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Research --- Conformity --- Recherche --- Conformisme --- Methodology --- Government policy --- Méthodologie --- Politique gouvernementale --- Méthodologie --- Government policy. --- Research - France.
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This book provides a collection of new insights on the increasingly popular topic of Followership. Leadership has been written about and studied for centuries, more often than not addressing how those in leadership roles influence their followers. This represents a very leader-centric view of the leadership phenomenon, where followers are considered as passive recipients of leaders' influence. However, peoples' attempts to exercise leadership cannot be successful if there are no other people who recognize and support their leadership.
Management --- Business & Economics --- Management Styles & Communication --- Followership --- Organizational effectiveness --- Leadership. --- Social aspects. --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Organization --- Leadership --- E-books --- Followership. --- Conformisme.
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Sociological theories --- Sociology of culture --- Conformity --- Conformisme --- 316.623 --- Conformism --- Nonconformism --- Nonconformity --- Rebels (Social psychology) --- Social conformity --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Liberty --- Social influence --- Compliance --- Deviant behavior --- Individuality --- Influence (Psychology) --- Tradities. Conventioneel gedrag --- 316.623 Tradities. Conventioneel gedrag
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316.647.6 --- #SBIB:321H80 --- Conservatisme. Conformisme. Gehoorzaamheid --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme ... --- 316.647.6 Conservatisme. Conformisme. Gehoorzaamheid --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme .. --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme . --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme
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323.22 --- 943.7 --- 821.5 Mensenrechten --- 884.1 Oost-Europa --- 943.7 Geschiedenis van Tsjechoslowakije --- Geschiedenis van Tsjechoslowakije --- 323.22 Kritische ingesteldheid tegenover de staat. Kritiek op de staat. Politieke aktiegroepen. Contestatie. Dissidenten. Maatschappijkritiek. Ontevredenheid, onrust, vetrouwenskrisis in politiek --- Kritische ingesteldheid tegenover de staat. Kritiek op de staat. Politieke aktiegroepen. Contestatie. Dissidenten. Maatschappijkritiek. Ontevredenheid, onrust, vetrouwenskrisis in politiek --- #gsdbf --- 32 <437> --- Non-conformisme. Tsjechoslowakije. --- Tchécoslovaquie. Politique. 1968-. --- Non-conformisme. Tchécoslovaquie. --- Tsjechoslowakije. Politiek. 1968-. --- 943.7 History of Czechoslovakia --- History of Czechoslovakia
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Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- 316.647.6 --- Conservatism --- Political science --- #SBIB:033.AANKOOP --- #SBIB:321H80 --- 211 Politieke filosofie --- Conservatisme --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Conservativism --- Neo-conservatism --- New Right --- Right (Political science) --- Sociology --- Conservatisme. Conformisme. Gehoorzaamheid --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme ... --- Conservatism. --- Political science. --- 316.647.6 Conservatisme. Conformisme. Gehoorzaamheid --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme .. --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme . --- Westerse politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: personalisme, traditionalisme, conservatisme, republicanisme
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Age group sociology --- Secondary education --- subculturen --- onderwijsachterstand --- puberteit --- gezinssociologie --- scholen --- Sociology of education --- gender --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- verliefdheid (themawoord fictie) --- conformisme --- Netherlands --- 316.723 --- #SBIB:316.7C130 --- Subculturen --(sociologie) --- Groepscultuur en subculturen --- 159.922.875 --- Psychologie van adolescente meisjes --- Theses --- Sociale agogiek --- bijzondere doelgroepen --- bijzondere doelgroepen. --- 159.922.875 Psychologie van adolescente meisjes --- 316.723 Subculturen --(sociologie)
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In this timely book, Cass R. Sunstein shows that organizations and nations are far more likely to prosper if they welcome dissent and promote openness. Attacking "political correctness" in all forms, Sunstein demonstrates that corporations, legislatures, even presidents are likely to blunder if they do not cultivate a culture of candor and disclosure. He shows that unjustified extremism, including violence and terrorism, often results from failure to tolerate dissenting views. The tragedy is that blunders and cruelties could be avoided if people spoke out. Sunstein casts new light on freedom of speech, showing that a free society not only forbids censorship but also provides public spaces for dissenters to expose widely held myths and pervasive injustices. He provides evidence about the effects of conformity and dissent on the federal courts. The evidence shows not only that Republican appointees vote differently from Democratic appointees but also that both Republican and Democratic judges are likely to go to extremes if unchecked by opposing views. Understanding the need for dissent illuminates countless social debates, including those over affirmative action in higher education, because diversity is indispensable to learning. Dissenters are often portrayed as selfish and disloyal, but Sunstein shows that those who reject pressures imposed by others perform valuable social functions, often at their own expense. This is true for dissenters in boardrooms, churches, unions, and academia. It is true for dissenters in the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. And it is true during times of war and peace.
