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AQA A-level biology 2
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1471807657 9781471807657 1471807649 9781471807640 1471828913 Year: 2015 Publisher: London Hodder Education Group

America's death penalty
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0814733042 0814732801 9780814732809 9780814733042 9780814732663 0814732666 9780814732670 0814732674 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York New York University Press

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Over the past three decades, the United States has embraced the death penalty with tenacious enthusiasm. While most of those countries whose legal systems and cultures are normally compared to the United States have abolished capital punishment, the United States continues to employ this ultimate tool of punishment. The death penalty has achieved an unparalleled prominence in our public life and left an indelible imprint on our politics and culture. It has also provoked intense scholarly debate, much of it devoted to explaining the roots of American exceptionalism.America’s Death Penalty takes a different approach to the issue by examining the historical and theoretical assumptions that have underpinned the discussion of capital punishment in the United States today. At various times the death penalty has been portrayed as an anachronism, an inheritance, or an innovation, with little reflection on the consequences that flow from the choice of words. This volume represents an effort to restore the sense of capital punishment as a question caught up in history. Edited by leading scholars of crime and justice, these original essays pursue different strategies for unsettling the usual terms of the debate. In particular, the authors use comparative and historical investigations of both Europe and America in order to cast fresh light on familiar questions about the meaning of capital punishment. This volume is essential reading for understanding the death penalty in America.Contributors: David Garland, Douglas Hay, Randall McGowen, Michael Meranze, Rebecca McLennan, and Jonathan Simon.

Traumatic imprints
ISBN: 0520969928 9780520969926 9780520297630 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oakland, California

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Forced to contend with unprecedented levels of psychological trauma during World War II, the United States military began sponsoring a series of nontheatrical films designed to educate and even rehabilitate soldiers and civilians alike. Traumatic Imprints traces the development of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic approaches to wartime trauma by the United States military, along with links to formal and narrative developments in military and civilian filmmaking. Offering close readings of a series of films alongside analysis of period scholarship in psychiatry and bolstered by research in trauma theory and documentary studies, Noah Tsika argues that trauma was foundational in postwar American culture. Examining wartime and postwar debates about the use of cinema as a vehicle for studying, publicizing, and even what has been termed "working through" war trauma, this book is an original contribution to scholarship on the military-industrial complex.

Le juge d'instruction : échec et mat ?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782804438166 2804438163 Year: 2009 Publisher: Bruxelles: Larcier,

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BPB1012 --- Juge --- Rechter --- E-books --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juez --- imħallef --- judge --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- breitheamh --- Justice pénale -- Administration -- Belgique --- France --- Justice pénale --- Administration --- Justice pénale

Raising Brooklyn
ISBN: 0814709354 9780814709351 9780814791424 0814791425 9780814791431 0814791433 9780814725085 0814725082 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York New York University Press

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Stroll through any public park in Brooklyn on a weekday afternoon and you will see black women with white children at every turn. Many of these women are of Caribbean descent, and they have long been a crucial component of New York’s economy, providing childcare for white middle- and upper-middleclass families. Raising Brooklyn offers an in-depth look at the daily lives of these childcare providers, examining the important roles they play in the families whose children they help to raise. Tamara Mose Brown spent three years immersed in these Brooklyn communities: in public parks, public libraries, and living as a fellow resident among their employers, and her intimate tour of the public spaces of gentrified Brooklyn deepens our understanding of how these women use their collective lives to combat the isolation felt during the workday as a domestic worker. Though at first glance these childcare providers appear isolated and exploited—and this is the case for many—Mose Brown shows that their daily interactions in the social spaces they create allow their collective lives and cultural identities to flourish. Raising Brooklyn demonstrates how these daily interactions form a continuous expression of cultural preservation as a weapon against difficult working conditions, examining how this process unfolds through the use of cell phones, food sharing, and informal economic systems. Ultimately, Raising Brooklyn places the organization of domestic workers within the framework of a social justice movement, creating a dialogue between workers who don’t believe their exploitative work conditions will change and an organization whose members believe change can come about through public displays of solidarity.

