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About landscape perception and the ability to communicate : can landscape perception research provide a tool for starting a dialogue between different users of the countryside ?
ISBN: 9789088260926 Year: 2009 Publisher: Leuven : KUL. Faculteit bio-ingenieurswetenschappen,

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About landscape perception and the ability to communicate. Can landscape perception research provide a tool for starting a dialogue between different users of the countryside? More and more, society’s expectations of rural landscapes are rising and farmers are increasingly stimulated to incorporate ‘green services’ into their operational management. This assumes matching perceptions of the landscape between farmers, landscape experts and the general public. A psychophysical method based on a picture enquiry was used to measure landscape perception in the ‘Pajottenland’, a central Belgian, rural area. Additional questions assessed the importance of meanings and functions of the landscape and revealed differences in perception among three target groups (farmers, landscape experts and country-dwellers). The results confirmed that the three groups look at landscapes in a different way, attaching importance to different landscape features and finding different functions appropriate for the considered landscapes. As a consequence, policies concerning landscape servicing by the farming community should incorporate appropriate incentives of communication and generate modes of understanding between different stakeholders. Rogge, E. Nevens, F. and Gulinck H. 2007. Perception of rural landscapes in Flanders: Looking beyond aesthetics. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 82 (4) pp. 159-174 The intensification of greenhouse horticulture is a commonly occurring trend in many regions around the world, including the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Spain, the U.S., and the U.K. One typical characteristic of this intensification is that high-technology and large-scale greenhouses are being built. An additional phenomenon is the clustering of several of these large greenhouses on a single site, into so-called ‘greenhouse parks’. The main incentive for this clustering is the reduction of production costs by sharing infrastructure such as energy, water and gas facilities. In Flanders the development of greenhouse clusters is being encouraged and promoted by the Flemish government’s Agricultural Department. One of the major problems all developments of this size face is their impact on the aesthetics of the surrounding landscape, and this may even prevent their realisation. In recent years there has been an increasing resistance against the construction of large greenhouses in Flanders. The visual impact of these clusters seems to be one of the major obstacles to their public acceptance. The wider public’s perception of large greenhouses should therefore not be neglected by policy makers and planners if they want to succeed in developing large-scale projects. This perception is, however, hard to objectify, let alone to measure. In this paper, we demonstrate the value of a GIS-based method to objectively quantify the visual impact of large-scale greenhouse developments. We also assess the potential of a GIS-based planning instrument to evaluate the effectiveness of ‘landscape design plans’. Rogge, E., F. Nevens and H. Gulinck (2008) Reducing the visual impact of ‘greenhouse parks’ in rural landscapes. Landscape and urban planning 87 (1) pp. 76-83 The intensification of greenhouse horticulture is a notable trend in many regions around the world. This intensification causes the grouping of large-scale greenhouses on a single site, into so-called ‘greenhouse clusters’. The main incentive for clustering is the reduction of production costs by sharing infrastructure such as energy, water and gas facilities. Despite these advantages, the public remains sceptic towards greenhouse clusters and resistance in Flanders is frequent and often fierce. The objective of this research is to obtain insight into the reasons, underlying motives and processes that steer this resistance. A grounded theory approach resulted in a comprehensive theoretical scheme that visualizes the key factors that underlie and make up the process of public resistance. In addition to the expected NIMBY-syndrome and the fear for the loss of landscape quality, societal values, market related factors and structural problems also play a part in the formation of the public attitude towards greenhouse clusters. Rogge, E., Dessein, J. and Gulinck H. 2008. Public attitude towards major landscape changes: The case of greenhouse clusters in Flanders. Submitted to Sociologia Ruralis Over landschapsperceptie en de kans tot communicatie Kan landschapsperceptie leiden tot een dialoog tussen de verschillende gebruikersgroepen van het platteland? Landbouw en landschap zijn altijd nauw met elkaar verbonden geweest. Sinds zijn oorspong heeft de landbouw gebruikt gemaakt van lokaal beschikbare bronnen en dit heeft altijd een belangrijke impact gehad op het landschap. De voorbije decennia is deze relatie echter aan heel wat veranderingen onderhevig geweest. Naast het produceren van voedsel en grondstoffen verwacht de maatschappij nu ook andere diensten van de landbouw, zoals agrarisch natuurbehoud, hoevetoerisme, beschermen van erfgoed, recreatie of rust en stilte. Deze ontwikkelingen zorgen er echter voor dat steeds meer functies op het platteland gecombineerd worden en dit leidt steeds vaker tot spanningen en conflicten. Wanneer beleidsmakers oplossingen willen bieden voor deze conflicten is het essentieel dat ze een inzicht krijgen in de verschillen in perceptie die de gebruikers van het platteland hebben. Aan de hand van twee casestudies ontwikkelt dit onderzoek drie verschillende methodes om landschapsperceptie te meten of te beschrijven. De eerste casestudie sluit aan bij het ideaaltypisch agrarisch landschap van het Pajottenland. De tweede casestudie focust op de ontwikkeling van grootschalige glastuinbouwzones. Eén van de meest opmerkelijke vaststellingen van het onderzoek is dat landschap een medium bij uitstek blijkt te zijn om het debat rond bepaalde ontwikkelingen op het platteland te openen

