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Making Dispute Resolution More Effective - MAP Peer Review Report, Finland (Stage 2) : Inclusive Framework on BEPS: Action 14
ISBN: 9264336524 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Under Action 14, countries have committed to implement a minimum standard to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of the mutual agreement procedure (MAP). The MAP is included in Article 25 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and commits countries to endeavour to resolve disputes related to the interpretation and application of tax treaties. The Action 14 Minimum Standard has been translated into specific terms of reference and a methodology for the peer review and monitoring process. The minimum standard is complemented by a set of best practices. The peer review process is conducted in two stages. Stage 1 assesses countries against the terms of reference of the minimum standard according to an agreed schedule of review. Stage 2 focuses on monitoring the follow-up of any recommendations resulting from jurisdictions' Stage 1 peer review report. This report reflects the outcome of the Stage 2 peer monitoring of the implementation of the Action 14 Minimum Standard by Finland.


Taxation --- Finland

Sonatina : for violin and piano
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: München : Musikproduktion Höflich,

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Sonatines --- Viool --- Finland --- 20e eeuw

Symphony No. 4 : op. 63
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Härtel,

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Symfonieën --- Orkest --- Finland --- 20e eeuw

Claes Flemings tider: Dramatisk dikt i fem akter
Year: 2020 Publisher: Project Gutenberg

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Finland --- History --- Club War --- 1596-1597 --- Drama

Claes Flemings tider: Dramatisk dikt i fem akter
Year: 2020 Publisher: Project Gutenberg

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Finland --- History --- Club War --- 1596-1597 --- Drama

Tupo ja media : talous- ja työmarkkinapoliittisen julkisuuden toimintahorisontit kolmella vuosikymmenellä
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere Tampere University Press

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This book explores the media coverage of three prominent Finnish labor market cases in the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. It analyzes how this arena supported or undermined the power positions of each side and the reaching of the contract. The cases in study are the first proper general agreement in 1968 (Liinamaa 1) and the endeavors for so-called "social contract" by the Government of Esko Aho (1991) and Juha Sipilä (2015). The study identifies changes and continuities in the political discourses, in the ways of making validity claims in political argumentation, and in media/journalistic interventionism. These content analytical viewpoints illustrate the theoretical ideas about mediatization of politics presented in the book. By analyzing corporatist and pluralist aspects of decision making, the book opens a view in the relationships among labor market organizations, the Government, and the media in the three decades studied. Teoksessa kuvataan, millainen julkisen politikoinnin areena Helsingin Sanomissa rakentui kolmessa merkittävässä työmarkkinatapauksessa ja miten tämä areena tuki tai horjutti sopimusten syntyä ja osapuolten asemaa. Tarkasteltavina ovat vuonna 1968 solmittu Suomen ensimmäinen varsinainen tulopoliittinen sopimus (Liinamaa 1) sekä Esko Ahon ja Juha Sipilän hallitusten yritykset niin sanotuiksi ”yhteiskuntasopimuksiksi” vuosina 1991 ja 2015. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevista jutuista tunnistetaan muutoksia ja pysyvyyksiä, jotka liittyvät niin tulopolitiikan puhetapoihin, julkisen argumentoinnin tapoihin kuin median/journalismin toimintaan. Nämä sisällönanalyysin näkökulmat havainnollistavat kirjassa esitettäviä politiikan medioitumista koskevia teoreettisia ideoita. Päätöksenteon korporatistisia ja pluralistisia piirteitä analysoimalla kirja avaa näkymän siihen, miten hallituksen, työmarkkinajärjestöjen ja median suhde on eri vuosikymmeninä julkisuudessa asettunut.


Manpower policy --- Labor market --- History --- 1968 --- 1991 --- 2015 --- Suomi. --- Finland.

Finntopia : what we can learn from the world's happiest country
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1788213475 1788212177 9781788212175 9781788212168 1788212169 1788212150 Year: 2020 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda Publishing,

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The 2020 World Happiness Report ranked Finland, for the third year running, as the world's happiest country.

