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PXL-Education 2020 --- kinderboek --- luisterboek --- Sinterklaas --- vanaf 5 jaar --- Didactics of the arts --- Sinterklaas (themawoord fictie) --- Sinterklaasliedjes (themawoord fictie)
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Additief vervaardigde kunststof matrijzen voor spuitgieten wint zeer grote interesse in de productie-industrie. Het voordeel om het additive manufacturing proces hierbij te betrekken is dat matrijzen ‘s nachts kunnen geprint worden. Dit zal resulteren in ‘goedkopere’ matrijzen. Echter zijn deze matrijzen niet zo duurzaam als de metalen variant waardoor AM-matrijzen worden gebruikt voor kleine series van ongeveer 100 producten. Uit voorgaande onderzoeken veronderstelt men dat de matrijzen meestal zullen uitbreken aan de gate (daar waar het product wordt aangespoten maar niet bij het afgewerkte product behoort). Daarom zal er in deze bachelorproef onderzocht worden wat de uitbraak van de gates juist veroorzaakt. Enerzijds kan de oorzaak van uitbraak te wijten zijn aan een te hoge injectiedruk, anderzijds kan de oorzaak de slechte warmtegeleiding van de gebruikte kunststof zijn. Het stuk waar we onze tests op uitvoeren is ontworpen door Jolien Bergen en Jens Cloots, studenten van KU Leuven. Zij hebben het teststuk ontworpen met 4 kamers/caviteiten die voorafgaan door een gate. Bij elke caviteit varieert de breedte van de gate van 1 tot 4 mm. Dankzij dit ontwerp kan er gezien worden welke invloed de gate zal hebben op de uitbraak van de mal. De gates hebben een verschillende breedte, maar de thermische belasting van elke caviteit is ongeveer hetzelfde. Omdat de thermische belasting van de gates/caviteiten hetzelfde is, zal men kunnen besluiten wanneer de gates uitbreken, onafhankelijk van hun grootte, dat de thermische belasting de belangrijkste parameter is voor de levensduur van de matrijs. Indien eerst de smalste gate zal uitbreken zal dit het gevolg zijn dat de mechanische belasting de grootste invloed geeft op de matrijzen. Om de parameters voor het spuitgietproces te bepalen, die nodig zijn voor de AM-matrijzen, wordt er eerst met een stalen matrijs gewerkt. Hier worden testen op uitgevoerd om te kijken of de parameters die uit ‘Moldflow Adviser’ komen, simulatiesoftware van Autodesk, wel degelijk realistisch zijn en deze dan ook toegepast kunnen worden op de AM-matrijzen. Verder zullen er testen worden uitgevoerd op matrijzen vervaardigd uit Digital ABS Plus en DWS Therma DM500. De matrijzen worden gemonteerd op een Arburg Allrounder 320c 500-250.
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Abstract Background: As we become more experienced in the surgical treatment of inguinal hernias, the suggestion has been made to operate the contralateral, healthy side at the same time of primary, ipsilateral inguinal hernia repair. However, evidence supporting this idea is very scarce. The risk on postoperative chronic pain after preventive surgery should be weighed against the risk on developing a metachronous contralateral inguinal hernia (MCIH) after no preventive repair was carried out. Methods: 4 Different databases and 2 other sources (reference screening and expert knowledge of interesting papers) were used to select articles in which a group of patients with unilateral inguinal hernias was followed to determine the number of patients developing a contralateral inguinal hernia after a given median follow-up duration. Furthermore, these articles were screened on the mentioning of risk factors on the development of such MCIH’s. Results: Data were extracted from 16 different articles. A total of 213 425 patients were followed for 17,8 to 156 months. The incidence of MCIH ranged from 1,60 to 22,66 percent. The Spearman correlation coefficient of 0,8147 (P=0,0001) showed a strong relationship between MCIH incidence and follow-up duration. Some articles withheld age, male gender, obesity, direct type hernia and benign prostate hypertrophy as significant risk factors. Moreover, diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure were mentioned to be protective factors. Nevertheless, the data about risk factors showed little similarities between different papers. Conclusion: This paper is a first step towards an evidence-based decision about preventive synchronous contralateral inguinal surgery. However, further research is warranted. We propose a protocol for a study in which MCIH incidence will be determined on 20 years of follow-up and in which risk factors will be assessed.