Éthologie appliquée : comportements animaux et humains, questions de société
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782759201914 2759201910 Year: 2009 Publisher: Versailles: Quæ,

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L'éthologie appliquée s’intéresse au comportement des animaux dans leur milieu habituel et en interaction avec l’homme. Les modèles étudiés sont variés : animal de rente, de compagnie, de laboratoire, de sport ou encore animal sauvage, et même entomofaune. Depuis peu, l’approche s’est étendue aux comportements humains. L’éthologie appliquée répond à de multiples préoccupations sociétales, telles que le respect du bien-être animal, la préservation de l’environnement et de la biodiversité, la durabilité des systèmes de production, l’aménagement du territoire ou encore l’amélioration de la santé humaine. Cet ouvrage vise à faire connaître cette jeune discipline scientifique. Il s’adresse à un large public : biologistes, enseignants et étudiants mais aussi professionnels de l’élevage, de l’agronomie, de l’industrie pharmaceutique et vétérinaire, gestionnaires de la faune sauvage, spécialistes du marketing et de l’éducation, et membres d’associations œuvrant pour le bien-être animal.

Ecology without nature : rethinking environmental aesthetics
ISBN: 9780674034853 9780674024342 0674034856 0674024346 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press

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In Ecology without Nature, Timothy Morton argues that the chief stumbling block to environmental thinking is the image of nature itself. Ecological writers propose a new worldview, but their very zeal to preserve the natural world leads them away from the “nature” they revere. The problem is a symptom of the ecological catastrophe in which we are living. Morton sets out a seeming paradox: to have a properly ecological view, we must relinquish the idea of nature once and for all.Ecology without Nature investigates our ecological assumptions in a way that is provocative and deeply engaging. Ranging widely in eighteenth-century through contemporary philosophy, culture, and history, he explores the value of art in imagining environmental projects for the future. Morton develops a fresh vocabulary for reading “environmentality” in artistic form as well as content, and traces the contexts of ecological constructs through the history of capitalism. From John Clare to John Cage, from Kierkegaard to Kristeva, from The Lord of the Rings to electronic life forms, Ecology without Nature widens our view of ecological criticism, and deepens our understanding of ecology itself. Instead of trying to use an idea of nature to heal what society has damaged, Morton sets out a radical new form of ecological criticism: “dark ecology.”

Changing poverty, changing policies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780871543103 0871543109 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York: Russell Sage Foundation,

