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Sustainable architecture --- Sustainable buildings --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Architectuur --- Design and construction --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Architectuur. --- Environmental planning --- Architecture --- comprehensive plans [reports] --- architecture [discipline] --- ruimtelijke ordening --- architectuur --- Sustainable architecture - Periodicals --- Sustainable buildings - Design and construction - Periodicals
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Combining sustainability and environmental awareness with ground-breaking style is one of the most exciting tasks of contemporary building design. Architects meet this challenge with breakthrough creative concepts which transformed ecological innovation into an integral part of building. The combination of unusual design and visionary application of energy and environment conservation technologies illuminates the projects presented in this volume as the forerunners of contemporary architecture. 112 projects from all around the globe are presented by means of texts, plans and photos as well as specific data concerning the ecological features.
Structural parts and elements of building --- Architecture --- sustainable architecture --- Architecture, Modern --- 72.02 --- duurzaam bouwen --- duurzame architectuur --- 718.8 --- bouwmaterialen --- ecologie --- ecologisch bouwen --- energiebesparing --- Modern architecture --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Environmental aspects --- architectuur, geschiedenis volgens genres/doeleinden, hedendaagse woningbouw --- Design and construction --- Architecture, Primitive
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La terre, couramment utilisée pour la construction architecturale depuis des milliers d’années, a récemment attiré l’attention en tant que matériau de construction sain, respectueux de l’environnement et économique. Un nombre impressionnant de constructions ont été réalisées non seulement dans les régions chaudes et sèches, mais aussi dans les climats plus froids d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord. Les innovations techniques telles que les éléments préfabriqués en pisé et les panneaux d’argile facilitent l’utilisation de ce matériau durable. Ce manuel, qui en est à sa quatrième édition révisée, décrit la technique de construction en pisé. Les valeurs des propriétés physiques et des caractéristiques sont expliquées de manière pratique : avec une bonne protection contre l’humidité, les bâtiments en terre sont très durables, et en particulier la combinaison avec du bois ou de la paille en particulier la combinaison avec du bois ou de la paille permet un large spectre d’options de conception. Vingt-six exemples de fabrication internationale illustrent l’éventail des applications de ce matériau entièrement recyclable.
691.4 --- Architectuur ; leem ; ongebakken aarde ; klei ; handboeken --- Bouwmaterialen; leem --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Duurzame architectuur --- Bouwmaterialen ; leem, klei, aardewerk --- 691.1 --- Aarde --- Klei --- Leem --- Bouwmaterialen van organische oorsprong --- Building materials. Building technology --- Architecture --- sustainable architecture --- earth [soil] --- Résistance des matériaux --- Construction en terre --- Pisé --- Terre crue --- Brique crue --- Torchis --- Architecture écologique
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Vaste panorama des pratiques européennes en matière de démarche environnementale appliquée à l'architecture et à l'urbanisme, cet ouvrage apporte des éléments de réponse à ceux qui cherchent des références pour construire autrement
Architecture --- Environmental aspects --- Designs and plans --- Aspect de l'environnement --- Dessins et plans --- Confort --- Développement durable --- Eau --- Ecologie --- Ecologie appliquée --- Economie d'énergie --- Equipement collectif --- Espace vert --- Gestion --- Gestion de chantier --- Habitat --- Immeuble de bureaux --- Législation --- Nuisances --- Planification urbaine --- Pollution athmosphérique --- Pollution de l'eau --- Transport --- Urbanisme --- Ville --- Architecture bio-climatique --- Architecture contemporaine --- Ecole --- Ecologie appliquée à l'habitat --- Environnement --- Espace public --- Matériau --- Piscine --- Allemagne --- Autriche --- Finlande --- France --- Pays-bas --- Fribourg-en-brisgau --- Rennes --- Stuttgart --- Suisse --- Aspect environnemental --- 504 --- Ecologisch bouwen en wonen ; met voorbeelden ; 1997-2001 --- Ecologische stedenbouw en architectuur --- 72:574 --- 72.038 --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzame architectuur --- Duurzame stedenbouw --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 --- Nuisance --- Architecture climatique --- 72.036 --- 574 --- 20ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Ecologie en bioverscheidenheid --- Designs and plans.
