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Muscle tears are one of the most common pathologies in sport and one of the most frequent causes of sport activity suspension. The purpose of this book is to review the state of the art of the actual knowledge on muscle tears in athletes, in particular for what concern the biology of muscle healing, the conservative and surgical treatments and the preventive aspects. Therefore, this textbook can be a valid tool for all Sport Medicine practitioners such as physicians, physiotherapists and fitness coaches.
Sport Medicine. --- Sports Medicine. --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Exercise & workout books
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Sports sciences --- Sports Medicine --- Sportgeneeskunde. --- Sciences du sport --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Sports Medicine.
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Sports Medicine --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- sports medicine --- exercise science --- biomedicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Sports Medicine. --- Orthopedic surgery --- Sports medicine. --- Complications.
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Sports Medicine. --- Sports medicine --- Médecine du sport --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Sports medicine. --- Athletic medicine --- Athletics --- Medicine and sports --- Physical education and training --- Sports --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Medical aspects --- Medicine --- Sports sciences --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human
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Sports sciences --- Sports sciences. --- kinanthropology --- public health --- biomechanics --- sports sciences --- physiotherapy --- exercise physiology --- Sciences, Sports --- Sport sciences --- Physical education and training --- Science --- Sports Medicine. --- Exercise --- physiology. --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Recreation & Sports
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Sportgeneeskunde --- Sport fysiologie --- Sportfysiologie --- Sportfysiologie. --- Recreation. Games. Sports. Corp. expression --- Sports Medicine. --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Physiotherapy. Alternative treatments --- Social medicine --- Human physiology --- Sports Medicine --- fysiologie --- sportgeneeskunde --- revalidatie
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Sports --- Sports Medicine --- Sports. --- Sports medicine. --- Sports medicine --- Médecine du sport --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- physical education --- sport science --- Sports Medicine. --- Athletic medicine --- Athletics --- Medicine and sports --- Physical education and training --- Field sports --- Pastimes --- Recreations --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Athletic --- Sport --- Medical aspects --- Medicine --- Sports sciences --- Recreation --- Games --- Outdoor life --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Exercise Therapy --- Physical Exertion --- Exercise --- Exercise Movement Techniques
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sports medicine --- kinesiology --- exercise medicine --- rehabilitation --- exercise physiology --- Sports medicine --- Exercise --- Sports medicine. --- Physiological aspects --- Physiological aspects. --- Athletic medicine --- Athletics --- Medicine and sports --- Physical education and training --- Sports --- Medicine --- Sports sciences --- Exercise physiology --- Clinical exercise physiology --- Physical activity --- Warm-up --- Workouts (Exercise) --- Health --- Medical aspects --- Physiological effect --- Sports Medicine. --- physiology. --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human
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Sportgeneeskunde is het jongste medisch specialisme in Nederland. Het kenmerkende van sportgeneeskunde is dat het zich bezighoudt met het gehele continuüm van inspanning en beweging: van de behandeling en revalidatie van geblesseerden en het optimaliseren van de gezondheid van een groot deel van de bevolking, tot het optimaliseren van prestaties en preventie van letsels bij (top)sporters. Hierin werken sportartsen, fysiologen, psychologen, fysiotherapeuten, diëtisten, huisartsen en specialisten intensief samen.Dit boek behandelt kennis uit verschillende deelgebieden. Op de eerste plaats wordt de basiskennis over inspanningsfysiologie en de biomechanica, trainingsleer en voeding behandeld en worden de essenties van de behandeling van acute en chronische sportletsels besproken. Dit wordt gevolgd door onderwerpen als sport ter verbetering van de gezondheid met multidisciplinaire revalidatietrajecten bij onder meer oncologische en cardiale aandoeningen.Het Leerboek sportgeneeskunde bespreekt bijzondere ziektebeelden in de sportgeneeskunde en hun therapeutische en diagnostische interventies, zoals hoogte gerelateerde aandoeningen, duikgeneeskunde en de fysiologische gevolgen van hitte en koude. Tot slot komen de effecten en gevaren van prestatieverhogende middelen, het begeleiden van topsporters bij evenementen, en ethische aspecten van de sportgeneeskunde aan de orde. Deze onderwerpen worden door experts beschreven in vier delen: Basisvakken Sport, bewegen en gezondheid - Sportletsels en herstel - Sportmedische begeleiding. Bij het boek hoort een website met casuïstiek en multiple choice vragen om de kennis en vaardigheden te toetsen. Het Leerboek sportgeneeskunde is geschikt voor geneeskunde- en fysiotherapiestudenten en is daarnaast een praktisch naslagwerk voor arts-assistenten, huisartsen en studenten in HBO-sport opleidingen.
Social medicine --- volksgezondheid --- sporttraining --- pathofysiologie --- voedingshygiëne --- reumatologie --- revalidatie --- kinesitherapie --- sportgeneeskunde --- decompressieziekte --- doping --- 61:796 --- 612:796 --- 615.8 --- Sports Medicine --- 617.3 --- 612:796 Fysiologie van de sport --- Fysiologie van de sport --- 61:796 Sportgeneeskunde --- Sportgeneeskunde --- Medicine, Sport --- Medicine, Sports --- Sport Medicine --- Psychology, Sports --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Physiotherapy. Physical therapy. Radiotherapy. Other non-medicinal therapeutic treatment
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Exercise --- Physical Conditioning, Human --- Physical education and training. --- physiology --- Physiological aspects. --- Athletic training --- Education, Physical --- P.E. (Physical education) --- PE (Physical education) --- Phy ed --- Phys ed --- Physical culture --- Physical training --- Sports --- Sports training --- Training, Physical --- Education --- Athletics --- Gymnastics --- Exercise physiology --- Clinical exercise physiology --- Training --- Physiological effect --- physiology.
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