Indépendance et impartialité des juges internationaux

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L’indépendance et de l’impartialité des juges internationaux est un sujet sensible, s’il en est, où la subjectivité des observateurs peut rapidement se joindre à celle reprochée aux juges eux-mêmes. C’est pourtant le défi retenu pour cet ouvrage qui permet de croiser les regards de praticiens – de droit international et de droit interne – et d’universitaires. Le thème peut paraître à la fois juridiquement précis – tous les textes à la base des juridictions internationales prévoient d’encadrer l’indépendance et l’impartialité de leurs juges – et fuyant : comment garantir une impartialité dont la définition même est largement subjective ? De même, de quelle indépendance et de quelle impartialité traite-t-on ? Celle du juge ou celle de la juridiction ? Si l’intitulé démontre que l’orientation pointe la figure du juge, le résultat prouve qu’il fut impossible de la séparer de la collégialité de la juridiction. L’individu est certes au cœur du processus, mais la juridiction, par son rattachement, ses objectifs ou son contentieux propre, formate elle aussi cette indépendance et cette impartialité. Le thème est riche et le présent ouvrage ne prétend pas à son épuisement, mais il permet, grâce à la très grande qualité des participants et à leur liberté de parole, de mieux comprendre un thème complexe qui n’a que l’apparence de l’évidence.


International courts --- International criminal courts --- Judicial independence --- Judicial ethics --- Judicial power --- Judges --- Tribunaux internationaux --- Tribunaux criminels internationaux --- Indépendance judiciaire --- Juges --- Pouvoir judiciaire --- Déontologie --- BPB1104 --- Juge --- Rechter --- Indépendance judiciaire --- Déontologie --- Judiciary --- Justiciability --- Power, Judicial --- Constitutional law --- Courts --- Implied powers (Constitutional law) --- Separation of powers --- Independence of the judiciary --- Independent judiciary --- Ethics, Judicial --- Legal ethics --- Alcaldes --- Cadis --- Chief justices --- Chief magistrates --- Justices --- Magistrates --- Professional ethics --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Officials and employees --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juez --- imħallef --- judge --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- breitheamh --- Droit international --- Judicial independence - Congresses --- Judicial ethics - Congresses --- Judicial power - Congresses --- Judges - Congresses --- Convention européenne des droits de l'homme (1950) --- Droits de l'homme --- Impartialité --- Procès équitable

Kiezen tussen recht en rechtvaardigheid
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789048604494 9048604494 Year: 2009 Publisher: Brugge: Die keure,

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De rechter bekleedt een specifieke plaats in de samenleving: hij of, meer en meer, zij heeft de grondwettelijke opdracht om geschillen te beslechten opdat, liefst zo snel mogelijk, een einde wordt gesteld aan onenigheden tussen individuele burgers onderling, tussen burgers en bedrijven, tussen dezen en de overheid, tussen consumenten en professionals. De rechter bekleedt daarmee in essentie een pacificerende functie in de samenleving. Hij beschikt over een uitgebreid arsenaal aan wetten om zijn opdracht te volbrengen: wanneer de wet correct werd toegepast is zijn missie vervuld. Althans volgens de post-revolutionaire visie die in de rechter niets anders zag dan 'la bouche de la loi', als dam tegen de willekeur van despotische monarchen. De westerse samenleving is gedurende de laatste twee eeuwen verder geëvolueerd, democratischer geworden met meer aandacht voor de zwakkeren: de verzorgingstaat wil tegemoet komen aan diegenen die minder kansen kregen in het leven. Ook de rechterlijke macht (in zijn enge maar enige juiste betekenis) evolueerde: waar de magistratuur tot voor enkele decennia alleen voorbehouden was voor telgen uit de bourgeoisie (en haar ideeëngoed) kwamen sinds de zeventiger jaren zonen en dochters uit alle lagen van de bevolking (met vernieuwende en meer uiteenlopende ideeën) de magistratuur bemannen. Ook het aantal geschillen nam in die periode enorm toe: burgers van alle slag, geëmancipeerd en geïnformeerd, vonden de weg naar de rechtbanken. De rechter kreeg door de lawine aan wetgeving die de nieuwe samenleving vereiste een breder speelveld maar ook meer armslag: bovendien evolueerde de impact van de rechterlijke uitspraak van eerder maatschappijbestendigend naar maatschappelijk richtinggevend. En is de invloed van de rechter op de samenleving gegroeid.