The 'Nordic Model' has long been touted as the aspiration for social and public policy in Europe and North America, but what is it about Finland that makes the country so successful and seemingly such a great place to live?

Is it simply the level of government spending on health, education and welfare? Is it that Finland has one of the lowest rates of social inequality and childhood poverty, and highest levels of literacy and education?

Finland clearly has problems of its own - for example, a high level of gun ownership and high rates of suicide - which can make Finns skeptical of their ranking, but its consistently high performance across a range of well-being indicators does raise fascinating questions.

In the quest for the best of all possible societies, Danny Dorling and Annika Koljonen explore what we might learn from Finnish success.

Finse dagen
ISBN: 9789026341069 9789026352805 9026341067 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amsterdam : Ambo|Anthos,

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Op feestjes, tijdens etentjes wordt Herman Koch vaak op meewarige toon gevraagd naar zijn 'Finse periode'. Hij doet er zelf ook lacherig over, en dat heeft alles te maken met de ongeloofwaardigheid van zijn verblijf in Finland. Een lange, onhandige jongen van negentien die ervoor kiest om op een zeer afgelegen plek op het land en in de bossen te gaan werken. Het klinkt wellicht romantisch, maar dat was het niet. Zijn moeder was kort ervoor overleden en Herman ging erheen om weg te zijn van zijn vader en diens nieuwe vriendin, en om uit te stellen wat hij eigenlijk allang wist. Veertig jaar later is Koch terug in Finland en stuit hij op een dichtbundel die expliciet verwijst naar zijn eerdere verblijf. Niet langer kan hij deze periode afdoen met een grap. Hij neemt zijn eigen geschiedenis onder de loep, onderzoekt hoe herinneringen werken en hoe hij dit verhaal kan vertellen zonder de werkelijkheid te besmeuren. 'Finse dagen' is een indringende roman over rouw, volwassen worden en over wat je woorden moet geven en wat beter verzwegen kan blijven.

Defending democracy in cold war Finland : British and American propaganda and cultural diplomacy in Finland, 1944-1970
ISBN: 9004416420 9004406883 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill,

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In Defending Democracy in Cold War Finland, Marek Fields offers a thorough account on the various informational and cultural strategies Britain and the United States used during the early Cold War decades in order to increase their influence and contain communism in Finland. The book shows that by using propaganda and cultural diplomacy in an exceptionally challenging environment, the two Western powers were able to achieve their main objectives in the region, i.e. to defend democracy and strengthen Finland’s attachment to the West, surprisingly well. Making use of a large variety of British, American and Finnish archives, Fields proves that the Western countries’ interest in Finland during the Cold War was stronger than it has previously been realised.

Subject Teacher Education in Transition : Educating Teachers for the Future
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere Tampere University Press

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This edited book introduces the development, theories and practices of subject teacher education in the subject didactic context at the University of Tampere, Finland, during the last 25-30 years. The authors are teacher educators and researchers, representing educational sciences, foreign languages, mother tongue, art education, mathematics and science, or social science teacher education. The purpose of the book is to introduce readers with theoretical foundations, directions and results of the development from the perspective of the future of teaching and teacher education. Tämä artikkelikokoelma esittelee Tampereen yliopistossa viimeisten 25-30 vuoden aikana tehtyä aineenopettajankoulutuksen kehittämistyötä, teoriaa ja käytäntöjä ainedidaktisessa kontekstissa. Teoksen kirjoittajat ovat Tampereen yliopistossa toimivia tai toimineita opettajankouluttajia ja tutkijoita, jotka edustavat kasvatustieteen, kieliaineiden, taidekasvatuksen, matematiikan ja luonnontieteiden sekä yhteiskunnallisten aineiden opettajankoulutusta. Teos käsittelee kehittämisen teoreettisia perusteita, suuntia ja tuloksia opettajuuden ja opettajankoulutuksen tulevaisuuden näkökulmasta.

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