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Sur les pas de l'âne dans la religion égyptienne
ISBN: 9789088908279 9088908273 9789088908286 9088908281 908890829X 9789088908293 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leiden Sidestone Press

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L'âne, animal essentiel au commerce et à l'agriculture de l'Égypte ancienne, apparaît dans des sources de tout ordre, témoignant de sa prégnance dans l'univers égyptien. Une grande partie des attestations relatives à cet animal provient de documents économiques. Une autre réalité apparaît toutefois dans la documentation religieuse, où l'âne est le plus souvent interprété comme un représentant de Seth, dieu maléfique par excellence, maître des déserts et des pays étrangers, ennemi et meurtrier de son frère Osiris.À la fois bienveillant et maléfique, l'âne est une entité ambivalente, à qui sont parfois octroyés des pouvoirs redoutables. L'animal, archétype du mal, était ainsi généralement exécré et virtuellement tué dans le contexte sacré des temples, tandis qu'il se distingue parfois dans la littérature funéraire comme un défenseur du dieu solaire. Parallèlement, il est tout à la fois craint et révéré dans de nombreux textes magiques où il apparaît comme une entité puissante et protectrice. Cette étude se fonde sur des témoignages figuratifs, textuels et archéologiques de l'époque prédynastique à la période romaine. Elle réunit pour la première fois la documentation rituelle, funéraire, magique et médicale existante et en fait la synthèse, afin d'appréhender le regard porté sur l'âne dans la religion égyptienne ancienne.English abstractDonkeys were essential in ancient Egyptian trade and agriculture, but their value was nuanced by their perception in religion. The animal appears in funerary, magical or ritual sources, where it often reflects an ambivalent nature, while its well-known association to the evil god Seth is constantly reminded in the modern literature. Either benevolent or evil, donkeys are ambiguous entities that can be recognised as dreadful beings possessing powers praised for their protective efficiency. Although they can be associated to Seth, they also followed their own path. In magical texts, the animal was feared and revered at the same time, becoming a powerful entity holding spears and evoked as a protector, while in the context of the temple it will be annihilated as the archetype of evil. By exploring iconographical, textual and archaeological sources spanning from Predynastic to Roman times, this monograph explores the role of donkeys in ancient Egypt from a religious perspective.

The Transmission of the Book of the Dead in New Kingdom Tombs at Saqqara
ISBN: 9781350350618 1350350613 Year: 2024 Publisher: London : London : Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing (UK),

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Texts and images from the Book of the Dead were widely used to decorate the walls of tombs during Egypt's New Kingdom (c. 1550-1077 BCE). Prior research has tended to focus on either individual tombs, or on the contents of papyrus copies of the Book of the Dead. This book focusses on the adaptation of parts of this funerary corpus in individual tombs from the New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara, with the aim of showing how each tomb's decoration was tailored to the ends of their builders. In doing so, it builds up a picture of the ways in which these developments changed over time, and captures the dynamic and shifting ways in which ancient Egyptians interacted with their funerary texts. This contrasts with the popular image of Egyptian religion as centrally administered and directed, and essentially unchanging over millennia. In fact, choices and forms of texts and images used in tombs changed even within a single generation. Some forms remained popular over long periods, being constantly reused and re-adapted, while others achieved specific and local popularity, or else were abandoned after only a short period of time. This book argues powerfully for the human dimension in ancient Egyptian religion, revealing the ways in which individuals and groups continually reshaped their tradition even as they worked within it. Produced as part of the research project The Walking Dead at Saqqara: The Making of a Cultural Geography, this book is kindly funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO): 276-30-016.

Ancient Egypt, New Technology : The Present and Future of Computer Visualization, Virtual Reality and Other Digital Humanities in Egyptology
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9004501290 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill,

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"This volume of collected studies take stock of most recent developments in Egyptology and the Digital Humanities, considering future directions for the application of new technologies in Egyptology. The book presents the results of an international conference held in 2019 at Indiana University - Bloomington, in which Egyptologists and digital humanists with interest in Egyptology gathered in 2019 to present current projects in 3D modeling, virtual and augmented reality, game technology, digital pedagogy, database projects, computational and corpus linguistics and E-publications. Those projects, along with a selection of others that were not presented in Bloomington, are now described and discussed in this volume"--

Textos de los Ataúdes del Egipto antiguo : variabilidad, legitimación y diálogo
ISBN: 9781628375602 Year: 2024 Publisher: Atlanta : SBL Press,

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In his latest book, Carlos Gracia Zamacona presents a corpus-based comprehensive analysis of the ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts (ca. 2000-1600 BCE), texts of enormous editorial, cultural, historical social, linguistic, anthropological, and religiious complexity. Rather than focusing on highly speculative hypothetical reconstructions of the texts or interpretations of their religious or anthropological contents, Gracia Zamacona puts textual witnesses at the center of the study. By examining how and why the coffins were made and the information they give us about the mortuary culture of ancient Egypt, Gracia Zamacona shows that the Coffin Texts were a repository rather than a canon. His study offers new insight into the texts, revealing their performative and highly personalized practical context. "En su último libro, Carlos Gracia Zamacona presenta un análisis exhaustivo basado en el corpos de los Textos de los Ataúdes del antiguo Egipto (hacia 2000-1600 ane), textos de una enorme complejidad editorial, cultural, histórica, social, lingüística, antropológica y religiosa. En lugar de centrarse en reconstrucciones hipotéticas altamente especulativas de los textos o interpretaciones de sus contenidos religiosos o antropológicos, el autor sitúa los testigos en el centro del estudio. Al examinar cómo y por qué se hicieron los ataúdes y la información que nos brindan sobre la cultura mortuoria del antiguo Egipto, el autor muestra que los Textos de los Ataúdes eran un repositorio más que un canon. Su estudio ofrece una nueva visión de los textos, revelando su contexto práctico performativo y altamente personalizado."--