deontologie --- gerecht --- rechtstheorie --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Cases --- Justice --- 340.11 --- droit --- sociologie --- BPB1004 --- Magistrat --- Juge --- 340.11 Rechtstheorie. Rechtsvinding--(algemeen) --- Rechtstheorie. Rechtsvinding--(algemeen) --- recht --- Rechtspraak --- Magistraat --- Rechter --- Ebooks --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juez --- imħallef --- judge --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- δικαστικός λειτουργός --- magistrate --- maġistrat --- kohtunik või prokurör --- magistraat --- dommere og anklagere --- maģistrāts --- žemesnės instancijos teismo teisėjas --- magistrado --- bíró/ügyész --- zmierovací sudca --- magjistrat --- urzędnik sądowy --- претставник на правосудството --- soudce a státní zástupce --- tuomaristo --- представник правосуђа --- sodnik/državni tožilec --- magistrat --- magistrato --- domare och åklagare --- Richter/Staatsanwalt --- магистрат --- magistratura --- domarkåren och åklagarväsendet --- Consiglio superiore della magistratura --- δικαστική αρχή --- bíró és ügyész --- indipendenza del magistrato --- žemesniojo teismo teisėjas --- Richter und Staatsanwälte --- magistrature --- правосудство --- администратор на правото --- суд --- magistratuur --- E-books --- breitheamh --- giúistís --- Belgique --- BPB1004. --- sociologie. --- Rechtstheorie. Rechtsvinding--(algemeen). --- Recht. --- Juges --- Jugements --- Droit --- Juristes --- Droit créé par le juge --- Philosophie --- Pratique --- Déontologie --- Jurisprudence

Le contentieux familial : le tribunal de la famille et le juge de paix
ISBN: 9782807203303 2807203302 2807209513 Year: 2017 Publisher: Limal : Anthemis,

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Le présent ouvrage poursuit deux objectifs : brosser à l'intention des praticiens du droit familial un tableau des règles procédurales qui régissent le contentieux familial et constituer le support de l'enseignement qu'Alain-Charles Van Gysel dispense à l'ULB sur cette matière. Le contentieux familial rassemble l'ensemble des règles de droit judiciaire civil applicables aux litiges relatifs aux personnes et aux familles. Les dimensions psychologiques et affectives de ces litiges ont justifié la création, le 1er septembre 2014, d'une juridiction spécialisée, à laquelle les auteurs de l'ouvrage ont œuvré : le Tribunal de la Famille et de la Jeunesse. Profitant des transferts de compétences occasionnés par l'instauration de cette nouvelle juridiction, le législateur a concentré dans les mains du Juge de paix un contentieux délicat - qui exige la compétence d'un juge « de proximité » : celui de la protection des personnes incapables d'exercice, mineures et majeures. Ce précis est dès lors constitué de deux parties principales : la première est consacrée au Tribunal de la Famille ; la seconde a trait aux compétences déférées au Juge de paix dans les litiges relatifs aux personnes incapables. Les textes coordonnés du Code civil et du Code judiciaire, revus et mis à jour en tenant compte de la récente loi « Pot-Pourri V », figurent en fin d'ouvrage.