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Action régionale --- Aide au développement régional --- Aide au développement économique régional --- Aide financière publique --- Aide sociale --- Aide sociale -- Politique gouvernementale --- Aide économique nationale --- Aménagement économique régional --- Anti-poverty programs --- Armoede --- Assistance publique --- Assistance sociale --- Assistance économique intérieure --- Benevolent institutions --- Bien être social --- Binnenlandse economische hulpverlening --- Destitution --- Développement économique régional --- Economic assistance [Domestic ] --- Economische hulpverlening [Binnenlandse ] --- Expansion économique régionale --- Federal aid to depressed areas --- Government economic assistance --- Hulpmiddelen bij regionale economische ontwikkeling --- Oeuvres sociales --- Openbare welzijnszorg --- Openbare welzijnszorg -- Regeringspolitiek --- Pauvreté --- Politique de développement régional --- Poor relief --- Poverty --- Prestations sociales --- Programmes régionaux de développement et d'équipement --- Protection sociale --- Public assistance --- Public charities --- Public relief --- Public welfare --- Public welfare -- Government policy --- Public welfare reform --- Relief (Aid) --- Social welfare --- Systèmes d'assistance --- Welfare (Public assistance) --- Welfare reform --- Economic assistance, Domestic --- History --- Government policy --- Economic assistance, Domestic. --- Poverty. --- Public welfare. --- History. --- Poverty - United States - History --- Poverty - Government policy - United States - History --- Economic assistance, Domestic - United States - History --- Public welfare - United States - History

Nudge : naar betere beslissingen over gezondheid, geluk en welvaart
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789047001263 Year: 2009 Publisher: Amsterdam Business Contact

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besluitvorming --- sociale ecologie --- sociale filosofie --- Human ecology. Social biology --- Philosophy --- Economics --- Psychological aspects --- Choice (Psychology) --- Economic aspects --- Decision making --- Consumer behavior --- Economie --- Economische psychologie --- Besluitvorming --- Consumentengedrag --- Psychologie van de consument --- Trends --- BPB1407 --- 305.9 --- gezondheid --- welvaart --- sociale psychologie --- Bien-être social --- Santé publique --- rahvatervis --- shëndet publik --- обществено здраве --- zdraví veřejnosti --- public health --- volksgezondheid --- veselības aizsardzība --- javno zdravje --- közegészség --- saħħa pubblika --- sanità pubblica --- јавно здравје --- salud pública --- saúde pública --- Volksgesundheit --- kansanterveys --- јавно здравље --- zdrowie publiczne --- sláinte phoiblí --- javno zdravstvo --- sănătate publică --- folkhälsa --- offentlig sundhed --- δημόσια υγεία --- visuomenės sveikata --- zdravie verejnosti --- zdravie obyvateľstva --- gezondheid van de bevolking --- υγεία του πληθυσμού --- Закон за јавно здравје --- befolkningens hälsa --- gyventojų sveikata --- salute della popolazione --- zdraví lidu --- јавни здравствени установи --- népegészségügy --- santé de la population --- sănătate populație --- saúde da população --- здравјето на населението --- javno zdravlje --- sanidad pública --- shëndet i popullatës --- здравство --- health of the population --- zdraví obyvatelstva --- väestön terveydentila --- rahva tervis --- zdraví národa --- јавно ветеринарно здравство --- iedzīvotāju veselība --- befolkningssundhed --- veřejné zdraví --- sociālā labklājība --- sosiaalinen hyvinvointi --- sociální blahobyt --- benesseri soċjali --- social välfärd --- socialinė gerovė --- benessere sociale --- društveno blagostanje --- κοινωνική ευημερία --- bienestar social --- социално благополучие --- dobrobyt społeczny --- družbena blaginja --- општествена благосостојба --- sociaal welzijn --- bunăstare socială --- друштвено благостање --- social velfærd --- társadalmi jólét --- sotsiaalne heaolu --- bem-estar social --- mirëqënie sociale --- sociálny blahobyt --- social well-being --- Gemeinwohl --- közjólét --- социјална благосостојба --- social tryghed --- sociale psychologie - overige onderwerpen --- Consumentenpsychologie --- Trend --- folláine shóisialta --- socijalna dobrobit --- társadalmi jóllét --- szczęście --- yhteiskunnallinen hyvinvointi --- onnellisuus --- felicidade --- kuntentizza --- felicidad --- geluk --- Glück --- gerbūvis --- pocit šťastia --- boldogság --- ευτυχία --- sreća --- laime --- štěstí --- sreča --- socialt välbefinnande --- щастие --- fericire --- happiness --- õnnelikkus --- bonheur --- felicità --- lycka --- 431 --- management --- Nobelprijs economie --- menselijk gedrag --- opleiding management --- formation management --- Santé publique --- Bien-être social

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