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Kunstmatige rots- en grotwerken in Nederlandse en Belgische landschapsparken : enkele aantekeningen
Year: 1996 Publisher: Place of publication unknown Groen : vakblad voor groen in stad en landschap

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Offentlig miljö som arena och kuliss : att se, bli sedd och mötas på stadens offentliga och bodstadsnära platser
ISBN: 9155438156 Year: 1996 Publisher: Stockholm Almqvist och Wiksell

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Architecture and landscape : the design experiment of the great european gardens and landscapes
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3791317202 9783791317205 Year: 1996 Publisher: München: Prestel,

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Ce livre étudie l'histoire des jardins et espaces publics en Italie, France et Grane-Bretagne. Il propose une analyse innovante - analyse conceptuelle et aspect tri-dimensionnel - du paysagisme d'Europe occidentale. L'information fournie utilise des méthodes de recherches objectives, pour réaliser des comparaisons topologiques de multiples plans et de périodes d'influences.

Jan Vercruysse : the villas : Haus Esters (museum), Haus Lange (museum) : Krefeld, 1995
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3926530766 9783926530769 Year: 1996 Publisher: Krefeld : Stadt Krefeld,

Estimating econonomic values for nature : methods for non-market valuation
ISBN: 1858981336 Year: 1996 Publisher: Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar,

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A guide to the sculpture parks and gardens of America
Authors: ---
Year: 1996 Publisher: New York Kesend

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Sculpture --- outdoor sculpture --- gardens [open spaces] --- parks [public recreation areas] --- sculpting --- Tacca, Pietro --- Brancusi, Constantin --- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig --- Reder, Bernard --- Adams, Robert --- Graham, Robert --- Aalto, Alvar --- Gottlieb, Adolph --- Manship, Paul --- Arp, Hans --- Anderson, David --- Lipton, Seymour --- Gilhooly, David --- Grooms, Red --- Ginnever, Charles --- Creeft, de, José --- Robus, Hugo --- Maillol, Aristide --- Richier, Germaine --- Guimard, Hector --- Hrdlicka, Alfred --- LeWitt, Sol --- Cragg, Tony --- Ribera, de, Jusepe --- Wercollier, Lucien --- Graetz, Gidon --- Hajdu, Etienne --- Voulkos, Peter --- Baskin, Leonard --- Murray, Robert --- Bentham, Douglas --- Marcheschi, Cork --- Jaudon, Valerie --- Allen, Terry --- Doner, Michele Oka --- Shemi, Yehiel --- Suvero, di, Mark --- Remington, Frédéric --- Archipenko, Alexander --- Pomodoro, Gio --- Sandle, Michael --- Müller, Robert --- Poncet, Antoine --- Gill, Eric --- Oppenheim, Dennis --- Greco, Emilio --- Shapiro, Joel --- Dubuffet, Jean --- Paik, Nam June --- Schwartz, Buky --- Efrat, Benni --- Gehry, Frank --- Caro, Anthony --- Koenig, Fritz --- Zajac, Jack --- Stella, Frank --- Gabo, Naum --- Sullivan, Louis --- Ernst, Max --- Laurens, Henri --- Oldenburg, Claes --- Finlay, Ian Hamilton --- Hepworth, Barbara --- Armajani, Siah --- Bladen, Ronald --- Caló, Aldo --- Frink, Elisabeth --- Gonschior, Kuno --- Holt, Nancy --- Irwin, Robert --- Lachaise, Gaston --- Milles, Carl --- Nagare, Masayuki --- Nonas, Richard --- Pepper, Beverly --- Pillhofer, Josef --- Puryear, Martin --- Roszak, Theodore J. --- Simonds, Charles --- Smith, Tony --- Snelson, Kenneth --- Sonfist, Alan --- Stankiewicz, Richard --- Murray, Elizabeth --- Trova, Ernest --- Viani, Alberto --- Mirko --- Harrell, Hugh [jr.] --- Abdell, Douglas --- Abduljaami, John --- Ablah, George --- Ahearn, John --- Akagawa, Kinji --- Allen, Matthias --- Althouse, Tom --- Amaral, Jim --- Picasso, Pablo --- Anderson, Michael --- Antonakos, Stephen --- Antonazzi, Giovanni --- Arneson, Robert --- Arnoldi, Charles --- Albers, Josef --- Arvanetes, Andrew --- Asawa, Ruth --- Askman, Tom --- Atkinson, Louise --- Averbach, Alan --- Ayres, Antoinette --- Bacon, Henry --- Baizerman, Saul --- Baker, George --- Ball, Lillian --- Baraclough, Dennis --- Barankenya --- Barbera, Melinda --- Barks, Richard --- Barnard, George Grey --- Barnes, Edward Larrabee --- Barnhill, James --- Barrett, Bill --- Barrett, Kevin --- Bart, Robert --- Bassetti, Fred --- Bates, Mary --- Baudoin, Ali --- Beasley, Bruce --- Beasley, George --- Beckelman, John --- Beck-Friedman, Tova --- Beckman, Richard --- Beljon, Joop J. --- Bell, Roberley --- Ben-Haim, Zigi --- Bennett, Chris --- Benton, Fletcher --- Bermudez, José --- Berry, Roger --- Bertoia, Harry --- Bertoldi, Allen --- Beyer, Richard --- Beyer, Steven --- Bigger, Michael --- Bills, Tom --- Biro, Ivan --- Bitter, Karl --- Bjorge, John --- Blank, J. B. --- Blitt, Rita --- Bloom, Myriam --- Blum, Andrea --- Newman, Barnett --- Bolinsky, Joe --- Bolomey, Roger --- Bonet, Jordi --- Bonkemeyer, Mary --- Bonsignore, John --- Booker, Chakaia --- Borcherdt, Fred --- Bordes, Juan --- Borglum, Gutzon --- Bortolazzo, Ken --- Bottini, David --- Bowman, Ty --- Brasksma, Carolyn --- Brenman, Joe --- Bell, Larry --- Bright, Barney --- Bromberg, Manuel --- Brower, Michele --- Brown, Judith --- Brown, Thom --- Browne, Tom --- Brzezinski, Emilie Benes --- Buchen, Tony --- Buchman, James --- Bufano, Beniamino --- Bullock, Benbow --- Buonaccorsi, Jim --- Buri, Samuel --- Burkert, Robert --- Burlini, Joseph --- Burt, James --- Butler, Eugenia P. --- Butler, Robert --- Bourdelle, Antoine --- Butterfield, Deborah --- Caesar, Doris --- Cairns, Christopher --- Calaboyias, Peter --- Callery, Mary --- Campbell, Kenneth --- Capps, Kenneth --- Carlson, George A. --- Casanova, Aldo --- Cascella, Andrea --- Cassidy, Shaun --- Castanis, Muriel --- Caswell, Dick --- Cave, Leonard --- Cemin, Saint Clair --- Chase-Riboud, Barbara --- Chaurika, Ephraim --- Cherne, Leo --- Chinni, Peter --- Kadishman, Menashe --- Cocteau, Gesso --- Cohen, Nancy --- Collins, Jim --- Cook, Robert --- Cooper, Alexander --- Fontana, Lucio --- Cooper, Paul --- Cooper, Ron --- Corberó, Xavier --- Cornell, John --- Costa, Joan --- Couper, William --- Cox, Kris --- Craddock, Robert --- Cravath, Ruth --- Crolius, Clark --- Cronin, Robert --- Cross, Doris --- Crovello, William --- Crowder, Susan --- Cunningham, Linda --- Daen, Lindsay --- Darrow, Edwin --- Davidson, Jo --- Davidson, Robert --- Davis, James G. --- Davis, Michael --- Davy, Wood --- Guatamala, de, Joyce --- Saint Croix, De, Blane --- Staebler, de, Stephen --- Niizuma, Minoru --- DeLue, Donald --- Demetrios, Aristedes --- Demetrios, George --- Deming, David --- Derst, Leon --- Deutsch, Richard --- DeVries, Andrew --- Dietel, Fritz --- Dileo, Tony --- Dill, Guy --- Dillon, Victoria --- Dinsmoore, Samuel Perry --- Bill, Max --- Dorrien, Carlos --- Doyle, Tom --- Drake, James --- Driscoll, Ellen --- Duckworth, Ruth --- Dufford, Andrew --- Dumont, Linda --- Dusenbery, Walter --- Dyfverman, Johan --- Dykes, Dan --- Eastman, Rico --- Eckstut, Stanton --- Edge, Doug --- Edwards, Melvin E. --- Egbert, Elizabeth --- Ehn, John --- Ellis, Clay --- Eloul, Kosso --- Elozua, Raymon --- Elting, Milton --- Embroli, Enrico --- Emery, Lin --- Engman, Robert --- Enzmann, Martha --- Erdman, Richard --- Etrog, Sorel --- Evans, Rudulf --- Every, Tom --- Ewing, Lauren --- Falkenstein, Claire --- Segal, George --- Fane, Lawrence --- Farnham, Sally James --- Fasnacht, Heide --- Fay, Ming --- Feilacher, Johan --- Feldman, Bella --- Ferguson, John --- Ferrara, Jackie --- Ferrari, Virginio --- Finley, Karen --- Finster, Howard --- Fischer, R.M. --- Fisher, Frederick --- Fishman, Richard --- Fite, Harvey --- Fitzgerald, James --- Fleischner, Richard --- Fleming, Linda --- Floyd, David --- Forakis, Peter --- Foster, John --- Fox, Lincoln --- Fraser, James Earle --- Fredericks, Marschall --- Frega, Al --- Frey, Viola --- Friedberg, Paul M. --- Friedberg, Richard --- Friedeberg, Pedro --- Fuller, Mary --- Gallagher, Dennis --- Galloway, Ed --- Gardiner, Be --- Garofalo, Mark --- Gebhardt, Roland --- Morris, Robert --- Gerst, Leon --- Gianakos, Cristos --- Gibbons, Arthur --- Bourgeois, Louise --- Giusti, Karen --- Glavin, Matt --- Glen, Rob --- Godfrey, Dewitt --- Gold, Betty --- Goldblatt, Aaron --- Gonzales, Bennie --- Goodwin, Jeralyn --- Gordon, Harry --- Gordon, Lisa --- Gottlieb, Richard --- Gozu, Masao --- Grafly, Charles --- Grausman, Philip --- Grave, Michael --- Graves, Bradford --- Greenamyer, George --- Greening, Charles --- Grenamyer, George --- Griffis, Larry --- Gross, Chaim --- Gumbiner, Abigail --- Gustin, Richard --- Guyton, Tyree --- Haas, Richard --- Hadany, Israel --- Haddaway, Ed --- Haddaway, Edward --- Hadjipateras, Mark --- Hadzi, Dimitri --- Halahmy, Oded --- Hall, David --- Hall, Maria --- Hall, Michael --- Hamburger, Sydney --- Hamilton, Juan --- Hamrol, Lloyd --- Hanbury, Una --- Haozous, Bob --- Hargreaves, George --- Harper, Barri --- Harries, Mags --- Harris, Allen --- Harryn, Paul --- Hartley, Jonathan Scott --- Hartman, Ben --- Hassinger, Maren --- Hatcher, Brower --- Hatchett, Duayne --- Haring, Keith --- Hawkins, Gilbert --- Held, Marion --- Henrik, Richard --- Henry, John --- Henselmann, Albert E. --- Herberta, Victoria --- Heric, John --- Hicks, Thomas --- Hide, Peter --- Higashida, Zero --- Highstein, Jene --- Hill, Elizabeth --- Hill, Jim --- Hill, Robin --- Hock, John --- Hoffman, Malvina --- Hokanson, Hans --- Negri, Mario --- Hollis, DouglasTurrell, James --- Horwitt, Will --- House, John --- Howard, Linda --- Howard, Robert --- Hund, Frederick --- Hunnicutt, Barry --- Hunt, Richard --- Huntington, Chuck --- Huntington, Jim --- Hyde, Doug --- Indermaur, Robert --- Indick, Janet --- Isherwood, Jon --- Jackson, John --- Jacobson, David --- Jacquard, Jerald --- Jennings, John Douglas --- Jermyn, Ron --- Jimenez, Luis [jr.] --- Johanson, Patricia --- Johnson, Bruce --- Johnson, Erick C. --- Johnson, J. Seward Jr. --- Joseph, Nathan Slate --- Joseph, Pam --- Judson, Sylvia Shaw --- Kaiser, Diane --- Karpowicz, Terry --- Katzen, Lila --- Kawashima, Takeshi --- Kearney, John --- Kendrick, Mel --- Kennedy, John --- Ketchman, Niki --- Kieser, Karen --- Kiley, Dan --- King, Dave --- King, Katherine --- King, William --- Kipp, Lyman --- Kirk, Jerome --- Kirkland, Larry --- Kirschenbaum, Bernard --- Kirsten-Daiensai, Richard C. --- Kleiman, Gary --- Klein, Ron --- Knowlton, Grace F. --- Knuth, Mark --- Kodama, Masami --- Kohl, Joyce --- Kohlmeyer, Ida --- Kohn, Gabriel --- Epstein, Jacob --- Smithson, Robert --- Kondo, Israel --- Konzal, Joseph --- Kosta, Alex --- Kowal, Dennis --- Kowalski, Dennis --- Kraft, Kenneth H. --- Kraisler, David --- Kripal, Nicholas --- Grasse, La, Deborah --- Labriola, Ann Lorraine --- LaGrone, Oliver --- Lapka, Evan --- Lapka, Milan --- Larson, Philippe --- Lash, Jon --- Laudenslager, Jeffery --- Lavatelli, Carla --- LaVerdiere, Bruno --- Lawless, Billie --- Layland, Charles --- Lazare, Kim --- Lee, Billy --- Leedskanlnin, Edward --- Leicester, Andrew --- Leitner, Jon --- Lekakis, Michael --- Leon, Dennis --- Letendre, Rita --- Levine, Erik --- Levy, Stacy --- Lewis, Evan --- Lieberman, Claire --- Linn, Steve --- Lipski, Donald --- Lobe, Bob --- Loewenstein, Daniel --- Longman, Evelyn B. --- Lopez-Chicheri, Enrique Saavedra --- Lorenz, Elaine --- Love, Arlene --- Love, Jim --- Lovet-Lorski, Boris --- Lucchesi, Bruno --- Luchsinger, Bill --- Lundeen, George W. --- Lutz, Winifred --- Mack, Rodger --- Macklin, Ken --- MacMonnies, Frederick William --- Maki, Robert --- Mallary, Robert --- Manca, Albino --- Mandelman, Bea --- Mäntynen, Jussi --- Marini, Marino --- Marinsky, Harry --- Mark, Phyllis --- Martens, Christiane T. --- Martin, Eddie Owens --- Mason, John --- Mason, Molly --- McCafferty, Jay --- McDiarmid, Duane --- McDonnell, Joseph --- McGraw, DeLoss --- McGuire, Frank --- McKissack, Jeff --- Meadmore, Clement --- Mennin, Mark --- Mercer, Gray D. --- Metzler, Laurence --- Bloc, André --- Miki, Tomio --- Milkowski, Antoni --- Miller, Elliott --- Paolozzi, Eduardo --- Miller, Richard --- Miller, Ross --- Millspaugh, Dan --- Minker, Sally --- Miss, Mary --- Mitchell, Tyrone --- Mittelstadt, Robert --- Mock, Richard Basil --- Mooney, John David --- Moore, Harriet --- Moore, Jesse --- Morbillo, Frank --- Moroles, Jesús Bautista --- Morse, John --- Moses, Lemon --- Moyer, William --- Murray, Clark --- Murrill, Gwynn --- Myers, Forrest --- Nakian, Reuben --- Naranjo, Michael --- Neizvestny, Ernst --- Neri, Manuel --- Nesjar, Carl --- Neuland, Dan --- Newman, Dennis --- Newman, John --- Neylor, John Geofrey --- Nichols, Philip --- Nichols, Walter --- Nivola, Costantino --- Nomura, Stephen --- Norton, Ann --- Novak, Gyora --- Odza, Theodore --- Olmsted, Frederick Law --- Olmsteda, Wes --- Orion, Ezra --- Orlando, Joe --- Otterness, Tom --- Outterbridge, John --- Padovano, Aanthony --- Page, Russell --- Paine, Robert Treat --- Paraschos, Manolis --- Parish, Willie Ray --- Parker, Barry --- Pascual, Manolo --- Patterson, Tony --- Pattison, Abbott --- Pavlovsky, Michael --- Payne, John --- Peacock, Dennis --- Peart, Jerry --- Peleg, Ephraim --- Pels, Marsha --- Perless, Robert --- Perlman, Joel --- Perone, Joe --- Perry, Bea --- Perry, Charles O. --- Perutz, Dolly --- Petersen, Christian --- Pfann, Karl --- Polasek, Ablin --- Popa, Mihai --- Porcaro, Don --- Porphyrios, Demetri --- Porter, Howard --- Porter, Stephen --- Price, Art --- Price, Bret --- Price, Michael B. --- Priesner, Mike --- Prisbey, Tressa --- Purdy, Martin --- Radoff, Sam --- Ramsaran, Evans --- Rand, Steven --- Ratcliffe, M. T. --- Reginato, Peter --- Reinders, Jim --- Rennels, Frederic --- Ressler, Robert --- Rich, Francis --- Richardson, Sam --- Rike, John --- Robb, Kevin --- Roccamonte, Giorgio Amelio --- Rodia, Simon --- Rogers, Randolph --- Rohm, Robert --- Rollins, Henry --- Roloff, John --- Romano, Salvatore --- Romeda, Bruno --- Rood, John --- Rosati, James --- Rosenthal, Bernard --- Roth, Frederick George Richard --- Rubin, Harris --- Russell, James T. --- Rybicki, Edmund --- Safdie, Moshe --- Saganic, Livio --- Saint-Gaudens, Louis --- Salmones, Victor --- Tajiri, Shinkichi --- Sanderson, Raymond Phillips --- Santana, Ferdinand --- Savage, J. David --- Scanga, Italo --- Schade, Arthur George --- Schlar, Harold --- Schleeh, Hans --- Schmidt, Julius --- Schoonhoven, Terry --- Wotruba, Fritz --- Nash, David --- Scott, John T. --- Scudder, Janet --- Sealine, Eric --- Seiler, Herb --- Seley, Jason --- Sewell, Leo --- Shanhouse, Bill --- Shaw, Ernest --- Shaw, Ernie --- Shay, Ed --- Shea, Judith --- Shelton, Peter --- Sherbell, Rhoda --- Shone, Richard --- Shore, Richard --- Shrady, Frederick --- Siegel, Julie --- Silberman, Bernadine --- Silver, Jonathan --- Silverman, Arthur --- Simpson, Patrick --- Simpson, Volles --- Simun, Konstantin --- Sinaiko, Arlie --- Sisco, Paul --- Sisko, Paul --- Sklavos, Yerassimos --- Skolnik, Sara --- Slater, Gary --- Smith, Alexis --- Smith, Fred --- Smyth, Ned --- Snyder, Peter --- Soleri, Paolo --- Stackhouse, Robert --- Stein, Gila --- Steinberg, Bryan --- Steiner, Michael --- Sternal, Tom --- Stevenson, Quentin J. --- Stickley, Gustav --- Stoltz, David --- Stone, Edward Durrell --- Story, William Wetmore --- Strautmanis, Edwin --- Streeter, Tal --- Strider, Marjorie --- Stritch, John --- Strohbeen, Karen --- Stromeyer, David --- Strzelec, Patrick --- Sultan, Donald --- Zúñiga, Francisco --- Surls, James --- Suttman, Paul --- Sveinsson, Asmundur --- Swift, James --- Taft, Lorado --- Takaezu, Toshiko --- Tallichet, Jude --- Tasch, Linda --- Tatro, Ron --- Taylor, Wendy --- Tefft, Elden --- Thorn, Erwin --- Tibbetts, Steve --- Tillery, Lynn --- Todd, Michael --- Tognoni, George-ann --- Tonetti, E. M. I. --- Toole, Frank --- Townley, Hugh --- Tribe, Lee --- Tsutakawa, George --- Tucker, Richard --- Tully, Robert --- Turner, Cleveland --- Turner, Richard --- Umeda, Kenji --- Underhill, William --- Unger, Mary Ann --- Urban, James --- Vagis, Polygnatos --- Vail, Lorraine --- Alstine, van, John --- van de Bovenkamp, Hans --- Sant, Van, Tom --- Vaughn, Bert --- Vaux, Calvert --- Vega, Ed --- Vildziunas, Vlada --- Vinci, John --- Vlavianos, Nicolas --- Rydingsvard, von, Ursula --- Schlegell, von, David --- von Tongeren, Herk --- Waddell, John --- Wagner, Merrill --- Wagner, Philip J. --- Walburg, Gerald --- Waldron, Tom --- Walker, Milton --- Walker, Nellie Vern --- Wall, Brian --- Ward, John Quincy Adams --- Ward, Nari --- Warkins, Asa --- Warsinske, Norman --- Watson, Colin Webster --- Watson, Willard --- Weaver, Bill --- Weber, Willy --- Webster, Meg --- Wegner, Mathilda --- Wegner, Paul --- Weigel, Doug --- Weinberger, Steven --- Weinman, Adolph Alexander --- Weiss, Harvey --- Wenger, Edwin --- Werner, Zelda W. --- Wernerus, Matthias --- Roosen, Mia Westerlund --- Wexler, Allan --- Whisler, Stephen --- White, Bruce --- White, Gail Scott --- White, Robert --- Vanderbilt, Gertrude --- Whitney, Mac --- Wiener, Madeline --- Williams, Roger --- Wilmarth, Christopher --- Wilson, Roy --- Wines, James --- Winslow, Robert --- Winzenz, Karon --- Wolff, Andrew --- Worthington, Mac --- Wright, Dale --- Yarbrough, Dan --- Yosef, Sassoon --- Zang, Elena --- Ziegler, Laura --- Zimmerman, Elyn --- Ziolkowski, Korczak --- Zoettle, Joseph --- Zorach, William --- Zwack, Marilyn --- Zweygardt, Glenn --- Keppelman, John --- Wolfe, James --- Miró, Joan --- Hoflehner, Rudolf --- Paris, Harold Persico --- Heizer, Michael --- Huntington, Anna Hyatt --- Kowalski, Piotr --- Noguchi, Isamu --- Saint-Phalle, de, Niki --- Serra, Richard --- Sugarman, George --- Boccioni, Umberto --- Matisse, Henri --- Rodin, Auguste --- Hicks, Sheila --- Meštrovič, Ivan --- Covarrubias, Miguel --- Lichtenstein, Roy --- Goldsworthy, Andy --- Pevsner, Antoine --- Moore, Henry --- Mack, Heinz --- Smith, David --- Acconci, Vito --- Consagra, Pietro --- Chillida, Eduardo --- Graham, Dan --- Holzer, Jenny --- Kusama, Yayoi --- Flanagan, Barry --- Judd, Donald --- Etienne-Martin --- Pelli, Cesar --- Artschwager, Richard --- Duchamp-Villon, Raymond --- Chamberlain, John --- Kelly, Ellsworth --- McCollum, Allan --- Mullican, Matt --- Nauman, Bruce --- Paladino, Mimmo --- Wesley, John --- Saint-Gaudens, Augustus --- Kaneko, Jun --- Saarinen, Eero --- Mahler, Anna --- Bayer, Herbert --- Nevelson, Louise --- Kolbe, Georg --- Wynne, David --- Bruggen, van, Coosje --- Ipousteguy, Jean --- Mason, Raymond --- Armitage, Kenneth --- King, Phillip --- Aycock, Alice --- Borofsky, Jonathan --- Burton, Scott --- Dehner, Dorothy --- Eakins, Thomas --- Ernst, Jimmy --- French, Daniel Chester --- Gargallo, Pablo --- Graves, Nancy --- Indiana, Robert --- Liberman, Alexander --- Mangold, Robert Peter --- Marcks, Gerhard --- Maria, de, Walter --- Nadelman, Elie --- Pan, Marta --- Rückriem, Ulrich --- Somaini, Francesco --- Tumarkin, Igael --- Turnbull, William --- Vostell, Wolf --- Wegman, William --- Rietveld, Gerrit --- Saarinen, Eliel Gottlieb --- Appel, Karel --- Heiliger, Bernhard --- Abakanowicz, Magdalena --- Tucker, William --- Witkin, Isaac --- Annesley, David --- Gérard, Michel --- Pomodoro, Arnaldo --- Hunt, Bryan --- Lipchitz, Jacques --- Butler, Reginald --- Ferber, Herbert --- Lassaw, Ibram --- Azuma, Kengiro --- Stahly, François --- Poirier, Anne --- Kooning, de, Willem --- Arman --- Botero, Fernando --- Nierman, Leonardo --- Chadwick, Lynn --- Rickey, George --- Zadkine, Ossip --- Manzù, Giacomo --- Giacometti, Alberto --- Calder, Alexander --- Mastroianni, Umberto --- Asher, Michael --- United States of America

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