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Leidraad bij het realiseren van duurzame en gezonde woning- en utiliteitsbouw
Bouwen. --- Bouwmaterialen. --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Woningbouw. --- 690.2 )* BOUWMATERIEEL --- draagconstructie --- bouwproducten --- duurzaamheid --- 691 --- Bouwmaterialen --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Milieuclassificaties --- 692 --- draagstructuren --- milieueffecten --- duurzaam bouwen --- bouwmaterialen --- bouwen - constructie-elementen
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Net-zero energy buildings, equilibrium buildings, or carbon-neutral citiesdepending on location and underlying agenda, the statistics vary. The variety of terms in use indicates that a scientific method is still lackingwhich poses a problem not just in regard to international communication, but also with respect to planning processes as a response to energy challenges. The clarification and meaning of the most important terms in use is extremely important for their implementation. Since October 2008 a panel of experts from an international energy agency has concerned itself with these topics as part of a project entitled Toward Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings. The objective is to analyze exemplary buildings that are near a zero-energy balance in order to develop methods and tools for the planning, design, and operation of such buildings. The results are documented in this publication. More than just a showcase presentation of select projects, the focus of this publication is on relaying knowledge and experience gained by planners and builders. Even if many questions remain unanswered, project examples that have already been implemented prove on a practical basis that the objective of a zero-energy balance is already attainable today.
Buildings --- Environmental engineering (Buildings) --- Environmental engineering --- Architecture --- Sanitary engineering --- Edifices --- Halls --- Structures --- Energy conservation. --- Environmental aspects. --- Environmental engineering. --- Human factors --- Buildings -- Energy conservation. --- Office buildings -- Energy conservation. --- Dwellings -- Energy conservation. --- Planned communities -- Energy conservation. --- Renewable energy sources --- Architectuur --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Kwaliteitssystemen --- Energy consumption --- Renewable energy sources. --- Architectuur. --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Ecologisch bouwen. --- Kwaliteitssystemen. --- Energy consumption. --- 72:574 --- Duurzame architectuur --- Architectuur ; milieuaspecten ; energiebesparing --- Energietransitie ; naar hernieuwbare energiebronnen --- Energy conservation --- Environmental aspects --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Built environment
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The DETAIL Green Book "Sustainable Construction Techniques" offers a thorough guide to ecological building design and sustainable construction methods, which will be particularly valuable for architects. The authors provide an overview of the most relevant databases and certification standards for building products and illustrate how a Life Cycle Analysis is conducted. They also identify key ways of optimising the planning process in line with ecological criteria, while offering advice for the selection of building materials and elements. Detailed documentation from five buildings constructed in Europe and North America serve to illustrate the associated assessment processes in this book.
Sustainable construction. --- 504 --- 69 --- 72:574(035) --- Architectuur en ecologie ; handboeken --- Constructie van duurzame gebouwen en interieurs ; handboeken --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologisch bouwen en wonen ; 21ste eeuw --- Duurzame ; ecologische ; constructietechnieken --- Green construction --- Duurzame architectuur --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Ecologie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Construction durable --- Éco-matériaux --- Construction, Technique de la --- Habitations --- Résistance des matériaux --- Aspect environnemental --- Technique de l'environnement --- structural engineering --- sustainable architecture --- Building materials. Building technology --- interior design --- Architecture --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Building --- Sustainable engineering --- Sustainable construction --- Construction durable. --- Éco-matériaux. --- Technique de la construction --- Résistance des matériaux. --- Aspect environnemental. --- Technique de l'environnement. --- 69.02 --- duurzaam bouwen --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- Construction industry --- Sustainable architecture. --- Sustainable buildings --- Ecologically sustainable design (Buildings) --- Environmentally sustainable design (Buildings) --- ESD design (Buildings) --- Green building design --- Green design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design (Buildings) --- Eco-architecture --- Environmentally conscious architecture --- Environmentally friendly architecture --- Green architecture --- Sustainable design --- Environmental aspects. --- Design and construction. --- Éco-matériaux --- Résistance des matériaux
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Towards Zero-energy Architecture is a much needed call for the design professions to redefine architecture to help alleviate ecological problems. This book explores the theories, practices, and principles of new approaches to solar architecture that foster both design excellence and low-energy use.
