminen --- servicio diplomático --- accreditamento --- delegazione diplomatica --- дипломатски кор --- diplomaattinen tehtävä --- missione diplomatica --- diplomaatiline delegatsioon --- diplomatinė delegacija --- acreditación --- diplomatický sbor --- accreditering --- Ständige Vertretung --- diplomaatiline missioon --- corpo diplomático --- διπλωματική αποστολή --- diplomātiskā misija --- misiune diplomatică --- servizio diplomatico --- diplomātiskais korpuss --- διπλωματική υπηρεσία --- cuerpo diplomático --- diplomatische Mission --- diplomatiska kåren --- diplomaatiline teenistus --- diplomatisk korps --- akkreditering --- diplomatinis korpusas --- Akkreditierung --- trup diplomatik --- diplomatic mission --- zastupitelský úřad --- diplomatický zbor --- diplomatska misija --- mission diplomatique --- délégation diplomatique --- diplomatisk delegation --- delegación diplomática --- дипломатска мисија --- diplomatieke missie --- diplomáciai testület --- delegação diplomática --- diplomatic service --- diplomatieke delegatie --- diplomaatiline korpus --- diplomatieke dienst --- serviciu diplomatic --- credenziali --- дипломатска делегација --- misión diplomática --- corps diplomatique --- diplomatisk tjeneste --- diplomáciai szolgálat --- CD --- delegacion diplomatik --- corp diplomatic --- diplomatická delegace --- diplomatická delegácia --- beskickning --- corpo diplomatico --- diplomatisches Korps --- diplomatinė tarnyba --- zvláštní mise --- diplomaattinen valtuuskunta --- stálá mise --- diplomaattikunta --- mision diplomatik --- delegație diplomatică --- diplomáciai küldöttség --- diplomatic corps --- apresentação de credenciais --- diplomáciai küldetés --- diplomatická mise --- diplomatický stav --- addetto d'ambasciata --- shërbim diplomatik --- diplomatic delegation --- diplomatische Delegation --- diplomatinė misija --- missão diplomática --- ārvalsts diplomātiskais pārstāvis --- diplomatická misia --- διπλωματικό σώμα --- diplomātiskā dienesta darbinieki --- European Parliament --- Evropski parlament --- Evropský parlament --- Euroopa Parlament --- Parlament Europejski --- Parlement européen --- Europa-Parlamentet --- Európsky parlament --- Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο --- Eiropas Parlaments --- Europäisches Parlament --- Европски парламент --- Euroopan parlamentti --- Parlamento Europeo --- Europski parlament --- Parlamentul European --- Parlamento Europeu --- Europos Parlamentas --- Europaparlamentet --- Parlament Ewropew --- Parlamento europeo --- Parlamenti Europian --- Parlaimint na hEorpa --- Európai Parlament --- Европейски парламент --- Europeiska parlamentariska församlingen --- Asamble Parlamentare Europiane --- PE --- EK --- EG Parlement --- Euroopan parlamentaarinen edustajakokous --- Euroopa Ühenduste Assamblee --- Európai Parlamenti Közgyűlés --- EP --- Parlament EG --- EG-Parlament --- Európske parlamentné zhromaždenie --- Forsamlingen --- Parlamento delle Comunità europee --- European Assembly --- Europäische Versammlung --- Eurocámara --- ЕП --- Asamble Europiane --- Ευρωκοινοβούλιο --- Europese vergadering --- Assembleia Parlamentar Europeia --- Parlament ES --- Euroopa Ühenduste Parlamentaarne Assamblee --- Asamblea Parlamentaria Europea --- Assemblea parlamentare europea --- Assemblée européenne --- European Parliamentary Assembly --- Asamblea Europea --- Assembleia Europeia --- Eiropas parlamentārā asambleja --- Europäische Parlamentarische Versammlung --- Versammlung EG --- Europska skupština --- Συνέλευση --- Assemblea europea --- Eiropas Asambleja --- Euroopan edustajakokous --- Assemblée parlementaire européenne --- ευρωπαϊκή κοινοβουλευτική συνέλευση --- Európske zhromaždenie --- Europeiska församlingen --- Adunarea Parlamentară Europeană --- il-Parlament Ewropew --- Europos Asamblėja --- Ευρωπαϊκή Συνέλευση --- Europarlamento --- Europos Parlamento Asamblėja --- Európai Közgyűlés --- Vijeće Europe --- Conselho da Europa --- Rada Europy --- Európa Tanács --- Совет на Европа --- Europarat --- Europos Taryba --- Kunsill tal-Ewropa --- Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης --- Rada Evropy --- Савет Европе --- Consiliul Europei --- Këshilli i Europës --- Conseil de l'Europe --- Euroopan neuvosto --- Eiropas Padome --- Council of Europe --- Svet Evrope --- Comhairle na Eorpa --- Consejo de Europa --- Rada Európy --- Consiglio d'Europa --- Europarådet --- Съвет на Европа --- Euroopa Nõukogu --- KtE --- politique étrangère et de sécurité commune --- Заједничка спољна и безбедносна политика --- Politika Estera u ta' Sigurtà Komuni --- BUSP --- common foreign and security policy --- wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa --- заедничка надворешна и безбедносна политика --- spoločná zahraničná a bezpečnostná politika --- politica estera e di sicurezza comune --- fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitik --- política exterior y de seguridad común --- společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika --- közös kül- és biztonságpolitika --- kopējā ārpolitika un drošības politika --- zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika --- Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik --- Comhbheartas Eachtrach agus Slándála --- κοινή εξωτερική πολιτική και πολιτική ασφάλειας --- politika e jashtme dhe e sigurimit të përbashkët --- politică externă și de securitate comună --- skupna zunanja in varnostna politika --- gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik --- gemeenschappelijk buitenlands en veiligheidsbeleid --- Política Externa e de Segurança Comum --- ühine välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika --- Обща външна политика и политика на сигурност --- yhteinen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka --- politique étrangère européenne --- common security policy --- politica estera comune --- ЗСБП --- spoločná zahraničná politika --- gemensam säkerhetspolitik --- GBVB --- FUSP --- ОВППС --- SZVP --- gemeenschappelijk buitenlands beleid --- politica estera europea --- fælles udenrigspolitik --- ΚΕΠΠΑ --- Euroopan yhteinen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka --- bendroji saugumo politika --- bendra užsienio ir saugumo politika --- bendroji užsienio politika --- ühine julgeolekupoliitika --- kopējā drošības politika --- GASP --- politique étrangère commune --- κοινή εξωτερική πολιτική --- Política Externa Comum --- Gusp --- заедничка надворешна и безбедносна политика на ЕУ --- fælles sikkerhedspolitik --- europæisk udenrigspolitik --- κοινή πολιτική ασφάλειας --- bendroji užsienio ir saugumo politika --- CBES --- európska zahraničná politika --- Eiropas ārpolitika --- ühine välispoliitika --- ευρωπαϊκή εξωτερική πολιτική --- yhteinen ulkopolitiikka --- WPZiB --- společná bezpečnostní politika --- common foreign policy --- evropská zahraniční politika --- spoločná bezpečnostná politika --- política exterior común --- ZVSP --- politika e jashtme europiane --- ЗНБП --- společná zahraniční politika --- europeisk utrikespolitik --- politica di sicurezza comune --- Europees buitenlands beleid --- közös külpolitika --- yhteinen turvallisuuspolitiikka --- política exterior europea --- gemensam utrikespolitik --- politika e jashtme e përbashkët --- PESC --- KKBP --- politika e sigurimit të përbashkët --- ÜVJP --- YUTP --- Euroopan ulkopolitiikka --- Política de Segurança Comum --- KĀDP --- European foreign policy --- európai külpolitika --- SZBP --- Euroopa välispoliitika --- politique de sécurité commune --- kopējā ārpolitika --- PJSP --- Política Externa Europeia --- PESK --- ЦФСП --- közös biztonságpolitika --- Europos užsienio politika --- CFSP --- política de seguridad común --- comhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála --- Flóndras (An Bheilg) --- Réigiún na Vallúine --- ionadaíocht taidhleoireachta --- Comhairle na hEorpa --- 334.152.0 --- 320.1 --- Betrekkingen tussen de Europese Gemeenschappen en de lidstaten: algemeenheden --- Politieke wetenschap. Politieke leerstelsels --- European Union countries - Politics and government --- Belgium - Relations - Europe --- Europe - Relations - Belgium --- Parlement européen --- représentation diplomatique --- Communauté française --- Région wallonne --- Région flamande --- politique étrangère et de sécurité commune --- Pobal na Fraincise --- European Union countries --- Europe --- Relations
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