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This book defends the conjugal view of marriage. Patrick Lee and Robert P. George argue that marriage is a distinctive type of community: the union of a man and a woman who have committed to sharing their lives on every level of their beings (bodily, emotionally, and spiritually) in the kind of union that would be fulfilled by conceiving and rearing children together. The comprehensive nature of this union, and its intrinsic orientation to procreation as its natural fulfillment, distinguishes marriage from other types of community and provides the basis for the norms of marital exclusivity and permanence. Lee and George detail how the basic moral norms regarding sexual acts follow from the ethical requirement to respect the good of marriage and explain how the law should treat marriage, given its conjugal nature, examining both the same-sex-marriage issue and civil divorce.
Marriage. --- 173.1 --- 173.1 Huwelijksethiek. Echtscheiding --- Huwelijksethiek. Echtscheiding --- Married life --- Matrimony --- Nuptiality --- Wedlock --- Love --- Sacraments --- Betrothal --- Courtship --- Families --- Home --- Honeymoons --- Marriage
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Many sociological, historical and cultural stories can be and have already been told about why it is that parents in post-industrial, western societies face an often overwhelming array of advice on how to bring up their children. At the same time, there have been several philosophical treatments of the legal, moral and political issues surrounding issues of procreation, the rights of children and the duties of parents, as well as some philosophical accounts of the shifts in our underlying conceptualization of childhood and adult-child relationships. While this book partly builds on the insights of this literature, it is significantly different in that it offers a philosophically-informed discussion of the actual practical experience of being a parent, with its deliberations, judgements and dilemmas. In probing the ethical and conceptual questions suggested by the parent-child relationship, this unique volume demonstrates the irreducible philosophical richness of this relationship and thus provides an important counter-balance to the overly empirical and largely psychological focus of a great deal of parenting literature. Unlike other analytic work on the parent-child relationship and the educational role of parents, this work draws on first-person accounts of the day-to-day experience of being a parent in order to explore the ethical and epistemological aspects of this experience. In so doing it exposes the limitations of some of the languages within which contemporary parenting is conceptualized and discussed, and opens up a space for thinking about childrearing and the parent-child relationship beyond and other than in terms of the languages which dominate the ways in which we generally think about it today.
Philosophy --- Educational psychology --- Teaching --- Educational sciences --- onderwijsfilosofie --- pedagogische psychologie --- Orthopedagogiek --- gezinsproblemen. --- Academic collection --- 173 --- Gezin --- Ouderschap --- Rechten
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Status of persons --- Family law. Inheritance law --- General ethics --- 173.4 --- 351.84*7 <492> --- #GBIB:CBMER --- 347.63:612.613 <492> --- 17.023.33 <492> --- 173.4 <492> --- Abortus provocatus. Contraceptie. Kunstmatige inseminatie. Proefbuisbaby's --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen--Nederland --- 351.84*7 <492> Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen--Nederland --- 173.4 Abortus provocatus. Contraceptie. Kunstmatige inseminatie. Proefbuisbaby's
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ontwikkelingspsychologie --- echtscheiding --- Developmental psychology --- Educational psychology --- Netherlands --- Echtscheiding --- Kinderen --- Kinderpsychologie --- Co-ouderschap --- 173.1 --- Gezin --- Hulpverlening --- Ontwikkelingspsychologie --- Relaties --- Kind --- Jeugdpsychologie --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie
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Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- Sexology --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- 618.173 --- #SBIB:613.88H43 --- #SBIB:316.346H29 --- Menopause. Cessation of menstruation. Menopausal disorders --- Seksualiteit en volwassen vrouwen --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: andere topics --- Theses --- 618.173 Menopause. Cessation of menstruation. Menopausal disorders --- Netherlands --- Menopause --- Sexuality --- Book
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Artificial insemination, Human --- Insémination artificielle humaine --- 316.356.2 --- 173.4 --- #SBIB:316.356.2H3660 --- Gezinssociologie --- Abortus provocatus. Contraceptie. Kunstmatige inseminatie. Proefbuisbaby's --- Gezinssociologie: vruchtbaarheidstechnieken en draagmoederschap --- 316.356.2 Gezinssociologie --- 173.4 Abortus provocatus. Contraceptie. Kunstmatige inseminatie. Proefbuisbaby's --- Insémination artificielle humaine
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Le droit à la vie est le premier des droits individuels, consacré dans les systèmes conventionnel et constitutionnels des droits fondamentaux. L'idée même de la protection de ce droit a considérablement évolué, parallèlement aux avancées de la science et de la médecine. À la notion classique de protection de la vie contre toute atteinte s'ajoutent aujourd'hui les questions de l'intervention humaine - scientifique et médicale - dans la création: l'interruption de grossesse, la procréation médicalement assistée, la recherche sur les embryons, le clonage et l'euthanasie. À travers une analyse comparative des jurisprudences des cours constitutionnelles européennes et de la Cour des Droits de l'Homme du Conseil de l'Europe, l'auteur étudie la nature et la portée du droit à la vie afin de déterminer s'il existe dans ce domaine un droit commun européen
347.15-053.13 --- Rechtspositie van het ongeboren kind --- 347.15-053.13 Rechtspositie van het ongeboren kind --- BPB0609 --- 173.4 --- 173.4 Abortus provocatus. Contraceptie. Kunstmatige inseminatie. Proefbuisbaby's --- Abortus provocatus. Contraceptie. Kunstmatige inseminatie. Proefbuisbaby's --- Right to life --- Droit à la vie --- Bioéthique --- Clonage --- Droit à l'intégrité physique --- Embryon humain --- Euthanasie --- Foetus
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Agriculture --- Agriculture. --- Families --- Families. --- Work and family --- Work and family. --- History --- Netherlands. --- Histoire de l'agriculture --- Landbouwgeschiedenis --- 63 <09> <492> --- 173.7 --- History of agriculture--Nederland --- Gezinsleven --- 173.7 Gezinsleven --- 63 <09> <492> History of agriculture--Nederland --- History of the Netherlands --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- anno 1800-1999 --- Nederland
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Our families are our first and most important ethical training grounds. But what is the family? And what are our ethical commitments to our family members and to the broader moral community? After a brief introductory chapter on basic ethical concepts
Families --- Applied ethics. --- Practical ethics --- Ethics --- Casuistry --- Ethical problems --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Applied ethics --- 173 --- 241.621 --- 241.621 Theologische ethiek: relaties binnen het gezin --- Theologische ethiek: relaties binnen het gezin --- 173 Gezinsethiek. Huwelijk. Vrije liefde --- Gezinsethiek. Huwelijk. Vrije liefde --- Moral and ethical aspects
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