The organization of the pyramid texts
ISBN: 9004218653 9786613683687 9004227490 1280772913 9789004227491 9789004218659 9789004230019 9789004230026 9781280772917 Year: 2012 Publisher: Leiden ;Boston Brill

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The ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts form the oldest sizable body of religious texts in the world. Discovered in the late nineteenth century, they had been inscribed on the interior stone walls of the pyramid tombs of third-millennium kings and queens. From their content it is clear that they were concerned with the afterlife state of the tomb owner, but the historical meaning of their emergence has been poorly understood. This book weds traditional philological approaches to linguistic anthropology in order to associate them with two spheres of human action: mortuary cult and personal preparation for the afterlife. Monumentalized as hieroglyphs in the tomb, their function was now one step removed from the human events that had motivated their original production.

Conflicted antiquities : Egyptology, Egyptomania, Egyptian modernity
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780822339922 9780822339755 0822339757 0822339927 9786613035561 1283035561 0822390396 Year: 2007 Publisher: Durham, NC : Duke University Press,

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A cultural history of European and Egyptian interest in ancient Egypt and its material culture, from the early nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth.

The Family of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy From Thebes (TT 414) Revisited : The Case Study of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781803271620 1803271620 1803271639 9781803271637 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford, England : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd,

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The Family of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy from Thebes (TT 414) revisited provides fresh material about the identity of one of the key figures of the family that reused the Saite tomb of Ankh-Hor (TT 414) in the Asasif from the 4th century BCE onwards. It is the woman Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu, who was previously listed in the genealogical register of TT 414 as Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy's daughter and wife of one of his sons, Hor. By examining objects found by the agents of the consuls in the 19th century CE and those found by the Austrian mission in the 1970s in TT 414 and in wider Theban contexts, the authors are able to identify Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu, wife of Hor, as another, until now overlooked individual, separate from his sister with the same name. The examination of the funerary assemblage of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu and of objects belonging to her husband, daughter and sons reveals not only details of Late Dynastic and Ptolemaic burial customs in Thebes but also additional information on the priesthood of Khonsu and of the sacred baboons in this era. This new identification of a previously overlooked person, the mistress of the house and daughter of the first prophet of Amun, Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137), demonstrates that the finds from TT 414 are still far from being processed in their totality. This material has the potential to provide answers to some of the open questions regarding Late Dynastic/Ptolemaic Thebes and to contextualise funerary assemblages.

Conservation Tools, Protocols and Treatments on Painted Surfaces, Metal Leaves and Finishes in Cultural Heritage
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Conservation of painted surfaces, metal leaves, and finishes requires a deep knowledge of both the materials themselves and the supports and the interaction phenomena occurring among them. Superficial treatments, operations, and materials adopted during the conservation intervention can modify the complex system of existing interactions. Therefore, it is fundamental to predict possible induced changes of the chemical-physical properties of the systems. This Special Issue aims at contributing to the definition of the state-of-the-art in the approach to conservation problems of painted surfaces, metal leaves, and finishes. In particular, the topic of interest includes but is not limited to: Methodological approaches for the conservation treatments of the painted surfaces, metal leaves, and finishes; Analytical tools and protocols for the validation of the treatment efficacy and recognizability; Analytical tools for the characterization of surface materials and their decay processes; New materials and treatments.

Le porc en Egypte ancienne : mythe et histoire à l'origine des interdits alimentaires
ISBN: 9782875620361 2875620363 9791036560705 Year: 2014 Volume: 3 Publisher: Liège Presses universitaires de Liège

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Pourquoi certaines cultures rejettent-elles la chair du porc ? Les Grecs se posaient déjà la question, qui n'a cessé de revenir au devant de la scène. Étudier le porc en Égypte ancienne est une manière de mettre cette problématique à l’épreuve. En effet, depuis que les Grecs s’y sont intéressés, l’Égypte pharaonique se retrouve dans ce débat anthropologique puisque le porc, dit-on, n’y aurait pas été vraiment en odeur de sainteté. Viande malsaine ? Animal infâme ? Bête « taboue » ?L’objet de ce livre est de comprendre ce discours et de voir sur quoi il se fonde, en offrant une approche historique et anthropologique du cochon en Égypte ancienne. Le portrait de l’animal au sein de la culture pharaonique émerge très contrasté d’une analyse qui permet de réfléchir à la genèse des interdits religieux, aux discours qui s’y rapportent et aux choix culturels et identitaires qu’ils véhiculent. Ce véritable « roman du cochon » entend ainsi contribuer à une anthropologie de l’alimentation, tout comme à une histoire des relations entre les hommes et les animaux.

Pražské egyptologické studie : PES.
ISSN: 18013899 12143189 Year: 2002 Publisher: Praha : Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Český egyptologický ústav

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