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Voice and Voices in Antiquity draws together 18 studies of the changing concept of voice and voices in the oral traditions and subsequent literate genres of the ancient world. Ranging from the poet's voice to those of characters as well as historically embodied communities, and from the interface between the Greek and Near Eastern worlds to the western reaches of the Roman Empire, the scholars assembled here offer a methodologically rich and diverse series of approaches to locating the power of voice as both poetic construct and communal memory. The results not only enrich our understanding of the strategies of epic, lyric, and dramatic voices but also illuminate the rhetorical claims given voice by historians, orators, philosophers, and novelists in the ancient world.
Scrittura e tradizione orale --- Storia --- Classical literature --- Oral communication in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Oral communication in literature --- History and criticism --- Littérature ancienne --- Communication orale dans la littérature --- Histoire et critique --- Classical literature - History and criticism
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Scholarship is currently engaged in a rich debate around the historical, hermeneutical and theological problems posed by the Bible's occasional yet enthusiastic endorsement of mass extermination. The article engages this ongoing scholarly conversation by way of a dialogue with the emerging field of genocide studies. Part I analyzes the scholarly debates that swirl around definitional and theoretical issues. Far from being an atavistic or irrational irruption into the ordered world of civilization, scholarship sees genocide as woven into the very structure of modern civilization. Part II and III look closely at specific biblical examples of mass extermination. Attention is paid to both ancient extermination campaigns and to textual moments where the Bible appears to endorse mass violence. The article concludes by challenging the widely held view that genocide arises out of ancient hatred and briefly sketches the wide range of ideological elements that inform genocidal thinking and practice.
22.08*3 Bijbelse theologie: themata
Bijbelse theologie: themata
Violence in the Bible.
Cleansing, Ethnic
Ethnic cleansing
Ethnic purification
Purification, Ethnic
Biblical teaching.
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Isaac Kalimi reveals the history of the book of Chronicles from Hellenistic times to the beginning of critical biblical scholarship at the dawn of the 17h century. This comprehensive examination focuses, first and foremost, on the use of Chronicles in Jewish societies through the generations and highlights the attitudes and biases of writers, translators, historians, artists, exegetes, theologians, and philosophers toward the book. The reader is made aware of what the biblical text has meant and what it has "accomplished" in the many contexts in which it has been presented. Throughout the volume, Kalimi strives to describe the journey of Chronicles not only along the route of Jewish history and interpretation but also in relation to the book's non-Jewish heritage (namely, Christianity), demonstrating the differences and distinctiveness of the former. In contrast, the majority of commentaries on Chronicles written from the mid-19th century to the present day have contained little or nothing about the application, interpretation, and reception history of Chronicles by Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.
Chronicles (Book of the Old Testament)
Divre ha-yamim (Book of the Old Testament)
Paralipomenon (Book of the Old Testament)
Yŏktae kisŏ (Book of the Old Testament)
Yŏktaegi (Book of the Old Testament)
Chronikbuch (Book of the Old Testament)
Kronieken (bijbelboeken)
Jüdische Literatur
Religion, Primitive
Historical criticism
Biblical Studies
Old Testament.
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Wycliffite's theology and learning examined in the context of their physical appearance in contemporary books and manuscripts.
284.3 Hussieten. Hus. Wycliff. Taborieten. Calixtenen. Utramquisten. Horebieten
Hussieten. Hus. Wycliff. Taborieten. Calixtenen. Utramquisten. Horebieten
Christian heresies.
Wycliffe, John,
Poor priests
Protestant Reformation
Church history
Heresies, Christian
Heresies and heretics
Theology, Doctrinal
Christian sects
Vicliffe, John,
Viklef, Jan,
Viklef, John,
Viklif, Jan,
Wickliffe, John,
Wiclif, Johann von,
Wiclif, John,
Wicliffe, John,
Wyclif, John,
Wyclyf, John,
Wykliffe, Johannes von,
Lollard Bible
Wyclif Bible
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Cet ouvrage, consacré au droit pénal fiscal, se veut tant théorique que pratique : offrir aux lecteurs une approche juridique, actuelle et concrète de cette matière, afin d’en comprendre les enjeux et d’en anticiper les conséquences concrètes. Son intérêt réside dans cette approche juridiquement précise mais éminemment pratique et visuelle grâce aux nombreux schémas illustrant les concepts analysés.Les auteurs se sont tout d’abord attelés à présenter, dans un premier chapitre, les concepts-clés du droit pénal fiscal : fraude fiscale (et la notion de gravité), abus fiscal, faux et usage de faux… Le deuxième chapitre est quant à lui consacré à la procédure en droit pénal fiscal, élément essentiel à aborder lorsque l’on analyse cette matière. Ce chapitre aborde non seulement les aspects théoriques classiques (pouvoirs d’investigation, délais…) mais également les approches jurisprudentielles (le principe non bis in idem, ou encore la jurisprudence Antigone). Enfin, le troisième et dernier chapitre est consacré au concept fondamental de blanchiment, étudié également au regard d’un sujet majeur en droit pénal fiscal : les procédures successives de régularisation fiscale et pénale.Sans être exhaustifs, les sujets traités ont été choisis en ce qu’ils abordent des problématiques fondamentales pour tous les praticiens de la fiscalité. Cet ouvrage s’adresse donc à tout professionnel souhaitant disposer d’une vision théorique, pratique et actuelle du droit pénal fiscal. Les lecteurs y trouveront un outil de travail adéquat pour leur permettre d’appréhender la matière et d’acquérir les bons réflexes dans l’application concrète de cette discipline complexe.