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As buildings are responsible for fifty per cent of CO2 emissions, their design has become the focus of intense technical scrutiny. Knowing how to build more technically efficient, or ecologically responsible, buildings, and being able to assemble the social resources to do so, requires different forms of knowledge and practice. There is wide contestation over the optimal pathways to greener buildings design and great diversity in practices of sustainable architecture. This volume brings together leading researchers from across the European Union and North America both to illustrate the diversity of practice and to provide a critical commentary on this key debate. The reader is provided with an introduction to competing perspectives on the sustainable architecture debate, international exemplars of differing practice and an overview of new theoretical and methodological resources for understanding and meeting the conceptual, social and technical challenges of sustainable architecture.
Sustainable architecture. --- Architecture --- Sustainable architecture --- Architecture durable --- Environmental aspects. --- Aspect de l'environnement --- 504 --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Eco-architecture --- Environmentally conscious architecture --- Environmentally friendly architecture --- Green architecture --- Green building design --- Green design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzame architectuur --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Ecologie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Design and construction --- Art, Architecture & Applied Arts --- Environmental aspects --- 72.01 --- 711.4 --- Europa --- Noord-Amerika --- 574 --- 699.86 --- Architectuur (theorie) --- Stedenbouw (theorie) --- Ecologie en bioverscheidenheid --- Klimaatontwerp --- Architectuurtheorie --- Architecture, Primitive
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Eine Übersicht für Architekten, die auch die Bedeutung der Baustoffwahl für die sinnliche Wahrnehmung von Architektur wie Haptik, Geruch, Farbe, Oberflächenstruktur berücksichtigt, gab es bisher nicht. Mit dem Baustoff Atlas wird diese Lücke nun geschlossen. Als ein auf die Interessen von Architekten und Bauingenieuren gleichermassen abgestimmtes Grundlagenwerk wird er alle genannten Betrachtungsebenen vereinen. Dabei werden sowohl grundsätzliche Nachhaltigkeitsfragen wie Lebensdauer, Umweltbelastung und Stoffkreisläufe erörtert als auch Materialinnovationen vorgestellt. Alle wesentlichen herkömmlichen und neuartigen Baustoffe werden hinsichtlich Herstellung, Verarbeitung, Oberflächen, Anschlüssen und Kenndaten umfassend dokumentiert. Internationale Beispiele, deren Erscheinungsbild sich häufig aus jeweils einem Material definiert, veranschaulichen die Anwendung in der Architektur. Der Baustoff Atlas unterstützt damit die tägliche Arbeit von Architekten und Ingenieuren bei der Baustoffauswahl auf eine umfassende, zugleich anschauliche und anregende Weise. Until now, the few existing systematic texts on construction materials have primarily been directed at building engineers. An overview for architects, which also considers the importance of construction materials in the sensory perception of architecture-including tactile qualities, smell, color, and surface structure-has not been available.With the publication of the Construction Materials Manual, all that has changed. As a basic work aimed equally at the questions and perspectives of architects and building engineers, it will bring together all of the above-mentioned viewpoints. It addresses fundamental questions of sustainability, including life-span, environmental impact, and material cycles, while also presenting material innovations. All of the principal conventional and innovative construction materials are comprehensively documented, with attention to their production, manufacture, fabrication, treatment, surfaces, connections, and characteristics. International examples help to illustrate their use in architecture, where a building's appearance is often defined by a single material. Thus, the Construction Materials Manual will support the daily work of architects and engineers in the choice of construction materials in a comprehensive and at the same time vivid and stimulating manner.
Building materials --- Construction --- Matériaux --- 691 --- Bouwmaterialen ; constructies ; handboeken --- 691(03) --- 693 --- 697 --- 699.8 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Bouwmaterialen ; naslagwerken --- Building materials. Building components --- Bricklaying and related building crafts --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Protection of and in buildings. Emergency measures. Precautions --- Construction materials. --- Constructieleer --- Materiaalleer --- 699.8 Protection of and in buildings. Emergency measures. Precautions --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 693 Bricklaying and related building crafts --- 691 Building materials. Building components --- Constructieleer. --- Materiaalleer. --- Matériaux --- Materialen (design) --- 69.02 --- bouwmaterialen --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- ARCHITECTURE --- MATERIAUX --- PERCEPTION --- 1990 - ....
