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Bible OT. Wisdom books. Ecclesiastes --- Bible --- Bible. A.T. Ecclésiaste --- 223.5 --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Commentaries --- Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes --- Exegese Oude Testament --- Jezus Sirah --- Tekstcommentaar --- Bijbelse theologie --- Wijsheidsliteratuur
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Bref écrit de sagesse, à l'auteur et aux destinataires problématiques, Qohélet est porteur d'un message universel ; intégré tardivement au canon de la Bible hébraïque, traduit tardivement en grec, il permet également d'aborder les questions textuelles et théologiques posées par la constitution progressive du corpus biblique. Aussi l'étude de sa réception est-elle particulièrement intéressante : après quelques ouvertures sur sa place dans le judaïsme et l'islam, le présent ouvrage offre un parcours à travers les écrits des Pères de l'Eglise grecs, latins et syriaques, chez qui l'Ecclésiaste, partie intégrante de la trilogie salomonienne avec les Proverbes et le Cantique des Cantiques, fait l'objet d'une riche tradition interprétative, tant sous la forme de chaînes exégétiques que de commentaires dédiés.L'attention portée à ce livre ne se dément pas au Moyen Age, où il est tour à tour étape vers la contemplation mystique ou source de réflexions politiques. Ces lectures très diverses montrent, s'il en était besoin, que le pessimisme désabusé de Qohélet n'est pas un point d'achèvement, mais un stimulant paradoxal de la pensée humaine.
Appréciation --- Histoire --- Bible. --- Chŏndo sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Chŏndosŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Coheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ecclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Eclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklesīast (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklēsiastēs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- O-que-sabe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Prediger Salomo (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovednik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovi︠e︡dnik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qoheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- 223.5 --- 223.5 Ecclesiaste --- 223.5 Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Ecclesiaste --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Appréciation
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Quelles sont les dissimilitudes ou les similitudes, les discordances ou les concordances, les divergences ou les convergences ou meme les connivences, en un mot quels sont les entrecroisements litteraires et philosophiques entre le Qohelet et le monde grec ? Prenant en compte toute l'histoire de la Philosophie Antique et les textes en Grec classique, l'auteur y repond en offrant une comparaison, verset par verset, du Qohelet avec la litterature et la philosophie grecques depuis les presocratiques jusqu'aux socratiques majeurs et mineurs et conjointement en passant au crible de la critique, tous les vocables, les idees et les elements structurants qui, durant les deux siecles derniers, ont fait l'objet des etudes comparees du Qohelet avec la culture grecque.
Greek literature --- Greek literature, Hellenistic --- Judaism --- Hellenism --- 223.5 --- 223.5 Ecclesiaste --- 223.5 Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Ecclesiaste --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Jews --- Religions --- Semites --- Bible and literature --- Relation to the Old Testament --- History and criticism --- Religion --- Bible. --- Chŏndo sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Chŏndosŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Coheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ecclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Eclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklesīast (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklēsiastēs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- O-que-sabe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Prediger Salomo (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovednik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovi︠e︡dnik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qoheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- History
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This volume brings together twenty-four articles of Prof. Calduch-Benages' work on the book of Ben Sira over the last two decades. Some were written originally in English and others have been translated from Spanish and Italian originals. They are divided in three groups: introductory, thematic, and exegetical essays.The exegetical articles offer a detail study of several passages of the book, some of them pivotal in the structure of the book (Sir 2,1; 4,11-19; 6,22; 22,27–23,6; 23,27; 24,22; 27,30–28,7; 34,1-8; 34,9-12; 42,15–43,33; 43,27-33).The thematic essays deal with important theological issues such as canon and inspiration, wisdom, fear of the lord, trial, cult, prayer, forgiveness, and creation. Other no less important issues such as power and authority, dreams, travels, perfumes, animals and garments are discussed as well. Special attention is given to topics related with women, for instance, Ben Sira’s classification of wives, divorce, polygamy, and the absence of named women in the Praise of the Ancestors (Sir 44–50).