BPB9999 --- fraude fiscale --- droit fiscal --- droit pénal --- procédure pénale --- blanchiment d'argent --- faux en écriture --- подправяне на документ --- ponarejanje dokumentov --- forgery of documents --- urkundsförfalskning --- falsificação de documentos --- brionnú doiciméad --- nepatiesas informācijas sniegšana dokumentos --- πλαστογραφία εγγράφων --- falsità in atti --- dokumentų klastojimas --- falsifikazzjoni ta’ dokumenti --- fals în înscrisuri --- asiakirjojen väärentäminen --- valsheid in geschrifte --- fałszerstwo dokumentu --- krivotvorenje dokumenata --- padělání písemného dokumentu --- falsedad documental --- Urkundenfälschung --- dokumendi võltsimine --- фалсификување документи --- фалсификовање исправа --- falsifikim i dokumenteve --- okirat-hamisítás --- dokumentfalsk --- falšovanie listiny --- dokumento klastotės naudojimas --- väärennettyjen asiakirjojen käyttäminen --- forfalskning af dokumenter --- hamis okirat felhasználása --- võltsitud dokumendi kasutamine --- adulteração de documentos --- πλαστογραφίες --- padělání listiny --- dokumentu viltošana --- falsificación de documentos --- falsification of documents --- utilização de documentos falsificados --- používání padělaných písemných dokumentů --- padělání písemných dokumentů --- nepatiesas informācijas izmantošana --- dokumentförfalskning --- asiakirjaväärennys --- hamisított okirat felhasználása --- подправяне на документи --- πλαστογράφηση εγγράφων --- falsità in scrittura privata --- falšovanie listín --- skrittura falza --- falsificazione di documenti --- falšovanie dokumentu --- poświadczenie nieprawdy --- uporaba ponarejenih dokumentov --- usage de faux en écriture --- valótlan okirat felhasználása --- közokirat-hamisítás --- document forgery --- използване на подправен документ --- falsificação documental --- falcificiranje dokumenata --- krivotvorenje isprava --- falsification de documents --- Dokumentenfälschung --- magánokirat-hamisítás --- suklastoti dokumentai --- Gebrauchmachen einer falschen Urkunde --- förfalskning av dokument --- przestępstwo przeciwko wiarygodności dokumentów --- vervalsing van documenten --- falsificação de documento --- dokumento klastojimas --- falsificación de documento público --- фалсификување исправи --- faux en écritures --- falso in scrittura privata --- преправање документи --- používanie falšovaných listín --- fals în înscrisuri și uz de fals --- ponarejanje listin --- фалсификовање докумената --- uso di atto falso --- falso in atto pubblico --- χρήση πλαστών εγγράφων --- πλαστογραφία --- dokumento klastotė --- riciclaggio di denaro --- pranje novca --- ħasil tal-flus --- pinigų plovimas --- прање новца --- naudas atmazgāšana --- pénzmosás --- pranie špinavých peňazí --- money laundering --- νομιμοποίηση παράνομου χρήματος --- penningtvätt --- sciúradh airgid --- witwassen van geld --- pranje denarja --- pastrimi i parave --- rahanpesu --- hvidvaskning af penge --- перење пари --- praní špinavých peněz --- пране на пари --- spălarea banilor --- Geldwäsche --- branqueamento de capitais --- rahapesu --- pranie pieniędzy --- blanqueo de dinero --- reciclarea banilor --- peļņas legalizēšana --- Weißwaschen von Schwarzgeld --- laundering of funds --- перење капитал --- blanchiment de capitaux --- recyklace špinavých peněz --- branqueamento de dinheiro --- изпиране на капитали --- lavagem de capitais --- legalizace výnosů --- перење финансиски средства --- recyclage d'argent sale --- nelegālās naudas atmazgāšana --- praní kapitálu --- пране на мръсни пари --- blanqueo de dinero negro --- pranie brudnych pieniędzy --- blanqueo de capitales --- riciclaggio di fondi --- lavado de dinero --- pranje umazanega denarja --- riċiklaġġ tal-flus --- νομιμοποίηση κερδών από παράνομες δραστηριότητες --- pranie kapitału --- reciclagem de dinheiro sujo --- tvättning av pengar --- renvaskning --- nešvarių pinigų plovimas --- hvidvask af penge --- ξέπλυμα παράνομου χρήματος --- riċiklaġġ ta' fondi --- pastrim i fondeve --- legalizácia príjmov z trestnej