architectuur --- zonne-energie --- solar power --- energiebesparing --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- Relation between energy and economics --- Solar physics --- 72:574 --- Architectuur en ecologie ; 21ste eeuw --- Bouweconomie --- Duurzame architectuur ; handboeken --- Energiebesparing ; zonne-energie --- Ecologisch bouwen en wonen --- 697.7 --- 699.86 --- 699 --- 69 --- 69.03 --- 504 --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Zonne-energie --- Klimaatbeheersing --- Klimaatontwerp --- Bouwfysica --- Bouwtechniek --- Energie-efficiënte architectuur --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzame architectuur --- Ecologie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Climatisation solaire --- Climatologie --- Energie photovoltaique --- Energie solaire --- Energie verte --- 574 --- Ecologie & bioverscheidenheid
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#KVIV:BB --- maaiveld --- ontwerpen --- duurzaamheid --- wandelementen --- grondverbetering --- waterremmende afsluitingen --- onderwaterbetonvloeren --- bouwkuipen --- paalfunderingen --- verankering --- 692 --- 692.1 --- Constructies ondergronds bouwen handboeken --- 69(03) --- berliner wand --- damwand --- diepwand --- grondmechanica --- ondergronds bouwen --- ondergronds ruimtegebruik --- onderwaterbetonvloer --- palenwand --- Constructiedelen --- Funderingen --- Bouwwezen. Constructie encyclopedieën --- Underground structures. Earthwork --- Constructies ; ondergronds bouwen ; handboeken --- G. Arends, H.J.R. Deketh, Th. A. Feijen [et al.] --- ondergrond --- kelders --- 69.035 --- Bouwwezen. Constructie ; encyclopedieën --- architectuur --- bouw
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Bouwen met een positieve footprint voor de bouwsector legt laagdrempelig uit hoe je radicaal duurzaam kan bouwen en waarom dat nu nog niet gebeurt. Dit boek biedt een nieuwe methode met praktische handvaten, tools en inzichten om zelf en vooral met je team en partners aan de slag te gaan. Dit boek is een must voor professionals die betrokken zijn bij de totstandkoming van een gebouw en verenigt alle stakeholders rond deze duurzame ambitie. Vincent van der Meulen is architect en partner bij Kraaijvanger Architects. Hij schreef dit boek op basis van zijn eigen ervaring, gedreven door zijn wens de verduurzaming van de bouwindustrie radicaal te versnellen.
72.02 --- duurzame architectuur --- ecologisch bouwen --- 72.504 --- 69.504 --- 69.504 Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- 72.504 Architecture and the environment. Sustainable architecture --- Architecture and the environment. Sustainable architecture --- Stedenbouw ; denken over ; duurzame samenleving --- Duurzaam bouwen ; ontwerpideeën ; 21ste eeuw --- Architectuur; duurzaam bouwen --- Voetafdrukken ; energiegebruik ; energieketens --- 72:574 --- Architectuur en ecologie ; architectuur en milieu --- 69 --- 69.03 --- 574 --- Bouwtechniek --- Energie-efficiënte architectuur --- Ecologie & bioverscheidenheid
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Insurance law --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Belgium --- Bouwen : verzekeringen --- 368.12 --- 05.14 --- 13.15 --- Technische verzekeringen --- Wettelijke en contractuele aansprakelijkheid ; Architecten ; Aannemers
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Der Dach Atlas ist ein Konstruktionsfachbuch für Architekten und Fachplaner. Er liefert neben grundsätzlichen Konstruktionsregeln einen Überblick über die Nutzungs- und Konstruktionsarten sowie die Regelaufbauten für Fachdächer. Zusammen mit den wichtigsten Normen und Regelwerken runden Konstruktionsdarstellungen der wesentlichen Anschlusspunkte die Publikation ab.
Flat roofs --- 692.4 --- daken --- bouwkunde --- Low-slope roofs --- Roofs --- Design and construction --- bouwen - constructie-elementen : daken (en dakbedekkingen) --- Design and construction.
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Filling a gap in existing literature on sustainable design, this new guide introduces and illustrates sustainable design principles through detailed case studies of sustainable buildings in Europe, North America and Australia. The guide will provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the design issues involved in delivering sustainable buildings, and giving detailed description of the process of integrating principles into practice. One hundred buildings, ranging from small dwellings to large commercial buildings, and drawn from a range of countries, demonstrate best current practice. The sections of the book are divided into design issues relating to sustainable development, including site and ecology, community and culture, health, materials, energy, and water. With over 400 illustrations, this highly visual guide will be an invaluable reference to all those concerned with architecture and sustainability issues.
Sustainable architecture. --- Architecture durable --- 504 --- Eco-architecture --- Environmentally conscious architecture --- Environmentally friendly architecture --- Green architecture --- Green building design --- Green design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design (Buildings) --- Architecture --- Sustainable design --- Duurzame architectuur --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Duurzaamheid --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Ecologie --- Sustainable architecture --- Architecture écologique --- Matériau --- Eau --- Santé --- Energie --- Amérique du Nord --- Europe --- Australie --- 574 --- 69 --- 699 --- 699.86 --- Ecologie en bioverscheidenheid --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwfysica --- Klimaatontwerp
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