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Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is one of the most important staple crops in the tropics. Resistant to harsh conditions and easy to grow, cassava is a reliable source of food for both humans and animals. In addition to be a steady source of income for households and farmers, the production of cassava has gained importance in different industrial domains including the renewable energy sector. For these reasons, the conservation of its genetic patrimony needs to be assured. To conserve the genetic resources of cassava for the long term, cryopreservation is a suitable method. The droplet vitrification method, one of the cryopreservation methods, was originally created for banana accessions and has shown remarkable results thanks to its ultra-fast cooling rate. However, it cannot be simply used for all plants: it needs adjustments for the different targeted species. This research aims to improve the protocol of cryopreservation of cassava via the droplet vitrification method. The parameters tested were: the application of a preculture phase using Murashige Skoog (MS) supplemented with 0.3M sucrose for one day, the use of two different loading solutions (0.4M or 0.8M sucrose additionally to 2M of glycerol), the use of apical or axillary meristems and the use of three different accessions: BRA856, CM3306-4, and CM507-37 received from the International Center of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Columbia. The survival percentages were then analyzed statistically using Analysis of Variances and a non-parametric test. One month after cryopreservation, the highest survival percentage of the accession BRA856 (8218%) was obtained with 0.8M sucrose loading solution, no-preculture, and axillary meristems. The highest survival for CM3306-4 (9113%) was obtained in the exact same conditions whereas the accession CM507-37 had the best survival (6222%) with the original protocol: no preculture, normal loading solution, and the use of axillary meristems. We can conclude, as expected, that the survival rate varied amongst accessions. However, the application of preculture with 0.3M sucrose did not significantly improve the survival of the frozen meristems. Despite prior studies on higher survival percentages for apical meristems, we found that axillary meristems show in our study higher survival. Lastly, doubling the sucrose concentration in the loading solution was better for the accessions BRA856 and CM3306-4. After one month, the growth of the meristems was insufficient to consider a full regeneration, which is needed to confirm a successful cryopreservation protocol. With the high survival percentages obtained, we believe that the next logical step, to improve the protocol, would be to work on the regeneration of meristems via meristems culture. Once the regeneration of the excised meristems is optimized, one can focus again on the improvement of the freezing and dehydration tolerances in the cryopreservation protocol.
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Enjoy Poverty examine la valeur émotionnelle et économique de l'exportation la plus lucrative d'Afrique : la pauvreté filmée. À l'instar d'exportations africaines plus traditionnelles telles que l'or et le cacao, les fournisseurs de cette matière première n'en profitent pas, ou à peine. Dans ce contexte, l'artiste néerlandais Renzo Martens lance un programme émancipateur, au fin fond du Congo, qui vise à conscientiser les citoyens pauvres de leur capital principal : la pauvreté. Martens entreprend seul un périple épique de plusieurs années. Enjoy Poverty, qui conjugue le journalisme d'investigation, la satire et la conscience de soi à travers un regard profondément singulier, est ingénieusement provocateur, souvent ironique et désopilant, alors que le miroir qu'il nous tend est inévitablement attristant. Investigating the economic value of one of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s most lucrative exports (namely, poverty), Renzo Martens’ provocative film Episode III: Enjoy Poverty (2008) remains a landmark intervention into debates about contemporary art’s relationship to exploitative economies. The contributors to this publication explore the film’s legacy and how it relates to the politics of representation, uses of the documentary form, art criticism, the deployment of humanitarian aid, the impact of extractive forms of globalized capital, and the neoliberal politics of decolonization. The unconventional representation of acute immiseration throughout Enjoy Poverty generated far-from-resolved disputes about how deprivation is portrayed in Western mainstream media and global cultural institutions. Using a range of approaches, this volume reconsiders that portrayal and how the film’s reception led Martens to found a long-term program, the Institute for Human Activities.
#SBIB:39A5 --- #SBIB:39A73 --- Kunst, habitat, materiële cultuur en ontspanning --- Etnografie: Afrika --- Social stratification --- poverty --- value [economic concept] --- criticism --- artists' films --- documentary films --- Martens, Renzo --- Congo --- #breakthecanon --- Rezeption. --- Poverty --- Poverty. --- Martens, Renzo, --- Martens, Renzo. --- Bibel --- Congo (Democratic Republic). --- Pauvreté --- Poverty - Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Martens, Renzo. - Enjoy poverty --- documentary film --- samenlevingsopbouw
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