činnosti --- riciclaggio di denaro sporco --- kapitalo plovimas --- кривични поступак --- kazneni postupak --- kriminālprocess --- strafprocedure --- baudžiamasis procesas --- nós imeachta coiriúil --- criminal procedure --- kazenski postopek --- brottmålsförfarande --- procedură penală --- rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- büntetőeljárás --- procedura penale --- procedurë penale --- trestní řízení --- proċedura kriminali --- кривична постапка --- Strafverfahren --- наказателна процедура --- postępowanie karne --- strafferetspleje --- kriminaalkohtumenetlus --- ποινική διαδικασία --- trestnoprávny postup --- processo penal --- procedimiento penal --- skrátené trestné konanie --- trestní řád --- büntetőeljárási jog --- Kriminalrecht --- pojednostavljeni postupak --- law of criminal procedure --- saīsinātais process --- ligj i procedurës penale --- kriminaalasja erimenetlus --- strafrechtliches Sonderverfahren --- strafvordering --- procedura criminale --- procedura semplificata --- direito processual penal --- trestní právo procesní --- procedimiento penal especial --- special criminal procedure --- rikosasioiden erikoisprosessi --- procedura penale speciale --- Strafprozess --- ειδική ποινική διαδικασία --- egyszerűsített eljárás --- processo criminal --- zvláštne trestné konanie --- procedurë e thjeshtuar --- vereenvoudigde procedure --- laki rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettelystä --- strafferetlig procedure --- ποινική δικονομία --- forenklet procedure --- procedurë e posaçme penale --- Strafverfahrensrecht --- baudžiamojo proceso teisė --- закон за кривична постапка --- straffrättsligt förfarande --- procédure pénale spéciale --- trestní oznámení --- procédure criminelle --- lihtsustatud menetlus --- különleges eljárások --- särskilt brottmålsförfarande --- förenklat rättegångsförfarande --- zakon o kaznenom postupku --- procedură penală specială --- enjuiciamiento criminal --- specialioji baudžiamoji teisena --- kriminaalmenetlusõigus --- απλουστευμένη διαδικασία --- zkrácené trestní řízení --- zákon o trestnoprávnom postupe --- Derecho procesal penal --- droit de la procédure pénale --- kriminalproces --- cod de procedură penală --- procédure simplifiée --- кривичен предмет --- posebni kazneni postupak --- vereinfachtes Verfahren --- diritto processuale penale --- speciale strafrechtspleging --- straffeproces --- procedimiento simplificado --- kriminalrättsligt förfarande --- simplified procedure --- trestní proces --- yksinkertaistettu menettely --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- kazensko pravo --- Strafrecht --- drept penal --- strafrecht --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- criminal law --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- fiscaal recht --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- dlí cánach --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- davčna utaja --- Steuerhinterziehung --- daňový únik --- evażjoni tat-taxxa --- frode fiscale --- утаја пореза --- imghabháil cánach --- skattesvig --- tax evasion --- oszustwo podatkowe --- utaja poreza --- fraudă fiscală --- отклонение на данъци --- φοροδιαφυγή --- maksudest kõrvalehoidumine --- evazion tatimor --- adókijátszás --- skattefusk --- belastingfraude --- veropetos --- затајување данок --- izvairīšanās no nodokļu maksāšanas --- zkrácení daně --- mokesčių slėpimas --- fraude fiscal --- calaois fhioscach --- избегнување даночна обврска --- calaois chánach --- неплаќање данок кон државата --- adócsalás --- даночна измама --- illecito fiscale --- Steuerverkürzung --- даночна евазија --- Steuerbetrug --- πάταξη της φοροδιαφυγής --- фискална измама --- defraudación tributaria --- BPB2305 --- STRADALEX --- Tax evasion --- Taxation --- Criminal procedure --- Money laundering --- Forgery --- Fraude fiscale --- Impôt --- Procédure pénale --- Blanchiment de l'argent --- Criminal provisions. --- Law and legislation --- Droit pénal --- Droit
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