Dissenters. --- Conformity. --- Dissidents --- Conformisme --- #SBIB:324H73 --- #SBIB:324H50 --- Politieke verandering: oppositie en minderheid, protest, politiek geweld --- Politieke participatie en legitimiteit (referenda, directe democratie, publieke opinie...) --- Conformity --- Dissenters --- Nonconformists --- Rebels (Social psychology) --- Conformism --- Nonconformism --- Nonconformity --- Social conformity --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Liberty --- Social influence --- Compliance --- Deviant behavior --- Individuality --- Influence (Psychology)
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130.15 --- 846 Identiteit --- 860 (Vredes)cultuur --- karakter --- maatschappij --- nazisme --- vrijheid --- 130.15 Vrijheid antropologisch --- Vrijheid antropologisch --- #SBIB:17H20 --- #gsdbP --- #SBIB:17H21 --- #SBIB:17H24 --- #GROL:SEMI-1-05'19' --- 305.9 --- sociale psychologie --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: algemeen --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: de mens als sociaal wezen --- Sociale wijsbegeerte: persoon en samenleving --- (zie ook: sociologie) --- #GSDBP --- #GGSB: Vrijheid --- #GGSB: Psychologie --- #GGSB: Samenleving --- 414.3 --- Cultuurfilosofie --- Erich Fromm --- Vrijheid --- 172 --- Filosofie (figuren) --- Psychoanalyse (dieptepsychologie) --- Sociologie --- 172 Sociale ethiek. Sociale moraal. Sociale verantwoordelijkheid --- Sociale ethiek. Sociale moraal. Sociale verantwoordelijkheid --- social psychology --- sociology --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- sociologie --- psychology --- psychologie --- conformisme --- Social ethics --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Philosophical anthropology --- Affective and dynamic functions --- Liberty --- Democracy --- Totalitarianism --- Social psychology --- individualisme --- dictatuur --- Filosofie : primaire teksten --- Psychologie : algemeen --- Psychologie --- Samenleving --- Filosofische antropologie. --- Sociale ethiek. --- Politieke filosofie Sociale filosofie.
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Freedom of thought is one of the great and venerable notions of Western thought, often celebrated in philosophical texts - and described as a crucial right in American, European, and International Law, and in that of other jurisdictions. What it means more precisely is, however, anything but clear; surprisingly little writing has been devoted to it. In the past, perhaps, there has been little need for such elaboration. As one Supreme Court Justice stressed, "[f]reedom to think is absolute of its own nature" because even "the most tyrannical government is powerless to control the inward workings of the mind." But the rise of brain scanning, cognition enhancement, and other emerging technologies make this question a more pressing one. This volume provides an interdisciplinary exploration of how freedom of thought might function as an ethical principle and as a constitutional or human right. It draws on philosophy, legal analysis, history, and reflections on neuroscience and neurotechnology to explore what respect for freedom of thought (or an individual's cognitive liberty or autonomy) requires. Marc Jonathan Blitz is Alan Joseph Bennett Professor of Law at Oklahoma City University, USA. His scholarship and teaching focus on how emerging technologies - such as cognitive enhancement, brain scanning technologies, and virtual and augmented reality - raise questions about freedom of speech, privacy, and other areas of American constitutional law. Jan Christoph Bublitz is a researcher at the Faculty of Law at Universität Hamburg, Germany. His research focuses on criminal law, legal theory, and human rights law, often with an interdisciplinary twist. He was awarded the Young Scholar Prize of the International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy for studies on the right to freedom of thought.
Pensament --- Llibertat de consciència --- Neurociència cognitiva --- Aspectes morals --- Llibertat --- Llibertat individual --- Ciències polítiques --- Democràcia --- Dret natural --- Conformisme --- Poder sobre la vida i la mort --- Anarquisme --- Drets humans --- Aspectes ètics --- Ètica --- Condicions morals --- Neurociències cognitives --- Neuropsicologia cognitiva --- Ciència cognitiva --- Neuropsicologia --- Xarxes neuronals (Neurobiologia) --- Intolerància --- Llibertat moral --- Consciència (Moral) --- Tolerància --- Objecció de consciència --- Psicologia pedagògica --- Associació d'idees --- Atenció --- Criteri --- Definició (Lògica) --- Dogmatisme --- Ideologia --- Pensament crític --- Raonament (Psicologia) --- Treball intel·lectual --- Cognició --- Lògica --- Representació (Filosofia) --- Neuropsychology. --- Law (Philosophical concept) --- Intellectual freedom. --- Access to ideas --- Freedom of thought --- Freedom to read --- Intellectual freedom --- Liberty --- Academic freedom --- Censorship --- Freedom of information --- Freedom of speech --- Law (Philosophy) --- Philosophy --- Neurophysiology --- Psychophysiology --- Law and legislation --- Neurosciences. --- Forensic psychology. --- Cognitive psychology. --- Law—Philosophy. --- Law—History. --- Law and the social sciences. --- Neuroscience. --- Forensic Psychology. --- Cognitive Psychology. --- Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History. --- Socio-Legal Studies. --- Social sciences and law --- Social sciences --- Sociological jurisprudence --- Psychology, Cognitive --- Cognitive science --- Psychology --- Juridical psychology --- Juristic psychology --- Legal psychology --- Psychology, Forensic --- Forensic sciences --- Psychology, Applied --- Neural sciences --- Neurological sciences --- Neuroscience --- Medical sciences --- Nervous system --- Law --- Philosophy. --- History.
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