Family law. Inheritance law --- Tribunaux de la famille --- Procédure civile --- Juges de paix --- Propriété --- E-books --- BPB1712 --- Droit de la famille --- Juge --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- breitheamh --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juez --- imħallef --- judge --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- Domestic relations courts --- Civil procedure --- Capacity and disability --- Justices of the peace --- Procédure civile --- Incapacité (Droit) --- Belgique

De greep van de wetgever op de rechter
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ISBN: 9789048608942 Year: 2011 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Belgium --- Legislation --- Legislative power --- Judicial power --- Judges --- Législation --- Pouvoir législatif --- Pouvoir judiciaire --- Juges --- Law --- Methodology --- parlement --- legislation --- droit --- BPB1106 --- Législation --- Juge --- 101 Wetgevingstheorie --- 311 Staatsrecht --- 342.56 <493> --- 342.56 <493> Rechterlijke macht--België --- Rechterlijke macht--België --- wetgeving --- recht --- Wetgeving --- Rechter --- Ebooks --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juez --- imħallef --- judge --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- achtú --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- disposição legislativa --- zakonodavni akt --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- E-books --- reachtaíocht --- breitheamh

Collective judging in comparative perspective
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781780686240 1780686242 9781839700804 1839700807 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Chicago Intersentia

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This book provides insight into modern collective judicial decision-making. Courts all over the world sit in panels of several judges, yet the processes by which these judges produce the courts' decisions differ markedly. Judges from some of the world's most notable judicial bodies, in both the civilian and the common law tradition and from supra-/international courts, share their experiences and reflect on the challenges to which their collective endeavour gives rise. They address matters such as the question of panel constitution, the operation of rapporteur systems, pre- and post-hearing conferences, the hearing procedure itself, the nature of the interaction between the judicial panel and parties' advocates, the extent to which a unitary judgment of the court or at least a single majority judgment is required or deemed desirable, and how it is ultimately arrived at through different voting mechanisms. The judicial views are supplemented by a number of academic commentaries. Collective Judging in Comparative Perspective serves as an inspiration for future court design. Sir Jack Beatson (formerly Court of Appeal of England and Wales) Thomas von Danwitz (Court of Justice of the European Union) Matthew Dyson (University of Oxford) Harry T Edwards (United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit) Wolfgang Ernst (University of Oxford) Kevin Garnett QC (formerly Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office) Msgr Markus Graulich (Pontifical Council for Legislative Text) Beate Gsell (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) Birke Häcker (University of Oxford) Dominique Hascher (Cour de cassation) Sir Launcelot Henderson (Court of Appeal of England and Wales) Rchard Hyland (Rutgers Law School) Susan Kiefel AC (High Court of Australia) Georg Kodek (Austrian Supreme Court) James Lee (King's College London) Sir Keith Lindblom (Court of Appeal of England and Wales) Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff (formerly German Federal Constitutional Court) Theodor Meron (International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals) Angelika Nussberger (formerly European Court of Human Rights) Akira Ojima (Chief Judicial Research Official, Supreme Court of Japan) Naoki Onishi (Otsu District Court, Japan) Christos Ravanides (Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations) Lord Reed of Allermuir (Supreme Court of the United Kingdom) Thomas Rüfner (University of Trier) Johanna Schmidt-Räntsch (German Federal Court of Justice) Thomas Stadelmann (Swiss Supreme Court) Wolfgang Ernst is Regius Professor of Civil Law, University of Oxford, and Fellow of All Souls College.Birke Häcker is the Professor of Comparative Law, University of Oxford, and Fellow of Brasenose College.


Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Comparative law --- Law of civil procedure --- Droit comparé. --- Droit --- Décision de groupe. --- Collégialité (droit) --- Prise de décision. --- BPB9999 --- BPB2011 --- vergelijkende studie --- besluitvorming --- judge --- gjyqtar --- sudca --- giudice --- Richter --- rechter --- kohtunik --- съдия --- судија --- judecător --- bíró --- δικαστής --- juge --- juez --- imħallef --- dommer --- sędzia --- soudce --- juiz --- tuomari --- sudac --- tiesnesis --- sodnik --- teisėjas --- domare --- judecător pentru minori --- undersøgelsesdommer --- судија на Врховен суд --- Untersuchungsrichter --- sbor soudců --- zittende magistratuur --- судија на Основен суд --- soudce kompetentní ve věcech dětí a mladistvých --- trup gjykues --- juge pour enfants --- tardytojas --- juiz de instrução --- giudice minorile --- rechter-commissaris --- juez de primera instancia --- δικαστής ανηλίκων --- tiesnesis referents --- Richteramt --- ettekandekohtunik --- magjistër për të mitur --- Richterschaft --- kinderrechter --- juiz de intervenção --- судија на Управен суд --- Jugendrichter --- domarkåren --- undersökningsdomare --- судија на Апелациски суд --- giudice istruttore --- dommerstand --- goda tiesnesis --- zbor sudcov --- magistrature assise --- magisztrátus --- soudní čekatel --- judicatura --- vyšetřující soudce --- juez de instrucción --- nepilnamečių bylų teismo teisėjas --- Richterstand --- judecător de instrucție --- juge d'instruction --- истражен судија --- the bench --- juez de distrito --- indipendenza del giudice --- ανακριτής --- Ermittlungsrichter --- juez de menores --- teisėjai --- examining magistrate --- magjistër hetues --- lapsia koskevia oikeudellisia asioita käsittelevä tuomari --- tuomarikunta --- children's magistrate --- kohtunikkond --- vyšetrujúci sudca --- magistratura giudicante --- sudca pre deti a mladistvých --- судија на Уставен суд --- istražni sudac --- judecător de primă instanță --- onderzoeksrechter --- rannsakningsdomare --- tutkintatuomari --- bírói testület --- lyginamoji studija --- упоредна студија --- estudio comparativo --- jämförande studie --- studju komparattiv --- vergleichende Studie --- poredbena studija --- studia porównawcze --- võrdlev uurimus --- συγκριτική μελέτη --- összehasonlító tanulmány --- sammenlignende undersøgelse --- porovnávacia štúdia --- étude comparative --- salīdzināmā pētniecība --- primerjalna študija --- vertaileva tutkimus --- studim krahasues --- studiu comparativ --- studio comparativo --- estudo comparativo --- srovnávací studie --- comparative study --- споредбена студија --- сравнително изследване --- komparativna studija --- компаративна студија --- komparativní studie --- podejmowanie decyzji --- Entscheidungsprozess --- доношење одлуке --- prise de décision --- донесување одлуки --- toma de decisiones --- взимане на решение --- határozathozatal --- decision-making --- teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet --- vendim-marrje --- odločanje --- päätöksenteko --- otsuste tegemine --- beslutsfattande --- rozhodovanie --- processo decisionale --- tomada de decisão --- donošenje odluke --- beslutningstagning --- lēmuma pieņemšana --- sprendimų priėmimas --- λήψη απόφασης --- luarea deciziilor --- rozhodování --- beslutningsproces --- estrutura funcional --- beslutsprocess --- processus décisionnel --- döntéshozatali folyamat --- Beschlußfassung --- päätöksentekoprosessi --- decision-making process --- διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων --- beslutsförlopp --- proces i vendimmarrjes --- proceso decisorio --- határozathozatali eljárás --- processus de décision --- otsustamisprotsess --- besluitvormingsproces --- procedura di decisione --- processo decisorio --- beslutsprocedur --- lēmuma pieņemšanas process --- rozhodovací proces --- besluitvormingsprocedure --- proceso de toma de decisiones --- процес на одлучување --- procédure de décision --- proces de luare a deciziilor --- presa di decisioni --- proces odlučivanja --- Beschlussfassung --- processo di decisione --- beslutningsprocedure --- Beschlussverfahren --- proceso de decisión --- одлучување --- processo de decisão --- döntéshozatal --- Entscheidungsfindung --- odlučivanje --- Judicial process --- Judges --- Court administration --- breitheamh --- cinnteoireacht --- staidéar comparáideach --- Droit comparé --- Processus judiciare --- Juges --- Tribunaux --- Administration --- Collégialité (Droit) --- Court management --- Courts --- Management --- Decision making, Judicial --- Judicial behavior --- Judicial decision making --- Law --- Procedure (Law) --- Alcaldes --- Cadis --- Chief justices --- Chief magistrates --- Justices --- Magistrates --- Psychological aspects --- Interpretation and construction --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Officials and employees

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