296*33 --- 223.5 --- 223.5 Ecclesiaste --- 223.5 Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Ecclesiaste --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- 296*33 Hellenistisch-joodse literatuur--(algemeen) --- Hellenistisch-joodse literatuur--(algemeen) --- Bible. --- Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Book of Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Book of Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Ecclesiasticus (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Ḥokhmat Shimʻon ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Ḥokhmat Yehoshuʻa ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Jesus Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sefer Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sefer Ḥokhmat Yehoshuʻa ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Sirachbuch (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Wisdom of Ben Sira (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Wisdom of Sirach (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Words of Simeon ben Jeshua (Book of the Apocrypha) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Bible OT. Wisdom books. Proverbs --- Bible. --- Critique textuelle. --- Bible. A.T. Proverbes (hébreu) --- Criticism, Textual. --- Bible OT. Twelve prophets --- Bible OT. Historical books. Judges --- Bible. A.T. Livres prophétiques. Parties (hébreu) --- Bible. A.T. Juges (hébreu) --- 221.04*2 --- 223.4 --- 221.04*2 Oud Testament: grondtekstuitgaven (tekstedities) --- Oud Testament: grondtekstuitgaven (tekstedities) --- Boek der Spreuken --- 221.07 --- 221.07 Kommentaren op het Oude Testament --- Kommentaren op het Oude Testament --- 224.6 --- Kleine profeten--(algemeen) --- 222.5 --- Jozua. Rechters. Ruth --- Bible. a.t. cantique des cantiques --- Bible. a.t. ecclesiaste --- Bible. a.t. lamentations --- Bible. a.t.. esther --- Bible. a.t.. ruth
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"In 'Where is God in the Megilloth?' Melton constructs a dialogue among Ruth, Esther, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs centred on this question, in an effort to settle the debate about whether God is present or absent in these books. Their juxtaposition in the Hebrew Bible highlights their shared theme of apparent divine absence, but, paradoxically, traces of God's presence are unearthed as well. By examining various aspects of this theme, including the literary absence of God, divine abandonment, God-talk, allusive language, God's providence, and divine silence, it becomes clear that the ambiguity of divine presence and absence in the Megilloth presents a significant challenge to current conceptualizations of divine presence and absence in the Hebrew Bible."--
Hidden God --- 223.5 --- 223.6 --- 224.3 --- 222.8 --- 222.5 --- 221.08*01 --- Deus Absconditus --- God --- God, Hidden --- Silence of God --- 221.08*01 Theologie van het Oude Testament: God--(Godsleer) --- Theologie van het Oude Testament: God--(Godsleer) --- 222.5 Jozua. Rechters. Ruth --- 222.5 Livre de Josue. Les Juges. Ruth --- Jozua. Rechters. Ruth --- Livre de Josue. Les Juges. Ruth --- 222.8 Tobie. Judith. Esther --- 222.8 Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- Tobie. Judith. Esther --- Tobit. Judit. Ester. Esther --- 224.3 Jeremias. Lamentationes. Klaagliederen --- 224.3 Jeremie. Lamentations de Jeremie --- Jeremias. Lamentationes. Klaagliederen --- Jeremie. Lamentations de Jeremie --- 223.6 Cantique ou Cantique des Cantiques --- 223.6 Hooglied --- Cantique ou Cantique des Cantiques --- Hooglied --- 223.5 Ecclesiaste --- 223.5 Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Ecclesiaste --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Biblical teaching --- Absence --- Silence --- Knowableness --- Bible. --- 5 Scrolls (Books of the Old Testament) --- Five Megilloth (Books of the Old Testament) --- Five Scrolls (Books of the Old Testament) --- Ḥamesh megilot --- Megillot (Books of the Old Testament) --- Megilot (Books of the Old Testament) --- חמש מגילות --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Biblical teaching. --- Hidden God - Biblical teaching.
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Bible. Ancien Testament. Ecclésiaste [Livre de l'] --- Bible. Ancien Testament. Qohelet --- Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes --- Bible. O.T. Qohelet --- Bijbel. Oud Testament. Kohelet --- Bijbel. Oud Testament. Prediker --- Kohelet --- Qohelet --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 223.5 --- #GROL:SEMI-221<08> Beih 183 --- #GROL:SEMI-223.5 --- #gsdb1 --- Prediker. Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) --- Bible. --- Chŏndo sŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Chŏndosŏ (Book of the Old Testament) --- Coheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ecclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Eclesiastes (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklesīast (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ekklēsiastēs (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheles (Book of the Old Testament) --- Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Koheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Megilat Kohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- O-que-sabe (Book of the Old Testament) --- Prediger Salomo (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovednik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Propovi︠e︡dnik tsari︠a︡ Solomona (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qohelet (Book of the Old Testament) --- Qoheleth (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Kohelet. --- RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / Old Testament. --- Exegese Oude Testament --- Wijsheidsliteratuur
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