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adaptability --- architecture [discipline] --- portable buildings --- Architecture --- 721 --- 721.7 --- 728.7 --- 72.039 --- Architectuur ; 21ste eeuw ; transformeerbare ; flexibele --- Functieverandering --- Architectuur ; aanpasbaar bouwen --- Architectuur ; kleine gebouwen --- Paviljoenen ; paviljoenachtige gebouwen --- Architectuur ; verplaatsbare ; mobiele ; tijdelijke --- Gebouwen (architectuur) --- Aanpasbare architectuur --- Demonteerbare architectuur --- Flexibele architectuur --- Mobiele architectuur --- Verplaatsbare architectuur --- Modulaire architectuur --- Tijdelijke architectuur --- Flexibele woningen --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- Architecture, Modern --- Multipurpose buildings. --- Flexible structures.
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Building with straw bales is a technique pioneered a century ago in the state of Nebraska. In recent years there has been a renaissance in the use of straw as a building material largely in the American Southwest, but also in Canada, Australia, France, Holland, Germany, Austria and China. Straw is a renewable resource with excellent insulating properties. It is a cheap and easy-to-use option for self-builders, and even large-scale structures can be erected using timber framework filled with straw. This book is a practical, hands-on guide to building with straw. Fire safety, protection against moisture, damp, pests and parasites are treated in detail. Numerous on-site photos document the process of assembly and construction step by step. 30 exemplary international projects illustrate the wide spectrum of design possibilities with straw.
691.12 --- 72:574 --- Constructie ; handboeken ; bouwen met strobalen ; hooibalen --- Bouwmaterialen ; plantenstengels, stro, riet, bamboe --- Architectuur en ecologie --- Straw bale houses. --- Sustainable architecture. --- Straw bale houses --- Maisons en ballots de paille --- Architecture durable --- Design and construction. --- Conception et construction --- 691 --- 691.1 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Bouwmaterialen van organische oorsprong --- Stro
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Le bois est une ressource durable et renouvelable. Il est résistant et séduisant. Il peut être cintré et mis en forme pour s’adapter aux projets les plus actuels. En architecture contemporaine, c’est le matériau du moment et ce nouveau volume offre au lecteur un aperçu sur les utilisations les plus dynamiques et les plus passionnantes du bois en architecture, et ce dans le monde entier. Comme la terre, le recours au bois est presque aussi ancien que l’art de construire. Les colonnes des anciens Grecs étaient des arbres stylisés. Les constructions actuelles en bois réservent toutes sortes de surprises et mieux encore, elles sont naturellement « vertes ».
72.039 --- architectuur 21e eeuw --- houtarchitectuur --- hout --- houtconstructies --- 691.11 --- 691.11 Wood. Timber. Wood products --- Wood. Timber. Wood products --- architectuur in de 21e eeuw --- Construction en bois. --- Habitations en bois --- 1990-.... --- Houtarchitectuur --- Houtarchitectuur. --- Houtbouw --- Bouwmaterialen ; hout --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- Building, Wooden --- Architecture, Modern --- Architecture, Domestic --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Architecture, Rural --- Domestic architecture --- Home design --- Houses --- One-family houses --- Residences --- Rural architecture --- Villas --- Architecture --- Dwellings --- Wood construction --- Wooden architecture --- Wooden building --- Building --- History --- Bois --- Construction --- Architectuur. --- Duurzaam bouwen. --- Hout. --- Building, Wooden. --- Architecture domestique --- Architectes --- Travail du bois (architecture) --- Construction en bois --- Histoire --- Building with wood --- Building, Wooden - 21st century --- Architecture, Modern - 21st century --- Architecture, Domestic - 21st century
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72.012/013 --- Le Corbusier --- architectuur --- ergonomie --- 69.03 --- Proportie (architectuur) --- Modulaire coordinatie --- Le Modulor --- Modulor --- bouwen - ergonomie --- Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret) 1887-1965 (° La Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchâtel, Zwitserland) --- Architectuur ; architectuurtheorie ; 20ste eeuw ; Le Corbusier --- Architectuur ; harmonie ; op menselijke maat --- 72.07 --- 72.01 --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Architectuur ; theorie, filosofie, esthetica --- Le Corbusier (pseudoniem van Charles-Edouard Jeanneret 1887-1965 (°La Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchâtel, Zwitserland)
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