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The concept of medieval historiography as "usable past" is here challenged and reassessed. The contributors' shared claim is that the value of medieval historiographical texts lies not only in the factual information the texts contain but also in the methods and styles they use to represent and interpret the past and make it ideologically productive. Violence is used as the key term that best demonstrates the making of historical meaning in the Middle Ages, through the transformation of acts of physical aggression and destruction into a memorable and usable past. The twelve chapters assembled here explore a wide range of texts emanating from throughout the francophone world. They cover a range of genres (chansons de geste, histories, chronicles, travel writing, and lyric poetry), and range from the late eleventh to the fifteenth century. Through examination of topics as varied as rhetoric, imagery, humor, gender, sexuality, trauma, subversion, and community formation, each chapter strives to demonstrate how knowledge of the medieval past can be enhanced by approaching medieval modes of historical representation and consciousness on their own terms, and by acknowledging - and resisting - the desire to subject them to modern conceptions of historical intelligibility.
Historiography --- Violence --- Historiographie --- History --- Histoire --- France --- Historiography. --- History. --- Violent behavior --- Social psychology --- Culture. --- Francophone World. --- Gender. --- Historical Representation. --- Literature. --- Medieval Historiography. --- Middle Ages. --- Rhetoric. --- Texts. --- Violence. --- Writing. --- Reciprocity (Psychology)
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L’Arabe, le scolastique et le mystique sont les trois figures principales des récits qui, entre 1700 et 1900, narrent les origines médiévales de la raison moderne. De Pierre Bayle à Ernest Renan, les historiens de la philosophie et les historiens de la culture s’approprient un monde historique relégué dans l’ombre depuis la Renaissance : la philosophie du Moyen Âge. Dans leurs reconstructions, la pensée médiévale joue tantôt le rôle de repoussoir, tantôt elle se mue en berceau de la civilisation moderne. La philosophie et son histoire y côtoient des questions linguistiques, « raciales », culturelles et civilisationnelles. Cette enquête sur l’invention du médiévisme philosophique à l’âge moderne met ainsi en lumière la dimension éminemment politique de l’histoire de la philosophie.
Philosophie médiévale --- Philosophy, Medieval --- Historiography --- Bayle, Pierre, --- Renan, Ernest, --- Historiographie --- Étude et enseignement --- Philosophie médiévale --- Historiography. --- Historiographie. --- Philosophy, Medieval - Historiography --- Bayle, Pierre, - 1647-1706 --- Renan, Ernest, - 1823-1892
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Cartography --- Geography, Medieval --- History --- Historiography --- Congresses. --- 912 <063> --- -Geography, Medieval --- -912 --- Geography --- Medieval geography --- Cartography, Primitive --- Chartography --- Map-making --- Mapmaking --- Mapping (Cartography) --- Mathematical geography --- Surveying --- Map projection --- Maps --- Cartografie. Kaarten. Plattegronden. Atlassen--Congressen --- -Congresses --- 912 --- History&delete& --- Congresses --- Historiography&delete& --- Topographic maps --- Cartography - History - Congresses --- Geography, Medieval - Historiography - Congresses. --- CARTOGRAPHIE --- CARTES HISTORIQUES --- GEOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE --- GEOGRAPHIE --- HISTOIRE
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Il volume indaga l'evoluzione della "professionalizzazione" della figura dello storiografo, dal XIII al XV secolo. Incerta, infatti, è la definizione del "genere" storiografico fino all'età umanistica, quando viene elaborata una specifica ars, che, facendo ricorso soprattutto alle regole retoriche ciceroniane, adatta la tecnica oratoria al rinnovato senso etico della humanitas. Dopo aver riflettuto, in una precedente miscellanea (Tra storiografia e retorica: prospettive nel basso medioevo italiano, a cura di M. Zabbia, in «Reti Medievali. Rivista», 19 (2018), con articoli di Paolo Garbini, Marino Zabbia, Fulvio Delle Donne) sulle scelte linguistiche e retoriche riscontrabili nelle opere degli storiografi più avvertiti, in questa occasione si presta attenzione agli interventi diretti dell'autore: la sua autorappresentazione, ovvero le sue riflessioni sul metodo usato rivelano, nel corso dei secoli, una presa di coscienza sempre più acuta delle peculiarità della scrittura storica. Il volume si inserisce nelle attività del PRIN (Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) "A.L.I.M. (Archivio digitale della Latinità Italiana del Medioevo: Prassi e teoria dell'archiviazione informatica e del trattamento filologico-ecdotico dei testi medievali", coordinato presso l'Unità dell'Università della Basilicata da Fulvio Delle Donne.
