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The Soviet military under Gorbachev : report on a RAND workshop
Authors: ---
Year: 1990 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation,

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This report summarizes the proceedings of a RAND workshop on the state of the Soviet military, held in Oxnard, California, on June 16-17, 1989. It has been selectively updated to account for major developments through January 1990. The workshop was designed to produce an interim assessment of the effects on the military of the political, social, and economic trends unleashed by Mikhail Gorbachev and his program of perestroika (restructuring), and to evaluate prospects for the future.

Gorbachev and the new Soviet agenda in the Third World
Authors: ---
Year: 1989 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation,

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This report, part of a study of the types of threats that Army planners might encounter in the Third World, evaluates the impact that Mikhail Gorbachev has had thus far on Soviet Third World policy, as well as prospects for future evolution. The study evaluates new Soviet thinking on foreign policy and measures the changes in rhetoric against actual Soviet behavior. It analyzes the new Soviet emphasis on the large states of the Third World. As an example of this new Soviet diplomacy, it presents a detailed case study of Soviet policy toward the Persian gulf in 1986-1987

Gorbachev's policies toward Western Europe : a balance sheet
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1987 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation,

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Since coming to power, General Secretary Gorbachev has launched a diplomatic and propaganda offensive against the political foundations of Western Europe's nuclear deterrent and the European connection with the United States. He has, however, given clear indication that he considers his predecessors' campaign of threats and alarmist tactics in Europe to have been mistaken, and he has displayed willingness to make certain incremental retreats from past Soviet negotiating positions. But Soviet goals have not yet substantially changed. There are several factors favoring his purposes, notably his willingness to adapt Soviet negotiating strategy to the reality of defeat on the deployment of intermediate nuclear forces and his readiness to seek new ways of turning this defeat to Soviet advantage. However, there are several trends in Europe that are unfavorable to him. In particular, Gorbachev's internal political relaxation and his peace offensive toward Western Europe may pose dangers for the stability of the Soviet position in Eastern Europe.

Osteuropa:Reformen und Wandel : Erfahrungen und Aussichten vor dem Hintergrund der sowjetischen Perestrojka.
ISBN: 3789016586 Year: 1988 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos

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Michail Gorbatschow und die deutsche Frage : Sowjetische Dokumente 1986-1991
Authors: ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: De Gruyter

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im Prozess der deutschen Wiedervereinigung spielte die Sowjetunion eine zentrale Rolle. Die wesentlichen Dokumente aus dem innersten Machtzirkel der UdSSR, die Motive und Entscheidungsfindungen des Kreml beleuchten, waren indes bislang nur einem kleinen Kreis von Spezialisten zugänglich. Die vorliegende Edition bietet erstmals eine vollständige deutsche Übersetzung derjenigen sowjetischen Gesprächsprotokolle, Strategiepapiere und Hintergrunddiskussionen, die die Gorbatschow-Stiftung 2006 in Russland publiziert hat. Die intensive Kommentierung führt zugleich die vielfältigen westlichen und russischen Gegen- und Parallelversionen aus offiziellen Editionen und aus der umfangreichen Memoirenliteratur zusammen. In den Texten wird die Dramatik der Jahre 1989 und 1990 greifbar. Deutsche, sowjetische, europäische und globale Ereignisse stellten Moskau vor immer neue Herausforderungen - mit der Zustimmung zur Wiedervereinigung versuchte Gorbatschow auch, die komplexen, miteinander verzahnten innen- und außenpolitischen Probleme der UdSSR zu lösen.

Mémoires : une vie et des réformes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2268025772 9782268025773 Year: 1997 Publisher: Paris: Éd. du Rocher,

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De mémoires van Michaïl Gorbatsjov, held van de jaren '80 en het einde van de Koude Oorlog, en inmiddels verdwenen op de achtergrond. De laatste leider van de Sovjetunie geeft hierin een uitvoerig en gedetailleerd relaas van de belangrijkste momenten in de neergang van het Sovjetrijk en het einde van de Koude Oorlog. De ontwikkelingen volgen mekaar erg snel op de jongste jaren en wie deze mémoires nu doorneemt krijgt het gevoel in een heel ander tijdperk terecht gekomen te zijn. Ondanks Gorbatsjovs snelle en roemloze politieke einde, zal hij toch als een van de grote figuren van de eeuw herinnerd worden.

Gorbatsjov en de arbeiders
ISBN: 9062221661 Year: 1988 Publisher: Amsterdam : SUA,

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This reader collects several articles and interviews on how workers in the USSR are affected by the reform politics of Gorbachev. Also included are contributions on labour opposition and the emergence of 'informal groups'.

Beyond Peresroika : the future of Gorbachev's USSR
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0860919358 086091223X 9780860919353 Year: 1989 Publisher: London : Verso,

Gorbatsjov: tussen hoop en illusie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9060646738 Year: 1988 Publisher: Amsterdam Buijten en Schipperheijn

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Michail Gorbatsjov
ISBN: 9026942990 Year: 1987 Publisher: Houten De Haan

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Bibliotheek François Vercammen

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