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Concerns relating to energy supply and climate change have driven renewable energy targets around the world. Marine renewable energy could make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the consequences of climate change, while providing a high-technology industry. The conversion of wave and tidal energy into electricity has many advantages. Individual tidal and wave energy devices have been installed and proven, with commercial arrays planned throughout the world. The wave and tidal energy industry has developed rapidly in the past few years; therefore, it seems timely to review current research and map future challenges. Methods to improve understanding of the resource and interactions (between energy extraction, the resource and the environment) are considered, such as resource characterisation (including electricity output), design considerations (e.g., extreme and fatigue loadings) and environmental impacts, at all timescales (ranging from turbulence to decadal) and all spatial scales (from device and array scales to shelf sea scales).
tide-surge-wave model --- Taiwanese waters --- sea-state hindcast --- wave power --- wave energy --- unstructured grid model --- resource characterization --- WaveWatch III --- SWAN --- tidal energy --- experimental testing --- acoustic Doppler profiler --- Strangford Lough --- dc-dc bidirectional converter --- finite control set-model predictive control (FCS-MPC) --- oscillating water column (OWC) --- supercapacitor energy storage (SCES) --- wave climate variability --- wavelet analysis --- teleconnection patterns --- marine renewable energy --- ocean energy --- environmental effects --- wave modeling --- wave propagation --- numerical modeling --- sediment dynamics --- risk assessment --- marine current energy --- spiral involute blade --- hydrodynamic analysis --- numerical simulation --- wave energy trends --- reanalysis wave data --- Chilean coast --- renewable energy --- wave energy converters --- annual mean power production --- wave energy converter --- transmission coefficient --- absorption --- surfing amenity --- resource --- impact assessment --- feasibility study --- floating offshore wave farm --- WEC --- IRR --- LCOE --- marine energy --- unmanned ocean device --- multi-type floating bodies --- nonlinear Froude-Krylov force --- energy efficiency
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This Special Issue is entitled “Environmental Sustainability in Maritime Infrastructures”. Oceans and coastal areas are essential in our lives from several different points of view: social, economic, and health. Given the importance of these areas for human life, not only for the present but also for the future, it is necessary to plan future infrastructures, and maintain and adapt to the changes the existing ones. All of this taking into account the sustainability of our planet. A very significant percentage of the world's population lives permanently or enjoys their vacation periods in coastal zones, which makes them very sensitive areas, with a very high economic value and as a focus of adverse effects on public health and ecosystems. Therefore, it is considered very relevant and of great interest to launch this Special Issue to cover any aspects related to the vulnerability of coastal systems and their inhabitants (water pollution, coastal flooding, climate change, overpopulation, urban planning, waste water, plastics at sea, effects on ecosystems, etc.), as well as the use of ocean resources (fisheries, energy, tourism areas, etc.).
floating offshore wind --- concrete wind platform --- economic feasibility --- IRR --- NPV --- LCOE --- feasibility study --- offshore wind --- levelized cost of energy (LCOE) --- wave energy --- software --- EU ETS --- Emission allowances --- Greenhouse gas emissions --- Transparency --- Accounting regulation --- tidal current energy --- life cycle assessment --- ISO --- greenhouse gases emissions --- port infrastructure --- carbon footprint --- offshore waste disposal facility --- hazard analysis --- risk matrix --- subsystem --- environmental impact --- ocean renewable energy --- OTEC --- environmental and social impacts --- energy production --- renewable energy --- zero emissions port --- wave energy converter --- young mangroves --- mangrove restoration --- portable reef design --- field observation --- Amami Oshima --- geographic information system --- back-propagation neural network --- rainfall --- historical flood --- prediction --- formal planning --- informal planning --- spatial planning process --- coastal area spatial planning --- planning levels --- community involvement --- territorial community --- coastal communities --- coastal fisheries --- dry fish --- livelihood --- vulnerability --- AHP --- urban regeneration --- littoral landscape --- Mediterranean architecture --- sustainable mobility --- transport infrastructure --- greenway
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The application of genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic analyses brings new dimensions to our understanding of the biology of phototrophic bacteria. Comparing gene sequences of photosynthetic reaction center proteins and a key enzyme of bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis from more than 150 genomes demonstrates the ancient roots of phototrophic bacteria. The presence and phylogeny of biosynthetic pathways of the compatible solutes ectoine and glycine betaine define groups of marine and halophilic phototrophic bacteria. The wide range of ecological niches conquered during evolution is demonstrated by the adaptation of cyanobacterial genera Scytonema, Tolypothrix, and Nostoc to different temperature ranges and the adaptation of Heliorestis species to alkaline habitats. Differences between phototrophic purple bacteria from marine and freshwater habitats are reflected in the preference for sulfidic and non-sulfidic niches. Also, a high proportion of siderophore producers was found among isolates from freshwater sources opposed to those from salty habitats . The primary colonization of carbonate rocks by a group of novel endolithic cyanobacteria and the following successions were studied over 9 months. The genomic characterization of the aerobic Dinoroseobacter strain AAP5, the strictly anaerobic and syntrophic Prosthecochloris ethylica, and the strictly anaerobic Heliorestis convoluta is reported. Significant differences in relation to oxygen are reflected in oxygen production by some species, oxygen tolerance over a wide range of concentrations, and the use of oxygen for energy generation or a strictly anaerobic lifestyle. Relations to oxygen are highlighted in papers on photooxidative stress, regulation of iron–sulfur cluster formation, and interactions of redox regulators. In situ metatranscriptomic and proteomic studies demonstrate the high metabolic flexibility of Chloroflexus aggregans in a hot spring microbial mat and show its adaptation to the changing conditions over day and night periods by a well-coordinated regulation of key metabolic processes for both phototrophic and chemotrophic growth.
phylogeny --- photosynthetic reaction center proteins --- bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis --- phototrophic purple bacteria --- evolution of anoxygenic photosynthesis --- iron-sulfur cluster --- isc genes --- suf genes --- antisense promoters --- OxyR --- IscR --- Irr --- anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria --- purple nonsulfur bacteria --- massive blooms --- pufM gene --- Rhodovulum --- phylogenomics --- bioerosion --- anoxygenic phototroph --- microbiome --- euendolith --- Rhodobacter capsulatus --- Rhodobacter sphaeroides --- photooxidative stress --- transcriptomics --- proteomics --- stress defense --- heliobacteria --- Heliorestis convoluta --- alkaliphilic bacteria --- soda lake --- bacteriochlorophyll g --- biological soil crust --- drylands --- niche partitioning --- nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria --- Alphaproteobacteria --- Rhodobacteraceae --- nitric oxide --- quorum sensing --- gene transfer agent --- motility --- Crp/Fnr --- Dnr --- RegA --- ChpT --- green sulfur bacteria --- syntrophy --- e-pili --- adhesion protein --- photosynthetic symbionts --- large multiheme cytochrome --- metagenomic binning --- genomes of photosynthetic bacteria --- glycine betaine biosynthesis --- ectoine biosynthesis --- osmotic adaptation --- phylogeny of osmolyte biosynthesis --- filamentous anoxygenic phototroph --- microbial mats --- hot springs --- metatranscriptomics --- energy metabolism --- carbon fixation --- aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria --- bacteriochlorophyll a --- photosynthesis genes --- rhodopsin --- Sphingomonadaceae --- aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs --- siderophore --- metallophore --- CAS assay --- Chromocurvus halotolerans strain EG19 --- n/a
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