Antonio Bonfini Medieval historiography --- Cronache medievali --- Franciscus Pipinus --- Biondo Flavio --- Authorship --- Galvannus Flamma --- Francesco Pipino --- Medieval chronicles --- Peter of Eboli --- Goffredo Malaterra --- Galvano Fiamma --- Gaufridus Malaterra --- Pietro da Eboli --- Storiografia medievale --- Tommaso Chaula --- Thomas de Chaula BLondus Flavius Antonius Bonfini --- autorialità --- Language Arts & Disciplines / Linguistics --- Political Science / History & Theory --- Political science
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Historiography and identity III: Carolingian Approaches is the third volume of a series of six, which aims to study the relationship between the writing of history and the construction of identity from antiquity to the Middle Ages. Taken together, these volumes hope to recover the potential that historiography developed to articulate and shape strategies of identification in the ancient, late ancient, and medieval worlds. The third volume explores this history in Carolingian Europe from the 8th to the 10th century, which was crucial time for the definition of the cultural landscape of Latin Europe in the Middle Ages. Historiography and identity III: Carolingian approaches ist der dritte Band einer Reihe, die sich in sechs Bänden mit dem Verhältnis von Geschichtsschreibung und Identitätskonstruktion von der Antike bis zum Ende des Mittelalters beschäftigt. Dabei wollen die Bände genauer der Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung nachgehen, wie, wann und warum sie Bedeutung für die Artikulation und Affirmation von Identitäten erlangte. Der dritte Band widmet sich der Erforschung dieser Prozesse in der Karolingerzeit, einer Zeit, die für die Formierung des lateinischen Westens eine prägende Rolle spielte.
History, Ancient. --- Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500. --- Social & cultural history. --- European history. --- Geschichtsschreibung, Identitätsforschung, Formierung einer europäisch-lateinischen Kultur, Karolingisches Europa --- ÖFOS 2012, Historical auxiliary sciences --- Medieval historiography, Historical study of identities, formation of Europe/Latin West, Carolingian Europe --- ÖFOS 2012, Medieval history --- ÖFOS 2012, European history --- ÖFOS 2012, Source studies
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Cet ouvrage analyse la formation des rites et traditions dans la Provence de la fin du Moyen Âge, puis leur évolution et parfois transformation en mythe. Ainsi l’entrée royale dont le rituel s’inspire de l’entrée de Jésus à Jérusalem le jour des Rameaux s’enrichit au XVIIe siècle d’un décor d’arcs de triomphe qui développent un discours historique à la gloire du souverain. Ainsi la procession de la Fête-Dieu d’Aix, cortège modeste et pieux à ses débuts au XIVe siècle, devient, à partir du XVIe siècle une parade bruyante et colorée, rythmée par la représentation de tableaux vivants, les « jeux » attribués sans raison au roi René. Un second ensemble d’études s’organise autour des histoires anciennes de la Provence et la constitution de l’image de deux personnages devenus de véritables figures légendaires, la reine Jeanne et le roi René, donnant lieu à une tradition narrative qui parasite encore aujourd’hui l’histoire. Un dernier ensemble d’articles s’attache à quelques récits apocryphes incrustés dans la mémoire collective et que l’on voit périodiquement resurgir : la légende du juif blasphémateur écorché vif à l’entrée de la Juiverie d’Aix, la bénédiction des calissons d’Aix, récit apocryphe à la limite du canular, fabriqué au milieu du XXe siècle...
Civilization, Medieval --- Civilisation médiévale --- Historiography. --- Historiographie --- Provence (France) --- History. --- Social life and customs. --- Religious life and customs. --- Histoire --- Moeurs et coutumes --- Vie religieuse --- Historiography --- History --- Social life and customs --- Religious life and customs --- Civilisation médiévale --- Medieval civilization --- Middle Ages --- Civilization --- Chivalry --- Renaissance --- Prouince (France) --- Province (France) --- Provenza (France) --- Provence-Côte d'Azur (France) --- Civilization, Medieval - Historiography --- Provence --- Saints --- Provence (France) - History --- Provence (France) - Social life and customs --- Provence (France) - Religious life and customs --- rite --- tradition --- mythe --- tradition narrative --- apocryphe
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-Godsdienst. Theologie--THOMAS AQUINAS --- Philosophy, Medieval --- 2 THOMAS AQUINAS --- 2 THOMAS AQUINAS Godsdienst. Theologie--THOMAS AQUINAS --- Godsdienst. Theologie--THOMAS AQUINAS --- Medieval philosophy --- Scholasticism --- Historiography&delete& --- Congresses --- Thomas, --- Akʻvineli, Tʻoma, --- Akvinietis, Tomas, --- Akvinskiĭ, Foma, --- Aquinas, --- Aquinas, Thomas, --- Foma, --- Thomas Aquinas, --- Tʻoma, --- Toma, --- Tomas, --- Tomasu, --- Tomasu, Akwinasu, --- Tomasz, --- Tommaso, --- Tʻovma, --- Тома, Аквінський, --- תומאס, --- תומס, --- اكويني ، توما --- Congresses. --- Revue thomiste --- Historiography --- Ākvīnās, Tūmās, --- اكويني، توما, --- آکويناس، توماس, --- Philosophy, Medieval - Historiography - Congresses. --- Thomas Aquinas
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